The Turkish Question

Why don't German guys bleach Turkish girls ever (with few exceptions)? If there was actually a concerted effort to do this, it would massively discourage Turks to continue staying in Germany.

Also, your kids would genetically be equivalent to Greeks and Bulgarians, so it isn't really race mixing.

Attached: Turkish Girl 2.jpg (445x599, 72.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Stop trying to normalise mutts, mutt


I'm Eastern European.

You're American.

And because they can't. The opposite happens way more.

>You're American.
nuh uh

>And because they can't. The opposite happens way more.
That's why we should reverse the trend.


This bleaching meme is insane niggering. Why are proud descendants of a compassionate society supposed to kneel before people so spinelessly enslaved that they cannot even give up racism?

Any self respecting European would refer to himself by the country from which he comes from first and foremost, not "European"

You can't even name your country, instead going for "Eastern European". Your country must be a shithole.

Regardless, you're American. Stop begging to be European.

If I tell you, you niggers will make a big deal over it.

It is fucking retarded as well
Whites are a drop in the global population, we are not bleaching anyone, the only thing that is happening is that they are browning us

Is it Albania?

>If I tell you, you niggers will make a big deal over it.
alboturks are not eastern europeans

Fuck you, niggers. I bet I'm the only one with blonde hair in this thread.

Attached: Albanian Chad.png (1029x1037, 32.62K)

>How can someone breed with roachers?

Attached: mehmetskek.gif (288x303, 175.8K)

Ask your ancestors

you're still an alboturk

quite a few turkish girls die when they fuck with germans, while there are a few whose family would not kill them or similar
the turkish women are usually very controlled and not submitting to it usually spells "no family" or worse for them
while they too don't want stupid niggers (it's just a minority that is extremely loud in either gender that has this fetish/selfworth issue with just being able to like one singular thing and pretend to others liking a singular thing is normal)
thanks to antiracism forced marriage among arabs and turkish people/ families wanting citizenship/stay permit for young relatives has seen a great boon
while a lot of turkish and arab scientists are pointing this out, they're from germany and thus not real turks and arabs but race traitors who for unimaginable reasons are nazis now, since they critique such things

on another note
east anatolia has a fertility rate of 3.41 to 3.76 and it is the sole reason for turkey's strong fertility
with the massive brain drain turkey is experiencing and the low fertility in all places where people are educated
turkey will nigger wash itself
replacing itself slowly with people who look like roma, behave like roma, live like roma but are turkish

Inencourage this. There is a rule here that the you Carry the nationality of your father. This will discourage them a lot.

From what 3rd world country, you brought your filth to usa sandnigger?
Be honest

>the only thing that is happening is that they are browning us
Yas Forums is too fucking retarded to understand that though.

Blue eyes as well and then we talk

because the idea of "bleaching" is something that only americamutts have. fuck off you stupid fat shit.

Attached: 4DAA0BB8-0F20-46E5-BDCE-27CF9874F6B9.png (750x751, 70.28K)

Lets turn Germany into America 2.O

My DNA test came back 100% European, so go eat shit, Mountain Nigger

>quite a few turkish girls die when they fuck with germans
Based. Thanks for supporting my idea.



I got hazel/green eyes. I'm 6'2", so that makes up for it.

Attached: Eyes.png (1313x747, 1.16M)

Nobody wants to 'date down'
Very few German men think low enough of themselves to want a Turk girl

This, the majority of Turkish girls is not very attractive. As the Turks in general are a fugly people.

I was at the Istanbul airport last year, and the Turkish girls were really, really pretty. Maybe you are just faggots.

Turk rapebaby mad at truth. Do a DNA test, gayreek.

you're 0% European Muhamet Osmani, but nice digits

even so: stop trying to normalise mutts

Attached: hapa 1581088891600.jpg (3000x2250, 739.63K)

>Why don't German guys bleach Turkish girls ever
Because 99% of refugees are healthy young males. But it's a coincidence, nothing to see here, goyim.

I am the whitest person here.

Attached: Hitler and Bird.jpg (700x638, 64.05K)

Very noice

or he lives somewhere, where all girls he witnesses are turkish bimbos on the lowest rung of education, because germany has this "awesome" trinity of education that defines the rest of your life when you're 10

there's a good video on how it's chosen into which school you get and I think it's accurate, sadly it's in german but it visually explains itself so here it
you can enable autosubs for it tho

also there's plenty of blue eyed girls to pick from for faggots who think aryans were anywhere near europe or even in the same time frame their relatives went there or other places

those marvelous blue eyes
here have a photo the CIA had of him

Attached: 5798b33488e4a779638baa6e.jpg (750x563, 48.5K)

Haven't Turks been in Germany for like 100 years now? They have a huge population in Germany I know and that piece of shit Erdogan is using them as a political weapon. Besides true ethnic turks are actually a minority. Most citizens of Turkey are Anatolian which you would be surprised is surprisingly European. The galatians (Celts), greeks, Byzantines, Crusaders all had influence on the genepool of Anatolia

They do. She's married to a German.

Attached: Oezoguz-praesidium-portraet-DW-Politik-Berlin-jpg.jpg (1024x1001, 146.52K)

You're a mudslime. You can look white, but you'll never be white. Your ancestors probably kidnapped blonde women, that's where you got your genes from.

Because tobacco is disgusting and the skinny attractive ones all seem to smoke.

