Send your political compass results here
Send your political compass results here
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Which tests are accurate? They all give varying results
I just use the political compass website
So if I hate corporations but also hate the left I'm still considered left leaning? This only shows how fucking crazy the left is currently, if people who hate PC culture are considered left.
This shit is not accurate at all. Just because I'm not a full blown degenerate it puts me in auth right. Should I just answer yes to child slaves then?
Let's just say... the left is broken
I don't remember seeing child slaves where I took the test
goddamn you are dumb
stop believing the shit piled up in front of you
the left wants people in charge; not faceless, unaccountable corporations
the left wants people to be free to voice their opinions--even if it means you get to say stupid shit. that doesn't mean we won't shame you for it as an individual
I went to being far bottom left to this within one year. Redpilling reall works huh...
left just means "more control by jews" and right means "less control by jews". that's why left and right is a stupid way of tralking about politics.
>the left wants people to be free to voice their opinions
There is no left in America. Only Communists these days.
If the Dems ever figure out how to clean up their own house they'd get the respect they feel they deserve back. Until then Commies can GTFO.
this should be obvious. "Left" is just a dog whistle that means jews. and jews want a dependent population of low IQ goblins with a socialist government run by Jews. that's how their entire scheme works. that's why they frame politics as left (moral) against right (immoral) - meaning control by jews (moral) against control by non-jews (immoral).
oh yes, yes it does. That's the same thing that happened to me.
I guess not shilling the Jewish corporations makes me a commie
you need to keep going
here you go
what was clever about jews is that they separated opposition from jewish power from "left wing liberation". They say "left liberation" from oppression is good but you cant liberate yourself from jews - because that's racist. you have to admit that kikes are smart for framing politics in this way. This is something goy political scientists should be talking about but they don't.
i just wanna grill for gods sake!
There's always a 3rd way. But will anyone listen?
not bad
gentiles should just reframe political discourse such that you can criticize jews as a powerful group from the left.
Go ahead and grill if you want, but can I have one sausage please?
We're working on it.
what evidence is there of that lol
I've always been close to this. Haven't done this test in a few years, but I think I have slightly drifted away from center.
>all that neutral white
So you have no idea what the questions mean, got it.
I believe in dictariship/monarch/whatever, so the "should government be in charge of" economic questions gave me auth left also. But its like well ya the ruler should be able to make fucking apple jacks the new currency if he wants but I hope he doesnt. If the question was "should OUR government" I would say fuck no they shouldnt do a god damned thing but mass suicide.
I'm just really neutral on many topics. That included questions about homosexuality. I don't care about the issues, so neutral.
Hey there
Economic Left/Right: -0.13
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.21
is it the test or am I broken?
It means you have no strong opinions, or you're stupid and guessed on the questions.
All political compass tests are flawed, they don't look at politics as the tricotomy it really is
I'm gay
Just shows what a malleable little fagot you really are.
Why does the left silence me at every turn ? Why would they commit violence against me if I wore a red hat.
Yes I know
Alright tranny
>redpilling really works
Pretty sure thats more gullibility at work to go from far left to far right in the space of a year. You just went from believing what MSM tells you to believing what Yas Forums tells you instead.
ive stopped caring
You’re Ridin with Biden nigga !
Fuck spooks.
Current state
Yeah I'm based
Bullseye faggots