Confuses twitter with real life

>confuses twitter with real life

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>the internet is not real life, everyone loves me

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Bernie still has a path to the nomination.

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Well if big corps and tech companies kowtow to twatter mobs, it must be true.

Twitter whores support Biden though.

Cope harder

Considering how bad he actually lost (DNC won't even need to do superdelegate fuckery), I think it's not actually him, but the incompetent negress and basedboy staffers he hired to virtue signal. I mean, fuck, it's that bad.

>help the poor
Bernie is a heartless scam mastermind whose entire purpose in politics is to ask for donations, send them through his "company" that buys ads to ask for more donations and so on while siphoning off a % for himself.

He's played all of his supporters and fucked them in the ass and got rich. He's not a socialist, he's not a capitalist either, he's just a criminal, a scam, a fraud

>We should help the poor...with *your* money. What? you thought me and my dark money donors are going to pay? Stupid fucking mark!

He also gathers fame and writes books, that's part of the scam.

Good point, which are part of the scam because they're books based on his fake public performance of being a "politician" who's "against the establishment" and then he writes bullshit about this fake public persona in the books which his retarded followers gobble up and pay for in between donating to him

So a capitalist.

Nope, just a criminal fraud. A capitalist would provide a useful product or service to willing customers. Farmers who sell their produce at the market are capitalists. So are craftsmen who cut down trees on their property, hew them into furniture and sell it. Etc

"A capitalist produced what I wanted and so I purchased what I wanted from him for a reasonable price!! what a scam!!!"

So a capitalist. Capitalism is literally built on criminal fraud and inheritance. There is nothing more to the system than that. If you look at literally ANY rich family, they got their money by committing either outright crime or doing really ethically questionable shit.

You're not going to fuck kids buddy.

>Nope, just a criminal fraud.
So a successful capitalist.

>Farmers who sell their produce at the market are capitalists. So are craftsmen who cut down trees on their property, hew them into furniture and sell it. Etc
These are workers. These people are exploited by the capitalist class who simply own machines (that workers operate) that prints mountains of plastic garbage that has no quality whatsoever.

Successful capitalists do not accumulate wealth from "work." This is why they are called the leisure class.

Capitalists extract value from workers by owing private property and make money from the interest of having lots of money. That's it. There's nothing else involved.

You people have a confused view of reality because you cannot imagine a better world beyond capitalism. This must change. Don't be a fossil.

>A capitalist would provide a useful product or service to willing customers.
This is not what capitalism is.
In your mind, pic related is a "capitalist?" Holy shit you're retarded. Please try harder.

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Bernie was a shill since day one, he never existed to win anything, the establishment just used him to sway voters into the direction of least logical. He makes money hand over fist from the same dummies that give up their cash to ethots and ecelebs and reddit gold and Yas Forums passes, PLUS the huge fucking bribes from lobbies and corporations on whose behalf he swayed influence. Plus the KFC empire money.

Bernie is like a heavyweight boxer with super huge muscles and videos of him punching clean through heavy bags and bench pressing old cadillacs but then he goes and throws his fight a minute into the bout.

>Plus the KFC empire money.
The what?

>everyone successful must be a bad person
The capitalist takes on the job of management and the risk of losing all his invested capital or going into debt if the company is mismamaged. The worker may lose his job, but he doesn't have to lose any of his already-accumulated capital.

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>Colonel Sandera

>the picture implies he's poor, he is not
>low tier commie bait

same can be said for his followers. they got their hopes up again without realising how many people aren't involved in their online echo chamber

>The capitalist takes on the job of management
Workers do not need bosses or the capitalist class. They can self organize, produce for themselves and live free. Capitalists are leeches and prevent this possibility. Destroy capitalism and the state.

>The worker may lose his job, but he doesn't have to lose any of his already-accumulated capital.
Workers live paycheck to paycheck. They live in poverty. They do not have wealth. They are not capitalists. They pay out of their own pockets to remain employed and are threatened constantly with unemployment.

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>Workers do not need bosses or the capitalist class. They can self organize, produce for themselves and live free.
Then why don't they? Why haven't they?

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>Why haven't they?
Workers have. Many, many times.
It's called history.

>Then why don't they?
>pic related
Capitalists are very good friends with the state to protect their class privleges and power.

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What about the fact that a majority of businesses in this country are small ones?

Hopefully one day you'll grow up, move out, and have to support yourself so you can realize that you only want to steal other people's lives and futures is because you have no actual goals or plans yourself

Sad friend

Perhaps experiencing Ayn Rands Atlas Shrugged in audio form may open you up.

