Win $45,000.00 by explaining this

Explain how this building fell straight down because it got hot.

Attached: 1562644651916.webm (480x360, 2.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 911-1-600x394.jpg (600x394, 45.96K)

Yawn, it was a controlled demolition, it’s obvious, demolition experts have said it, nothing will ever be done about it.

The end.

Heat allow weakens the beams by 40%. /thread pay the fuck up cuck. You thought you were smart and got btfo. Fuck you pay me

>tfw when you btfo OP so bad he leaves the thread and doesn’t pay you
>1 post by this ID
Feels like shills man

>Heat allow weakens the beams by 40%
Yeah, something like that.....

Attached: iron alloys vs temperature.png (687x386, 63.34K)

A jewish golem said “pull it”
Mossad did their job along with the satanic traitors in USA
Instead of rounding up the ppl responsible , anons LARP about ethnostates meanwhile jews pulled the biggest trick on goys in modern history

You literally have footage of satanic incantation of Bush jr in classroom as it happened
“My pet goat”

The fact it’s 20yrs later and ppl still call it a conspiracy theory is showing how it is be like it do when they say it like it isnt

Guy in pic was a demolitions expert. After viewing the video without knowing it was a 9/11 video he said controlled demolition. Then he died.

Attached: danny jowenko.png (456x361, 135.11K)

>Has never even heard the song "Drop It Like It's Hot"
It's not our fault that your refuse to listen. They blatantly tell you this shit in the media all the time.

Shouldn't it have tilted over since the fires were concentrated at one corner?
Debunk the university study and collect.

Jeff fuel cant melt Epsteel beams.

Larry had 2 options, upgrade the shitty towers, which would’ve cost them too much time and $$, or demolish the towers which would’ve been a logistical and financial nightmare, demolition that appears to be an “attack” gave everyone what they wanted in the end.

The interdimensional reptilian shapeshifting CIA mantids are causing AI mossad deepfake false flags by masonic predictive program weather manipulation Monsanto fluoride trails to distract moloch crisis actors from the fact that fake news aliens are hollow and that the sandy hook landing never happened so (((they))) can continue to use CERN vaccines to harvest gangstalker jesuit adrenochrome from our luciferian kali yuga pineal glands for chinese coomer coronavirus nanochip astral projection remotely through demonic V2K 5G technology from the black cube HAARP hexagon on top of Satan

Yesterday was the second day of Purim

Attached: 1552445961159.jpg (732x648, 460.1K)

We never gonna get justice for this, shouldve realized hat like.. when Bush was out of office at least

Proves my point nigger
There’s a video of a paper fire melting a steel beam
Nope, too heavy also the inside of the building was hollow
God damn I feel like a God because you cucks are so dumb. What’s next?
>tell me how to eat please
Lmfao, any other world beliefs you’d like to Destroy for you?

Symmetrical collaps suggest all if not most of the beams where heated to the same temp. Which is impossible in “office fire”

Pay me.

The holocaust didn't happen you're a massive faggot who didn't disprove anything.

Attached: 1572238058923.jpg (400x399, 24.23K)

if it was so easy to take a building down with just fire then why don't demolitions companies spare themselves the licensing and special handling for their explosive products and just light a floor up with kerosene


Where do I collect my money?

Step back.

Maybe this guy knows.
>Office of Secure Transport

Attached: 911 nuclear demolition man.png (720x732, 290.53K)

NIST did metals testing and the results are buried in an appendix. That alone tells you something right there.
Then you look at the temps and you see that they didnt even reach 1/4th the melt temp of steel, nowhere near enough to cause any sort of weakening much less melt. Enjoy the BTFO.

>the inside of the building was hollow
....when you just start making shit up out of whole cloth...

>because it got hot
And also hit with debris from the giant catastrophe right next door.

The controlled demolition theory is full retard anyway. Going out of your way to demolish WTC 7 after already hitting the Twin Towers makes no sense. Even if you want to take it out, why not just fly another plane into it? Look up footage of a real controlled demolition to see what one is really like. They're really obvious and conspicuous.

>what was flight 93
yes, building 7 was quite obvious and conspicuous, especially since it held the singular copies of the SEC's investigations and evidence into the Enron, WorldComm, etc frauds

1. It didn't fall straight down, you can see it tilting at the end.

2. If you watch the unedited video you can see the penthouse on top collapse through the roof and take out the center of the building first. Then the outer portion falls like a curtain.

