Goebbels’ 105-year-old secretary: ‘No one believes me now, but I knew nothing’

>She was sentenced to five years’ incarceration in various Russian prison camps in and around Berlin. “It was no bed of roses,” is all she will say about that time. It was only when she returned home that she became aware of the Holocaust, she insists, referring to it as “the matter of the Jews”.

no holocaust



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When the war ended, Allied side rewrote history and fabricated a lot of things. What's new?

Everyone knows the holocaust is fake

here ya go, BUMP!!

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watch it. you might summon the french kike

is it so out of the realm of possibility that your noble germanic soldiers massacred a defenseless people? germans were barbarians (still are) that sacked rome, how quickly we forget?

some kikkes got shot on the eastern front but no systematic gassings and shut like that.


logistics newfriend. watch and learn


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clever rebuttal

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most jews were killed by the locals once the nazis took over. history is written by the victors.

Lurk moar newfag

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If they did, they would have done it more efficiently. The holocaust is absurdly lavish, expensive, and time consuming way to kill people. It makes no sense.

Rome was completely degenerate at the time due to there christian masters, Rome could not even muster an army without the soldiers looting and raping the roman plebeians who actually welcomed the Goths due to their Honorable and kind nature

I will never understand people within the anglosphere defending germans, it literally boggles the mind..

what sort of fantasy land do you live in retard?
honorable and kind hahaha....fuck me..

I'd rather a Kraut than a Kike.
Regardless, truth is most high.

>Roman's pre-Christianity were not degenerate
>Goths "honorable and kind"
>Christians bad

Oy-Imean Oiu vey how dare you challenge the holocaust don't you know 6 billion died in it and all from gas showers!?

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probably because anglo Saxons are German you fucking brainlet

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maybe it is about defending truth rather then siding with your team

next to that, the Goths were Christians, arians maybe, but Christian nonetheless.
Ulfila n Gothic Bible n shiet, thanks to these Christians it's how we retained parts of the Gothic language

German is literally derived from a latin root meaning genuine you historically literate nigger

>Brennus is now German

Kippah too tight?

pagans were kid fuckers
if it weren't for Chr*stendom they would never have been civilized

Roman degeneracy started creeping in during the reign of Sulla but it was nothing compared to what took place later tranny kid emperors not even being able to raise an army due to corruption/greed all under the watchful eye of the Christian hegemony in Rome

LOL christian Romans literally made kids into unics for fuck toys

I don't understand what's going on in the mind of Holocaust deniers. What's their point?
Most of them would approve of getting rid of all Jews, but deny that it happened?

>is it so out of the realm of possibility that your noble germanic soldiers massacred a defenseless people?
Yes, as there is no evidence.
>germans were barbarians (still are) that sacked rome,
What does the the end of antiquity have to do with ww2 and the german state? Literally everyone tried to sack rome, only "barbarians" succeeded.

Absolutely retarded. Rome was falling centuries before Christianity became the state religion. Also the corrupt roman elite used the "barbarians" as cheap labor and mercenaries, just like today. Some things never change, user.
Christianity is what preserved that which was worth saving of Rome.

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Jews are the foremost power in the world today due to using the holocaust myth into browbeating pussy whites into giving them whatever they want.

Christianity has nothing to due with any of the past glories of Rome it's a fake story from levantine liars the same as the holocaust

It's due to the jews from judea which the senate let into power and race mixed with now Christianity.
That let to byzantine.

>i'm an anglo!
no, you're a jew.

>Christianity has nothing to due with any of the past glories of Rome
You're retarded. Christians are the ones who carried on what was worth keeping, often in monasteries. Also Roman law and statecraft were very respected in the middle ages.

>it's a fake story from levantine liars
What is? That Christian civilization succeeded those of antiquity?

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>.fuck me..
Be careful what you wish for.

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Byzantium was nominally Roman, practically Greek.
Are you claiming they were kiked? Which is funny because they kicked the kikes out.

