Is paying for this old hag's luxurious and expensive lifestyle the ultimate act of british taxpayer cuckoldry?

is paying for this old hag's luxurious and expensive lifestyle the ultimate act of british taxpayer cuckoldry?

Attached: queen-elizabeth.jpg (618x410, 32.9K)

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No different than a prime minister or president.

>20 pence a year to preserve one of the last holdouts of tradition in the UK
Such oppression.

A Brit who values tradition!!! You're one in a million user. God Bless.

doesn't she drive a camri or something? she's ok, her family is all shit though

Why would she drive some shit American car, she drives a Landrover

Why, because she spent all her money on boomer hats?

I think that paying for the Queen is a lot better than paying for the healthcare of the 10,000,000th refugee to arrive in London.

Millennials are so obsessed and jealous of Boomers success.

Get out and work you lazy cunts.

She basically owns the entire country and everything in it, legally.

brits are paying tax, so that they can live in her realm.

> get out and work

in a thread about the queen?

Your a fucking idiot.

The Crown owns literally half the country, you should be thanking her for letting you live on her PRIVATE PROPERTY mother fucker.

Go make something of your life instead of trying to take wealth off others.

Fucking Millennial. Useless bunch of cunts.

Britbongs are cowardly little ant people to still bow to an old whore queen in the 21st century. The Russians knew how to deal with "royalty", if you had any guts at all you'd give them the same treatment.

No. She's your rightful queen and you should kneel, fucking peasant scum. Alternate answer: she deserves every shilling she gets just for banhammering shithead grandchildren who ruin the bloodline. Alternate alternate answer: you should be killing all your politicians in the UK right now and turning everything back over to her. She has a much better track record than your crop in recent decades. There'd be no "illegally overly attractive" people in advertisements and no bans on butter knives.

Could be worse, could be paying to keep protoniggers alive.

Camri is japanese, and I have no idea, I just heard that someplace. Land rover makes sense, over priced and useless.

XDD le epic trolele

brits cant figure out which thing to bow to, islam rapefugees, invisible flying jewish tomb fairies from 2000 years ago, or an old hat model

name a head of state, either in a republic or monarchy, whose lifestyle is not funded by the taxpayer.

In English property law the Queen is literally the physical manifestation of the State itself as 'the Crown' so in her capacity as the Crown she technically owns all the land in every country in which she is the monarch. She holds other property in her personal capacity which is still sizeable.

How many actual babies has this cunt eaten over her long as blood sucking life ? Also has she ever been seen with the "Black Eye "?

>ultimate act of british taxpayer cuckoldry
I think allowing their govt to help destroy the West at the behest of the jews tops it desu.

Doesn't it make more money back? Tourism and merch and all that?

Correction. The Queen Mum is funding your lifestyle, primarily by letting you squat on her land.

No this was

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no, that's bullshit.
she spends significantly more to fund her and her family's cushy lifestyle then she ever brings back to the economy.

Did she move the UK embassy to Jerusalem and transfer funds from UK paychecks into an aid package for Israel? No, of course not. The UK has a lot of progressing to do.

>she drives a Landrover
made in india

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Death to the Rothschilds and their puppets.

Ok, you win.

>so that they can live in (((their))) realm.
Windsors are meatpuppets

i didn't vote for her


Russian's interfered

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are they still paying for that nigger meghan?

>source: my arse

I know a Romanian family who will do it for 10p a year .
Funny how hiring cheaper workers never applies to anyone but the working class.

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels.”
― (Freemason) Prince Philip

Xang wu fun bing ling ting tong ping pong?

The Royals pay more in taxes than they receive in their stipend.

>20 pence a year to pay old people to use child prostitutes
>20 pence a year to marry hollywood goblinos
>20 pence a year to be a slutted up diplomat with less functions
>holdout of tradition
spotted the kike

statism and taxpaying is hella based if it's for the benefit of some rich kike I get to suck up to.

Damn, some of these scams go waaay back

It might be if that happened, Zhang.

She brings millions annually to the Uk.

That is a rude meany thing to say. God save the queen

Someone has to eat all the orphans.

Man, even the (((republican))) retards know that the monarchy makes money for Britain and try to spin it as bad.

I hate this dumb bitch
>Entire empire collapsed in her reign
>Doesn't say shit about the EU or Brexit
>Protects her pedophile son
>Murdered her sons ex wife
>Didn't pardon Assange
>Shills diversity is strength and other globalist bullshit

She is the worst monarch this nation has ever had.

they make their own money from the crown estate which is legally their money but the majority goes to the Government and they get a percentage. They pay for themselves really.

Far different you cuck.

>Did literally none of these things
>But takes the blame for (((parliament))) doing them
Just as planned.


Brits are literally paying BBC tax.

>it's another colonial doesn't understand the concept of monarchy and would rather pay money to an oligarch episode

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So you want to preserve your tradition of being slaves? lmao

No. Come on, the monarchy isn’t that expensive. Britain deserves some pride and distinction.

Be less hate-slaved, slave.

An native oligarch is better than a foreign king.

Did you replace the meaning of slave when you won against the south or something?


only when she's knighting known pedophiles

*drinks wine mixed with water*

Is having monarchs the ultimate cuckoldry?

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a monarch. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are working , trading , training, learning for a society for at least 30 years solely so it can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful Polis - training her troops, educating your sons, building a vast fleet , fighting for her. All of it has one simple result: the Polis is more enjoyable for the man that will eventually rule her just for beeing born by a monarch.

Created the perfect society ? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she was advanced. He gets to enjoy the taxes that is paid by his subjects. He gets the benefits of her troops and riches that came from the way you build your society

As a man who has a monarch, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your adult life simply to raise a prosperous society for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically.

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