Why nazism?

Why align yourself with a failed ideology that can't even win a single war? Why not just promote the white race in general?

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>failed ideology
actually it won and would have continued to do so had not 3 empires ganged up and and defeated this "failed ideology"

Because promoting the white race in general is literally nazism

It only failed because the Americans attacking from the west and bad timing on invading the Soviets. Had the Americans kept out of the war and the germans put more of their forces on the eastern front with proper timing then they would have been victorious.

Yep. In the end it took Big Capitalism and Big Communism combined to stop National Socialism.

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>failed ideology
Post world war 2 was and still is the best society.
>failed ideology
Went from a wheel barrow for bread to conquering most of Europe in under a decade.
>failed ideology
Unemployment was null

Socialism is bad. Mkay.
Please protect your race without falling prey to more subversive races by means of surrendering all of your political and economic freedom to a central authority.

I haven't heard of anybody claiming that japanese supremacy is literally 東方会-ism.

its National Socialism, it is what it is dispite Hitler and WW2.
it is just a better way to run society

instead of fake jew divisive news you have positive volkish news that is not degenerate and promotes race mixing and trans shit.

it is nationalistic and not global homo
it isnt about free gibs to lazy low IQ fucks
it is about WE reap what we SOW

just look into the actual mindset of NS as a plan for a nation and compare it to american capitalism or police state communism and it is simply way better.

you wouldnt have rapefugess and gay pride parades where adult faggots put money in little kids shorts while they strip.
you would haven USURY and all that kike shit.

it is just better then chimping niggers and a divided country. it is about pride, unity, beauty and social harmony not racial conflict and degeneracy.

it is a good system and its not hard to understand why compared to what we are seeing in western civilization today OP.

Hitler actually back stabbed stalin by invading. They had a peace treaty and stalin thought the germans preparing for an invasion was a conspiracy created by jews. The bolsheviks were not prepared for the invasion even though many of the bolshevik leader's kept telling stalin that hitler was up to something and not to be trusted.

I’d rather promote the Palestinian people.

The Swastika
The political drones, profiteers, prostitutes and cowards scoot with their tails between their legs from this hooked cross, as the devil does from holy water.

On the other hand, the Swastika has an irresistible attraction for the kind of daring, bold, devil-may-care fighting young men we need. In America, most of them are simply “nigger-haters,” because of their pure White man’s instinct. When they learn the Jews’ part in the disgraceful Negro situation, they become “Nazis” in minutes. Then it is the work of only months until they also understand the deeper significance, the idealism, and the true aims of the Movement.

But even more important than these advantages, the blood-soaked Swastika has a supernatural effect on Jews.

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It is after all only a few black lines – but it drives Jews out of their usual sly and calculating frame of mind and makes them hysterical and foolish. To them, it is not just the lines, but the awful threat of ruthless exposure, swift justice and terrible vengeance which their guilty consciences tell them they richly deserve. It is like a picture of the electric chair to a hunted murderer.

A calm, calculating Jew is the most dangerous beast on the face of the earth. By the exercise of his devilish, perverted but brilliant reason, the Jew has almost mastered all the rest of us. But a hysterical, screaming Jew, out of his mind with hate and fear of punishment for his crimes, is helpless putty in the hands of a calculating National Socialist.

We have proved this time and again – when Jewish councils have spent millions of dollars to spread the word among Jews to ignore us. But the hordes of guilty little sinners can’t do it! When they see that Swastika and hear us praising Adolf Hitler and describing the gas chambers for traitors, they become the screaming, wild ghetto Jews who have eternally blown up their victories at the last moment by their insane passions of hate and revenge.

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Reading George Lincoln Rockwell I see.
A true connaisseur.

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The result is the lifeblood of a political movement: publicity!

In spite of the Jewish domination of all the media of public information, the parading of Swastikas and National Socialists in public streets cannot be hidden or ignored without giving the game away. They can suppress the news, to be sure. But then too many people realize their press power and censorship.

