There is no direct, objective evidence for a god of any form.You LARPing fucks are mentally defective.
There is no direct, objective evidence for a god of any form.You LARPing fucks are mentally defective
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your country has failed you
The common thread throughout all theology is that God is pretty well defined by being undefinable and unknowable.
Fuck your direct evidence and fuck your old fashioned hat.
All the smart atheists have validated God by switching to simulation theory and you are gay
You can start with a base definition of God that logically exists: God is everything that we can't understand in the universe, whatever really caused us to exist. Or, whatever energy causes us to exists. Or whatever. However your feeble mind (for all of our minds are feeble) can try to conceive of it.
This is a kind of base God. Any step up from there requires some kind of perception (perception of divine reality? Is it possible), or a "leap of faith" (maybe on a good day you've felt truly deep down that whatever this world is is "good," not "bad..." maybe perceiving God is similar to this feeling)
Evenin', Shmoikel.
>There is no direct, objective evidence for the universe being real and not a simulation
Study some actual religion - don't pick the low hanging fruit of debating some idiot on the street who believes praying will get him a winning lottery ticket - and realize that the theologians were actually pretty smart people. They disagree on the nature of God and make some pretty strange assertions sometimes (believing in miracles and the like), but I cut them slack because shit maybe I would have believed in miracles if I lived 2,000 years ago. Idk.
But the point is there is a God because God is, by definition, more of a negative affirmation than a positive one. It is not something we can really understand, it is the thing that we simply cannot understand. All of the theologians - for thousands of years - have had this common thread.
You can define the unknown as "god" but you aren't going to be meeting anyone named God on the other side or jesus or anything like that.
Who cares. God is weaker than Galactus with the ultimate nulifier lmao
Not my God
Probably not.
But maybe, just maybe, some recognition of the infinite nature of the universe's power - and our infinitely small nature in comparison - can make us a bit smarter, a bit more humble, and a bit more grateful, making our short lives just a little bit sweeter while we're here.
>matter orbiting around a single object with extreme gravitational pull
Your point??
It's absurd to believe in a supernatural being who cannot/willnot perform miracles
You're projecting baggage onto me, I never said supernatural. Think more "extra-perceptory." You need to at least acknowledge that there is reality that is there that we simply can't perceive/comprehend/fathom.
I'm not saying miracles are available to us or anything like that. Just that we're here because of something we don't understand, something that is very significant to us (obviously, for it is why we are here). I don't know what it is - no one really does. But it's there.
"Faith" is trusting your emotions (not necessarily saying that is right or wrong, not making that argument here) and saying "welp, my heart tells me this world is good, so maybe the universe itself is good..." and that would mean, perhaps, God itself is good. Whatever brought us here might itself be good.
How was the earth made then? Were you there? No? Guess your argument loses gaytheist.
So you agree that there's no evidence.
>haha bro you disagree with my Jew religion you must be a Kike yourself
Watchmaker. Non-argument.
Natural formation. Ever heard of gravity? The sphere is the most efficient shape. Your literal line of thinking is "it's puuurrrttty therefore God".
Get past the age of 5, degenerate.
I do agree, in the sense that I think you're talking about - I don't believe God has ever intervened by writing down something on a clay tablet, or igniting a burning bush, or parting the Red Sea, etc.
But God itself exists, by logical necessity, due to a very simple logical definition of a God that is the unknowable constituent/creator/something(who knows) of the universe and also of us.
"But God itself exists, by logical necessity"
There is not logical necessity for a god of any form.
>thinks trillions of particles and atoms randomally configured themselves into our natural earth and universe
kek, imagine actually believing this
Nothing more insufferable than an Atheist.
I'm not sure you have understood. Read through what I've written.
Throw out all of that trash in your mind, things you've heard about God from popular religion (things like divine intervention, answering to prayer, floating up somewhere in heaven, etc.).
