Just like how Pharisees attacked Jesus (((they))) attacked Bernie. He could've freed us from the debt jew and took down the pharmaceutical industry. All you ironic Biden shills need to realize that yesterday was the obituary for the working class in America.
Bernie Sanders was our Last Hope
yah nah cunt
wish I knew you in real life so I could tell you what a worthless faggot you are.
Jesus was a kike too faggot, just like Bernie he stood up to the synagogue of Satan
fuck off retard. this old faggot is a kike get out of here.
like do you redditors really think we're as stupid as you are? fuck off nobody here is voting for this autistic kike
Kike is a slur that means Non-Christian lol wtf
No, the old commie kike isn't going to save you and bring your hourly wage to 15 an hour of which you would never, ever achieve on your own merit.
So, Bernie is Jesus now. OP is a confirmed faggot.
>freed us
Every non retard is debt free.
you are a 50 iq r*ddit transplant NPC.
Jesus stood against everything kikes do, his blood was of no consequence.
Don't talk about Jesus you satanic kike lover. If I even heard a subhuman like you say this shit in real life I guarantee you would never be able to talk again.
We move on to project 19
>freed us from the debt jew
I got a college degree without taking on any debt thanks to scholarships and smart money management.
>The word kike was born on Ellis Island when there were Jewish migrants who were also illiterate (or could not use Latin alphabet letters). When asked to sign the entry-forms with the customary "X", the Jewish immigrants would refuse, because they associated an X with the cross of Christianity. Instead, they drew a circle as the signature on the entry-forms. The Yiddish word for "circle" is kikel (pronounced KY - kel), and for "little circle", kikeleh. Before long the immigration inspectors were calling anyone who signed with an 'O' instead of an 'X' a kikel or kikeleh or kikee or, finally and succinctly, kike."
It's because the satanic bloodsucking parasites can't even see the symbol of the cross without going into convulsions.
>Why didn’t you vote for this literal Jew to stop the Jews
Imagine thinking Bernie is anything but a pawn for the establishment. He never, EVER does what it takes to win, he never attacked Clinton or Biden hard enough. His only purpose is to make a bit of noise during the primary, then drop out and endorse the establishment.
Good for you
You are from reddit. "Kike" means anti-Christian. Has nothing to do with jews outside of the fact they are the biggest anti-Christian. If niggers all the sudden hated christianity, and worked to subvert Christ, they'd be kikes too.
Learned something
Bernie is a Jew.
Don’t you dare compare that filthy kike cuck to Ron Paul
Let me guess, you're a retard who got yourself into a bunch of debt for college?
kill yourself kike. Christ will return and skin you all alive and boil you in shit for eternity.
Ron Paul loved consumerism and muh free markets and legalize heroin. Bernie actually stood up against the elite and everyone shilled to take him down
Retard pedo-ring church worshipper spotted.
He's only the last chance for the people who refuse to support him funny enough. Coronavirus is going to destroy the older population while floods will destroy Florida, the keystronghold for retired oldies. Trump's terrible management of this disease and his fund cuts for disaster relief have all but sealed their fate. We'll have a much easier time in 4 years without them.
because the troll farm cyber force is being commanded by the king of the codependents.
that slouch means he's trying to be mr.cool hip hop don't stop america b-boy number one electric boogaloo but really he is trying but a finicky wild card.
the ncm and weather underground operations are what were doing global social damage. google codependency and high demand groups.
That actually happens.
Nope I am a pipefitter who has a cousin who has epilepsy that got really bad 3 years into college and got jewed out of credits because of hospitalization and graduated with massive school and some medical debt.
just know the whole world hates jews and your time is coming to an end.
Spread the good word user
>A Jew wanting to share the wealth is comparable to Jesus
Yeah I could see that
Life is risky and unfair, user. Welcome to it.
There's still hope.
>nobody here is voting for this autistic kike
And nobody outside Redditsphere either
Tell your cousin inbetween seizures to pay his debts.
Vote with your last breath
Kek classic muh times coming larp
Go home Bernout.
Cope more kike. 110 countries soon. Whites don't want you, spics dont want you, and niggers hate you more than anyone. Wait until evangelicalism dies and people stop thinking Israel is needed for Jesus' return. Then you are nothing but animals waiting to be culled.
it's not over and this universe we are in has been min-max'd for narrative ham, which is why everything acts itself out in such a melodramatic way that we would call it unrealistic if it were a scripted drama.....the comeback will arrive after Biden has reached 49% of delegates
>Hillary has better odds of getting nomination than bernie
>its not over!!
God if there is anything worse than a jew, its a chink
+global socialism taking over, the dream was beyond
>Actually thinking that the globojoos would let a candidate that doesn't sign to them ever win anything.
Beenie got dabbed on last night. Couldnt even beat senile old uncle Joe. What a useless old flatfooted bumbling commie retard. I'm now Ridin with Biden.
I'm #RidinWithBiden. Stay mad faggot
>Working class
This is what's wrong with you idiots. You think you NEED Socialism. That's false. Socialism enslaves the working class by making their entire existence about labor and work. Man is more than just a worker. Socialism just binds man to a materialistic outlook on life. Hence why you will always lose in the long run. I just hope this will be the final nail in the coffin of the long dead Marx.
Lolwut? Bernie wanted to take the central government and greatly expand it thus bringing about a control system that not even most Democrats would favor. That's what his philosophy is. You leftists are just dupes who wanted to build the chains that would shackle your fellow countrymen.
Brainlet detected.
>Be Marxist
>Call someone else a brainlet
Uh Bernie is a jew, did you know that?
Bernie IS the debt jew. You've been fooled.
Bernie was the Bar Cocab (false messiah) Revolt, you loon.
You will NOT turn Bernie Sanders into Ron Paul. Get the fuck out of here, reddit. This is an exercise in futility and you look more and more silly everyday you to come to Yas Forums, coping over Biden thrashing Bernie's lifeless kike body. Ron Paul hates people like Bernie, user. That's why you will cucked by RIDIN WITH BIDEN and Hilldawg...forever
You can still vote for him during the election. That'll show the dnc!
I missed the part where the Central Bank was up for a true audit, with the owners and their addresses being told to every poor man on earth. You don't rebel against your Jew Masters by continuing to use their money system.
>80 year old commie kike that rips of poor people for donations is our last hope