And when the young Movement is able to force publication of its existence on the giant national TV networks, in magazines, press, etc., – it serves as a clarion call to the frustrated millions who are looking for such a movement. It is only thus that we have been able to contact thousands of people all over the world who have never before been in any “patriot” outfit, but couldn’t resist the American Nazi Party and the World Union of National Socialists.

The Swastika and Hitler, far from being millstones, are actually the answer to the eternal problem of the “right-wing” – money!

When you don’t have money for paper, meeting halls, etc., – as our side never does – you can go into the streets and march and distribute homemade handbills and picket – for nothing. The Jews go wild, attack – and you then have free use of millions of dollars’ worth of Jewish TV, newspapers, magazines, etc.! Of course, you may get bloodied and have to sit in jail awhile recuperating. But this is a small price to pay for the astonishing results.

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Implying ideologies fight win lose or die in physical combat

Brainlet. Economic fascism is literally capitalism but you get shot if your products or the production of them hurt the Volk

In addition to the free publicity attendant on open operation as a “Nazi,” you also find that the very audacity of the thing will attract the young fighting men you need, even though they know nothing and care less about the politics of the business. They admire raw courage and daring. Later, when they have come to know the facts a little better, they will fight for ideals and the White man. But until then, these valuable protectors of your free speech will fight just for fun.

Above all, the Swastika will save you from the fundamental error of the “right-wing” – that sweet reason will change the world and save us from the Jewish tyrants.

Reason is still an infant in human affairs, a precious and rare development found in the mutational brains of an infinitesimal minority of Homo Sapiens. And even the few geniuses able to exercise genuine, independent reason are almost entirely incapable of acting in accordance with the dictates of that reason – which is one of the reasons so many of them end up as “failures” in a world which does not appreciate them or their reason.

It is FORCE, POWER, STRENGTH which rules the world, from the ebb and flow of the tides to the decision of your neighbor to join the Rotary. Only a negligible fringe of oddball humans “changes its mind” as a result of being convinced by a superior argument. The overwhelming masses, including the masses of today’s “intellectuals,” change their minds only in order to conform. In other words, the minds of the vast majority always bow to the strongest opinion – the opinion which brings rewards and avoids punishments.

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>because of their pure White man’s instinct
yes, because natural racism is: i want to kill all fucking niggers even none of them affects my life directly.

as far as i know, the rivalries between races on natural environment are provoked by both individuals: dispute over territory, fight for natural resources and general hostility.

>state intervention
>flimsy racial pretense
Pickle yourself, cum kraut.

Stalin wanted to conquer Europe the entire time, and to that end he backed whoever he thought would destabilize it the most---Adolf Hitler.

Once the Germans were actually succeeding, however, and strengthening Europe, Stalin had his Soviet forces working tirelessly to match their war effort.

You see, the Soviets knew that the Germans could not afford a 2-front war just as well as the Germans did. It was for this reason why they were secretly trying to extort Germany, because if Russia didn't invade Germany, then the Germans would have won and Europe would have been lost to Russia for good.

So Stalin threatened the one thing that he knew Hitler had to react to. The Romanian oil fields. "Give us whatever we want or we end you" was the message, and Hitler, having essentially been put under this same extortion by the Zionist Allies prior to the war, responded to this threat the same way.

With a pre-emptive strike. Unfortunately, he was a European leader trained for European war. And Stalin was right that the Germans could ill afford a war on two fronts. Hitler was never in a position to do what he did.

Why the Truth? Why not just pretend to believe a lie to get along in life?

Evolution is baked into NatSoc. So it is easy for it to evolve.


forgot to attach this

The “right-wing” examines its reasons and arguments and facts and finds them true and good – as they may be. They then become outraged that the slobs next door cannot see and appreciate this “rightness” and, very probably, throw them out of the house for preaching “hate.”

But this is only as things are. The slobs will hold whatever opinion seems to show the most strength and will to power. They are completely, hopelessly female in their approach to “reason,” and always, always prefer strength to “rightness.”