God is - by definition - the reason why we are here. Do you understand? That is the what God is. The definition is God is that God is why we are here. There exists reality that we cannot perceive or fathom, and God exists in this realm.
This is a pure, raw, and unadulterated logical definition that is impossible to have any issue with. If you have an issue with it re-read it and try to understand it.
>thinking his special sky man magically put everything together just for him and that he's special
scientific ignorance is rampant on this board. you retarded boomers are an embarrassment.
And how do you know this? Define "God". I could consider the natural formation of the planet to be "God".
Not an argument. There is no objective evidence.
Not trying to make an argument. I have no proof either way and as such have no fucking clue if there's God or not.
But holy fuck, I hate you people. You are everything wrong with western civilization at the moment. Please acquire some rope and end your life.
1) You are alive
2) People all over the world have had mystical experiences
3) Anyone who has injected drugs knows there is another world surrounding this one
4) In an infinite universe the probability of a higher power is infinite
5) Op is a faggot
If you were to consider the natural formation of the planet "God," because you believe that is why we are here, you would be missing much.
What causes the natural formation of the planet? You might respond, the laws of physics.
What creates the laws of physics? You might answer that they are themselves fundamental and uncreated.
This is hubristic - our conceptions of physical laws are fairly rudimentary (note that we cannot simulate life, or even chemical interactions, by modelling solely our fundamental physical equations).
Whatever you choose as your "reason," it will be hopelessly incomplete. This is the point - we cannot know to a complete degree the nature of the universe, nor why we are here, nor what keeps the universe running as it does.
This state of ignorance is intrinsic. What lies beyond the limits of our knowledge? Theologians have defined this realm as the "divine" realm. In this realm is the answer to the questions "why" and "how" we are here.
I recommend you read through what I've written again. Take it seriously - it's very simple and the basis for a mature conception of your universe. If you disagree, it isn't that you're right and I'm wrong, it's either that I've miscommunicated, you've misunderstood, or you are unable to understand, or you are unwilling to understand. For it is basic logic and unassailable.
If God were real it would be necessary to abolish it, sadly.
Yes, atheists are what's wrong. Fucking idiot.
Nobody knows exactly what causes the laws of physics to function the way they do. To automatically prescribe some entity to the them, however, is an abject God of the Gaps argument.
And you have the gall to accuse me of ignorance. You are literally filling our current gaps of knowledge with a God that has no legitimate evidence. This is logically void.
I agree, which is why I don't believe in God.
But I do think Christianity has some good lessons, like "God helps those who help themselves" and whatever. This is why people become Christian, after all. Because they think it shows them a good way to live.
So personally I'm a cultural Christian.
There's no evidence that the universe IS a simulation which is why we have no reason to believe that it's a simulation. Same with God. No evidence = no reason to believe.
You are a fucking moron.
>But God itself exists, by logical necessity, due to a very simple logical definition of a God that is the unknowable constituent/creator/something(who knows) of the universe and also of us.
By your argument, if I postulate a gigantic pink cat which created the universe, and which is unknowable, then that pink cat must, by necessity, exist.
NOTHING exists necessarily - something can only be said to exist if there is EVIDENCE supporting its existence.
You're right, they are.
>You're right, and I don't like that.
Is that what you're saying? Man you're fucking stupid. Please get some rope and end your pathetic little life.
>people have had schizo experiences therefore my particular God is real
It's no wonder the rest of this site laughs at this board. You fucking retards are so enthralled by your own idiocy that it's laughable.
By the way, you can add an infinite amount of zeros to a number and never reach one. Given your own argument, given an infinite amount of chance, God also DOESN'T exist. Fucking moron.
I have to agree with that other guy, you are extremely insufferable. I've been pretty polite with you up until this point but I'm kind of over that now.
Consider that the "insufferability" trait of atheists has to do with hubris. It's that kind of hubris carried by someone who is kind of smart - but not really smart. You definitely feel the need to demonstrate your intelligence, but you've currently let on that you're not that smart.
