Quarantined and prepping anons, tell me stories about your retarded boomer relatives

I'm from Lombardy and living with my parents.

At the beginning of the crisis, I immediately stocked up on rice, pasta and dried legumes. My parents thought I was literally insane, not anymore.

I still have to watch them like a hawk every day, making sure they don't get all of us killed. This week alone I had to stop my mother sending out my dad for a large deal of bullshit. Twice already I had to raise my voice and stand in front of the door preventing them to leave. The collection of things worth breaking a pandemic quarantine includes the following:

>I want to bake a cake, need apricot jam. No, strawberry won't do.
>my dish sponges are old, can you go out and get new ones? (we have a dishwashing machine)
>user we ran out of juice for the e-cigs. Oh yes I know you still have four bottles left but I don't like the flavor, can we get a couple for me as well? (shop is downtown in CHINATOWN)
>user I can't live off pasta, rice, legumes, oil, tomato sauce and tons of frozen crap, we need fresh milk (have two boxes of UHT), bananas and tangerines.

It's only been a week anons, one day I'll oversleep and we'll be fucked.

How are your parents, relatives and flatmates sabotaging your efforts to survive?

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Praying for you, user.

Just let them go out and bolt the door shut.

Thanks user

>living with your parents
you are the virus

I live on my own until my uni closes then I'll immediately fuck off back to my rural ancestral home with my parents.

My pleasure, brother. Here's a Bible in case you need some time alone: drive.google.com/file/d/0B3t5eZNp8KKPcFVhLWlNOGtQa1k/view?usp=drivesdk

Praise the Lord, user

italians love mama very much

>How are your parents, relatives and flatmates sabotaging your efforts to survive?
>tfw both of my boomer parents agree with me and are prepping some supplies like I told them to.

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They're old and frail. A normal flu knocks them down for a week. Corona would kill them.

>having close ties with your family is bad

Should have hidden the flag

>It's just a flu bro.

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Friendly reminder that breathing air gets you the virus. Masks won't save you, user. You should've bought a gas mask

lol a kike called someone a virus. Of course the jew is anti family.

You see, the Boomers haven’t lived through a real, bring-out-yer dead kind of pandemic. They are the first in history not to. They are mentally unable to comprehend the gravity of the situation.

The denial stems from a Pollyanna-like optimism coupled with mental blocks that their Consoomer driven mode of life can indeed be disrupted like this. Along with concerns about muh stock market.

The knowledge and gumption to deal with such a situation died or retired with their parents and grandparents.

That is frustrating. I would honestly lose my mind, but I also know my boomer parents are probably gonna break quarantine when it comes here. Luckily I have PPE so if they come back in infected I'm locking them in a room and bolting the door shut for 21 days.

Better than being a parasite.

I live alone but have successfully convinced my family to prep. We all have a couple months of food. At least that will buy us some time.


My dad decided to die of cancer 2 years ago and my mom decided to get diagnosed with a cancer right now.
Pretty bad move in my opinion :(

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fix it with pic related. it works.

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Be strong user

I'm sorry bro, stay strong for your mom.


>jew shaming family ties
Mench, I bet your mother has something to scold you about.

>tfw my boomer mother coughs and sneezes around the whole house even in the food she makes
and yes I cant make food, ive been a NEET my entire life.

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it's okay, corona only kills mostly those with comorbidites like ca-

I'm so sorry user, I hope she makes it. Atleast switzerland is closing the borders, right? They're normally pretty on point when it comes to these things.

Teach yourself some skills user, you're going to be stuck home bored out of your mind for a long time

No they didn't. Trains are running like a normal day. I'm flabbergasted by the nonreaction of some of our neighbors.

You know they're just humoring you right just so they can see you come out of your room every once in a while. They're so proud of you, user.

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Living alone. Right now, my mother doesn't know I'm prepping, she's just overjoyed that I bettered my diet by cooking a lot of preserves with her.

> Homemade Spaghetti Sauce
> Chili con Carne
> Whole chicken in their broth with veggies it cooked in (carrots, onions, celery)
> Beef and veggie soup, spiced up.

