You are just surrounded by retards (mostly women) with toxic personalities telling you that you are the problem - not them. Avoid these people and you will miraculously no longer be depressed.

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Not necessarily true because even when I was around good people I still wanted to kms.

They werent good people

most Yas Forums users are toxic shut-ins with no one around them, especially no women. This is why they are miserable.

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Society is FUCKED and they are doing what makes the most sense.

Theres nothing hard to understand here.

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>Depression doesn't exist
It does but it's a normal human feeling and not a disorder or illness that can be treated with medicine. That's just kikery

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It shows up ln brain scans, retardo.

>(((Brain scans)))
And when your nervous you sweat. When your excited your heartbeat increases. What happens inside your body is a reaction to what's happening in your life. That brain scan nonsense is just pushed to make people think depression is a random illness that can be treated with meds

>>(((Brain scans)))
You're beyond reasoning.

Diagnosed and medicated heavily. Been in therapy 21 years. It's real and wouldn't wish it on anyone.You have to fight it, do something to fight it
if you're not actively trying to get better most people think it's just an excuse.

office work is pretty comfy tho desu

I'm reasonably certain the source of my depression is my lacking social skills, inability to properly regulate my emotions, various sexual fetishes, and expectations I had for myself.

It is real the lack of Neurotransmitter is part of the pathomechanism. It is more complex than that yet vulnerability is also a factor, which is why some people can't relay to Patients with it

How can someone have such a delusional mind, you scans are empty for sure.

Kike meds and psychology melt your mind and put you in fake soulless fantasy world
No it isn't. You have to be outside and moving.

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Is that coming from personal experience?

The police can't unrape me.

Nah I just make poor choices then dwell on them. Like cheating on my wife with a younger gal, drinking alot of alcohol daily, smoking alot, and spending too much money instead of saving. But whatever, ain't no biggie. I'm over feeling bad about it since I keep doing it anyway.

Imagine the days of being able to have your own private cubical instead of plonked on an open desk, surrounded by movement, noise, and dozens of conversions (usually in a foreign language)

Yo man I feel ya, sounds like something I'd say a year or two ago.

No it's fucking not. Only if you're a chronic shitposter can you get any sort of enjoyment in an office.

There is a reason we are depressed... it's because we're listening to 20th century coomsumer propaganda and not following our inner desires for what we want.

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btw, if you have a job that allows working from home, take advantage of it
Assuming you've got a decent job (because those are the only ones that allow remote working), and afford to live in the burbs instead of a spook-tower, working in your own space a day or two a week is great

Hay and a barn for cattle. Tell the social engineers how much you love them.

Wrong. If you’re depressed, you’re the problem. Find the cause and fix it

>source: i fixed it

Hey if you’ve been in therapy for 21 years

Maybe it’s not working

Some days and nights I feel very depressed and some other days I feel very happy and good. It’s a constant change, idk what’s going on.

As long as you have a diagnosis, you have depression, take your bullshit elsewhere tradfag

What and how?

My depression stopped once I started bullying Yas Forumstards into depression. Feels good man.

You sound like a narcissist.

Wtf based?

Have you ever considered MOVING to Europe or Asia, because living in America is what gave me depression. There is a cause for it, as well as physical reasons like food allergies, it doesn't come out of thin air. Therapy is a waste of time.

Mania. PsychJews would call you bipolar. Pretty normal for me. Most people go up and down though, some more than others.

what's your diet?

If you're not depressed don't bother talking about it, because you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Only depressed people can speak to other depressed people about it, because they get it.

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>find the source and fix it
Source is either chemical imbalance or trauma, if you fixed it, it was with medication or therapy, you never had depression or you are completely delusional

Yes, it does exist. But you can fix it yourself.

I was diagnosed with Clinical Depression, it is very real but unlike many people my age (23) I refuse to take meds and instead work on bettering myself and fighting everyday to remind myself that depression doesn’t define who i am. Some days are harder than others and sometimes i self medicate with drugs and alcohol but i can say that im really trying my best and i hope to one day not think about killing myself everyday. Life is a struggle and I’ve come to really learn this the past 5 or so years.

Ok so uh
You are bipolar

My ex gf was one of those (((depressed))) freaks with (((anxiety))). Ruined our relationship, my fault for thinking I could change her. The drugs don't help, they just fuck a person up more.

Wanted to say the same thing kek

Yeah - If you are around shit people, you feel shit. Its not a chemical imablance in you, its the people. Remove the people and your mood will improve.

Im not saying "feeling shit" isnt real

My trauma is being surrounded by brown people that talk, act, and smell funny and don't do the things I like to do

You are suppose to take the drugs as you change your lifestyle with them.

Fucking this > > > ..
Youre just surrounded by people telling you that you are depressed and that makes you depressed. "Never give up" and "You've got to fight it" are just standard bullshit faggotry.

Just avoid toxic normalfag fucktards

Are you depressed? Yes. Ok I'll diagnose you with depression, here go buy these drugs.

>unironically using the term "toxic"
Gas you'reslf pls

Buy how do I know im depressed and not just being a little bitch?

>is my lacking social skills,

Society is inherently anti-social.
As soon as enough people realise this, the rate of "depression" will stop

That's the truth.

It's perfectly normal. I feel like that sometimes, everyone does. You are not unique or special. Your just confused because modern society has numbed you into thinking that every feeling is a disorder

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This. I fucking hate open space offices. A job in a cubicle would be a dream come true

The only toxic thing about me is how bad my farts smell

Not really.
My mum and sister were fucking crazy and when I stopped seeing them I felt better and realized wtf was going on. I've never ben diagnosed. I was brainfucked because they were my family, so I assumed they were ok - but they were fucking crazy women

You're an addict.

Depression isn't real, and if you think so, I will share my life story with you, and make you wake up.

If my life story doesn't work, I will share with you the life story of the cripple girl I used Sonic with as a child. Mine was tragically dark, her story was just holy shit she must have been a real monster in a past life.


People don't even know what good people are anymore. Good people do not coddle and spoil you. They bully you into being better.

I've tried to read away my disposition but the books are underwhelming. Conversation is disappointing. Being a body is a distracting nuisance. Can't eat it away, fuck it away, spend it away. Change of scenery does nothing. Pretty much down to faith or murder or both. Otherwise, become an hero to all, hm? No, it's not my problem, it's yours.

depression is a meme

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>Only depressed people can talk about it because they get it
Except you don't. You are not unique and special. Everyone gets depressed. Some people deal with it better than others. Why should we listen to the little bitches who cry about how depressed they are? We should listen to the happy people who manage their depression successfully.

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Doesn't really make me feel better when I go home to an empty house and can't go anywhere to meet people because large crowds make me nervous.