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Don't think you can take afgananistan and pakistan has nuclear weapons.

R8 my drawing

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idk about the rest, but Bhutan is obviously a vassal state of India. Even the currency is pegged to yours.


Also, the British invented Hinduism.


Poo in the sea

Supepower confirmed

They said a lot of different traditions were Hinduism. The traditions already existed. Brits didn't invent India's spirituality. Brits only invented the idea that they were all the same thing.

Yes, and English speaking countries call Greece Greece while the Greeks call it Ελλάδα. You can see how it'd be stupid to claim the British invented Greece.
The British invented the name. Hindus never needed a name for their religion because it was the only religion around.

>look at end of poop
>see Laccadive Sea
>So close to Laxative

My sides

>Although it contains the world’s third-largest population of Muslims, India, for most people outside it, is a country of “Hindus”; even a “Hindu civilisation”, in Samuel Huntington’s millenarian world-view. Yet Hinduism was a 19th-century British invention. Even the word Hindu itself is of non-Hindu origin. It was first used by the ancient Persians to refer to the people living near the River Indus (Sindhu in Sanskrit). It then became a convenient shorthand for the rulers of India; it defined those who were not Muslims or Christians.

Ok don’t care.

Why poos want no poos not to poo in loos?

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Lol user I spit out my beer literally.


By Vishnu, soon the streets of Nepal shall be littered with Indian poop

why does india have to really gain via afghanistan though? Also, afghanistan is a fucking hell hole and impossible to control unless you basically curb stomp the Pashtun people. Pakistan is something I can agree with however.


Why do brown people want to own infinite land when the land they already own sucks? Same shit with Mexicunts

Imagine the smell

>But India remained too big and diverse to be monopolised by any one book or idea. The Hindu nationalists present the Muslims who ruled India for eight centuries as the flag-bearers of an intolerant monotheism. Yet there was even more religious plurality during that period. Sufism mingled with local faiths; the currently popular devotional cults of Rama and Krishna, and the network of ashrams and sects, expanded fast under the Moghul empire. Medieval India furnishes more evidence of sectarian violence between the worshippers of Shiva and Vishnu than between Hindus and Muslims.

There has been some interesting Indian work done on this subject actually.

This is written by an Indian nationalist named Savarkar in which he tries to create a kind of sythnesis to determine who is apart of this concept and who is not. Worth the read and it's not so long.


many have tried, all have failed
especially the afghans

it was part of the Mughal and Mauryan empires. It's a cultural crossroad. Too bad it's been destroyed beyond recognition.
nobody said anything about Hinduism.

That or they just want to show the borders. Like if US kids were asked to include Mexico and Canada. If the US kids could find Mexico and Canada.

>If the US kids could find Mexico and Canada.

This is an apology, not a scholarly work. Scholarly works have citations, footnotes, etc.
We're talking about Hindutva here, and that's the subject of the posted article.

where in the article did you see a word of Hindutva ? US education is really that bad?

What is your opinion of Savarkar? I recently read his "Essentials of Hindutva" and found it compelling, at least as something kind of "exotic" for me. As for Afghanistan, I understand traditional imperial borders but in terms of realpolitik I don't see what you would beneficially gain. There is a crippling opium crisis there and with US troops beginning to pull out it will surely fall back into Warlordism and perhaps another Civil War, particularly because Atta Muhammad Nur has been removed from his position in Balkh Province and he had a shit ton of supporters there.

>my drawing
It's an old image so it's very unlikely that you were the one who drew it. You're just claiming it as yours because you have nigger blood flowing in your veins.
I grabbed that one from Yas Forums in 2017.

Get exposed, be assmad, Pajeet.
>Early 18th-century British scholars of India were familiar at home with the monotheistic and exclusive nature of Christianity. When confronted by diverse Indian religions, therefore, they tended to see similarities, even though these were usually as superficial as those between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The British assumed that different religious practices could exist only within a single overarching tradition. Equally - because they came from a society that had a relatively high level of literacy - they thought that Indian religion must have canonical texts, just as Christianity did. Their local intermediaries tended to be Brahmans, who alone knew the languages - primarily Sanskrit - needed to study such ancient Indian texts as the Vedas and the Bhagavad-Gita. Together, the British scholars and their Brahman interpreters came up with a canon of sorts, mostly Brahmanical literature and ideology, which they began to identify with a single Hindu religion.

The Indian is right in this case. Defining the thing as "Hindu" was just the British way to throw all related groups under an umbrella, presumably for administrative purposes. For them it was an organic religion so there wasn't really any point in "scholarizing" it the way British academics love to do with things and presumably why they lost their Empire.

If India is able to smoke out all the rebel groups they should do that

white people CAME from India

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> tfw surrounded by poos

>The Brahmanical literature so systematised later created much of the appeal of Indian culture for its foreign connoisseurs, such as the German Romantics, Schopenhauer, Emerson and Thoreau. It also provided the British with the standards by which to judge the state of contemporary religion in India. As few Indians at the time seemed capable of the sublime sentiments found in the Bhagavad-Gita and the Rig-Veda, Hinduism began to seem a degenerate religion, full of such social evils as widow-burning and untouchability, and in desperate need of social engineering: an idea that appealed both to British colonialists and their Brahman collaborators, who had long felt threatened by the non-Brahmanical forms of religion that most Indians followed. It was equally convenient to blame the intrusion of Islam into India for Hinduism's fallen state, even for the caste system, and to describe Hindus as slaves of Muslim tyrants: a terrible fate from which the British had apparently rescued them in order to prepare their path to a high stage of civilisation.

I can't wait for China to start a land war with India after Coronachan cripples India. That's going to be one hot war. The US won't stop it, because Coronachan is going to keep them busy.

This is Indian education.

Greece is from the Romans and Latin

>expecting originality or integrity on present-day Yas Forums
As I am sure you're aware, this place has become nothing more than showboating and ego-stroking.

good luck getting those back

While everything you've written may be true, it doesn't do anything to expose the fraud of the "Hindu nationalist" ideology that gets peddled here. The article I'm posting from bridges that gap by providing a critique. This sort of thing used to be what Yas Forums was about before the 2015 invasion.

I’d respect an Indian staying in India doing whatever the fuck they want but I loathe the ones that come here and start their pedo shit. Poos need to get the fuck out of Aus.

Pajeets have been making ballsy moves recently


God damn it.

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True and hilarious

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Stop shooting yourself in the foot before you fight and maybe you could've won the 18 year war.


Go fellate a Somali, snownigger.


Would not sniff.


I dislike this bros. The proud people of Bhutan look like good people.

We must secure the existence of our slants and a future for bhutanese children

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That's cute kim chi.
You can't even beat North Korea.

India doesnt represent Hinduism as a whole.

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North Korea ruling would have been the natural course. US has to mettle and delay the inevitable as an ode to their own narcissistic ego.

You could always defect to NK.
What's stopping you?

We need some fucking imperialism in this day and age.

Their life doesnt even revolve around Israel, what a massive chuzpe. Only a matter of time until Zion Don starts bombing them.

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stop humiliating yourself

Why would I want to do that? South Korea will be free of imperialist capitalism soon.

>has become
>implying it hasnt always been