I pay, use her help and expertise, we share about 60% me, 40% her and I know that she's giving a lot of free food to my sister. But I know that if she ends up welded in, she'll be in much better posture.

And yeah, she's a blind as our MSM who only recently began to pick things up.

Same thing happened with my mom, and my dad had a permanently-debilitating stroke, monts later. I'll pray for you and her. Make sure you are going to Heaven while you still can, user: chick.com/products/tract?stk=1178

You mean you'd rather she'd gone full US & Canada?
> Not getting any kind of diagnosis in the first place

Hide the fucking keys. Boomers are cancer.

Based Pastabro. Not all Italians are retarded. Godspeed and good luck.

I think it's more likely that I just die from the cologna virus

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why bother to save them? (serious question)

if they die, you get the house

Because parents are parents you piece of trash.

We will see how it goes...

I almost want to be infected now, self-quarantine until the symptoms are gone... so I can be there for my family after that.

yes, but if they're so intent on getting exposed and dying, who are you to stop them from doing what they want?

Write your local representative. It's time to blow the bridges and tunnels.

why all dutchs are souless pieces of shit? you're the most degenerate white nation besides Murrica

your problem is your Father he shouldn't be doing stupid stuff or listening to mom, he's supposed to be the protector.

They kept you from killing yourself as a retarded toddler. As their mental state degrades to that of a toddler while you become an adult, now its your turn.

You dont do it because its profitable, you do it because its right.

Checked and fucking OBVIOUSLY the right answer.

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lmao little scared shitalian living with his family and trying to put on the big boy pants. don't poop those big boy pants when you get corona, luigi

>a fucking Gypsy

They're my parents even if they made dumb decisions in life. Also, they don't own the house, we're renting. Should they die, I'd end up homeless and starving on the street in 3 months.

Wife got me sick with it. Wanted to go into the city to see a dance. Went to another dance with leaping Chinese fuckers. Then went to a conference. "It's just a flu..."

Fuck off gypescu. When it happens to you we'll see how many intensive care units are real, and how many are made of cardboard by the almighty Romanian industry. And wait until your gypsy hordes get the clue you're alone and vulnerable at home.

You can sleep at my house user. Are you into having your dick sucked by dudes?

yes but now they're a retarded toddler with a house

kek the eternal dutch

I pray to God that we don't go into quarantine, because I too will have to tard wrangle my parents. They are EXTREMELY stubborn boomers with no friends, and lately all they do is team up to enable each other. If dad finds some retarded excuse to leave the house I've no doubts my mom will nod eagerly and back him on it. I swear all they do anymore is watch television, constantly. So, maybe the almighty television will save me from any calamity. I'm not even fucking kidding about that television. My mother's entire life is that fucking television.

Actually yes I am

>That's right goyim, don't live in large family units like you used to, atomize and isolate yourselves and remain politically and financially weak.
This time we're actually going to gas you, you realize this right?

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Where's your dad, user? Oh, wait - You don't have a dad.

let them out and while they're in the plaza getting pozzed you jump off the tallest building

Was living with my parents up until a week ago. My mother was unconcerned, plus she works with a bunch of fucking migrants. My father was equally unconcerned. Plus, they are both taking a trip to Mexico in June. I’m sort of baffled, but at the same time, not surprised with how much they don’t give a shit.

Boomers never grew up and we're all going to pay for it lmao

At least he's not a child molesting jew vampire

An update for the user asking about Switzerland: pictures of the main Italian-Swiss border crossing from a Swiss website.


You can make food. It'll take about a week of doing it every day before it becomes unbelievably easy. First few days it will suck. Lean on the internet, youtube, use things like instantpot if you have one. Cooking being hard is one of the craziest psyops around, it isn't.

Me: now is the last time I did some shopping. Self-isolation starts now. Washing hands frantically.

My parents: Now we can still go outside because no quarantine yet. Let's go shopping every day! Not washing hands because lacking basic hygiene.

How many zoomers will die because boomers don't give a fuck about the virus?

kikes just wont stop

Good job user

You're a good guy user

Hopefully it wont evolve into something that can kill the young consistently, but plenty of people are going to wind up with lifelong complications

look who is talking

Do you not have Amazon?