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Berniebro Salt Thread
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This is reason enough to vote for Trump, americans.
Why do they all have this delusion that he would do better than Biden in the general election? He can't beat the senile old man who has an abhorrent ground game and less cash on hand
>planet is going to fucking die in 20 years
>Bernie would change that somehow
Twitter/Reddit echo chambers
Yeah I don't get it. The argument seems to be that Bernie is more 'electable' but surely the most electable candidate is just the one that WINS
I have been following the primaries very closely the entire time and I genuinely have never seen any of them consider that none of their candidates could, in fact beat Trump
Why would anyone supposedly concerned about "the planet" vote for a guy like Bernie who wants to end nuclear energy? Biden's agenda is considerably more sustainable.
The level of hysteria on the left is incredible.
This is what happens when free speech is censored or restricted. People will think that their echo chambers reflect the real world.
im surprised these two arent verified. For real though you can close your eyes and click on anything on twitter right now and it leads to incredible levels of bernie bro salt right now lmao
Echochambers, plain and simple. They literally have no friends outside of their bubble, never talk to anyone outside their bubble, they probably don't have jobs so they aren't forced to talk to anyone outside their bubble.
Then bernie loses and cognitive dissonance cranks up to 11 and they are biologically incapable of understanding that democrats didn't want him, so they invent conspiracy theories that it was rigged.
>Actually calling themselves the resistance
An entire generation of manchildren
God I wish real life was as good as their delusions.
Trump is way more based in their minds.
Why would Trump start killing them if he’s already won? They can’t stop him then
yeah honestly that's the funniest part. They don't the basic self awareness to see how fucking melodramatic that is, running around and talking like they live in fucking star wars.
kek, the idea doesn't even enter his head that most millennials just don't like him, he takes it as a given that 20% millennial turnout means 80% WANTED to show up and vote for bernie
The only Dem policy right now seems to be a return to 'normalcy' (aka pre-Trump)
But pre-Trump normalcy is exactly what people voted to get rid of by electing Trump.
Genuinely curious why they don't vote if they're this rabid? Are they just pretending for internet points?
Twitter is the biggest echo chamber on this planet.
>Entire Twitter userbase makes up 2% of USA's population
>Only 10% of said users actually posts
No reelection to worry about. Its what all the Q and The Storm people are saying we're waiting for. I hope theyre right.
Yeah, people voted for Biden. That's what happened. Old people braved coronavirus to vote for a demented pedo.
t. New York Times, paper of record
dumping a few from Super Tuesday while we wait for miners from the current Tuesday
Get self-esteem, bro.
Seethese people look at the percentage of millenials who voted and go
>omg Bernie has 86% support amongst millenials.
When in reality most millenials don’t give enough of a fuck about Comrade Sanders to even bother voting
God, if only
Because they are retarded. Biden has a much better shot at winning, since he can pull more of the democratic voters, more people in the age range which actually gets out and votes rather than whining on Twitter about revolutions, more undecided, more moderates, more RINOs and never trumpers, more obamatards. Biden is a much more serious threat to trump than Bernie
>Are they just pretending for internet points?
Yes. Most leftists aren't even really leftists, they just pretend to be. It's virtue signaling. They don't even belieive in half the crap they talk about, so of course they don't bother voting either.
holy shit, commies playing ARG!!! what the fuck is wrong with this people?
>only billionaires voted for biden
>if you voted for biden thanks you just handed the fucking election back to trump
well he is right.
too bad he doesnt understand he did the very same by voting bernie
This global warming hysteria is running rampant throughout their ranks. Apparently if we don't elect Bernie the Earth is going literally to melt. Can somebody with this brain defect explain this to me? Even if the US went to 0 emissions next year (crashing our entire economy in the process), China and India are not going to stop burning coal.
They're vulnerable to a redpill atm
Bernie was a shill since day one, he never existed to win anything, the establishment just used him to sway voters into the direction of least logical. He makes money hand over fist from the same dummies that give up their cash to ethots and ecelebs and reddit gold and Yas Forums passes, PLUS the huge fucking bribes from lobbies and corporations on whose behalf he swayed influence. Plus the KFC empire money.
Bernie is like a heavyweight boxer with super huge muscles and videos of him punching clean through heavy bags and bench pressing old cadillacs but then he goes and throws his fight a minute into the bout.
Are you taking about the dude with dementia they bring out each night? He's literally fucked in the head.
all those words when this thing could just say, "wow, niggers really are shit and they don't view me as a cuddly savior even though I constantly talk about how niggers have no reason to trust anyone ever"
If only
I don't like Trump that much but jesus christ these people are such insane children.
In a normal election, yes. But this is a DNC election
Idk we should raise the voting age to like 35 and you need to own property, and have a kid and no jail record anyways
Literally why would you want overgrown kids to busy simping for ethots
Middle age adults that still dont own a house
And criminals the ability to vote
Such anger, such potential for national socialism
will the bernie shilling on this board come to an end?
>he has given his entire life for you
Lmao, hasn’t he been in politics for decades living on tax payer money whilst not changing a single thing?
I agree 100%
What is her problem - every post is full of "fucks"?