>paycheck to paycheck
Which is caused by one of three things:
>blowing all your money on consumption
Can't fix stupid.
>wages are too low
Caused by an oversaturated labor market (helped by traitorous politicians and globalism), downturns in the economy or employees that can't be arsed to strike and bargain effectively
>costs of living are too high
Also a problem of overpopulation, or a populace that can't be arsed to organize politically to fix those problems. Pic related
>smash the state! The workers don't need it!
>noooo you can't smash my left-wing state, the workers neeeeed it!

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>the government overthrew muh leftwing revolution waaaaaah
Liberal capitalists overthrew my rightwing revolution too it's not about political theory it's about white workers organizing being a threat to jewish capital's power. That's it. That's the endgame. If you are a threat, or even a thorn in the side of the jewish elite, for even ten minutes, they will bomb the shit out of you.

Twitter isn't reality but it sure is realty.
(that was a lake house joke)

>What about the fact that a majority of businesses in this country are small ones?
You mean the same ones being bought up or destroyed by globalisation and capitalist monopolies? Neat.

>Hopefully one day you'll grow up, move out, and have to support yourself so you can realize that you only want to steal other people's lives and futures is because you have no actual goals or plans yourself
You use personal attacks because you have no way to counter my objectively correct arguments.

You are mentally and physically weak and will die as capitalism spirals out of control and collapses. This is inevitable.
Enjoy your brief remaining time alive, pathetic ignorant miserable cuck.

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Who could have possibly seen this coming?

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>he thinks FICTION is real
Tiny baby brain.

I'd say the weaker person is the one complaining about the competitive society you're so incapable of competing in that you have to rewrite the entire thing in your weak image.

You're probably a Sanders-tier commie who couldn't even manage to pick up a broom even if you were in your ideal commune

We will never give up

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If that is what you derive from my statement then you are truly hopeless. Neck yourself.

(Not him)
I don't prescribe moral superiority to either capitalism or socialism, but socialists are fucking retarded for thinking that pulling a lever for someone wanting government monopoly is all they need to fix society's problems
Ah, the old
>capitalism's gonna destroy your business because we say so, so let us destroy it
It's like 1984, it's meant to present an idea.

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>Icompetitive society you're so incapable of competing
The problem with competition is that someone wins.

The game is already over. You are poor and defend your slavery to the rich.

You are a cuck. You have already lost but your cognitve dissosance prevents you from acknowleding this truth. Cope harder.

Or find the strength to destroy the instutions of class power that rule over you. Can't? WEAKLING.

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>IQ correlating with success is just an accident goy

Haha haha you faggots still clinging? Good. It means when you finally admit it it’s over you’ll fucking kill yourself

>>everyone successful must be a bad person
1: Yes.
2: "Successful" - inheriting money doesn't make you a success. It makes you a bitch and your father a criminal.

>someone wanting government monopoly is all they need to fix society's problems
>he's never heard of stateless socialism

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Small business psychopaths are the worst humans other than farmers. They deserve nothing but a cell at best. A shallow grave at moderate.

Stop spamming this ugly tranny

The U.S. population has grown by 80 million since just 1990. I don't get how leftists can just ignore the effect that has on infrastructure, wages, healthcare. Right wingers also sound stupid talking about the virtue of a growth economy since clearly much economic activity is simply the result of adding more actors to the system. Not sure why population is some unspeakable secret or some shit. When talking about demand for oil, finance analysts will ignore the fact that the planet adds a billion energy consumers every 15 years.

Personally, I find Atlas shrugged stacked beside most great dystopian novels in my collection. I find it all the more terrifying what happens within the pages because I have seen and felt the sentiment and mindset of the looting force.

There must be a balance, there is no innovation without ambition and reward.


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This. Went to the Pizza Expo in Laz Vegas last year and they were all bitching about the cost of labor. Maybe not everyone deserves to be in business if they need cheap labor just to stay afloat.

Sure did a number on Sears. And the state of Kansas.

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>"everyone agrees with us on twitter!"
>loses in real life
This is what happens when women don't leave the house. Twitter is world of warcraft for women.

Both capitalists and socialists have been brainwashed into accepting an every growing human population, because the billionaires have to have that to keep growing their wealth.

Ah so you're just a loser, of course losers hate competition

>Calling others "NPC"
>Working for the CIA

Capitalism clearly has some flaws. I recall buying my car from a dealership where the owner of the business just bought it after getting an inheritance then hire a crew to do all the work. The guy who put up the capital controls the business, even though he is the least important actor in the enterprise.

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>Help the poor by taking all their donations and giving it to Clinton and Biden.
Ok it's funny to laugh at those suckers but the fact is they have been scammed by this despicable old fag.


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Do you have a point? Or just relaying conclusions by socialist journalists who have neither the brain nor the fortitude to finish that book?

