Pic related, Prince Andrew with Ghislaine Maxwell, probably the closest associate of Epstein (who happened to "die" on Tish A Bav with 33 days inbetween his indiction and "death")
We know CIA is involved in the childtrafficking for satanists due to instances like the silsby case connected to comet ping pong throgh some CIA lawyer that also is involved with some orphenage or ted gunderson talking about having evidence of a cia childtrafficking ring where the children are used for sacrifices So obviously Epstein too was one of those intellegence operations
Also on Maxwell mintpressnews.com/ari-ben-menashe-israel-relationship-jeffrey-epstein/263465/ On that link >gislaine maxwells father was (((former))) intellegence operative >suddenly starts a media empire that totaly isnt some propaganda Op by the same intelligence >funeral gets visited by 6 heads of the same intellegence service >totally didnt stay in the IC and there is no way his daughter got dragged into it as well
>Roastie 16 year olds getting knowingly fucked by rich men I don't care.
Caleb Moore
At the Alistair Crowley School for Perverts
Jaxson Peterson
all of my stuff in one posts sorted by subject
Crimes Symbolism Their believes and philosophical framework True Tinfoil stuff Kaballah Trivia Anime Vidya Music TV >implying this is the only case the royal family took his services >implying she was the youngest send there >implying the royal family ordering minor prostitutes from a well known child prostitute pimp isnt enough to hang the entire family >implying its not an issue that intellegence communities are involved in human trafficking and child prostitution you will get the rope too
youtube.com/watch?v=K2c1siCGv78 around 13 min states how his info about a CIA kidnapping ring is just ignored, and how the childs are used for sacrifices this is coming from this guy en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ted_Gunderson >Theodore L. Gunderson (November 7, 1928 – July 31, 2011) was an American Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent In Charge and head of the Los Angeles FBI. Doesnt mention Masons, but we know they are the ones active in the highest Echolons of the government, so guess who has the power to make the CIA kidnap children shut up the FBI Also youtube.com/watch?v=OTnN-8BDswI
Citing another user on germany: archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/209504658/#209544956 >i posted it allready in another thread its about a black metal neo pagan guy from germany, who killed a boy , a german varg virkernes if you like, and there is a documentary made about it from the 90s at 39:39 he gets arrested in william pearce hometown in virginia ,he was hiding at william pearces after fleeing germany) at a cafe he got arrested..look closer at the cafe. >so much for this shit >youtube.com/watch?v=IMQo4b2AGd4 pic related is the Cafe. Shows its internationally connected, and he, Hendrik Möbus, was also harbored by vocal anti-christian Dr. William Pierce
Some connections between Saturn and Satan. Where as Gods symbolism is around the Sun and light Saturn stands in Duality to this. In example in Alchemy the Sun is Gold, perfection, whereas Saturn is lead (base/ruin) Saturn being the planet the furthest away from the sun still visible with the naked eye, the furthest away from God. The 6th planet with the hexagon on its northpole forming the cube. (both satanic symbolism) Being in greek the embodiment of time and thus ultimately decay and death like Satan, is the source of sin with sin causing our death/mortallity. The 6s in its seal (pic related) The 6s encoded in the the Seal of Solomon (6 small triangles with 60° corners) and the hexagon. Sun is associated with Gold (perfection and the highest) in alchemy as Saturn is Lead (being in ruin and the lowest), polar opposites once again Saturn in Astrology is ruling the Karma which Buddhists say traps us in this world just like the Sin which Satan brought, brought us into this world
Pic related then shows clearly who their god is, Satan, this material world and their own ego. The square in pic related, which incorporates the origin of the Masons Logo is even associated with Saturn en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_square#Europe_after_15th_century
secret filming thats how they blackmail you, preferably get you drunk or drugged up, and then send a minor onto your room equipped with cameras which then starts trying to get you engage into sexual act which are filmed.
Did you know that Alefantis (whose restaurant features the Masonic Shriners Moon and star) has connections to a CIA lawyer connected to the Silsby case? youtu.be/P8urOO0d7n8 Original was deleted, but this features the clip at 16:45 Nora Maccoby talks about her growing up in an almost all CIA neighborhood making it very likely her family is involved in that as well.
Izette Folger Sister of Max and Nora Maccobie archive.is/e03eX >children: Anne Maccoby Berglof, Izette Folger, Nora Maccoby Hathaway, Max Maccoby.
Furthermore the "Friends of the Orphans" orphanage is the very same orphanage Laura Silsby took the children from when she was caught with 33 of them (pic related for more on this) archive.fo/ox7Fa >PUELLO: There was an orphanage that collapsed in Haiti. It was called friends of the orphans of Haiti. And there was somebody over there that told them that the orphans had no place, no room to place them.
tl;dr: this family with CIA background and connection to Alefantis have an awfull lot of connections to Childprotectionservices including the orphanage that Silsby got the children from. Silsby was also scrubbed from the AlertSense website so you dont see her working there anymore. really makes you think
Just realized i posted the wrong text to that pic This is in front of the IRS building 5000 Ellin Road. you see for once he 2 pillars boaz and jachin, symbolizing the sun and the moon, famous freemason imagery. also probably representing the 2 temples (like the twintowers were too)that got destroyed on tisha bav, a jewish holiday associated with destruction of their 2 temples and other misfortunes. the 2 pillars are seperated in 13 parts. In Base 12 mathematics ancients used across the world and is still used today (12 inches in a foot, 12 months in year, 2 times 12 hours a day, 12 Zodiacs, etc.) 13 is the end of the old and a beginning of the new (world order?) Also there is also the 13th zodiac being the serpent bearer en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiuchus like the serpent in garden eden.
The pillars are black and white, symbolizing the duality of good and evil, as above so below etc. with the hands doing the as above so below gesture even.
The pyramid is a symbol of hierachy. Also in old times they thought the gods live on the mountains, so people build their own mountains (zygguraths/pyramids) to reside upon them with themselves being the capstone, the all seeing eye overlooking their realm In this case on the pyramid is written „we the people“ together with the constitution on the black part, the white capstone on the other hand, the top of the hierachy, the godlike elite is seperated from the constitution and its rules, literally above it