Evening lads, nice l8 comfy bread

>One-off payments for welfare recipients in $15b coronavirus stimulus package

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Other urls found in this thread:

>not late night edition


It was the JEWS who implemented the Race Discrimination Act of 1975 by means of subterfuge

It was the JEWS who lobbied the government to implement 18C and it was the JEWS who prevented it's repeal

It's the JEWS lobbying for an increased refugee intake and ultimately responsible for the Sudanese crime wave

It's the JEWS who are pushing a big Australia and even more unassimilable refugees

It's the JEWS making a bunch of money off property development while pushing mass immigration to drive it

It's the JEWS pushing left wing ideas in influential left wing periodicals

It was the JEWS who represented Eddie Mabo and gave away 10% of Australia to the Abos

It's the JEWS running the anti-white ABC

Malcolm Fraser exposing Jewish power in Australia and saying they deliberately bombed the USS Liberty

If you're an Australian Yas Forumsack, reading this is mandatory if you want to have any idea what's going on at all

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you guys really need to man up and start breeding. the stars are our birth right. me we will need hand to reach out and take them

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Here's me loot.
Not pictured:
water, fuckloads of it
water filters
dog food
camping supplies / equipment
4wd supplies / equipment
all sorts of emergency lighting
a fair few power banks to store a bit of power for charging devices

still working on:
solar power + car battery for some back up power

no garden to speak of, conditions here are too hot and dry to grow anything

no body cares what youve got in your cupboards, take that shit to faceberg you normie faggot

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Lmao you pathetic, pumpkin spiced latte sipping poofs from Melbourne never fail to make me laugh with your Spandex suits for pushbike riding and chaining yourselves to rotisserie slaughter houses thinking it won't hurt a human.

Face it, Tradies and Bogans are infinitely more successful and happy than any faggot that lives in a city will ever be.
You are on the wrong side of history, get over it losers

Kids are a pain in the arse, mate.

I've got plenty of white nephews and nieces, I don't feel the need to get involved with raising kids for the next two decades +

>muh white race
honestly, I don't think that's a good enough reason to devote two decades of my life to something, I've got other hobbies

>the stars are our birthright
I agree, but I don't think popping out kids is going to get us there any faster

Look man, I usually cop a lot of flack when I say how much I don't want to have kids. But they're a fuckload of responsibility, they cost a fuckload of money and ... I just don't think they're worth the effort.

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it's actually the big one
the happening

Hey did Metho run guy ever tell us what he wants a bunch of metho for?

Then you post that shit pasta. Honestly go back to plebbit and then kill yourself

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yeh all are Russian operatives, I don't fucking belive you're aussies. fuck ya! suka blyat idi nahui

But tradies are mostly braindead normies.
What a fucking irrelevant career and identity.
Fuck i can't wait until 3d printing makes manual trades irrelevant.
Then jobs that require actual talent will only exist. Hopefully all of the normals will die off due to there no longer being low IQ tier jobs (like trades lmao). Then the race war might actually happen.

He got herpes from sucking off his arab boyfriend.

What do you rekon they spoke about in the hall way

Sweet imma get a payout from the fires and corona gonna dump it straight on my car and dump epic skids with my supercharger ls1
Based mad max neets rising up
Also V6 a shit and fuck gm

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Hey Ryan, why are you married to a tranny?

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privjet comrade vladimir

Haha yeah good question. Cant imagine there was much small talk going on.

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Who here /cheeze tv dinilli denilly den de denilliy/

privet comrade Ivan, dont break our legend, tovaritsch

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I still remember cheeze TV on 911 got cancelled still pissed.
Those cunts stream vidya now seem based still

Not only that, this guy has larped in other threads as wanting six children, without realising the average cost of raising a kid from birth to 18 is $300,000 in Australia. Where's he going to pull $1.8 million from? He's gunning for centrelink payments, so they'll all end up derri drop kicks anyway.

By the way this 20 year old acts I seriously doubt he's prepared to be a father, or has the worldly knowledge to implant a meaningful upbringing on his kid.

When will the start enforcing self quarantine. I would like to take two weeks off work.

You cunts got anything left of our space program, or did you sell it all as scrap to the chinks?

is russian hard to learn i am unironically deciding between learning ruski and germigrant

Anyway, I'm off to bed. Night

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Ok. Lets talk hypothetically. Say every non 4channer on earth suddenly vanishes. Like in thin air. And we really do inherit the earth. What kind of society do we make? Also how do we reproduce? Girls don't browse Yas Forums.