I hope some of these people are still alive when the holohoax denial laws are removed

Essential viewing, the food crisis is the cause for why so many Jews died.

what did they preserve? the roman empire shrunk to nothing under this foreign religion.

Christianity did not beat the other civilizations they adopted it because they were polytheistic pagans they thought they would just make it their own which euros largely did Easter, Christmas etc. but for every good piece of euro culture that was built around it the faggot pope was always there to push the Jesuit agenda.

“But really, I didn’t do anything other than type in Goebbels’ office.”

the banality of evil
the arrogance of these krauts

Kill yourself

yeah this secretary was totally shoving kikes by the dozen into the ovens, your a fucking retard

Most people didn't know about the holocaust during the war, this doesn't disprove the fact that it happened

Holocaust happened, i am a fifth generation holocaust survivor and the screams of my ancestors haunt my sleep, you vile antisemites.

>death camps require no logistical support

just a typist
befehl ist befehl
105 and the self-awareness of a .. kraut, I guess
not the brightest bulbs

>what did they preserve?
Holy fuck, how ignorant are you? Everything that we still have. From texts to art to statecraft. You know, culture.
>the roman empire shrunk to nothing under this foreign religion.
The Roman empire degenerated centuries before, you absolute simpleton.
>Christianity did not beat the other civilizations they adopted it because they were polytheistic pagans they thought they would just make it their own which euros largely did Easter, Christmas etc. but for every good piece of euro culture that was built around it the faggot pope was always there to push the Jesuit agenda.
Can't you even write? Is english your first language, lol.

Stop getting data from retards like varg. European peoples converted, out of their own free will. Very little blood was shed compared to the tribal wars of extermination that preceded Christendom. The holidays are universal, not "pagan". And the pope is a gay invention, based on modified dogma, but there's basically no European culture divorced from Christendom.


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> and the screams of my ancestors haunt my sleep, you vile antisemites
That's your filthy inbred jew blood giving you hallucinations.

sorry i didn't realize you were Jewish
gas yourself worthless kike

This. Rockafeller Foundation publishes an “official” history of WW2 in 1946. A bit too soon after-the-fact to collect&compile research & facts, if you ask me.

lol very little bloodshed your are a true christcuck my friend nothing more to be said.

Delete this right now before i notify the ADL.

>"the eternal Anglo! The race consciousness! The ways of a people! Cultures and religions aren't made equal! Race is the nation!"-you on pol
>what?! What does RACE have to do with it? Just because not so long ago barbarian snow monkeys destroyed civilization? That doesn't reflect anything about us! Why do you have to be so racist? Blonde Nordic barbarians who raided Europe and invaded the greatest civ on olden times have nothing to do with their descendants! Take your meds schizo lololol" -also you on pol

The absolute rationalizations of the "master race"

Fr tho, nothing has made me more conscious of how inferior Germans are than surfing pol and meeti you guys, thank you frens.

Ok shlomo

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And most accusations of evil done by the Jews involve them typing up things to print in the media and working numbers on a balance sheet.

think you need a few more million years of evolution b4 you post again

Nice job responding, ignorant faggot.
I take it you've nothing to say on the other points.
>very little bloodshed
Yes. If you disagree, sauce, bro. Also don't forget the comparison to pre-christian bloodshed.

I just asked for evidence to justify post-war propaganda and you sperg out, lol.

If it was proven to be fake it would cause a real one.

I don't expect I'm going to make you reconsider your religion at this point and admit fault nor do I want you to because if you truly looked at the world without this lens of fantasy you would probably commit suicide user

Fpbp /thread


Open up, your favorite meal is ready. shlomo has to cum

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I worked with a obese 300 lb. man with pop bottle glasses who claims he was a special forces sniper in Kosovo and killed 50 people. Does that mean the war or ethnic cleansing over there never happened?

Piss off kike.

>hurrr TtAKE yOuR mEeEDs BABrr bAaSRR BbAARr bBaArr

yes, me making fun of you is me sperg in out, fucking low iq monkeys go draw yourself some eyebrows


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