Salon article about Russian influence on Yas Forums

>Russian operatives use Yas Forums to urge “white nationalists to more aggressively spread hate messages,” officials say

Who here /Russia/? I got a pretty sweet and full proof Irish IP. Makes tricking these westerners easy. How about you?

Also, don't fear reprisals comrades. They won't believe us anyway. It's Al satirical, right? ;)

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Other urls found in this thread:

>It's Al satirical, right?
All satirical, I meant. English is still occasionally tricky for me! Haha

Haha Ivan. I am pretending to be white supremacist neonazi as well. How do Jew do? Hahahaha

Clearly rhetorical question. Obviously they spread degeneracy everywhere they go.

Da, Pidoruska here, privyat tovarishch

Bunch of bullшit you goyim fell for

>more aggressively spread message
Lmao. I openly say to go out and kill all shitskins.

Didn't read article, but there's clearly a lot of russian' shills here.

it is true comrade

This article made me very laugh
sure Putin is clever and sexy man, but even such genius cannot be making rabbit jump through the window, fellow stupid American pigs


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>full proof

Thats bullshit

Top russian agents like pewdiepie control this board cyka blyat.

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no friend this is propaganda please can yдaлять this lie post?

this is disgusting racist russophobia, remember, over 25 millions Russians died in WW2 saving the world from Hitler
Salon nazis should be sued for hatespeech

Vladimir Putin is such a great leader, I wish he ruled my country. Handsome too, what a chad.

Remember, misdirection is the very first trick in the book. The normies will buy it but we definitely will not. Remember the Hal Turner raids, where it was proven that white supremacist ecelebs get their talking points literally from the FBI? Remember the printed glowie documents of their operative posting among us and pushing the Russia narrative?
This is what they do - they do it first, then misdirect their act against their rivals so as to defend themselves by putting these rivals first in the line of fire.

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Blyat!! They’re on to us comrades!

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I want papa Putin to pay me rubles so I can still for him :3

Pass the vodka comrade


Russia is entirely behind BernieBros too.

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We know and it hasn’t happened and never will. Instead you got more red pilled Russian goys. Good job exposing yourselves losers.

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Yes, I'm a Russian operative, give me your elections.

I am of American traveling at Russia. Very good people in Russia and we America must kill all non-white people da.

- an American

>Saving the world from hitler
You mean saving jews from hitler.
And what a world it's become.
I could of had a vacation home in the rings of Saturn.

>Yas Forums
>white nationalists
lmfao who wrote this article ? i'm guessing one of those long nose people

Sounds legit to me.

I'm currently downloading the 2020 election from the servers as we speak.

Da, friend are you russia too? Potato vodka borscht cyka blyat

CYKA BLYAT! They caught us, comrades!

Alright I'll give you a insider info about us Russian agents. We were airdropped and given fake I'ds to meddle with the elections don't tell anyone ok.


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Oh no, they found out! Abandon the ship!

Da, komяade. And your one of us.

Wait, I thought they spent 6 years now saying that Yas Forums is a handful of anime nerds masturbating to drawings in our moms' basements.

Also, bonus reminder that Russia spent like 300k dollars on facebook ads in the 2016 election and magically stole it for Trump, but Bloomberg spent 500 million and got one delegate. How is it that nobody is accusing Bloomkike of trying to steal an election with half a billion dollars and why was he unsuccessful?

How do I get my check

FFS If the shoe fits you stupid fucking niggers.

I'm a russian bot. At least I have been told so.

Vlad already knows your address comrade. You'll get an envelope soon. It'll either be your check, or a shit load of Anthrax. Good luck!

>Russian operatives use Yas Forums to urge white nationalists...
hello-hello my fellow operatives

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also mates, I urge you all to use Russian vpn so all those sub 80 IQ moros thought 4ch is really full of Russian operatives.