Attached: Figure-4.24a-vs-reality.gif (730x214, 2.84M)

Real controlled demolitions wouldn't be done to fool people of course. Its obviously possible they set up the bombs to go off the moment the plane hit

The 9/11 report avoided even mentioning Building 7. Just an oversight goy. Oh yeah a NeoCon Zionist was appointed head of NIST just before 9/11.
>shill cornered

Attached: 911 dr gross molten steel.jpg (888x499, 91.05K)

>Wh-wh-what was flight 93?!
So you're suggesting that they both planned to crash a plane into WTC 7 AND planted explosives in it? Retard. Think before you reply to me.



Attached: parks-and-recreation___money_please.png (764x767, 752.04K)

Attached: 1546882495040.jpg (596x554, 65.29K)

That's what they did with the first two towers

lmao are you trying to call me a shill who supports the official version for idiots?

yes, because a simple plane crash isnt going to take down a fucking building you mouth breathing moron

Because apparently crashing planes into buildings was expected to be too light of a job. Right. That's totally something that would ever happen.

and there it is, thank you user. saved this time.

Suddenly buildings are all impervious to plane crashes. Even buildings as modest in size as WTC 7. Yeah, no. Don't make shit up just to avoid admitting that you're wrong. Go away. Only attempt to reason if you yourself are reasonable.

Fake af, stopping grasping at straws. We need to revoke free speech. You should be allowed to question the narrative
Tube design retard to maximize space
Pretty much, if I punch I giant hole in my sand castle isn’t going to fall regardless of what it’s made out of. It’s gravity

sloppy job jidf, show your flag you cocksucking flaming degenerate asshole

>Which is impossible in “office fire”


>No argument.
Stop shitting up the board with such low-quality posts. Nice D&C attempt, shlomo.

>Proves my point nigger
Yes and no, learn to read charts.

>all if not most of the beams where heated to the same temp
Yup, >500degC too assuming a FoS of 2 and structural steel was used instead of Chinesium.

>mfw millions of americans actually believed it was a terrorist attack
top kek
read and weep dumb asshole, there were two pieces of steel that tested above 400F, one of which was 470F, the rest of the materials were in the 300F range

there's literally pictures that prove the interior design was not hollow. I'm sure there are also literally pictures that prove you are a massive faggot.

Anyone trying to start race wars should be taken to the firing line via hate speech laws. Freedom of speech is problematic

are you seriously asking why all of the beams did not get heated to the same temp???

the only ones here with low quality is you and another dumb moron or two who doesnt understand how physics applies to reality. you assholes just make any shit up and try to pass it off, maybe that works in the retard village but not here.

No it literally proves my point, thanks for btfo yourself can you even read English? Stupid fucking paki
>I’m going to lie and maybe he won’t notice

The winner gets a 4am SWAT raid and a bag over his head, never to be seen again.

NIST tests showed 470F as the max temp tested, I already linked it above. Where in the fuck you are getting 500C is beyond me.

Nope maybe you mistook my post.

>is given link that proves he's btfo
>declares victory
this is what you get with dumb clueless assholes

All nazi fucks are going to win that prize sooner or later. Can’t fucking stand them. They lie to justify mass murder. Makes me fucking sick

You want to kill people. Everything you said is wrong. Fuck you. We are living in a near perfect utopian world and you want to hurt people. Go back to russia you piece of shit

>same temperature at the same time
because that has never happened and will never happen
a fire would collapse sections at a time
it would never heat up each beam to the same temperature at the exact same moment
you'd have to be a monumentally brainwashed retard to believe this was a fire

>are you seriously asking why all of the beams did not get heated to the same temp

no, I'm asking why it's not possible that all of the beams were heated to a high temp

>Y-Your posts are low quality because I disagree with them!
>My posts that just consist of a bunch of name-calling are high quality, though!
You delve further and further into irrationality and ugliness. The only thing that can save you is to become reasonable. But you won't, because admitting fault is too painful for you.

All this while you lord over a completely retarded conspiracy theory. A bunch of dudes got caught mishandling money, so they conspire to orchestrate the worst terrorist attack in history to cover it up. Although they got caught mishandling money, they aren't caught while orchestrating the worst terrorist attack in history. Posing as terrorists, they both plant bombs in and fly planes into a bunch of different buildings. This because they believed that planes aren't capable of bringing down buildings, but bombs are. And since we all know that terrorists NEVER plant bombs, they had to go with the plane option to cover up the idea that terrorists would plant bombs.

This is the retardation that you're calling me an idiot for not accepting as truth. So you see that you have made a monster of yourself.