When they say “no” to our Swastika and National Socialism, they are only the eternal female saying “no,” but meaning: “If you accept my ‘no,’ then you are a weakling and have no right to my favors. Let us see if you have the manhood and strength and genius to make me say ‘yes.’”

They “hate” us now because we are weak and powerless. All the reason in the world will never make them love us or our ideas in any guise, no matter how we try to sugar-coat them, until we COMMAND THEIR RESPECT AND ADMIRATION FOR OUR WILL, OUR GUTS, OUR FORCE! As stupid as they are, their instincts in smelling force and strength are still pure, and the attempt to sneak National Socialist ideas in the guise of “patriot” leagues and other nice, “safe” groups very properly repulses them as being the actions of cowards and sneaks.

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>buhu the state wants me to make sure my workers don't fall into the fucking machinery and the poisonous chemical I use aren't dumped into the nearby river
>NOOOO you can't want to protect your people, just become 1/4th english 1/8th russian 1/8th irish 1/4rd mexican and 1/4rd nigger like me

If you can't compete in the market, you don't deserve survival. Why do leftists hate inherently fair systems?

Okay so competing in the market is literally impossible without destroying ones people and ecology? Got it.

>Failed ideology
It didn't fail though, it was a massive success. That's why it had to be destroyed at all costs. That's why it's illegal.

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To hell with the sneaky, “safer” approaches! They get us persecuted every bit as much as the direct, open approach, and they doom us to miserable, sneaking failure every time.

If we are to be the last of the White men who conquered the world; if we are finally to be overwhelmed by a pack of rats, let us at least face the death of our race as our ancestors faced their death – like MEN. Let us not crawl down amongst the rats begging for mercy or trying to out-sneak them and pretend to be rats ourselves!

Let us stand on the scaffold of history – if hang we must – like the martyrs of Nuremberg, tall and proud! Is life so sweet, is comfort so precious and a job in a Jewish counting house so sacred that we are afraid to grasp the mighty hand of ADOLF HITLER reaching down to us out of our glorious past? Again, to hell with sneaking and “safety”!

It is part of the Jews to be sneaky and sly. The genius of our people has ever been joyous strength, robust forcefulness, directness, manly courage and flaming heroism.

When the Jews, with their economic terrorism, jails, bullies and hangmen, scare the White man into laying down his cudgel and his open defiance, and goad him into trying to out-sneak Jewish tyranny, the Jews have completely emasculated the once-strong White man, and doomed him to dishonor and defeat. The White man can never win by sneaking.

In the dawn of Nordic civilization, lesser races used to cringe in their rude huts and pray: “Lord, save us from the fury of the men of the North!”

It was that kind of man who built Western civilization.

If civilization is now to be saved from the swarms of degenerate Jews, their cannibal accomplices and their unspeakably depraved “liberal” friends – it will be that kind of man who will save it – never sneaks!

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If your people are not smart enough to use resources wisely to both trade to a level satisfactory to them and maintain great living conditions, your people ensure their own demise.

Do you realize that the points you argue are contradictory? You oppose state intervention yet you appeal to the common intelligence of the people to intervene when products or their production are detrimental to them. Do you not know that the state is supposed to be the manifestation of the people? What you are describing is exactly economic fascism.

>Why not just promote the white race in general?

You see, Moishe, any time they try to do this we need accuse them of being Nazis. It's the perfect way to suppress them, so that we can continue to parasite off of them for all eternity

The new Whites exist only to secure the existence of the Jewish people and a future for the state of israel

What happens when your neighbor spills trichloroethylene in his machine shop and every child in school gets Leukemia from groundwater evaopration? Use your brain nigger. The state is the necessary check on business. Just because we have a completely dysfunctional Jewish state does not mean a functional one is impossible.

A nazi attacking nazism and a commie defensing it... wow, the west really was a mistake huh

The people are not the state you silly little sociallist. People act individually according to their own morals, the state acts individually according to its own morals. The two moral aims are never the same, which is why the individual must take precedence over the volk. Otherwise you end up with a very weak and stupid volk who are unready for any challenging decisions ahead.
I suspect an unthinking populus is the true aim of National Socialism, as it is the aim of all socialism.

