The working class lost

Bernie's defeat is a loss for the working class.
Working people work. They need a politician willing to take and wield power on their behalf. Bernie was willing to do just that.
Bernie isn't the woke Left, the SJWs. That woke Left is already IN POWER. Their victimilogy rhetoric is used to obfuscate the fact that they're wealthy and their ideology is hegemonic. Bernie is a nationalist socialist, not a woketard.

By definition, politicians serve those they represent. Biden takes billionaires' money, and corporate money. Bernie took only donations from individuals.
Working class Americans just gave over a hundred million dollars to Bernie's campaign. Unfortunately, it wasn't well managed. And as Trump pointed out, Warren helped destroying Bernie. Pic related.

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There's no democracy in this country. I don't give a fuck anymore.

It's becoming a globalist oligarchy, and the workers are being crushed


Then why did bernie say shit like "we will go to war with white supremacists" if he isn't SJW ?

>Bernie is a nationalist socialist
Do you guys ever get tired of blatantly lying? Who does this shit actually work on?

His hipster advisers tried to convince him to adopt the Russia gate, and Nazi hysteria.
Bernie was affected by elite advisers. Badly advised.

He's a socialist, and he was fully nationalist before flip flopping on closed borders

Bernie isn’t national socialist; his consecutive loss (and the losses of social democratic left wing reformist parties across the west) is the blackpill for naive young white leftists into national socialism. Boomer mindset thinking Republican conservatives are celebrating Bernie’s loss but it’s representative of the future of U.S politics; “whites” will never be able to mount a populist movement from the left again. It’s simply too diverse, foreshadowing the future of American politics for the entire country. The system still works it just doesn’t work for YOU anymore.

Seems like he's hitting on the bernie bros. Ever notice this jew will suck off anyone but his supporters?

Trump had them declared a Terrorist Organization. Which is the bigger kike?

Because he was affected by fickle unprincipled Ivy League hacks who were hired by his campaign. They larped as workers but they live a cloistered life of privilege, and adopt woketardness to hide their neoliberalism

>“whites” will never be able to mount a populist movement from the left again.
True, but working class could

Who do you think the working class are?

The working people who have no time for Twitter.
The working people whose increasingly rare free times are devoted to sleep and family.

Bernie was a shill since day one, he never existed to win anything, the establishment just used him to sway voters into the direction of least logical. He makes money hand over fist from the same dummies that give up their cash to ethots and ecelebs and reddit gold and Yas Forums passes, PLUS the huge fucking bribes from lobbies and corporations on whose behalf he swayed influence. Plus the KFC empire money.

Bernie is like a heavyweight boxer with super huge muscles and videos of him punching clean through heavy bags and bench pressing old cadillacs but then he goes and throws his fight a minute into the bout.

>the direction of least logical.
What do you mean ?

>Bernie is like a heavyweight boxer with super huge muscles and videos of him punching clean through heavy bags and bench pressing old cadillacs but then he goes and throws his fight a minute into the bout.
Accurate parabole

Bernie advocated taxing anyone who makes over $29,000 a year 52% for free healthcare. That’s less than $7.10 an hour. Healthcare is already free if you are making that little money. But he wanted to take over half of your money just to give you something you already get but with lower quality.

bernie is a money grubbing bolshevik kike who hsan't worked a single day in his life
why are leafs consistently the dumbest human beings on the planet?

>Bernie isn't the woke Left, the SJWs.

Are you retarded?

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>Working people work
Yes and socialists don't.

>Bernie is national socialist
Pic related, time to kys you zoomie cocksucker, livestream it.

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>who hsan't worked a single day in his life
Working isn't only about wage slaving, you dumb fat monkey


>Bernie is a nationalist


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>Pic related,
He needed to tread carefully with the crypto neoliberal woketards

>ever helping the working class
You can go fuck yourself with a cactus.
t. someone from a post-socialistic country

>Bernie is a national socialist

>act like terrorists
>get declared as terrorists
How is that kikery you antifag??

He was against open borders before being pressured to espouse it

Why do you niggers bother coming here? go play on twitter where you belong you retarded monkey

Funny how you avoid the most important answer. The working class are whites. Other races are just leeches.

Boy who born after CSSR surely know how working class lived in socialist countries

It comes from a combination of the permanent underdog mentality that "we're fighting the big machine so dirty tactics are necessary", a feeling of intellectual superiority that "we'll just lie to the retards if we have to because we know we're right even if they're too dumb to see it", and the materialist's indifference to decency / honor, which produces a level of shamelessness that any[one LARPing as a] conservative finds repulsive

>The working class are whites.
Have you been to the U.S., dummy?
The working class there is multi ethnic

Nice argument faggot. You still didn't answer the question.
Also, never been to Twatter.

>he doesn't have a pass

>crypto neoliberal woketards
Those cunts are America hating socialist shitskins and he endorsed their fucking green new deal, you lying little cocksucker.

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Thank you for this, I didn't have the means to back myself up when making this point

Oh yes, because every single person I know who lived through that time surely talked about rainbows and sunshines.
How about you shut up you nigger of slavs.

>Bernie is a nationalist
*proven wrong*
>OK well no he's not but only because he was pressured into it

>Bernie isn't the woke Left

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I don't have to be there, I just need to see the statistics. Guess which race has the only net possitive on the economy and who else leeches off all the money.
Seriously canuck, just kill yourself. This thread you have made only extremely retarded excuses.

