>Hungary declared state of emergency due to Coronavirus
>Universities are shut down
>Traveling abroad is forbidden

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embrace it.

No, I just don't understand why is there a meltdown due to some chink flu.
What is wrong with 2020

>some chunk flu
Then go hug a fucking chink and catch this virus and go around screaming it’s just the flu

that state of emergency is for all hungarian lads to hide their girls cuz im coming over

It scares boomer voters so it's everyone's priority.

The unis in the city center already have at en masse. Degenerates still party despite this, spreading it further. I dont know why the retard government waited so long. They shouldnbe closing everything

it's sars.
it's name is literally sars2.
go out and get it and you'll learn what's the fuss about.

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Then why don't you go outside and get infected to see it for yourself, retard.

Uni kids are fucked because they'll use the closure to have parties and be much closer than lectures ever were.

*so imagine the 'mild' cases which includes pnuemonia so long as it doesn't require hospitalization, combined with dehydration, a hangover and maybe some chlamydia that you can't get antibiotics for anymore.

Based, I welcome the challenge.

Nothing of value will be lost. Its mostly (90+%) humanities liberal cockroaches and shitskins where this is going on. The useful schools, like engineering, where the conservatives are, are far away from these brainwasheries.

Easy, the European Nazis are going to assemble to Hungary soon, read the news.
The universities and students are known to be left wing.
Thus Orban is again protecting fucking Nazis.

Hes as far from the right wing as it goes. Its just a show.

You mean Soros?

As usual Boris: russian propaganda

His policies are elitist/oligarchist domestically. Theres a small circle he likes, friends and family, they take everything. All major government and EU contracts. The supporters get the crumbs. Real right wing gets the prison. Commies, who should be in prison are in the parliment as a faux opposition. Also, massive gibs and bootlicking to kikes.

What you see from outside is posturing. We have droves of niggers and gypsies are rampaging it the countryside. Hell, prison gypsies even got reparations for human right abuses.

Healthcare is in the shitter, you mostly just go to die in the hospital, unless you are rich and can afford a private hospital. Death toll will be huge here

I wonder where your flag went.

Here fag. Feel free to disprove anything I said

no we won't party you 40 year old autist

we all agreed not to go anywhere risky until this blows over. we party enough on weekdays anyway

Meg fogtok halni, anglisztika szakos niggerek.

germanisztika köszönöm szépen

Mindegy. Jobb ha az ilyenektöl tisztul az ország. Hajra korona-chan
t. BME gépészmérnök

>try to disprove my opinion

We're about to declare it too, our PM said he'll do so later today. TIME TO BUY AS MUCH SOAP AND TOILET PAPER AS YOU CAN.



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Hungypsians be like "NOOOOOO, how will we pickpocket tourists now"


lol underage faggot

Harsh mate. They might have been mislead by jews and useless, but they dont deserve to die. I guess.
Well, thats embarassing.

Only liberals and commies deserve rope.

Go hug a Chinese tourist you brown subhuman

Oy Vey how will I go to Jewniversity

True enough. Forget I said anything. Rope it is.

lol the romanian sucking finnsect gibs is back, how pathetic. There is nothing more pathetic than expats larping as nationalists, larping for the very country he left behind. BEYOND PATHETIC

breath deep Hungarian bro, BREATH DEEP

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You are a romanian with a vpn arent you? Nice try Danior.

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no, he's sucking finn gibs, he is the most pathetic larper since other romanians at least stayed home. He's flexing from Finnland what a loser


That's right I'm flexing from Finland on your gypsy shithole, you mad Julio?

>There is nothing more pathetic than expats larping as nationalists

Except Indians larping as Europeans larping as chinks aka "hungarians"

Seethe more, shitblood

Ahahahahahaha get fucked you fucking retard. Just a flu goyim isn’t an argument now. I hate you retarded kikes that say it’s just a flu, if it’s just a flu WHY DECLARE STATE OF EMERGENCY OVER IT. Stop being a faggot retard and get those dicks out of your mouth and ass.

Because EU has shown it's entirely incapable of containing the virus. Be lucky your gov figured that out and is actually taking preventative steps to protect your stupid ass

Barátaim, a vitaminok, mennyit mesélhetnék a-ról, b-ről, c-ről.
Csapból vizet sosem iszom, csak minimum kétezer méter mélyről.
Már régen van egy autóm, de volán mögé még sosem ültem,
és ha valaki a tüsszentett mellettem, rögtön elmenekültem.

Az emberek mind vírus gazdák ezért kerülöm őket,
csak kizárólag orvosi papír ellenében hívom fel magamhoz a nőket,
testükhöz így csak vegyvédelmi kesztyűben nyúlok, orális szexhez is három gumit hozok,
észnél vagyok, első a biztonság bizony, bizony fő az óvatosság!

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Have they blamed Soros yet?

Well Hungarians although distant are still in the family tree.

I am half Finnish and i have no idea whats going on down there in Hungary but after the corona epididemic/pandemic i will visit that place.

I hope they good good beer and sausages :D


Azt kérded élni így lehet-e, még hogy én egy városi remete?
Kétszáz évig is élni fogok, mert nem ér el a világ szemete,
párnám alatt tarok stukkert, atombomba ellen most építek bunkert,
észnél vagyok, első a biztonság, bizony, bizony, fő az óvatosság!

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>back to Bucharest, sewer dweller

13 fertőzött
0 gyógyult
0 elhunyt
69 karanténban
609 vizsgált minta
Valaki hazudik, szokás szerint.

>13 infected
>0 recovered
>0 deceased
>69 quarantined
>609 tests
9 out of the 13 cases are foreigners.

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Why does our "nationalist" government lets in shitskins anyway, for whatever reason? They have no reason to be here and we have no business in their lands.

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Mert ez a menő Európában, színeseket tanítani sok pénzért.

Hungarian universities are not as left wing as in the West. Right wing organizations are actually very strong in Hungarian universities.
Take off your memeflag jobbik kike. Fuck (((jakab)))
He lives on welfare in finland. The creature is a well known troll for the past few months

>take off memeflag
>posts with memeflag
Your master is one of the biggest kikesuckers and he also funds jobbik. Nice try tho.

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Can't visit my uni either. Given the average quality of lectures (which are normally mandatory to attend), I might be better off if I study by myself. But will I?