Tell me more about the masturbation machines while you make up other excuses to tax goods and services while employing throngs of useless bureaucrats. Tell me more how state interventions are necessary. Then tell me more about how state interventions are destroying our people. Then tell me you want to be come the state. Oh big bad nazi larp daddy, get me in line with your meme discipline.

it never was fully tried

Did you two get your flags switched around?

They got that swag nigga, yknow wat im sayn

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State intervention for emergencies only. German National Socialism was centrist, though leaning towards the free market. National Socialism is meant to be adapted to the preferences of the race practicing it anyway. Whites prefer the free market, so that's what National Socialism gets us.

You just see the word "socialism", and remember seeing in the media that Nazis are all authoritarian, so you jam the two clues together and call it a day.

Because you two retards can't understand a cult of life is any different from the death cult it lost a war for survival to. Were we to promote the White race in general, we would be labelled le ebil nadzees anyways, and the only thing we would accomplish is putting the fate of that race in the hands of 'men' who care more about what jews think about them than doing everything necessary to protect their race.
The jew is at the root of every problem that drove you here, and we are the only ones even willing to name him the enemy. Your views will evolve to fit this reality or you will remain in your jewish sandbox fighting to conserve what liberals fought for only a few decades ago.

>be nazi
>lose war

The duty of the state is to establish order you lolbertarian heroin huckster. Order requires a set of well-defined rules we call laws for the society to live by. Niggers and kikes and weak men, and yes, purposeless welfare bureaucrats create disorder. Polycentric law also exists in an unstable and disordered state and is incapable of administering justice when a private court is overpowered. Your meme ideology only exists in the eyes of philosophers and evaporates in the presence of blood and soil.

Under the flimsy racial pretense of
>Muh volk
just about anything can be declared an emergency. It's real simple, socialism is socialism. It's all a game to centralize control of resources, then herd the citizens into a grinder.
Socialism is bad, mkay.
>a cult of life

Socialism is the meme ideology, it doesn't even work. Tell me how long the 'thousand year reich' lasted.

Yeah just like communism. What a brainlet argument.


What a massive success. Just look how neo-nazis love the pavement.

>Went from a wheel barrow for bread to conquering most of Europe in under a decade.

Bismarckian era Germany was the golden age of germany. Hitler destroyed Germany by going to war, he could have focused all of germany's productive might in building the country instead of tanks - and this is all because of his failed ideology that literally picked a fight with everyone on planet earth.

>Yep. In the end it took Big Capitalism and Big Communism combined to stop National Socialism.

and small nazism couldn't compete. At best, they could only fight bankrupt countries that were shells of their former selves.

The nazis literally had imperialist japan and fascist italy on their side and they still couldn't win.

to be quite honest, every modern state on the planet copied the nazi model to various degrees, most notably Europe. What is democratic socialism other than fascism with a different coat of paint on it? Look at the levers of power they use, and the bread and circuses used. It's the same fucking thing.... They just rebranded fascism with a globalist leaning instead of a nationalist leaning.

Personally, I think nazi'ism now is stupid. We need a modern view for problems we have now, not problems of 1930's germany.

You're already being disingenuous. Your argument has shifted to a "no true free market" fallacy whereby you deny that anything is a free market so long as the remote possibility exists of it being interfered with. Even if interference didn't really happen. You're denying the obvious reality for the sake of argument, and you need to stop it for your own sake.

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You just keep proving you actually have no idea of national socialism or it's principles. The Volk submits to the state because the state is governs according to the quintessential will and to the benefit of the Volk. Which does not mean that a national socialist state does not want individualism. Quite to the contrary, you are encouraged to strive to outdo your peers. Whether it be through innovation of the method or mastery of it.

But when you center your politics around the individual you will eventually run into hardly resolvable conflicts of interest. Operating under these individualistic principles first and foremost also does not consider common, but not currently beneficial interests. For example, producing goods in a way that is least detrimental to the environment puts you at a competitive disadvantage, eventhough it is the best thing for the Volk in the long term.

