Imagine a world without Subhumans

No Jews, No Americans, No Slavs, No treacherous Anglos, No Niggers...

A world solely inhabited by Germans.
Yes, that is what heaven is like.
What could have been.
The next time you are annoyed at the state of the world, about niggers and jews, just remember, it did not need to be this way, the existance of your ancestors, therefore, your existance caused this.

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Even Israel can destroy you

ok joomer

this but with finnish people

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germans are a fucking poison

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>not subhumans

i'd rather have slavs and anglos
no americans niggers and kikes though

Reminder us Wends dominated Saxony. Remember it was the Franks who helped us.

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No thanks, I'd probably be the polish/slavic potatoe field nigger, picking crops barefooted for the german and english ubermensh in such a world.

Being of average ability, it's at least nice to have the drooling retards and completely basketcases to look down upon when I go to my menial mediocre job every day; while the germans/french/english instead call me a polish plumber while making literal shit posts about me fucking tiger anus with my uncircumcised cock.

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>world full of G*rmans
Your women would still fuck brown cock daily Hans. G*rmans are the most degenerate cuckolded peoples to ever walk this planet (right below kikes)

Imagine a world without subhuman krauts constantly destroying Europe and killing millions of whites

this but with Albanians only

>no Slavs
>creates 2 Slav states during le Reich

you're full of shit

The assassination of Reinhard Heydrich was necessary to ensure the survival of Slavdom, they had to change tactics after that.

Just remember the next time you post about the jews and their doings, how they ruin this entire planet, from North to South Pole, it wasn't the people that you descend from that revolted and rebelled against them.
No, your ancestors did their bidding and willingly threw themselves at us in an effort to keep them in power.
You deserve what is happening to you.
It could have been different.

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>No Slavs
We allied with slovakia, croatia, bulgaria

I actually wonder what italians had planned with them

Germans are all pathetic degenerates that should been wiped off the map at least three times already for ruining Europe and setting white people back hundreds of years

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Was killing off 75 million white people part of your plan? Idiot.

What about white Americans that believe in national socialism? Not everyone is a mutt over here

why don't you just kys Calogero ?
You are the scourge of the earth.

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At least post the gif.

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Yes let the world be inhabited solely by people who invented a special toilet shelf for inspecting their own shits.

>Imagine a world without Subhumans
We wouldnt be having this thread right now.

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>Vargtard with Christian memeflag
That’s new

Imagine World without kr*uds

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>no subhumans
Which is it kraut

this but with ibereans

Germans truly are sick and all have a poop fetish.
Maybe all Germanics, after all varg loves talking about his dry toilet. He thinks sewage systems and aqueducts are degenerate kek

>no jews
go fuck yourself

I wonder...

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The west would be colonizing mars right now if it wanst for subhumans keeping it down.

I rather imagine world without human at all, way more peaceful

no. Burgers are by far the most cucked

You are correct Hans. You tried to save us but we failed Europe. What Britain and America did in WW2 was the greatest mistake in history.

ok ecofash

lurk moar

Thats what you get for killing Rudolf Hess. Uncle Adolf wanted peace with you.


It's literally so the water doesn't splash your asshole.
This is the sort of high culture we in America will never experience.

your country is the disgrace that ruined everything

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>No slavs
Sure even though most Germans have a ton of slavic blood in them.

Only like 5 percent of this board is a retarded Nazi. Any answer why you needed to kill millions of whites?

I wouldn’t be alive in that world. I’d be in some mass grave

>No americans
>no niggers
>no jews
>No treacherous Anglos

Why not just say no Americans?

>Any answer why you needed to kill millions of whites?
we didn't

They couldn't build this Berlin. The ground was not hard enough to hold super structures.

Why? What sort of degenerate subhuman are you?

prolly a niglet

A world full of overpriced unreliable cars and men who wear socks with sandals.

Sounds like paradise.

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What a beautiful, orderly parade.

Reminder that if you're anti-Nazi, you're pro-Jew chaotic degeneracy.

>No Slavs
It would be a very boring world

>yes if everyone else in Europe just surrendered to us then we wouldn’t have to kill them


please go to

>overpriced unreliable cars and men who wear socks with sandals

Isnt this the quintessential American dream?
>literal car brands that only produce cars that serve ostentation purposes, while being a wreck for the environment
>men with socks in sandals is literally the "American boomer" stereotype we have here in Europe

...he said in English, having lost the war.

based false flag thread

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>No Slavs
>It would be a very boring world

What would the world be without its brothel right?
I mean, where would the Turks, Arabs and Chinese go to get cheap prostitutes if not in good old hoholgrad?

Imagine a world full of people like this being slaves to their blockhead ugly wives.

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american cars are usually cheaper. European brands usually are more for the ostentation, everyone knows american cars suck ass

>No treacherous Anglos
Sounds like a boring fucking world to me.


>danzig voted to join us polan gib danzig corridor pls
Damn warmongering germs

What kind of obese freak are you that the toilet water splashes your giant rear? And no, it’s to inspect the feces.

This picture just needs Carl Marx

The "comprehension" part of reading comprehension entails understanding what was written

>European brands usually are more for the ostentation

This started in the late 90s when stupid American racing culture started getting traction here. Until then most German, French and Italian brands produced reliable family oriented vehicles.
Unfortunately the Germans started picking up on the American model of overpricing plastic filled electronics that break every half mile.

racing culture is cool, i like vroom

Most of this thread is D&C posters, from OP pretending muh Germo-globe was ever a real plan to the replies calling Germans a poison (like this faggot pretending Karl fucking Marx isn't a kike ) to shills pretending Yas Forums is conservative.
We are in this hell world because jews pitted our ancestors against one another, and here they are trying to do it again.

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>t. 50% monkey 50% moor

they are so powerful 200IQ master manipulators controlling the poor white men

>No slavs
It would be boring as fuck with effeminate men and ugly ass sluts always 1 slav > 10 germanics

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