30 years old virgin here should I just hoard neet payments here and go jizz in some wamen os? Women here never put out despite my efforts and it's depressingly boring here.
Once my mom dies ill just go os and never come back life here is fucked no jobs constant fires floods now horrific mismanagement of a once in a century flu virus

This is beyond clown world
And raise more tax dollar drones for this shitty banana Republic? No thanks cunt.
Gen a is brain dead I shudder to think what my kids would be like either home school them like I was or not have them

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Fuck off faggot mutt

if you follow these rules it's not hard, really

but if you want speak fluent, that's much-much harder. but, learning Russian you're opening the whole different world of imformation, learning german - you don't

Like in lost leftovers it would be a comfy neetscape
I'd welcome it I literally don't get on with anyone else and by sheer coincidence I do their usually from sa/Qld and ex/current Yas Forums fags even if I meet them irl or on discord vidya or what have you
Do u get paid for that if you a neet like me? I don't give a fuck about wagies
Ouch harsh mate chill out some seppos are ok

>What kind of society do we make? Also how do we reproduce? Girls don't browse Yas Forums.
Seriously, bro, there will be so much buttsex. It will be fucking excellent. We don't even need to reproduce. Or maybe test tubes can do that for us.

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I don’t want to bed. I want to stay up firvehternity drunk. Night time is the best time, everyone is asleep.

How bad is the virus in Perth?
Can any other perth anons provide input?
I've been out of the loop for a fortnight

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>Do u get paid for that if you a neet like me? I don't give a fuck about wagies
There's already a stimulus package that's going to be giving NEETs on Newstart one off payments as well as small businesses being given up to $25k tax write offs per staff member to incentivise them to keep casuals in smal and medium size business.
I work for a major company. They've started talking about measures to get people able to work from home but I imagine anyone that intends to self quarantine and not work will have to use their annual leave entitlements. If they gave each employee and extra week annual leave that would be appreciated but doubt they'd do it.

Confirmed dsp and others will get the bennies as well
Speaking of why don't wagies just all work from home? Telecommuting took off everywhere but here and seems comfy as

Brb gonna go fap to fat bbw milkers and hyper dicks

>Speaking of why don't wagies just all work from home?
It hasn't been given as an option at my employer. Not yet anyway. It's bullshit, there's literally no reason the job can't be done at home other than bullshit socialising and constant unnecessary meetings.

based cunt

So you’re telling me if I go on the centrejew I get a free 25k handout?

Fuck off kike.

Yeah I never got this either.
90% of jobs could be done from home but nope gotta waste 4 hours travelling to and from work breaks and other shit a day just to be forced to (socialise) with simp morons every day.

Can't wait to never enter the workforce again gonna go proper innawoods
If your employing a apprentice or trainee (Protip their all dropkicks so good luck also pays shit on their end so nobody sticks at it)
Cunts fucked if your not already on dsp or some such your rooted

9 confirmed cases, all externally infected, no internal infections detected at this point, even after that fucking Karen decided "Fuck Quarantine, Jaques got me tickets to WASO!"

>have flu like symptoms
Good bye, anons. I'm going to die because I'm not allowed to be racist and tell chinks to fuck off.


Fuck's sake. Why are ciggies so god-damn expensive?

No, not at all. That's what a small business employer is entitled to write off in tax towards salary. Basically gives them incentives to still pay employees in the event they're not working so they don't lose their jobs.

Cenno cut me payments again. Govt needs to fuck off and pay me money. Fuck society and fuck wage niggers. I dont owe anyone anything

I thought there was 18 +1 internal?

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>dont owe anyone anything
By that rationale society also does not owe you anything.

Sin tax, effectively.
Protip, you pay more in government excise than the whole market cost of the packet.

dude, just do the 20 jobs a month lmao

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It’s 40 now.

I'm only on 10 a month lmao
also you're missing out the extra $500 the government will give out

Well unless they want us to revert to criminality then yes they will owe us.

I get 2k a month and don’t have to apply fir any jobs. Feels good bro.

It was 9 at 6pm today according to the Radio Jew, it may have increased but if so I'm not aware.

based dsp chad

told a customer at work today that they have to get a raffle ticket from the front end if they want dunny paper. then they will draw two out of a hate and you have to fight the other customer. whoever wins gets toilet paper

Do we know whereabouts they're located?
I've started wearing masks in public to scare normies.

And then you snapped out of your daydream coom home and shit posted here

nah and then I waited till the managers went home at 5-6pm and started drinking at work