But I guess I can't expect an american to understand what it's like to have a common people and wanting to protect them
>ideology completely focused on providing best possible life for the Volk
>just to somehow kill them all because that's what socialism just does lol
Please tell us how you, the individual, profit from no holds barred capitalism if you are not provided with protection from all it's detriments by your families extreme wealth

They always deflect to
>muh national socialism isn't socialism.
Nigger change the fuckin name.... you can't because it's a dead ideology. Free markets are a living breathing ideology in operation right now. The volk really don't matter. If you care for the volk, you go care for them. I have a vastly superior race to care for.
>Please tell us how you, the individual, profit from no holds barred capitalism if you are not provided with protection from all it's detriments by your families extreme wealth
All life is competition. I'm not telling you how I win. That would be very rude to my tribe.

>call national socialism socialism
>"wow wtf why are you all saying that it isn't like why are you deflecting like lmao who even brought it up"

free markets are self-regulating when market participants endeavor to remove anti-competitive regulation. Socialists HATE this fact, because it gives them no control over the means of production.

>Just look how neo Nazis love the pavement.
National Socialism and Nazism are two completely separate things. Nazism is a fake propaganda ideology created by kikes to keep people away from the truth about NS. Neo Nazis are brainlets who bought into the kike lie.
>Nazis are bad!
>I'm bad!
>I'm a Nazi!
NS is banned because it's the one ideology they actually fear

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Hitler knew Stalin was going to stab his back first and preempted.

But I agree he made a huge mistake ever trusting a Jew.

>What is democratic socialism
What Trotsky tried to implement in Russia since 1905.
>other than fascism with a different coat of paint on it? Look at the levers of power they use, and the bread and circuses used. It's the same fucking thing.... They just rebranded fascism with a globalist leaning instead of a nationalist leaning.
This is what peak stupidity looks like. Get a good look at him boys, there's a lot like him here, a whole big heap of idiots, but he's the best.

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A socialist who is not lying about being socialist is a little more easy to deal with than a socialist who does all the socialist shit, but then swears it isn't socialism, and wont change the name of his meme ideology away from socialism.
It's like you cucks are promoting NatSoc as a dialectic exercise or something.
Goebbels a shit propagandist in 21st century terms.

wow user, look at those short strawman explanations of the ideologies that you don't like and a long carefully worded detailed explanation of yours. Totally unbiased. 10/10

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Again with the no true free market fallacy. You're just drawing a line in the sand and saying that anything that doesn't meet your stringent criteria must instead be whatever you say it is. It's dishonest and you have to stop it.

>does all the socialist shit
Name such occurrences. If you don't, then apologize for talking out of your ass.

swastika is part of a religion started by blacks in africa, hitler stole it because he's an unoriginal fuck
sorry to ruin your larp

> all competition is like golf and team sports don't exist

My team will ruin any national socialist team.

this thread.

Bruh it's right there in the fuckin name.

The Reich was allied with Italy and Japan, among others.
I have also wondered why supporting the white race requires supporting a totalitarian ideology that was not particularly long-lived. I think different white nationalists should be free to develop their own unique ideologies and political organization, rather than being tethered to a single ideology.

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>declare war on the entire world
>get btfo

>no examples
So if you have integrity and decency, and if you care about the truth, then you'll apologize. If you're a sophist, then you'll ramble incoherently about how expecting facts is evil.

White Nationalism is so cringe. Pan-Germanic is the way to go.

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You are a discord trannie neet who can't even bigbrain for long enough to define a simple word socialism, yet insists on promoting socialism. I can't expect you to understand more complex stuff like free markets and voluntary interactions...it's not for you.
I would never apologize to a socialist.

You can only fit a small amount of words on one image. The fact is NS brought Germany from breadlines to a happy prosperous country. The teenage girls who were forced to sell their bodies to foreigners were given purpose again and were the celebrated future mothers of Germany. NS is an ideology based on nature, that's why it can't be argued with and that's why they ban it

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