AUS/POL/ - bust to the bf edition

Late night shenanigans, we're on fire tonights lads.
Reminder to never post your face, gf or car here.

>News Article Summary

>News Article Summary

>News Article Summary

That's what you cunts get for not archiving shit ever. I will never give murdoch clicks.

I will pay AUD$10 to the first user to bust a nut to the bf
Post cummy paper, timestamp and address

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Other urls found in this thread:

FUCK chinks.

the bf

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You act like I don't enjoy the attention.

the gf

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the daily ride

the firearm

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>the daily ride

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who wank to the gf?

Then because we are so nice we will continue to post it for ever

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Which one is the gf? The one on the left, right?

Gross lol tell her her pants are down n her butts showing

lurk moar

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you do faggot

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I can't stop wanking to the death of Hannah Clarke. Imagine her blood curdling screams. Fucking thot (^: Is that normal?

PS. She deserved it as did her daughters, because the only good female is a dead female.

Good evening cunts
/auspols/ final goal is to build build COOM TOWN, remember if you build it they will COOOOOM. Buy high sell low

Left = vapid slut
Right - school valedictorian qt gf

new pol land to acquire whos willing to chip in?

Mount Coom

hey aus/pol/ faggots, pic related is me, how does it feel to know i've killed over 1500 s*nni dogs, while the only thing you've killed is your own semen?
your pathetic "hero" tarrant could only manage to kill 51 s*nni dogs

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Will roll with something like
>Where you molested as a kid too?

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Rate my oc

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you choose m8

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Shit cunts go to bunnings, smart cunts come to McSnaggies.

why you gotta darken the photo? i already had a tan.

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Hi moohamood.

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>got a new job recently
>don't have to get 100% started until I've finished a bunch of training and accreditation in my own time, but am still expected to show some reasonable sense of time management
>have been dragging my feet because I want to avoid going into the CBD or getting on public transport
>they're starting to ask questions about why I'm taking so long
I really really want to start working again and get off the dole but fuck getting chink flu and infecting everyone I care about

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Thread is official.

I can't stop wanking to the Morocco beheading of Louisa Jesperson. Hearing her scream for her mother gave me a hard on. Is that normal?

PS. She deserved it because the only good female is a dead female.

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forgot me fren
"I busted a nut"


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Jokes on you cunt its far too hot and rainy up this way for pussy southerners to live.

I'm in a similar situation, have to go and get a few machinery tickets but the training school is on the other side of the great Chink divide and I don't want my little country town to get the coof. I've got 2 months to get them, I'll just wait it out.

say something nice before he meets coron-chan

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I would gladly contribute but you are probably a fed
My skills are that I passively generate income from the dsp

Kill me now

Throat is getting sore, I think I'm plecebo'ing the coronavirus.

who wank to gore videos?

Can i go somewhere and get a normal fucking haircut, where the barber isnt some gaylord?
I dont want a beer, i dont want to be your friend you bearded fuckstain

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Not me I bust to bbw ebony interracial

Don’t think corona-chan will be gone in 2 months desu

r8 my b8

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Try Parramatta

Nice pasta. Totally normal.

Mt Coom looks like solid cassowary country. Fearsome birds those ones, not sure I'm ready to invest if it means entering their territory mate.

Is working from home an option?

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>applying for graduate positions
>they're mainly focused in Sydney and Melbourne
well, that was a fun way to waste 4 years for an engineering degree.

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What happens if you put two greta bots opposite one another?

I guess they just stand there saying "how dare you" until one melts down.

If it isn't I'll just enjoy the Mad Max 1 style collapse.

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This is getting real old real fast.

I would explode my trousers if I had TWO Gretas

Looks like you need a new bike.

dudes about to go dark on us and get his dick sucked by an old dude in a wig

Lack of spine is stereotypical of the southern poof sub species of Australian.

Nigga that's gay.

>inb4 I'm just baiting to make fun of him

Mate you got it wrong he is gunna get his dick sucked by an old dude while wearing the old dudes wig.

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Take your VPN off yank faggot

Fuck I'll chuck in a pineapple for it

Honestly bullying a little queer bitch isn’t as fun as bullying a real woman

i just threw up a little in my mouth

Things like you.

is AUS General the best Yas Forums general?

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i fucking hate women
i chadfish thots, arrange dates and stand them up
waste their time and money
fucking bitches need to learn dating chad has consequences

why is tinder being such a cunt to me tonight?
dam that woulda been a good one

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>Is working from home an option?
Not really. I technically don't ever have to go into the office, but it's recommended as a newbie so that you can pick up on useful info. Even without that, I'd still be having to meet clients a few times a week, either in the city or at their homes. I'm buggered either way.

Like that other guy said, I think this might drag on a bit longer than 2 months. We're fucked.

checked and keked.

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