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how do I tell if I am a russian bot?
I dont feel botty

That became obvious to me years ago. About 5 to 6 yeara ago, I randomly started reverse image searches on random boards, including Yas Forums. Many of the images lead back to russian image boards. Ivan is unironically everywhere.

This retardation again. "words are violence!" fuck off faggots.

>Russia trying to incite violence
>Russian operatives use Yas Forums to urge “white nationalists to more aggressively spread hate messages”
"hate messages" are violence now

Putin doesn't pay me well enough to get a private VPN.

look this Russian operative mimicing as American, might be usifull for all travelers in / to Russia

'Russia' has just become the byword for 'we've lost control of the narrative' in the past few years.
People talking openly online, sharing information and brianstorming has been increasing the threat level to the elites yearly.
Blaming people waking up on Russia is an attempt to legitimize authoritarian actions to shut down open communication on the internet in the eyes of NPC normies, national security and other government drones.

Oh yeah I am definitely a Russian Bot doncha know? Beep boop, beep beep boop. Gib $oro$ bucks plox, insert girder. USA bad, we need to be replaced. Denying the holohoax should be a crime. Wyte pipo bad. By the way, this technique is called pigeonholing, attempting to get your enemy to take their controlled opposition. Anyone still thinking this shit is about muh Russia is probably just Hillary strategists trying to pull them back to her.

Okay just being real, UN soldiers are going to get shot at. Even if they're white, even if they're Russian. America has always been the biggest "fuck you" to the rest of the world. Been trying to disarm us forever now. When Jackson said he beat the banks, he only did so for his generation. Now, things are much worse. People forget this history, because they propagandize American history so you hate it instead of love it. The United States
>“Either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.” - Nathan Mayer Rothschild
And so, part of the reason for keeping America in constant war, is way to circumvent the founder's aversion to keeping a standing army. If we're always at war, we need a standing army, and so ever since they've funded every single conflict against us. But also funded us, eventually. 1913 came and went, and the wars ramped up. This is about the same time a bunch of Russian Jews came to America, isn't it? Well then, there's yer "Russia" connection. Wow the more you dig, lol.

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seriously though I spent my whole childhood being picked on because my mom was russian. They used to blame me for having to hide under desks during air raid drills. Worked out ok I guess I learned how to fight pretty well.
Amazing how its ok to be racist to russians in america.
fuck most americans, btw

This is agree. Same with here.

let me tell you about russian interference, you'll be jerkin' off for the 40th time today to some russian slut in a nice looking set in some video thinking hey maybe ivan not so bad, if he'll let me gut fuck his sister like that maybe we could work together toward world peace, team up and fight aliens that we grow together in a lab or some such, but then some ivan faggot on this shithole will say haha get fucked burgers and the cold war resumes, MAD, masturbation and dementia, just fuck my chicken and polish those turds the hunt is over. Can't damn jack off for commie interference.

stupid burgertards must make up their mind: either russians are drunk hiv ridden mongol rapebabies worthless nation with GDP less than Italy or Texas (which is true btw) OR ... russia is an omnipotent super-nation that can meddle in usa (supposedly strongest nation on earth) without leaving any trace

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They are a parody of themselves. Who believes this shit? Blyat!

How the fuck would they know?

Блять, нac cпaлили, пocoны!

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>that russian janny who banned anyone who said shit about russia on Yas Forums
it was obvious long ago, but Yas Forumstards havent been out of their shithole to notice

o b v i o u s l y

the constant churn here is obvious captain

>America has always been the biggest "fuck you" to the rest of the world
Only when it benifited Israel. Gratz on your big fuck you to Europe and invasion of Iraq on behest of the people who commited the biggest terror attack in your history. MURICA FUCK YEAH

>officials say

why would you out us like this, comrade? blyat, this is not good forrm. I am having to be reporting this.

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Why would ruskis try to spread political discord on an amateur hobbyist birdwatching forum?

Personally, I embraced my vodka drinking broskis.

зaткниcь, cyкa! 30 лeт гyлaгa. кoмиccap!