The middle class is a greater enemy of the poor than the billionaires. The billionaires will lie to you and may even provide programs to help you to entertain themselves. The middle class will run you over with their car, then scream at you while you die in the street. All the hatred you see for "filthy poors". That's the middle class. The southern strategy. That's the middle class. The "we have to give billionaires more tax bailouts!". Middle class. "HOW ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR IT?!" Middle class. It's all the middle class that is to blame. It's not even really the billionaires that are priority #1. It's the fucking ghoulish middle class who act as the attack dogs of the rich. Their skulls need bashed against the pavement.

That's kind of the point, think of it like a harem family. They cycle money through the old guy off the backs of their slave caste then at the end of the day the old guy retires a comfortable life and the slaves get mad. It's fun to see their comments live and online. They literally kill off an entire platform each election cycle cause they can't handle getting robbed by "their guy"

I honestly feel bad for him.

>Things that happened
Choose only one. Twitter is rightwing. Nothing but wine moms voting for one loser dem after another finally culminating in Biden.

Bernouts seething knowing they might actually have to work for something

Evil will be punished in your lifetime.

>Bernie has a giant faggot on his back


>forgets niggers exist

So to speak

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You know you can be a capitalist and a fraud right? Fucking morons

>some flaws
>Literally destroying the entire world and leading the charge for human extinction
Those sure are some flaws.

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somebody put three castles in the background

Yeah, Ayn Rand was obviously wrong. You have to be a downy or an heir to think otherwise. But I repeat myself.

Checked, good point, I don’t believe class distinction and definition is all that clear anymore? Who is working class? Who is middle class? Is it attitude?

>I fix transport equipment and machinery for a living.
> I am not poor so am I middle class?
>Is my working in an environment and holding a certain attitude of providing services for society a working class trait?
>Doing so without complaint or resentment for the rich?

Where does this all fit in? Working class tend to be on the side of capitalists.
(We can’t lump baristas and fast food into working class right? We need a class lower than that.)

>taking the rightoid nazi bait
It's capitalism, dummy.

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Yes and you losers who are trying to steal what others have worked for will be dealt with

That's a guy isn't it?

>that pic
Lmao do these losers think an apartment which you freely enter in to a contract for is comparable to their gulags?

Why are literally all commies such losers?

And a owner can’t live paycheck to paycheck? Your argument is so baseless it hurts to read.

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You didn't work for shit. The rich steal from the poor. The poor are going to take it back. And there is NOTHING you can do to stop that.

But that specific example in your pic is the result of marketing, specifically. Just because someone has been convinced by media and advertising that living in an urban downtown setting is worth being in cramped living conditions or even homeless doesnt mean they are forced into that position. Advertising can make people who live on tiny island want to buy cars. That's not really that different than any propaganda seeking some desired effect.

Crony and Turbo....yeah it never sticks..

Sorry about your penis size. Women know, don't they?

My education and experience, along with all of my life decisions, my contentment with the system, makes me feel that Atlas Shrugged was a worthwhile warning. Who cares if it was a Russian Jew who escaped communism who wrote it. It does not give it any less validity. There must be balance between desire for social good and blind capitalist ambition.

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>And a owner can’t live paycheck to paycheck?
You are out of your fucking mind. Do you write for the Washington Post?

>people getting it

No. It's not, you fucking faggot. Rents are skyrocketing everywhere, because landlords have been allowed to get away with it. Some real estate company probably paid some journalism major to print that dogshit.

Yup, sounds like loserspeak to me

Trump isn't arguing for communism. He's saying he's successful because of capitalism.

Bernie is a communist who says wealth is bad yet owns three houses.

In theory, population growth under communism would simply reduce the workload of each person if the amount of production needed to sustain that new person negligible to the system. Don't know if there are real world examples. I thought Romania had a baby boom that exceeded production capacity.

Fat white women

Honestly, attempts at arguing how evil the USSR was don't work when we're all dying in the heart of a decrepit capitalist empire. Honestly more people are becoming tankies now than ever. A little dose of capitalism tends to do that to people when they're not on the upper side of it, as most people aren't.

>My education and experience, along with all of my life decisions
It's okay to just say "daddy's money". We all know that's what you mean.

>He's saying he's successful because of capitalism.

Trump is successful due to his father.

All of Trump's own business deals were failures.

I was just wondering as I was grabbing a cup of coffee, where was the Bernie Sanders campaign?

Where were his rallies in michigan?
I don't keep tabs on the old man, but it didn't really seem like he tried very hard.

If niggers were trying to make the left racist, they succeeded this primary season. Woke a lot of people up.

Those aren't mutually exclusive. Biden clearly is being "encouraged" to run most likely because corporate analysts discovered that black voters would back the homie of their homeboy Obama. *Capitalizing* on low information voters is pretty obviously a bipartisan plan, hence support for mass immigration of low IQ people.

I feel sorry for the state you’re living in, but don’t assume to know anything about me.

You did not address my other comment.