Is it true that women, even ugly ones, all think they deserve 8-10/10 attractive rich doctors and lawyers...

Is it true that women, even ugly ones, all think they deserve 8-10/10 attractive rich doctors and lawyers? What does this mean for the future of Western Civilization?

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No, it's not true. Stop obsessing about women.

Andrew certainly was a degenerate for fucking a nigress.

Looks like he wisely dodged a bullet here, nice move Andrew.
Her lack of self-awareness is astonishing.

Why does pol still make the fucking mistake by stating:
>women think
let that finally fucking sink in, jesus christ

>you’re grossly unattractive btw
Says the bitch who’s got such a horrendous personality that a guy couldn’t stand the thought of spending even another second with her in exchange for sex
Guessing the sex must have been shit too

Based and womendontthinkpilled

Lmao why would she eveb attack him? Its not his fault Andrew wanted to ghost a harpy

They'll be fucking a lot of welfate neet muzzies and niggers

He was simping and got the treatment a simp deserves.

she's a queen and can insult who ever she wants

Yes it is

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No. Go outside.

Looks like that piccolo cuck mentality of an average finn shows everywhere, even in Yas Forums.

>deserve 8-10/10 attractive rich doctors and lawyers
I just want s cute lithe boy who will let me mommydom him

LOL what a cunt
can we get the follow up?

I went on my first date with my now wife when I was sick because I had to fly across the country to meet up with her. She said I was unattractive and didn't want to continue. About 8 months later she contacted me and wanted to meet again, she cried and said she thought I was ugly the whole time but I really was just sick blah blah.
They all are obsessed with how you look.
She's way less retarded now though, she was only 18 back then and now she's 24.

In her defense, there was literally no reason for this faggot to send his picture, and even if he felt he had to, he sends one with him stuffing his face?

Women are a shit. I would have not sent a pic and just stated fucking with her, telling her I loved her and asking her to come over. Really fuck with Andrew.

he is pretty fucking ugly though

Oof. Bad news for leftists.

ok faggot but why would you tell him?


>I was sick because I had to fly across the country to meet up with her.
did you meet on 9gag?

>she tried out all her options and realised she had to settle for you

She probably didn't believe him and thought he was joking about her having the wrong number. So he proved it with a picture.

4 hour fashy and based podcasts arent going to bring us back to pre-1920's patriarchy, its men getting blackpilled hard and female hypergamy spinning out of control

We met on wow so ya basically 9gag
Ya, I understand that would sound likely but that wasn't the case. Was still a virgin and everything.

This is the real question.
And why one with his face contorted while eating pizza, dressed like a slob, while he’s shopping at Costco?
That’s only the type of photo you send to a friend, not to a thot, especially not to a stranger.

>Was still a virgin and everything.
How did you check?

Other than the kike nose he's straight avg.
He's her actual looksmatch and she's mad about it.

I would have just replied:
"And yet I am not the one being given fake phone numbers"

He was probably a plebbitor hoping for a wholesome conversation to ensue so he can screenshot it and can get gold. Deserved it to be fair

doesnt matter he'd have to statusmaxx (as a lawyer or doctor presuming he's a jew) or moneymaxx.

good news more men are waking up and a stigma is forming around simping and for men who excuse female hypergamy

Hymen pop and it took about a year to get her to calm down enough to get my benis in. Was scared shitless of it going in. She was do clueless about anything sex related that it actually got irritating for a long ass time.

>She said I was unattractive and didn't want to continue
You married this woman? I 100% guarantee you'll be divorced within the next ten years.

then why the did he fuck her if she was unattractive?

truth is the guy was weird for sending a rando a photo of himself

I don't think so. Has no desire to hang out with other guys, doesn't drink or smoke pot, doesn't have any obnoxious independent strong women friends, etc. No real red flags and we do everything together still.

Women feel entitled. Yes. Easy access to ccck will do that.

Guys like strange pussy. You’ve never fucked someone who’s a 6 or 7 out of 10?
Sometimes, all you need is some friction and that hoe must have been good enough for a pump and dump.

i am a virgin

this 100x

have an upvote m'sir

>Other than the kike nose he's straight avg
The nose is a bit shit, but other than that_
A better haircut, not eating in a picture, a better Sweater and he would easily be able to get laid if he is not autistic.
>then why the did he fuck her if she was unattractive?
There is men that will fuck pretty much anything if nothing better is in the bar and they are horny.
>truth is the guy was weird for sending a rando a photo of himself
Kinda and it's a terrible picture, maybe he just wanted her to know who she reached face wise, in case someone just got his name wrong but wanted to contact him.
>No real red flags and we do everything together still.
Your relationship started with her majorly disrespecting you, the problem isn't her it is your utter lack of self respect.


feminism has made alot of women think they are more important or relevant than they actually are.

That shit only exists on the internet, real world doesn't work like that.

what are part of my post are you referring to?


Yes it's true, blame Disney

merci mon ami

It's a feminine photography tactic where they do retarded shit to show that they're still cute even when not trying to be. Faggots tend to imitate women

Some people pol make this fucking mistake bc they never interact with women and therefore project. It is quite easy.

>why one with his face contorted while eating pizza, dressed like a slob, while he’s shopping at Costco?

Stupid fucking incels. Why would an alphadog give a fuck about what some pump-and-dump slut thinks of him?

statusmaxx or moneymaxx to get laid or date your equal.
Shit's all personality and vibe after that.

that.... doesnt really mean anything user
some hymens, a good portion, can grow back if not fucked enough, she could have had just a few bad rounds of sex and still seem that way
also being hysterical about sex also doesnt mean shes a virgin she could just have had a few bad rounds of sex

seems you got tricked


To immediately kill off any interest of him to use this situation as an excuse to keep writing her. It's not so hard to understand.

This is 100% bait. No one is dumb enough to marry someone like this irl.

you're saying looks first and then personality and vibes? i'd agree with that but if you're after a quick root mate my observation has been that its mostly looks with same game. ltr i think personality and compatibility play a role (but the compatibility is more passive than active and by that i mean same race, same ethnicity/culture/religion has more of a bearing than hobbies)

Then she didn’t need to reply at all. She’s negging him in hopes he’ll try to earn her validation by simping more. Not a surprise everyone here is so bad with reading women. Kek.

seems you're desperate to make this stick and have a tiny cock
is right though

Yeah, I can see why he bailed. I don't envy the next guy who finds himself with her.

Ah the PUA logic, referring to a LSE woman who is using this tactic to check his frame. Well, could be, but I wouldn't bet on it. Would be interesting to know if that conversation went any further?

>he is pretty fucking ugly though

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finns are weirdly cucked about women, even those who are redpilled when it comes to immigration and globalisation

It's also why they lose their fucking minds when they hit the wall and realize the real women made families with all that time they spent fucking Chads.

She could've worded it a bit better, e.g. "I don't find you attractive".

Yeah just go install tinder for like an hour
Woman really will have 2 kids, 6 filters on still looking only like a 4/10, with no money coming in while usually being in massive debt thinking they are better then you
Its because 10/10 guys just swipe right on everyone to get easy sex so they have the choice between 50 chads and you.
Then they get surprised when chad #7 pumps and dump because woman are retarded and still fall for anyone cute being really really into them for no reason trick

Incel=Brad>Chad>average goy>ftm tranny>women

she's still a cunt

He looks like happy merchant: age 20.


You'd be surprised

>filed across country
>she was 18
yeah yeah... t. 35 year old

Based gopnik gets it