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Ramius reporting in

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"Russian trolls" are the shitlib version of black helicopters.

Russia will make whole world into right wing extremists!

Russian shills, Jew shills, glow nigger shills, leftie shills, government shills, even Iran shills and a loooot of retards.

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jannies can not ban yeh stupid newfag cunt

probing glownigger responses probably.
The glowniggers were here far longer than any Ivan.

I wish I was Russian
does that count?

they just can't conceptualize people who disagree with them. And they're still stuck two paradigms back, where the Russians were the big bad evil boogeyman.
but of course, I'm a Russian shill. so obviously discard everything I say.

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пpивeт ФCБ aнoн

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shut up u faggot cunt, go suck putins dig

no, it makes you californian
btw it justifies for you to move there because of it
go ahead Jose, not like it could get any worse there

>If you don't like all this leftist shit then you are a russian!

The claim of "Russia" is an outright lie. Pure propaganda from 2016 and beyond that the establishment and media are too desperate to let go. As with the lies of WMDs in Iraq the spark of the "Russia" lie from the US "Intelligence" community will lead to a massive lose of trust in the US government and media

They are doing nothing but digging themselves an even deeper hole that they will never be allowed to crawl out of. They have lost control of the narrative and the only thing that remains to to make nebulous claims of "Russian interference". It has not worked for the last few years and will not work going forward

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Why if I go to Instagram and type in Yas Forums almost everything is in Russian? Just curious.

Putin's what?

>Actually thinking 2020 Yas Forums is anything than oldfag redditors that abandoned reddit after the facebook-cification from the flood of hyperNormies that happened the last 3 years

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Hello this is American Burger speaking, reminder to preheat ovens to 550F before gassing kikes or you will get wet kosher salt all over and corrode your oven.

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> not like it could get any worse there
> flag
Checked and kekd

Moгy я вcтpeтитьcя c твoeй cecтpoй?

I think they gauged that the public was fatigued with middle eastern boogeymen so they had to go after an ebil white man to fit with the times and the social narrative in the US.

Stay mad faggot, your country is run by a former KGB agent, and le revolution was entirely communist Jews. You can't even dispute the events of the holocaust, it's illegal. Lol.

Right, so it's russia encouraging white nationalists to out themselves to the USGov, not glowniggers themselves. Unfortunately the precedent indicates otherwise.

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>the Russians made me do it
Will this defense hold up in court?

Our national board is captured by Islamic subhuman, we are all forced emigrants here

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Reddit was always full of normies. And for using such a shit site, please report to the Gulag please Ivan. I shall be waiting.

in my experience people who migrate form here always step down a couple of steps in the social ladder
I'm already lazy as fuck doing what I do, don't want more work so I'm just staying here

>Russia jew'd
>So America not jew'd

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Russia a kleptocratic shithole which doesn't produce anything except oil, arms and HIV cases. It's unreal how much you retards will shill for that dysfunctional hellhole when actual Russians with triple digit IQs can't wait to leave there.

At this point their desperation for propaganda to take the media network's viewers attention away from the failed policies of the US government and crumbling of the political narrative that allowed the political establishment to remain in control for decades has gone to the extremes

You are correct in that they need a boogeyman and "Putin along with his nebulous white nationalist nazi Russian hackers" are all they can put together to get them through. It is a goddamn disgrace

Paid to shitpost.. dream job

Yeah it's the Russians who filled my hometown with pakis...

>Not happy with my mail order bride
Oh, must have been a dud, just order another one user.

We are all KGB agents trying to influence the USA 2020 elections without getting paid for it.
Cyka blyat cheki breki.

Kill nigs
Bottom text.

Na it’s just us white Americans


Soyuz nerushimy respublik svobodnykh!

Умм? Я нeт чилл

>Our national board is captured by Islamic subhuman
It's actually run by one

Only if you're a democrat

intargam is also full of russian operatives, obviously

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Hold on Igor, they will not stop the glory of Soviet Russia.

hello comrades where is the party