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> >1.296 Fälle seit heute morgen. Actually 1.622. Spahn kek
Josiah Rivera
Henry Price
Herr Spahn Herr Spahn was ist ihre Rolle bei der Bilderbergerkonferenz gewesen ? >Wer sind sie denn ? Ich kenne sie ja garnicht ... user XY... Presseausweis hier. >Kein Kommentar
Jack James
Schwer zu linken bei 'nem Livestream. Ist ziemlich am Anfang wenn Spahn an das Mikro kommt.
Herr Spahn, Herr Spahn, können Sie die deutsche Bevölkerung mit den notwending 400 millionen Atemmasken versorgen? Herr Spahn, Herr Spahn, wo gehen Sie hin?
Brayden Reyes
thanks, I think I'll order a strong slingshot.
Nolan Williams
Herr Spahn, welche Maßnahmen sehen sie vor, wenn Pflegekräfte erkrankt und ersetzt werden müssen? - Dann werden Maßnahmen eingeleitet
whats new krauts? I was just chilling for 2 weeks with several corona chans down in southern europe now I come back and all supermarkets are emptied out wtf can you plz not be such prissy sissy Spießbürgers and stop buying out all the potatoes?
What are you talking about you nigger. Our supermärkte are full to B U R S T
Brayden Gutierrez
Utter bullshit. Foreign blood plasm and its antibodies will just trigger the fucking Cytokine Storm, killing you even faster than a normal vaccine will. After ALL these years there still isn´t a vaccine for the OLD SARS. They sure as fuck won´t manage one for this new and improved version. You can spread that happy news at your next AntiFa fag after-party.
Normie Germs are pretty insight-resistant normies, but after today's PK, where FÜHER Merkel pretty much announced it´s YOUR OWN FAULT for not having a 2 WEEKS stash prepped, I accept a complete freakout.
schön ablenken von der fragilität der systemstrukturen zur not wird die hänchenbrust halt mit salzlake aufgepumpt
Isaiah Ramirez
>+++ 14:13 SPD-Bundestagsabgeordneter Lauterbach in Quarantäne +++ Der SPD-Gesundheitspolitiker Karl Lauterbach befindet sich in Quarantäne. *cough* *cough*
Listen here doomer, I understand that you are emotionally so invested in this. Hard to acknowledge that your toilet paper stockpile was a mistake. You are not a fucking scientist, you posted some LARPer screenshot as an argument for you view, you bring up chink numbers as an argument. FUCKING EXPERTS monitor and discuss this shit for weeks now and they found parallels to other viruses like I mentioned before, data confirms their assumptions to some extend. So it makes a lot of fucking sense to consider a similar development like with the viruses we already know and who are similar to this virus. When are kids going to die on mass according to your screenshot? We are already five months in according to your screenshot.
Justin Davis
It is bullshit (the screenshot). Nevertheless the Corona virus can totally collapse society. The amount of sick people can outmax hospitals, supply chains collapse etc. Ultimately the side factors are far more destructive than the virus itself.
Adrian Smith
>virus out since October >R9+ >you all are already infected
Fucking hell. How the fuck can you believe and spread this shit. Do you retard have any idea how the world would look like today if "R9+" and "virus out since October" were remotely true? A beautiful reminder what kind of idiots post here.
Justin Myers
Of course it can. China is proof of this. This is why it is important to "control" the spread like in the graph. Especially in preparation for phase two in fall this year.
Dies ist so was wie eine rechte Warnung Denn unser Rückschlag ist längst in Planung Wir fallen dort ein, wo ihr auffallt Gebieten eurer linken Scheiße endlich Aufhalt Denn was ihr sucht ist das Ende Und was wir reichen sind geballte Fäuste und keine Hände Euer Niedergang für immer Und was wir hören werden ist euer Weinen und euer Gewimmer
Kek, this time it was just simulated. Yesterday was real tho, not kidding.
I am serious about it. If a person is that much different one inevitably will run into problems. Physically, intellectually or even spiritually - you name it. Ultimately one has to protect any aspect of society from appropriating Blacks as normal or you move right ahead into civilizational downfall. For the same reason Asians aren't on my friend list as well, unfortunately on that bastard Merz list though.