Why is America so evil?

Feed the kids dammit!

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it's just niggers getting free food
who cares?

Lmao all these poor niggas shouldn’t be having kids if they can’t afford it

Not my fault women aren't in the home any more. You chose it, you deal with it.

>niggering niggers is all you need to know about Murrica
well, not quite, but it's better to be aware of it, indeed: obviously

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Let me guess...you're pro-life, right?

OMG I'm a nigger. Why isn't everything free and easy? America is so bad but I'm going to stay here and be a fucking nigger.

>We have a 1350 in progress at the bagel shop, please advise.

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Actually alot of us are pro-abortion.
Especially if its black

Nobody cares what a blue check marked nigger thinks.

Niggers need whitey to feed their 8 welfare kids because???

underrated code

What race is it?

because they're dumb and lazy


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Their parents should have made better life decisions. Maybe get a career that doesn't revolve around minimum wage.

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It's not like those niggers aren't already stealing shit from Pajeets coner store daily.

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maybe the should have gotten an abortion if they can't afford a kid.

Why should someone keep custody of their kids if they can't even afford to feed them?

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>ZOG mentality
Honestly I hope your entire country gets depopulated.

People gotta stop shitting out living things they can't take care of. Invest in some fucking condoms.

It's really over for Trump this time. He can't lie or meme himself out of a virus epidemic. Corona-chan doesn't care if he's president. America is going to get hit hard by the virus and I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE ALL THE LITTLE SMUG YANKS ON HERE GET BTFOO.
>Over 45% of Americans age 50 and over are clinically obese
>1/3 of Americans have no paid sick leave
>40% of American nurses are mothers and have no paid daycare
>Millions of Americans can't afford insurance or their insurance doesn't cover the costs needed for testing
>conspiracy retards everywhere that believe the moon landing was hoaxed, vaccines are dangerous, etc, etc, who won't listen to government advice and will spread the virus
Basically, America is going to get BTFO by its own ideology.
>we dun need no healthcare, no education, we got guns and freeeedumbs!!! *GETS REKT BY A VIRUS*

Yes, let us have all nurses stay home from work because school is closed.

Lets make sure no one can work in the n95 mask plants because kids are not at school.

Lets shut down the whole economy so that we starve and die


>Cant feed you own kids
Pathetic, please die from chinese flu.

When I spread my nigger legs,
Tyrone squirts my nigger eggs
With his monkey nigger sperm,
Like activator on a perm.

Then the baby comes along,
And I dance my dance and sing my song,
‘Bout how dis all be Whitey fault
Dat Tyrone in jail for assault!

So I needs dat welfare for dese kee-ids,
And to take care of all my needs!
Take care of me when Tyrone won’t,
Whitey damned if he do, damned if he don’t.

Seethe harder pollock

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That poor niggers should stop breeding like rabbits? Yep we know, but they keep doing it, this will clear them out.

Long live Covid19!

>feed the niggers


This tells me that you can be a retard and live way beyond your means and still have a nice life in America. Imagine if they lived in a country where you had to take responsibility for themselves.

Yeah it shows that America is nothing more than a welfare nanny system for hoards of subhumans and schools are just the prisons we stick them in until they're old enough for real prisons. I wish I still had that picture of the fat negress in a hospital bed and the caption said something along the lines of this entire wonderful modern world all exists simply to pump fried chicken in to fat niggers.

Welfare mindset, if the school will feed my kids then I can spend my money/ebt on other stuff.

It tells me that America is full of broke ass irresponsible people who become parents

Don't forget the free daycare called public school.

Most based shit I've ever read

Make you kid lunches for god sakes

It shows that our welfare state produces people who cant function in real life. The amount black women spend on hair and nails could feed an african village.

if you can't afford to have kids then don't have kids. literally no on gives a shit.

oh wow it's almost like the modern society we designed is so fragile that removing a single piece of it will completely destroy it.

>America is nothing more than a welfare nanny system for hoards of subhumans

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I agree it's sad and irresponsible those people had children they couldn't support, although in fairness Bad parenting happens world wide

Those welfare niggers already get paid from our taxes but they spend it all on alcohol and lottery tickets. That's why we had to start giving them food stamps in addition to cash, and they just buy junkfood with it.

Reminder: this is what America does. It uses unprecedented and unsustainable prosperity to import illegals to slaughter animals and fry their meat so that we can stuff it down niggers' throats until they're too fat to walk. It literally trains people in the cutting edge of math, science, finance and management to erect offshore platforms to suck up the carbonized remains of extinct species in order to provide the necessary fuel for the spic-nig cycle.
I guess I never really grasped the goal of civilization before. Why did Newton discover calculus? What are Maxwell's equations for? Why did Mendeleev deduce the periodic properties of elements? The answer to these and to all questions: to stuff nigs with fried meat until they become crippled from overeating, then to provide them with heroic medical care until they gracelessly expire.

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>1 post by this ID

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This shit again?
You mean they gotta spend their wic on the kids now! That's facism!

This. If you can't feed don't breed.


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>Make generations dependent on welfare and handouts
>Breed an entire lower class of people who rely on government money and taxpayer dollars to survive
>Spend decades screeching how it needs to expand or you're literally Hitler
>Now that the flow might tamper off it's still somehow white peoples fault, not anyone on your side for pushing for multigeneration welfare

Man, it's reasons like this we need to immediately legalize abortion.

>Implying we don't want a collapse

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Can I please get a youtube link to that? I'd love to read the comments

Yes, niggers should be responsible and not have kids. If they do they should be stuck watching it starve to death because dad left and mom couldn't break her crack habit

as always

All I’m getting here is that niggers can’t survive without free shit

>being anti-murder requires you to be pro-gibs
Never change leftards

All I see on YouTube right now is lazy kids begging schools to close. Pisses me off because logically, they're the least at risk age group, their parents probably aren't old enough to be at risk either. So of all the public buildings in the world, schools should be the last to close

America is literally a country where you can by a 700 kCal meal for $2. If you can't "afford" to feed your kid on $2/meal or $6/day, you are the problem. Not America.

Kids dont even get sick, so...

Diversity is weakness.

>they're the least at risk age group, their parents probably aren't old enough to be at risk either
they could still spread it though user

But Biden said he'd veto Medicaid or Medicare for all

Don't have kids you can't afford to feed.

Shut up pajeet