She looks Italian.

The Turks that migrate are the bottom of the barrel as far as their people go
I've spend many vacations in Turkey and there were a lot of good looking Turkish girls there. But those girls are not the ones who have family migrating to west Europe.
It's the tiny backwards mountain village people that migrate, and they all look like shit. That's why they hide their women in full body trashbags and have for generations

>let's just take a giant shit on the gene pool of your people by muttifying them with inferior genes

>Stop begging to be European
You first, island nigger.


She's ugly tho

She looks undead

So I guess this is yet another thread where some faggot gets mad at white guys who don't want to date minority women?
Alright then.

not anymore. Everybody can study so studying becomes worthless and the employees know that studying doesn't mean you are competent.
You can make lots of money without studying.
A good crpenter or electrician can make more money than a Master in Gender studies.
And you can study ater apprenticeship and working a few years in your specialized field. An electrician can study electroengeneering for example.
you can also make your Abitur later in evening school.

Do you think we turks let pathetic german white bois touch our women? Dont you know what happens to those women? Other than that, any Turk qt with self respect wouldnt come close to anyone other than Turks. Get fucked, call me roach, seethe more. We have control over our women unlike you niggers.

>your kids would genetically be equivalent to Greeks and Bulgarians

yea no

Because having sex with untermensch is Degenerate.

Attached: 2CD7EFCD-FB54-427D-A818-32E497650A98.jpg (1024x625, 82.55K)

This is how the average Turk looks like, including OP girl

Attached: anatolid.png (667x527, 413.79K)

I imagine the moustaches are off-putting

That’s not a half Turk.

Because her family will murder her for it.

Been in Germany, seen qt turkish girls, which are rare, date krauts. Krautistan has become a melting pot and everyone will get melted.

blue eyed people went through anatolia a few times
you can also find dead people 5700 years ago in the balkan who share the ancestry
I mean they're not related to modern jews or the post babylon jews
but there is a reason adam was called "He who blushes" or why they and the people who liked to enslave them constantly talked about milk white skin, blue eyes, blonde hair and shit.
The western steppe herders and all their descendants (Yamnaya, Baden, etc, originally out of iran they even spread their genes to the Ainu, south Asia, spawned the Aryans a long time after those three things happened)
So many of these steppe societies radiated everywhere with varying degree of genetic mixing with other cultures, sometimes assimilating cultures, sometimes assimilating themselves but replacing almost everyone)
they did a lot of white washing
this Ainu doesn't look very iranian, but damn there are such iranian/steppe horse fucker looking Ainu from one of the first radiations

Attached: 2020_0210_ef5688f4j00q5h5qp000vd200fo00b4g00fo00b4.jpg (564x400, 31.75K)

t. Grandmother fucked by vikings

Nice try gypsie.
Pic related my dna result.

Attached: dna result trk.jpg (523x257, 23.89K)

Yeah, because your pic is the typical turkish woman living in Germany. Most of them are at least one of or a combination of the following: ugly, low IQ, no German language skills, overweight.

I would bleach her, Muslim women are my favourites

Armenoid is a phenotypical group, it includes Armenid and Anatolid.
I'm not saying all Turks are Anatolids, you are probably not since you got Greek DNA

"you can"
Do you even remotely know the rules and limitations places on doing that later? Or how fucked people are in general, how little time with all their addictions?
Germany has one of the lowest social mobilities in the world and the school system regularly gets cited as a reason.
If this is so easy for you to determine "not anymore" "not at all" you're either extremely biased or extremely uninformed.

All of the jobs you mentioned are in most german states not available to people with Hauptschule.
Anyway last reply to you unless you are able to at least pretend to see it ambivalent, talking with people who lack ambiguity tolerance is horrible, also check out WHY germany might have one of the lowest social mobilities if your first thought is "NONONONO AMERICA GREAT FREEDOM YEAH THIS CAN'T BE TRUE" oh i meant germany...

There are thousands of valid reasons people fail in this system or to utilize it or have no access to it due to the legal limitations placed upon it by the legislator, as well as awesome things like fail once properly, never be allowed to try again.

japan should belong to them, asians came later

Attached: ainuguy.jpg (766x400, 35.75K)

my brother and a good friend both have a turkish girlfriend for several years. makes me sad somehow that their children will be half sand niggers. :/

>genetically be equivalent to Greeks and Bulgarians

Greeks and bulgarians are far closer to Turks (and us) genetically than to Germans or any nordcuck barbarians

hell, even Turks would've been mostly white (they look whiter than Greeks to me on average) if they weren't muslim and didn't have that Central Asian Turkic identity which they traded for their original Greek/Armenian/whatever identities

You want people to rub their dicks on a diseased insect? You nasty motherfucker.

Attached: kpnxkzfcp35kzebw9js1.jpg (800x450, 61.53K)

>muh Aryans
>muh ancient ancestors
They are thought to have had brown eyes
The blue eyed Aryan is a modern European invention.

And that does not change the fact that brown eyes are the majority in Turkey

Jew detected.

No, this is what the average t*rk looks like

Attached: 1444735204413.jpg (500x667, 76.2K)

Pure turk who grew up german here

I honestly dont give a fuck. German guy on turkish woman, turkish guy on german woman - I dont care. Racial probelms between turks and krauts arent a big deal like your nigger vs kkk shit you got in burger land.
All germans ive met think the same way.