Win $45,000.00 by explaining this

Explain how this building fell straight down because it got hot.

Attached: 1562644651916.webm (480x360, 2.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 911-1-600x394.jpg (600x394, 45.96K)

Yawn, it was a controlled demolition, it’s obvious, demolition experts have said it, nothing will ever be done about it.

The end.

Heat allow weakens the beams by 40%. /thread pay the fuck up cuck. You thought you were smart and got btfo. Fuck you pay me

>tfw when you btfo OP so bad he leaves the thread and doesn’t pay you
>1 post by this ID
Feels like shills man

>Heat allow weakens the beams by 40%
Yeah, something like that.....

Attached: iron alloys vs temperature.png (687x386, 63.34K)

A jewish golem said “pull it”
Mossad did their job along with the satanic traitors in USA
Instead of rounding up the ppl responsible , anons LARP about ethnostates meanwhile jews pulled the biggest trick on goys in modern history

You literally have footage of satanic incantation of Bush jr in classroom as it happened
“My pet goat”

The fact it’s 20yrs later and ppl still call it a conspiracy theory is showing how it is be like it do when they say it like it isnt

Guy in pic was a demolitions expert. After viewing the video without knowing it was a 9/11 video he said controlled demolition. Then he died.

Attached: danny jowenko.png (456x361, 135.11K)

>Has never even heard the song "Drop It Like It's Hot"
It's not our fault that your refuse to listen. They blatantly tell you this shit in the media all the time.

Shouldn't it have tilted over since the fires were concentrated at one corner?
Debunk the university study and collect.