I didn't accuse you of ignorance. I explicitly stated I might have miscommunicated.
Back to the definition of God - I literally defined God as whatever is in the gaps of scientific knowledge. I did not ascribe any attributes to God, other than explaining that God is the reason we are here (which is logically true - given that the reason why we are here is also not understood by current scientific understanding). I asked you to throw any prior conceptions of God out the window, and start with this "base" definition of God as literally THAT WHICH WE DO NOT KNOW. That's it. Apparently this was too great of a task for you.
I thought you were someone who might be able to engage in a genuine discussion, but I see now that you're either too prideful or too stupid to engage. Or maybe you're just out here on a mission, not to discuss. Whatever. Maybe what I've written can benefit someone else. I sure wish I had read it a few years ago, before I had to figure it out for myself.
My closing comment is that you write like that guy who was among the smartest in school, but definitely not at the top of the top. And you knew it but didn't want to believe it. Just smart enough to try and believe that you're really smart.
Or maybe English isn't your first language.
I don't know if you're a fucking moron, but you definitely ascribed a lot of your own baggage to my definition of God.
I am LITERALLY defining God as "that unknown thing that is responsible for the universe and also for us." That's it. Throw out all other religious baggage and start from there.
If you can't make sense of that, then it's safe to say that you are a fucking idiot.
The Chad Atheist: >You guys are retards lmao
The Virgin Christcuck: >words words words words words
>You LARPing fucks are mentally defective.
Maybe if I believe hard enough OP will stop being a faggot
>you're insufferable because you disagree with me
Is this the power of Christcuckery?
> I literally defined God as whatever is in the gaps of scientific knowledge.
So you're admitting that God is ignorance?
If I don't know the molecular composition of an expolanet, is that "God"? How dis ambiguous can you possibly be?
Maybe English isn't your first language, because I'm pretty sure a basic definition for the word "god" is pretty well established.
>can't counter my argument
>can only sperg out with ad hominem
I accept your admission of defeat.
>haha bro you don't believe in my sky man therefore glownigger
He thinks he can define something into existence, because he's a pseudointellectual moron.
Maybe if you believe hard enough you'll pull your imaginary friend's cock out of your anus
Christcucks on this board will go any length to LARP as some Crusader heavy infantry unit. It's fucking pathetic
I have witnessed, seen, and spoken with God personally. This is a the only 'direct evidence' that is needed, everything else is fake and gay.
Anecdotes != evidence
Based and psilocybinpilled
Funny, because all of my forays into shrooms have further pushed me toward the view that there is no evidence for a God.
>But maybe, just maybe, some recognition of the infinite nature of the universe's power - and our infinitely small nature in comparison - can make us a bit smarter, a bit more humble, and a bit more grateful, making our short lives just a little bit sweeter while we're here
Yes but beyond all that "maybe", idiots will use the idea of god to set us back centuries, maybe even doom us to extinction, so in this case I say better without.
t. junkie mcbrainfried
There is a strong correlation between brain damage due to alcohol/drugs and religious experiences i.e. "finding god"
na you're insufferable because you started out saying shit like "you have the gall to accuse me of ignorance" when I didn't do so.
I never mentioned Christ though.
God is the reason we are here which is beyond reasoning, perception, or conception. Try to start from scratch with that definition and maybe you can join the ranks of a few people throughout history (Aristotle, Tolstoy, Feynman, etc.) who have wrestled with the epistemological question of what we can and can't know.
You're kind of retarded but I respect you for it, like a special olympic athlete
But it's about time for me to get the fuck off of this board. Sometimes I can find some good discussion on here and other times not. Time to take the L and go to sleep.
How can matter form from nothingness?
idiots sure don't need a god to set us back centuries
>God is the reason we are here which is beyond reasoning, perception, or conception
Prove it
I've been following and enjoyed your posts. Very mature understanding that I wish more people on this board had. Far too much hubris.
Define "nothing"