I want to know what blew up this big piece before it hit the ground.
>inb4 directed energy space beam

Attached: ay tone 911 building.jpg (500x714, 84.19K)

What part of heat makes it fucking stronger and a lot of heat makes it weaker don't you understand?????
Look at the fucking curve you stupid fucking mutt. For wrought iron, structural steel and casting steel they all go up in strength first before dropping dramatically with increase of heat.
Take fucking note of this you stupid cunt yank for this is important as fuck, if a fucking "office fire" gets the fucking shit steel up to only 300 degrees the fucking thing is now STRONGER by 20%!!!!!!!!!!!
God no fucking wonder the world hates you fat ugly fucks!
>pic related your 'beautiful' women.

Attached: fat yanks.jpg (1024x949, 173.46K)

They only people with a motive are the Nazis, because they have milked this from 19 years. Meanwhile the rest of the civilized people have moved on. Thousands of innocent women and children were glassed via nazi bombers in the Iraq war. Yet you cling to
>muh towers!!!

you're asking about the likelihood, which is so unlikely that its less than implausible
so either you are in a state of COPE because you refuse to face the sickening/panic inducing reality of the situation or you are just being deliberately obtuse

>same temp
>high temp
>temp of weakening
>temp of melting
same temp impossible
high temp is relative
temp of weakening not reached per NIST temp tests
temp of melting, not even 1/4th of the way there

are you going to post something substantive or not? guessing not since you dont actually have anything substantive that supports your half baked non-argument.

The chart I posted (), which showS the relative change in yield, 50% for structural steel at 500degC

>>>inb4 directed energy space beam
It was actually a missile, the planes where holograms :^)

Fires did this?

Attached: 911 hurled girders beams cladding-1.jpg (362x1196, 135.65K)

>blacksmiths use ice
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO BTFO!!! Jesus this is pure gold. Thank you for getting my top post of the day. At this rate I’ll hit a million upvotes in a few weeks

yesterday, I dropped a cig butt in the paper bin and it caught fire causing the whole steel frame to fail and now I'm short one appartment complex
luckily I was insured twice the value

That’s a piece of the tower that fell ontop of the other building Einstein

>are you going to post something substantive or not
You say this in your post that poses two sentences to me, replying to my post that poses an entire paragraph to you. You disgusting hypocrite. You want something substantive? It's in my posts and not yours.

I swear I saw a live recording of either a first responder or construction crewman saying they were going to "pull it" because the building couldn't be saved. The building was so damaged by the fire they decided to just demolish it rather than let it continue burning.

I was barbecuing with the family then the bbq pit collapsed in freefall and the dog got the steaks.

it didnt nigger
see the building starting to collapse from the ground? all the while the top stays in one piece
that happens if you blow up the main pillars in a controlled demolition, look up a few videos on liveleak or jewtube, exactly the same thing

Perfect example of a strawman. Since you used fallacies you don’t deserve an actual answer. I love how when we box you fucks in you panic. You are so devoted to your beliefs yet you don’t even know why. You literally have zero proof and no real way to argue for your genocidal beliefs

You've never worked with iron before have you?
Well if you had, you'd know that even mild steel you have to heat to dark red before it becomes very malleable, and if you bothered to know what cherry red steel is you'd know off hand that it is around 700degC.

So they ran into a burning building and placed charges then ran out and pulled it? I think maybe they blew out the basement with a nuke and had preplaced charges.
>molten iron underground

Attached: 911 molten steel nyfd.jpg (608x448, 70.87K)

swamp gas

Your memory is correct. The fire fighters decided to abandon the building and pull everyone out, then to pull it down with cables. Pulling with cables lets you control how the building falls and prevent further damage. The building collapsed before they could, though.

>Yup, >500degC too

the interesting part about the building that this piece hit is that it was originally repaired, but all around where the piece was hit, it kept degrading long after the event and the building was taken down eventually. dont recall name of building off top of my head.

an uncontrolled fire means there was no attempt made to control it

the buildings turned into fucking dust in mid air and every first respondeer got lung cancer.

fuck I hate when that happens
>your genocidal beliefs

If Trump doesn't start releasing 9/11 material such as the Pentagon 9/11 videos, then Trump becomes part of the cover-up.

Every one of you god damn retards LISTEN THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!
The first attack on the World Trade Center used bombs at key positions in the tower. IT DIDNT FUCKING WORK. Let me say that again. THEY USED BOMBS AT THE WEAKEST POINTS IN THE BUILDING AND IT DID NOT WORK.
what you say has already been tried and IT FAILED! /THREAD


Please send the $45000 to my paypal address [email protected]

I have, gradual heating softens it so if the official story about the cause is correct (heating by fire) it should have leaned over and kinda ozzed to the ground.

>trump needs to do today what he hasnt done in his entire term OR HES IN ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah? And who's going to do it, you?

shills will ignore this evidence.

You proved my point again retard