How do MIGAtards defend this?

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>How do you defend a statement from 2018 that ultimately meant nothing????

Over 3 years down, almost 5 more to go of your autistic screeching.

Sometimes I genuinely wondered what my purpose in life was. My place in the universe. Was anything worth it? Was all my hard work and study truly for naught? The largest star ever observed is the UY Scuti, with a radius roughly 1,700 times that of the sun in our Solar System. By comparison, the approximate mass of the Sun is 1.989 x 10^30 kilograms... yes, that's thirty zeroes. By further comparison, if you're a male of average height and reasonably-fit, the Sun is approximately 2.652 by ten to the twenty-eighth power larger than you are. Sometimes I would remember this and think, "We are all so utterly insignificant."

Then, something truly magical happened. Donald Trump, a businessman from New York, won the U.S. Presidential Election. His opponent? A murderous, evil cunt whose schemes and ploys go back decades. Hillary Clinton. "It was HER TIME!" the masses cried. It was then, ONLY then, that I understood how things came together in such a beautiful way.

Of the tens of thousands of years that human beings have existed, you and I were born to revel in this exquisite moment. Donald Trump causing butthurt. So much butthurt.

They refuse to defend or even mention Trump's terrible 2A positions

"President Trump: 'Take The Guns Away'"

"Trump says he supports "red flag laws" as means of gun control"

"Trump: 'Take the guns first, go through due process second'"

"Trump to GOP senator: 'You're afraid of the NRA'"

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You mean "build the wall deport them all"?

Bernouts damage control shilling.
Your guy is dead.
Shitpost all you want, it's free. That's all the bliss you will get this year.

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I don't get why people are upset by this. This is literally how the process of an arrest works. First you put them in handcuffs, then you read them their rights. If they did nothing wrong they have nothing to be afraid of other than that the system wasted their time.

>executive order that directly infringed
It doesn't matter if bump stocks are a meme, the man has infringed on my rights.

>ERPOs are fine user, you don't have to worry about it if you did nothing wrong
>nothing fake ever gets created and thrown at you

Tell that to the guy in Maine who died as a patriot as the feds tried to take his guns via a red flag order.

kys shills
he triggers liberals

So do I, but you don't see me taking away your right to own bump stocks (legally)

Wow I'm anti-gun and this makes me want to vote for Trump. Looks like he isn't so bad after all

You're still sucking cock daily at an inordinate rate, when he infringes on your degeneracy you're really going to screech.

Im not defending the eo, but technically that was due process

>cutting off your nose to spite someone else's face

Why does it have to be like this, man? I support gun rights so you automatically label me an aids fag?

I'm not saying it wasn't legal, I'm saying it's an infringement and Trump showed his true colors in regards to the 2A

Trump infringed 1A too.

Here's Trump with his lawyer, Dershowitz, during the signing of an executive order that makes it illegal to criticize Israel on college campuses. Dershowitz was also Epstein's lawyer, and he acted as negotiator to help free the five dancing Israelis of 9/11 from custody.

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has trump lifted a finger to stop red flag laws? o no lol he took the bumpstocks
all this bait and no (you), this shows your shit is tryhard and unfunny.

[oy veys in the distance]

>Trump showed his true colors in regards to the 2A
Sure but what's the alternative? Joe "we're gonna take your AR 14s" Biden?

he passed constitutional carry, which acknowledges the fact that constitutional law supersedes all law. therefore, gun control laws don't matter. the only thing that is real is how hard you fight.
>defend this!
that's a terrible first punch.

>trump takes the guns
>but biden also takes the guns
Doesn't look like a choice at all, ALMOST AS IF THERE IS NONE.
Really makes you think, huh?

>"Trump to GOP senator: 'You're afraid of the NRA'"


He supports an Alabama football coach for senator, to retaliate against Sessions ... who we were told to be patient with, while Jeff did nothing but appoint Mueller to investigate him for most of his first term ... the other day he tweets his endorsement: "This guy will protect *your* Second amendment rights!"
(exclamation mark, of course, but he left off: "from me.")
Wake up. Exclamation mark. The only thing he has going for him is, he did not issue an EO banning ARs.
Maybe 2nd term. The little girl is bending his ear every day.


so voting for biden will repeal all gun control laws? oh wait, it won't.

so viting for bernie will repeal all gun control laws? oh wait, it won't.

looks like you've got no solution, just trying to control other voters. tha'ts de facto shill behavior. you're either going to man up and talk about a candidate that will prosecute the ATF and the bar syndicate or you're a fraud.

By pointing out that he elected two extremely pro-gun supreme court justices.

