What dream have you given up because of capitalism?
What dream have you given up because of capitalism?
Other urls found in this thread:
being a communist
That my grandchildren will see the beaty of earth.
Space robots
Your country is on fire.
I gave up to stop dreaming.
A world without Jews
That OP wont be a fag.
Let's be real, the western countries are the best countries to live in in the whole fucking world.
If you don't like the idea of profits, you can go work for a non-profit charity! That's the thing, we have FREEDOM in the West. You can work for a for-profit entity, or a non-profit entity, depending on your preference.
Contrast that to communism where people have no choice whatsoever.
And even people who declare themselves as "socialists", it's just the same shit as communism, unless they mean "let's take SOME industries into public ownership but not ALL" in which case what they're actually advocating is a mixed economy, which every western country already is.
Commies and "socialists" are so fucking stupid.
Because of capitalism? Nothing.
Because of stalking sexually enforcing psuedocapitalists? Ehh, I haven’t given up, but my odds of success at several good things are remarkably lower than they could have been.
I still miss my artistic mentor, who was called the curator, even though that relationship went badly rather thsn blossoming into artistic collaboration. I don’t consider him an ex, but I guess by most peoples’ standards he would so seem.
I wish modern surveillance grids hadn’t been used against me when my resentment at sexual exploitation peaked to such a high that I started rejecting sex-based “community”... Again, nothing to do with capitalism, and everything to do with the way our society transitioned away from the unmarked broad power distribution of entrepreneurial capitalism to become a relatively sclerotic system based on bureaucracies turned towards empowering a few economic planning commissars with aaaalllll their pecadilloes.
Isn’t that more of a mercantilism thing
getting a job that is fulfilling and productive instead of marketing or HR bullshit
Is your understanding of what the word "capitalism" means really centered on this stupid cartoon? Like you even think that is ballbark close to being representative of the definition? Just kill yourself already you are too stupid to be anything but a drain on society.
>how dare you insinuate capitalists only value profits
lol shut up fag
>Implying anyone knows what capitalism is other than a opposition to communism.
What kind of american are you, are you not ashamed of yourself?
All of them. Even basic shit like affording bills.
>Let's be real, the western countries are the best countries to live in in the whole fucking world.
That's a pretty fucking low bar. Humans are not a sane or decent species and living among them should be compensated in some way.
wife+kids, being relevant at anything
I have no dreams. There is nothing for me but surviving another day, maybe watching my nephew grow up, until I finally find the courage to kill myself.
In any western country, you can go and work for a non-profit if you wish. You have that choice. Nobody is denying you that choice.
If you work for a for-profit company, that's YOUR CHOICE.
>best in the world is a "low bar"
>"Hi Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, yes we know you're the best footballers in the world, but that's a 'low bar'"
You're so stupid it's almost incomprehensible.
I prefer a more right wing form of socialism.
I just wanna coom
Money helps me coom on exotic girls
I don't even understand what "socialism" is meant to mean?
If they want socially-owned enterprises, THOSE ALREADY EXIST IN WESTERN COUNTRIES - they're called co-operatives.
Or if they want EVERYTHING to be socially owned then aren't they really a communist? I don't understand the distinction.
But the point is that EVERY country I can think of is a MIXED ECONOMY, where SOME things are publicly owned and SOME things are privately owned. Even China, a communist state, has private enterprise (e.g. Huawei, and DJI the drone company, etc.). I think even North Korea has some private enterprise, e.g. there's a Dutch private company involved in their phone network, and also I read once that they have a black market for private enterprise.
So I don't even understand what the fuck a "socialist" is and what they want. It's just a label that left-wingers apply to themselves to impress other left-wingers. It doesn't actually seem to describe a specific ideology AT ALL.
Same discussions on repeat for eternity
Bright future for human race.
Socialism is the abolition of wage labor, retard
Socialists are deluded people. You cant treat a socialist the way you treat a rational person. They're missionaries for the faith.
Going to space and doing something meaningful
Thats old news. Now we're flooded
kinda looks like me mum
Well my dream is to own land so, kind of need private property for that.
Kill yourself comrade retard.
Ronaldo is only for fucking. Who gives a shit about sportsball? See what I mean? That shit is totally unimportant, yet it's what you idiots obsess over.
Working in stem and not being surrounded by subhuman slaves from foreign civilizations.
It’s always capitalism this, and capitalism that, like people are smart if they keep saying the word.
kids and home ownership by 30
>Let's be real, the western countries are the best countries to live in in the whole fucking world.
And that's why the capitalist rulers flooded us with subhuman slaves to undercut everyone's wages. You're a retired boomer or minimum wage worker if you don't know this already.
commies/berniebros, I'd like you to weigh in on this
>Pronunciation /ˈsōSHəˌlizəm/ /ˈsoʊʃəˌlJzəm/
>A political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
>The term “socialism” has been used to describe positions as far apart as anarchism, Soviet state communism, and social democracy; however, it necessarily implies an opposition to the untrammeled workings of the economic market. The socialist parties that have arisen in most European countries from the late 19th century have generally tended toward social democracy
Looks like it doesn't have the specific definition that you claim it does, you fucking moron.
See this part:
>The term “socialism” has been used to describe positions as far apart as anarchism, Soviet state communism, and social democracy; however, it necessarily implies an opposition to the untrammeled workings of the economic market.
So basically "socialism" is a meaningless term applied to tons of different ideologies.
And "opposition to the untrammeled workings of the economic market", if that's really the definition of "socialism", shows that "socialism" is a meaningless and fucking stupid term.
Teddy Roosevelt was opposed to "the untrammeled workings of the economic market" when he broke up several big businesses. Does that mean he was a "socialist"? No it fucking doesn't.
And as I've explained before, if socialism is defined as "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole" then it's also fucking imprecise.
Because nearly every country on Earth is a MIXED ECONOMY, where many enterprises ARE owned by a community (like co-operatives, or state enterprises). So I don't even fucking know what "socialists" want.
>completely and utterly misses the point
You're so stupid it's almost incomprehensible.
Capitalism hasn't crushed any of my dreams
What dreams that have been crushed have been down to shit people
Crony, Turbo.
Are you following lemming?
World Domination.
Turns out it's very expensive
If anything, you highlighted my point. Not surprising coming from a brit. Your entire society is imploding because of your own regressive political views.
But you brits sure as fuck do get into your football, don't you?
I wanna coom in exotic girls too
Or just any girls, don't have to be exotic
would you settle for an old woman?
i just wanted some land to start a family on...
I gave up my dream of dying of starvation in a communist shit hole
>completely and utterly misses the point
You're so stupid it's almost incomprehensible.
>Contrast that to communism where people have no choice whatsoever.
What gave you that idea?
It's barely different in that respect.
>study for what you want to do
>there's no job openings lol because you picked the wrong degree
>work McD
being a socialist.
There's this thing called water...
Why do you faggots just LOVE slide threads?
Fuck you newfags
Says the memeflag
The real form of socialism
No, idiot. You have multiple choices in western societies.
Nobody is forcing you to work for McD's. You can start your own business. You can apply to tons of jobs. You can educate yourself, to enter a new line of work. You have CHOICE.
>On one hand, trash and pollution everywhere
>On the other, animals that want to eat your face, disease cropping up everywhere, always a risk trying to find food, and everyone is a nigger
Nature sucks senpai, no matter how many human planted green scenes people post on the interwebs.
Having a family. :( Now I'm too old to have babies without them popping out all retarded.