This. The fucking leaf makes such pathetic excuses, it's like arguing with a five year old.


>America hating socialist shitskins
They hate America all right. But they are globalist neoliberal. That's why they reduce everything to orange man bad and white supremacy hysteria, to hide their neoliberalism.

Imagine being an out of work or overworked auto-factory employee and being told that AOC, Greta Thunberg + Naomi Klien have it all figured out oh & giving away $2 trillion dollars to global south.

That's not socialism.

Right, right. If only Warren blablabla. Jews had nothing to do with it. Nice jewish wall you built there, champ. When is that deployment to Beijing again?

Nice job ignoring those same America hating faggots demanding for everything to be handed to them for free. But sure, go with the excuse of "that's not real socialism". Seriously, like a five year old.

>Jews had nothing to do with it.
Bloomberg and other kikes are the bosses of the Democratic Party. They opposed Bernie ferociously.

>muh privilege
OK Nooger

Privilege here means not having to wage slave, you dumb kunt

Fuck Biden...he’ll have to win without millions of Bernie supporters who absolutely will not vote for a centrist corporate shill. He may still win but the American people will lose no matter who usual.

>implying any capitalist can be good for the working class
Cope and seethe succdem

>Bernie isn't the woke Left, the SJWs. That woke Left is already IN POWER. Their victimilogy rhetoric is used to obfuscate the fact that they're wealthy and their ideology is hegemonic.

Thank you for pointing that out. I’m glad that real Marxists actually discovered the sham for what it was. I may not agree with them, but at least they aren’t total shills and bring up some legitimate arguments.

Neoliberalism is when someone does something I don't like

White men are the only demographic that put into the system. Everyone else takes. Even white women are a loss. The worst are blacks. Average lifetime cost per black person is 750k. This is not sustainable or morally correct. It’s bullshit to not state the obvious facts even if you don’t like it because Muh Racism. Taking from one group that is productive to give to another that is utterly worthless is slavery and wrong on so many levels. Combine the fact that not only are you stealing a persons life (taxed work), you are disincentivising working harder.. or at all of it just gets stolen. Compound that you can’t live as comfortable or raise a family because you can’t afford the tax, while the blacks can shit out kids for free. So wrong on so many levels.

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>globalist neoliberal.
Literally the members of Socialists of America you ShoeOnHead watching faggot.
So fucking tired of your #NotRealLeftshit(tm) shtick.

No. It's open border, mass immigration, factory delocalisation, no union protection, etc

>working class

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I am in the US and you're full of shit. At the lowest levels of employment you'll find a few niggers of various shades, but the higher you go it gets whiter and whiter.

>open borders, mass immigration

sure, lets all believe the theory you thought up while shitting in the toilet

Trump really likes to suck Bernie's mutilated cock. Sounds like Trump is ditching Pence for Bernie. Will be fun to see a commie as VP.

Lmao look at this retard. Try getting your news somewhere other than Facebook, boomer

>At the lowest levels of employment you'll find a few niggers of various shades
They're working class then, you imbecile

The first indication a candidate is pro workers is if he wants to end immigration, fight the drug epidemics and regulate the banking system. Ending gibs me dat for leeches and tax cuts for big business.
You need everything on that list to be pro workers. No candidate has promoted the full package, ergo no candidate is pro workers.

That’s because the country was a lot whiter demographics in the boomer generation.


He has a cleaner record than most politicians, and he worked as a carpenter, unless you don't consider that a real job (you probably don't you slob).

Stop paraphrasing everything Hillary tells you to say

Retarded leaf, he's just sowing discord with the Democrats so they start infighting.

everything is the woke left to boomers like you. These labels have lost all meaning.

>Be black
>Sub 85 IQ
>Sometimes work lowest tier of society
>Still cost white man 750k per black over lifetime in gibs
>Working class

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Ever since 2008 there has been a strong attempt to divide the general public and keep everyone at each others' throats. The people ruining the country want the old fighting the young, the men fighting the women, the whites fighting the blacks, the heteros fighting the homos, and the atheists fighting the christians

The last thing they want is The People fighting The Establishment.

The left and the right have way more in common than how the dividers try to depict. We are ALL, every one of us, being fucked in the ass by rich corporatists and bureaucras and ivory tower "intellectuals" who dream of creating an empire based on the slavery of the public, one which they have so far largely succeeded at creating.

It needs to stop, we need to end the infighting and focus on the people that are actually the problem.

He was a ((((jouranlist)))) and a preschool teacher which help explain why he appeals so much to man children and basic bitches.

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>The first indication a candidate is pro workers is if he wants to end immigration, fight the drug epidemics and regulate the banking system
Any resurgence in organised labor and working class power, will necessarily be opposed to massive immigration and bankster kikes

That's literally false though you fucking retard.

You don't pay more until you reach 250k a year and even then only on every dollar AFTER that.

>le ebin class solidarity maymay
And that's why we need to pass hate speech laws and accept hundreds of millions of climate refugees t. the left

Moot point. Berie is kill.

Might as well discuss War Plan Orange.

>The last thing they want is The People fighting The Establishment.
Indeed. Populism is the future. Trump talked like one. Bernie is one.

The twenty something know it all rich kids on twitter know absolutely nothing about the working class.

What a complete and total legend

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