Place your bets gentlemen
11.3/3.11 so is there a happening happening today?
The whole universe is happening right now
Ah fuck
Is Seattle supposed to blow up or something?
I honestly don't fuckin care anymore
Nothing. Ever. Happens.
Watch Seattle, hedge with $nCoV coronacoin on satoexchange
Its going to be full lock down
Undesirables will be culled
Fully blown german idealism installed
our governor is too much of a pussy to do a quarantine
Give me the quick rundown. Why is 3/11 important?
I'm gonna smoke bud till I can't read today. How's that for a happening
Market crash again today
TPTB absolutely love the band and do everything they can to memorialize their existence including, unfortunately, using 3/11 as a global catastrophe.
9/11 was supposed to be in March but the admins fucked up the scheduling and the elites don't bother themselves with that kind of work.
So it's gonna be a crazy day.
There are too many tweekers here. Put boots om the ground and tell them they can't go out after dark? it'll be a warzone.
so, whats going to happen????
another big load of nothing it seems.
be sure you follow the tide as it rolls out.
Today is the day the world runs out of toilet paper. All out war between countries that use bidets vs. countries that wipe. You've been warned. This is gonna be a shitty conflict.
Keep those asses clean, europoors. We're comin' for 'em.
Battle of the skidmark
What's happenin wit yo momma, white boi
I wish my governor would quarantine. But nah this state is lost. It’s filled to the brim with niggers and Mexicans. It would also hurt our entire economy that’s based on fucking tourism. Can’t hurt it because the kikes would get pissy.
Is this a reality shift, Mandela Effect, code, trick or just Sky News being pricks? (watch the folder)-
Ok. WTF?
What the actual fuck!!
I'm betting it's some kind of code.
Probably a new covid case in wisconsin and mass panic
Alright, I'll admit, that's pretty strange.
It was based off Q shit of them trying to nuke a city. Nothing is going to happen.
They are talking about GREEN issues, maybe it's a matrix glitch or just Sky News being pricks
The markets could crash again I suppose..
We will soon be free of the (((virions))).
Worst thing that happened in Seattle last year on November 11th was a housefire and some missing children. Real letdown despite all the kaballistic numeromancy.
There isn't even going to be a football game today. Literally nobody is going to be paying attention to Seattle.
East Japan earthquake happened
K is the 11th letter of the alphabet. 3.11 is synonymous with "KKK'" which became the NRA, which is deep state Russian controlled white supremacists.
Also, the last happening was supposed to be 11.3 in Seattle, but the FBI came on Yas Forums and said we thwarted it with our sage threads. And 3.11 is 11.3 backwards, and this is Clownworld*
This plus playing Descent and maybe applying for more jobs spells out my day.
Is this the real Seattle 311 day this time?
Totally unrelated to Q.
something will take its course
Nah it's Joomatria
Judging by the lack of hype, we're probably not even going to reach half the happening levels of last time.
Maybe all the hype last time meant it couldn't happen
No if you look back in the archives with "Q user 3/11" you'll find it. He's a fake or a puppet either way
Or 11/3 for that matter
Happening? More like Crappening!! Lmaooo my ass off
Ninth anniversary of the 3/11 quake. Services cancelled because of virus.
Seattle could be quarantined?
It's some kind of gematria coding.
nutters going nuts @ youtube
probably just a prank
China tier lock down everywhere Corona is. This article pretty much says this is the only way to beat it:
When it turned green it looked fake af. It's obviously red and someone fucked with the footage afterwards.
It turns green just as she says "what many believed would be a green budget."
Revelation 3:11?
Like I said Sky New just probably being pricks.
What if Seattle gets quarantined and then suddenly a terrorist attack/bombing happens?
Prace your bats gentermen
What if we learn everyone at last years football game has been Corona-channed this entire time?
More likely is them quarantining a city, and people rioting. Everyone in Wuhan is under house arrest, and one family member has to get a pass to do shopping.
I think Corona is a cover for something else. Big changes coming!
Green is the colour of Islam, as well as the eco movement.
i wanna suck a bbc
Nothing happens on these days. All that's really going on is you aren't doing that schoolwork you're late on, shame.
"Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown ( Corona?)."
a pandemic
Only thing you'll get from the BBC is chaild abusers.
Battle of waterloo 2: electric pooinloo