This isn't funny any more. These stupid kids are losing it. Don't they realize the DNC probably either fucked Bernie again or Bernie was in on it the whole time?
the funny part is in 2008 there was a TON of new voters showing up to vote for Obama. He actually pulled off a revolution in the party, getting millennials out in droves. Because people actually liked him and what he said and nobody likes Bernie.
my gf is an art hoe and they all worship niggers but not a single nigger will hang out with them. blacks are scared of deranged whites
>everyone who hates a bolshevik kike is a billionaire
>the earth is dead in 20 years
these people are literally in a death cult
at least 25, to be honest. Your brain doesn't finish development until your mid to late 20s, 18 year olds should be considered children. And children should not vote.
Probably soon, now if only the Trump & Biden shilling would leave too maybe this board could be repaired.
>Lives in a slighty below average household
>unironically thinks their life is a struggle and they live in poverty
It was just a controlled bern
These people are so retarded all I can do is laugh even though I should be worried that people unironically think this way.
The last three years have become a lifestyle for these brainlets. I guarantee you that, although they would never admit it or are not aware of it, many of them would feel a large gap in their lives in Drumpf ended up losing. Thats how fucked up they are.
They really can’t put it together can they? That fag who plans on moving to Berlin pinpoints the problem but he misses the bigger picture like a dumb fart sniffing lefty idealist faggot
A lot of people on here say that "niggers just love Biden" which isn't exactly true. The reality is that they just fucking HATE Bernie (and other quasi non-establishment candidates like Tulsi). Bernie committed the worst sin of all, he criticized Obama from time to time.
No refunds, chaponigger!
Oh that makes sense actually
Funny because the Trump admin and many red states are investing in renewable energy (including nuclear, which the Dems are all against for literally no reason) hard, simply because of the economic benefits. But 'capitalism' and Republicans are LITERALLY destroying the world.
these are clearly 40-60 year old women dude. these resistance biddies are all over twitter and are just the mirror of qanon boomers
I wonder if these people will grow up and realise they were wrong about everything in 30 years time when the climate is fine, all the trannies are bearded horrors with aids in dresses, all the antifa sjws are homeless, all the muh body my rules abortionists are lonely cat ladies, all the insta thots are single mothers, all the hip hop nigs are broke or in jail and all the commies are in mcwageslave jobs or if we will live in a leftist dystopia by then
>I’m moving to Europe
That’s honestly a nightmare scenario for us, even niggers and mudslimes would do less damage than thousands of ultra leftists American goys pushing our zeitgeist even further towards muttland-tier degeneracy
Are they actually this stupid?
Hildawg was supposed to bring in all those too but we saw how that turned out. Plus the MSM did a better job of hiding her corpse like state to boomers while the cat is out of the bag already with Biden (and he hasn't even hit the campaign trail hard yet).
Blacks are a pack animal though and though
They will stab and steal from each other and most are redpilled enough to not trust another too much but the second an outsider attacks one they get fucking riled up regardless
No better then fucking skaven
god what a moron
gonna dump a few from this guy's twitter, all retweets or posts by him
>inb4 it's fake, he's not a real black or is a Trumper
pic related, if this is a LARP it's the best one ever and has been 10 years in the making
These tears are worth the risk. I swear, when Trump wins again, people are going to kill themselves.
JoePedo gonna sink the trump train?
They raided wang gang so hard when he was still in that they all just checked out of the primaries once he dropped. Bernie cucks were so fucking retarded this time around that I honestly can't tell if it's 4 years of simmering assblast from the last time or if there's an actual coordinated effort to infiltrate them and use their reputations against them.
This has far more good potential than most realize.
Rather than seeing a socalistic takeover, and followup crash and burn like the UK.
Just like in 16, his merely gives the radicals a higher priority target than Trump, the democratic party.
Demo split 2020?
>Yang is an asshole for supporting Biden, all his former supporters are retards
>Bernie was just doing his job when he supported Clinton I’m not a retard or anything I swear
Why do lefties always play mental gymnastics
I don't even like Trump, at least not on a moral level. He's entertaining, though. And when the alternative is Biden or Sanders, it's a no brainer.
What stops literally any leftist from creating a charity fund for providing healthcare insurance to people who need it?
Why does it have to be the government doing it?
Wait until November for the shilling to slightly decease, that seems like the best bet.
>unironically says “Latinx” when it could just say Hispanic
>I'm aiming for Berlin
>I think it's still the most left-leaning city in Europe.
Fuck off we're full.
The fucking GAUL of this Caesarean hating cuck Cato
lmao how did the media convince these people to hate tulsi gabbard so much of all people?? is this some low qual leftist bants I am not aware of?
"stay and fight" meme confirmed reddit tier
Biden has looked fucking terrible. And at least Bernie seems to really believe in some things, retarded as they are, as opposed to Biden who is literally just a corrupt bureaucrat. They are part of the 10% who actually care about things other than food but they are just the real enemy. And right now they are being reminded that the other 90% of bottom feeders out there will just vote for who the tv tells them to, if they vote at all.
yes white man, a sense of community is a terrible thing