Dating site seeks to help ‘men with a smaller penis’ find love

>Dinky One is a matchmaking site that is “100% exclusive for men with a smaller penis and those who prefer one.”

>The dating site was developed to address the pressures men face in having a larger penis size while also acknowledging that some straight women and gay men prefer smaller phalluses. It claims too that “50% of the male population will have a penis less than average size.”

>The site states that the average penis size is 5.5 inches, so those who register must be smaller than this. It also welcomes those with micropenises, which it defines as “an erect size less than 3½ inches (9 cm).”

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5.5 is huge

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Hell yeah boys, we can all find love! :’)

Yes i have a chance!

Whats your size?

My +3 foresight stat is telling me this will turn into a cuckold distribution platform.

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Nobody is going to sign up for this.

haha I'm gonna get some pussy

>tfw 8 inch penis

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>TFW 6" but skinny girth
Almost made it

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>2 million men sign up
>11 ugly women
What could go wrong?

Gonna go in there with my regular Meat Lance and be King. Also, sage - not political.

Turns out everyone on Yas Forums has a 7+ inch penis because they don’t know how to measure. Meanwhile porn has ruined a generation of men’s perceptions of their dicks. 5-6 inches is totally normal. Also BBC is a meme. Plus black dicks look like turds.

6.5. Is this small?

Smaller than 5.5? That's kys territory.
>mfw about 6.9 inches but still feel inadequate

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>not a blackmail scheme

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>redirects to Yas Forums

>the average American penis is 5.1"
Niggers and spics are known for big cocks. Do all white Americans have a micropenis? Would explain the gun fascination.

This is a honeypot if i ever saw it.

>Sign up to small peen website
>get doxed
>everyone knows your shame

I genuinely want to join this app just to bait-and-switch a tiny girl with my 10" cock.

Being a short man is a lot more detrimental than having a small dick. I'm 5'5 dude with 6.5-inch penis and I will never get to use it. Meanwhile 6 feet tall men with micro-penises are smashing pussy all the time.

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Can you tell me the psychological study you are sighting to imply guns are compensation? Those thoughts are not your own. Where did you learn such? Individuals like you I am fascinated by, are your own thoughts your own or are they crafted. Do you have thoughts? You seem very moldable.

Is this the final solution to the alt right incel problem?

women wont visit, but gay men will when they are looking for a twink

The meek shall inherit


Literally everyone knows at least one absolute gnome who can pull girls with zero effort. Being short is not a death sentence.

t. 5'11 manlet

everyone knows in my village that I have a small penis, so idgaf

5.5 women who love small peen for every man who has a small peen. How horrific that'd be for the small peened men

>using facts proven by studies is the worst way to form an opinion
Funny how this NPC can only handle whatever the fox news talking head yells at him lmaoooo

gotta be 5.5 and below

Lol. No they’re not.

You wouldn't happen to be the only gay in the village?

7.5 inches.

get dabbed on. Its not like I use it as God intended.

Now post Asiatic penis sizes, Chang No-Guns.

Do you get reported if she finds out you have nigger size dick?

Finally, now alt-righters can get laid.

I wish , that would be cool

Finally, a dating website for white people only

>Turns out everyone on Yas Forums has a 7+ inch penis because they don’t know how to measure. Meanwhile porn has ruined a generation of men’s perceptions of their dicks. 5-6 inches is totally normal. Also BBC is a meme. Plus black dicks look like turds.

So youre short, european, and have a small dick? Wew

>signing up for a website called "Dinky One"
Honestly that's just fucking embarrassing, who in their right mind would even sign up for this

>make small penis dating site
>gather personal info including name and penis size of men
>threaten to release info to public unless buy $100 yearly premium upgrade

Sounds like Small Benis Registration Act.

Why would any woman sign up for this?

wait wait wait. 5.5in is average? My ex-gf said mine was small and im 7in 6 in girth. wut?

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>using facts proven by studies
i mean i know youre a bot but european genes produce the biggest cocks particularly those in the northern parts
the average african penis is smaller by some margin for every race except for one where it performs about as well as mid tier europeans. but that is the exception. hispanics have even lower. this was an awful attempt at subversion and you should take your 5 shekkels to the bank because clearly you believe they were well earned enough

The only people who think about dick size this hard are the people who have inadequate dicks

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this will be a hard sell, most dating sites are meat markets with 90% men anyway. why don't people just marry jungle asians?

ok so how to measure? from taint to tip? from asshole to tip? where???

how many dicks she had and what color were they???

Sorry to tell you but your ex was a whore with a huge vagina.

FUCK! I would instantly sign me up but im to retarded to messure my dick in burger metrics- :

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Wait so how do they attract a female audience?
>Dating site seeks to help 'women with a smaller penis fetish' find love

Just tells you the miles of cock she road before you.

Your ex been burning coal son.

I never really asked desu. now im concerned shes the only grill ive ever fucked so i dont have anythign to compare to

press a ruler into your pubic bone from the front, above dick

this controls for you being fat

Yeah ima go get myself tested. granted its been a year but still

What a shocker! Another seven inch dick!

Nice pilpul

You just described every dating site in existence.

your ex was literally a whore. you are literally top 3% or less. global.

Most guys on here measure taint to tip

right wing men (and gays lol) also autistics due to higher testosterone level during different stages of growth etc have bigger dicks.

I laughed so hard at this I started coofing. Is coronavirus transmissible over http?

You are a visionary, because I bet too that it's what it will become, maybe a websites for fags that like blacks too

Ok sure

I just wanna go onto that website and humiliate guys with small dicks and call them disgusting for getting turned on because of it

its retarded. why measure to taint. Why. how a thought can cross a man.

Better luck next time pal.

>tfw 7x5.5"
>tfw still a virgin

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Why? Because that’s how you get all these seven inch dicks in here despite it being such a small minority.

Self improvement starts with honesty. Mainly honesty with yourself.

Do you really think I’m gonna believe that? No time stamp.

In China.

gay men love small penises because they are slightly more likely to be attached to a submissive bottom.

>Dinky One
My god that fucking name. It's like a a fucking tribal shaman smoke signal saying you want to be mocked & cuckolded in the future.

>It claims too that “50% of the male population will have a penis less than average size.
Not so much a claim as it is a fact

All these faggots whining about their6-7 inchers,man i have a 4.9 inch dick.No girl wants to fuck me a second time so i am pretty sure i will never get a stable relationship or kids.Size and sex matters a lot....fuck.

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>sign up
>make profile picture a measurement of my 7.5 inch pile driver
>all the thirsty f*moids who aren't there solely to laugh at dicklets exclusively focus of gigadick chads
>dicklets btfo on their own platforms

Literally a legitimate big dick. Though myself smoll for 14 years but not giving a fuck, what do - WHY do - I thought.
Got legitimate ego boost at 18, still, not giving a fuck what others think.

Why people are so self-conscious. 5.5 is probably not only average but can satisfy a whore as Big dildos are 5.5 inches. Not even talking about a girl that will come from attention and good feefees alone. Hardcore are around 7inches, not more.

Make money, dress decently, be clean, and don't go on dating sites.

For a Bitty Black Cock nigger, perhaps.
I thought 6" was the commonly quoted average size

Yeah pretty sure size plays a factor. I don't believe any claim about size not mattering. Holds about as much weight as the phrase "her past doesn't matter"

If your dick doesn't reach the posterior fornix, she won't be satisfied - FACT.

My wife can climax by basically massaging her posterior fornix with the end of my dick - the kind of sex you see in porn doesn't actually make women climax