Vidya characters that are your political beliefs

Post em'
>Ancap or close
>Rewards rich people
>Economic and political genius
>Separates degeneracy from the strip
>Blows up said degeneracy with death robots

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The one that shoas recaptcha and returns Yas Forums to glory. Seriously, fuck moot for screwing us on the way out the door like that.

All so he could watch some jew bitch get fucked

>a literal jew that made a secret underwater city to escape anuddah shoah
You're going in my cringe compilation

I’m still pissed that there’s no option to join him. They acted like there’ll be a place for you in the Enclave once Autumn is gone and then they fucking shrekt Raven Rock offscreen.

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Need i say more?

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Cats from Zero Wing

t. Joe Biden

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have sex english teacher

>Not taking the Caesarpill.
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.

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>Kills all the phoneys.
>bird enthusiast
>doesnt give a fuck about accuracy

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>Has literal, fucking JEWS in his army

Aww shit smoke.

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>nation built on slavery
>can’t even buy slaves from them

I had no choice, I had to do it!
I just see the opportunity - I take it !!

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>Buying your slaves instead of taking them yourself like a real man

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Pretty much this, but only if he goes ahead and creates a synthesis between the Legion and the NCR like he is planning

Sitting around and doing nothing?
>has time to cross the border for a party
>can't be bothered to lead any armies or even more his head quarters closer to the front

Well it that game it really doesnt matter who I side with because I make a lot of caps. Its about me not whatever the future of whatever that city is called. uhhh vega or somrthing.

You could do that, just like you could go out and shoot a wild deer instead of buying meat for dinner. It’ll probably be better, but buying is just more convenient.

>blows up degeneracy
choose one you fucking tard

Fuck House. I work with the BoS. Cried like a little bitch when I smoked his ass.

One time I had a maxed account with a million caps. the perk is called jury rigging. You buy a 500 dollar full repair service rifle and repair the assault rifle. Its pure profit. 100 barter. A varmit rifle costs like 200 caps, and you repair a trail rifle. Its free money. Game is such a joke and so easy, I guess the story is good or whatever? Sure sure but the actual gameplay is ez pz

audible kek

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degeneracy trying to force their way through a border gate into a privately owned area is a NAP violation
>ooga booga technology bad
>give me all ur techs!!!!
>argh, they gib no tech
>me angry now
Only boomers and millennials can relate to BoS and their backwards fucking ratnest of a community

Your nose... It's sticking out.

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Wrong game, retard

Only bitch ass leftists would side with a corpse on life support and his army of robots. House was a literal jew trying to replace human kind with niggers, I mean robots. BoS didn't give a shit about anybody except themselves, that's why I like them. You need to rethink your strategy, boy.

>Objectivist and miniarchist
>create a city to escape commies and taxes
>belive in free market and free wil
>destroyed his opponet because was a parasite

Yeah did a lot of bad things but “All great things must first wear terrifying and monstrous masks in order to inscribe themselves on the hearts of humanity.” for me was fucking based. Destroyed smuglers and commies and not with facts and logic but with bullets and fire, tried to create a libertarian dream/objectivist/ancap

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>BoS didn't give a shit about anybody except themselves,
bullshit they promoted niggers and women to leadership positions despite real life data showing them not to be capable of meeting the standards

>successful general
>willing to make practical alliances with political rival for the protection of the world
>Manages to not fuck up his own communist country
>only purges a single dissident general
>invests in scientific advancement
>amazing space program
>Leaves his successor a stable and prosperous future
>always on time

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>NPC recruiter for BoS is a dike faggot
>Tankie ideology
>Cucked over by NCR
Cope harder, House is the best thing for the Mojave.

Higgs from Death Stranding
its edgy and cringe but probably correct, we should just disappear

Nonsense. The only important woman within BoS ranks was the elder's daughter and I chose to sacrificed her anyway. Fallout 4 sucked ass and it doesn't count.

Based. This is what I wanted to see, Andrew Ryan did absolutely nothing wrong.

I too was disappointed, you realize they're actually the good guys.

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Yeah you needed to talk to that cunt on I-95 in order to get to the BoS bunker. Did what I had to. On my second playthrough, I had enough science/lockpicking (can't remember) to hack the electronic lock so I didn't need her.

Yes Man best ending.

Don’t have a video game character but I have based Rust. I genuinely think all humans are a mistake against nature.

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Kills demons
Kills those who try to stop him from killing demons
Thats how right wing is supposed to work, absolutely based

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okay being serious and not being contrarian I think my views would be best represented by Augustus Sinclair.
"Andrew Ryan. He reckoned the free market was some kinda holy spirit gonna lead us all over the rainbow -- and I reckon it's a big fat hooker too dim to spot a wooden nickel. So old Andy went an' became his own ghost, and I whittled nickels 'till I made a mint."

The best ever video game character is Geralt of Rivia.

aaand picture, because I'm posting before bed like a braindead nerd.

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> I genuinely think all humans are a mistake against nature

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>not just maxing out luck and hitting all the casinos
Not a ring-a-ding, baby....

Well, on a second thought, you are not wrong. Doom Slayer is probably the king of video games.

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Bro the strip was the most degenerate area of the game. Nazis are retarded and delusional

He was a cool character. Knda wish delta didnt killed him, but it added drama, i guess.

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Yeah Augustus Sinclair i like him to it's like the softie part of ryan or the good part. I loved the fact that exploited commies to make a profit(that's what i get when i got one of his audiologs explaining that he made syringe at 1/10 of the price and sold at 11/10 back by making them by hand with poor people who wanted to gain a nickle a day)

>muh strip is degenerate, I don't like the results of free market
>next to freeside

Lmao, the house went bust in my game. Independence without house.

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This is F:NV you Brainlet Jap

Based and Housepilled

Doom guy is who we should all emulate.

he's the only one with a long term plan to getting humans of that irradiated rock. every other faction is pure kikery.
>ncr expanding its borders, ruled by bureaucracy, allows degeneracy like homosexuality to persist, allows women into military roles
>caesars legion, god complex, believes everyone should serve him, has no progeny, no long term goals except infinite expansion, rejects all technology to keep his empire ignorant and under his complete control

Compton did nothing wrong. Seeing his city rain fire on degeneracy was absolutely based. That game was a real redpill on the subversive nature of our media producers, though.