Any other questions, reddit?

bernouts are coping by making threads like

They're not the same level of grabbing

they can't
>built the wall
>mexico will pay for it
>lock her up
they really can't defend him
>Then, something truly magical happened. Donald Trump
absolutely fucking cringe remove yourself from the gene pool

"grab the guns"
>says one thing
puts NRA in supreme court
>does another

>Screaming frog

>absolutely fucking cringe
female detected

>Then, something truly magical happened. Donald Trump
this is embarrassing please kys immediately

That wasn't even me, I'm just enjoying your screaming


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Which one of my guns did he take again? Is this before or after russia took over the country?

They cant. I will admit that i voted trump to keep hillary from winning. But i not a MAGTard. I am well aware of his families involvemnet in jewish affairs and his bumpstock ban and all his gun BS. If hillary wouldve won it would be 10× worse and we would be in civil war by now.

>MFW i bought a s&w shield with my trump tax break
>can carry trump's kept promise on me every day
he really did make america great again

>be 10× worse
>civil war
pick one newfag

It would have been better to have had a dem president and repub house and senate. Too bad that the dem candidate sucked so much

He hired Elan Carr to build a database of Americans via spying and specifically told him to give red flags to Americans that make anti-Semitic posts on line.
This database will be used when he wins 2020 to fulfill the red flag gun grab bill which he has already revealed he wants to pass.

>Then, something truly magical happened. Donald Trump
oh no no no no no *breathes in* ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

>bumpstock ban
the bumstock is your arm though ... that's the joke, trump was like
>yeah let's ban left handed guns or something that doesn't exist just to fucking mock how stupid they are
>great idea chief. you know how a rifle will cycle misfires if you hold it wrong?
>let's pretend that's a part we can ban

and here we are. the funny thing is that democrat gun owners actually invented bump stocks because their arms aren't fucking strong enough to act like a bench vise, they can't even do it on their own!

how will that work though, using what army and what equipment?

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>he want's crazy people to have guns
trump is right, insane people should not have guns

>antisemites are crazy people
watcha doin' rabbi ?

can you name the chemical test ran on the brain to test for sanity

The same way they defend all of his kikery, by pretending shills are the only people who have a problem with it.

>5 eyes is only (((legal))) when the CIA isn't spying on america, but other countries are doing it and then (((trading))) the information to them
>suddenly the shills are all canadian and british

no, by pointing out that if you have a problem with gun control then voting for biden or bernie won't fix it. you pointed out a problem without offering a solution to it, that's what a shill does. talking shit about trump doesn't destroy the ATF and reeducate the criminal bar syndicate members. you are either working on NESARA or you are not working on anything and are demoralizing trump voters without actually prosecuting the gun control problem.

>don't talk about your rights being stripped

for example, how does talking shit about trump help defeat the entire department of justice and department of education? how will getting a president elected, or preventing one from being elected, help you win this war? are you even based in agency?

how does talking shit about trump help you arrest the ATF agents and bar syndicate members responsible for illegal weapon control laws? since youre so based in agency

Says something anti 2nd A. Doesn't do it, instead does the opposite. Omg fuck trump!! You shills are transparent and absolute shit at your jobs.

>How do you defend something said years ago that amounted to nothing

I don't, it speaks for itself.

It creates demand for a strong leader that will actually put America first. Had there been no demand, Trump never would have had to false advertise.

i can say ORANGE MAN BAD too but it doesnt' get anything done. i can vote for bernie too, doesn't stop the gun control laws. you either have a solution or you're a shill, it was always a simple dichotomy of being based in agency or using shame approval and abused as social capital instead.

You don't support gun rights you sad little shill. You are just here to sow discord.

great, whos the new candidate then.

He was talking about mental cases.

heh you need 2 dilate tranny you shareblue shills really shilling hard super seethe 8 more years hillary lost get over it bud

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>working on NESARA
which has nothing do to with 2A or Extreme Risk Protection Orders and is basically a giant nothingburger
trump his taking your rights away. not biden not hillary nor bernie. call me a shartblue shill tranny all you want but at the end of the day you're defending a zionist and for that simple reason lurkers will know who is right or wrong.

>y-you're not offering a solution
you neither.
trump and biden both are members of the ZOA, the zionist organization of america.

I won't know until 2024 but I look forward to watching them pander to people like me with "antisemetic dog whistles," just like Trump did before 180°-ing on America first.

every person in that picture is literally a jew

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>trump and biden both are members of the ZOA, the zionist organization of america.
and bernie is a commie
don't vote for either of them, that is a solution

I hope he tries to take the guns, because that would basically mean that the Civil War has started and it's open season on all politicians.

>It creates demand for a strong leader that will actually put America first.
exactly what this user said. anyone saying otherwise is paid to promote neocon politicians on Yas Forums