Why Am I Wrong

I am a Communist with traditional values i.e. family structure, nationalist/patriot, law/duty... the only view I differ on with the Far-Right is economics. I do not believe a marriage of corporation and state is better for society or our maximum potential. Why is it bad to push society past Capitalism when we have moved forward from Slavery and Feudalism? Do not be a nigger and use Google definitions of fascism or communism. Reference literature/speeches.

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That ass is a product of capitalism.

>I am white asian nigga transgender that hates LGBTQABCDEFGXYZ

joining of corperations and state is fine as long as theres a hyper nationalist state to put a gun to their head and execute them for treason if they betray the people. nationalizing literaly every single industry is full retarded for a multitude of reasons, one being that you're literally putting all your eggs in one basket and one fuck up means your entire nation is starving to death. another is that no competition will always lead to lower quality service and product

coronavirus causes infertility in children. just wait 10 years til all the kids currently infected hit puberty

you'll see, I tried to warn you

>Why Am I Wrong

Because it doesn't work, the wealth still flows into the hands of your seducers. You'll win nothing for yourself.

See you on the battlefield, scum.

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we haven't moved all that far forward from slavery, and it isn't even a wholly bad thing
are you trained in a skill? do you have children? if not, you've got a long way to go before you're involved in maximum potential of anything
for now, point out jews wherever you see them, even if just to yourself. if you're not aware of the basic mechanics of the game, you will lose.

your pretty normal for a commie then, most if not all have been nationalist. its onlythe neoliberal multicultural west, untethered from reality, that wants to replace itself. if only you guys would stop saying “bankers” and “the elite” or “billionaires” and call them what they are (pic related)

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sounds like you're just a nazi, nothing bad about that

>Do not be a nigger and use Google definitions of fascism or communism. Reference literature/speeches.
Why are people like you so cringe and autistic? You don't get to control language. Political language will always be especially subjective and flexible. You just sound like a massive moron when you get this pedantic.

Also, your entire post is cancer.
>I am a Communist with traditional values i.e. family structure, nationalist/patriot, law/duty...
Fuckin' homo who loves the state dick up his ass confirmed. Homos always love authoritarianism because they love it when the state bends them over and fucks them in the ass. Fuck off, fuckin' homo.

That ass is a product of healthy food grown by FARMERS and lots of WORK outs. That ass is a product of LABOR. Hence, that ass belongs to the PROLETARIAT. So even if you are wrong, comrade, I wish you a happy and productive day.

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>traditional family values
You mean like giving an inheritance to your kids? Oh wait, that would be unfair.

Here’s more bud. Not as flattering without underwear huh. It’s like a push up bra, but for ass.

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>I do not believe a marriage of corporation and state is better for society or our maximum potential
Great, neither do we. I think you'll find a lot of people on Yas Forums are very anti-corporations and anti-(((capitalism))). The difference between us and you is what we think the alternative is.

Me, personally? I think large power structures are inherently bad. Smash em all down. Unity should begin from the bottom up - the family unit, the wider clan, the village, the neighbouring villages, the wider culture this is all contained within. An upside-down hierarchy. But then, I'm of the Kaczynski school of thought whereby all self-prop systems are the devil, advanced technology will take us all to our doom, and living in tune with nature is worth it even if it means you lack in the creature comforts we've gotten used to with present society.

if you actually care about the welfare of families and people you should actually look into what the national socialists were al about

this might be an interesting place to start for you

far right wants no government, left wants big daddy to hold their hand throughout their lives and tuck them in at night.

>Reference literature/speeches.
how about straight from hitler, the socialist himself who "admitedly learned a lot from marx"?

>"The party takes over the function of what has been society-that is what I wanted them to understand," said Hitler to Rauschning. "The party is all-embracing. It rules our lives in all their breadth and depth. We must therefore develop branches of the party in which the whole of individual life will be reflected. Each activity and each need of the individual will thereby be regulated by the party as the representative of the general good. There will be no license, no free space, in which the individual belongs to himself. This is Socialism-not such trifles as the private possession of the means of production. Of what importance is that if I range men firmly within a discipline they cannot escape? Let them then own land or factories as much as they please. The decisive factor is that the State, through the party, is supreme over them, regardless whether they are owners or workers. All that you see, is unessential. Our Socialism goes far deeper... [T]he people about us are unaware of what is really happening to them. They gaze fascinated at one or two familiar superficialities, such as possessions and income and rank and other outwork conceptions. As long as they are kept intact, they are quite satisfied. But in the meantime they have entered a new relation; a powerful social force has caught them up. They themselves are changed. What are ownership and income to that? Why need we trouble to socialize banks and factories? We socialize human beings." - The Voice of Destruction

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i agree
sucking off multinational corporations and billionaires wanting to buy yachts to do coke off hookers asses on doesn't really seem conducive to nationalism

>we have moved forward from Slavery and Feudalism

now did you?

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Because if I vote for your party I get my guns taken away and my country flooded with gargoyles from the bowels of the earth by new world order niggers. Regardless of whatever the fuck Karl Marx though about guns it doesn't matter. You will never have a nationalist movement in the left wing. Fuck your gay aspergers cringe discord political philosophy circlejerking and fuck you faggot larper nigger.

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>I am a Communist with traditional values i.e. family structure, nationalist/patriot

And i am a nazi, i also love jews very much

>I am a Communist with traditional values i.e. family structure, nationalist/patriot, law/duty
This is nonsensical. Communism cannot logically contain "traditional values" because the core concepts are the destruction of the "reactionary" state and its values. You also cannot logically be a "nationalist" as a Communist because Communism was, from its inception, internationalist in character (e.g. the Bolshevik's had that concept of world-wide revolution in which all would convert into Communist states under a Central Committee).

Why are Westerners so completely incapable of forming any logical, coherent structure against globalism (which you keep labeling falsely as capitalism) unless it's the retarded ideology of Communism?

Why does she have to twist and contort herself into angles to look flattering? If her ass was so nice, she could just stand there normally, not like a cripple.

>You will never have a nationalist movement in the left wing.
what was hitler, than? were headed straight for another "messiah"

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No one show OP this book


I stated not to use google definitions for communism and fascism because it will label them both as “authoritarian/totalitarian governments that did bad things”
Great! It’s not as if both ideologies had an incredible impact or changed the course of history. It’s important to discuss you libertarian fuck head. What has your movement ever done or accomplished? Oh yeah fucking nothing. Go fuck off. Structure and government are necessary to keep you retards from raping eachother.

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so how much “free market” jewry are you willing to tolerate? be specific.

because her ass isnt so nice. fat asses look good in clothes because it holds all the cellulite and sagging together

Communism produced a lot of "controlled chaos". If you don't believe just consider that fact that a lot of those former KGB (or in Poland we had "SB") agents all got into organized crime following dissolution of the USSR. For example in Poland, our famous mafia known as the "Pruszków mafia" was mostly run by former SB agents. Criminal cartel of LARPing idealists and conmen.

BTW most of these SB guys that were such "Hardened Communists" then promoted rampant drug use, prostitution, extortion, etc. Communism attracts only dead-end degenerates and this shows both Before, During, and After Communist rule by Communists.

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Libertarians literally wrote the constitution and more wealth was created for more people than ever before in history

We are running on the fumes of this enlightenment now, and it's still pretty good

Contemporary Americans are absolutely nothing like the foundational Americans. You guys talk about "freedom" arbitrarly all the time without understanding that the "freedom" (LIBERTY) was meant to also include core concepts of Citizenship and Responsibility. The Founder's did not believe in a universal vote, and they most certainly did not believe in rampant unchecked "freedom" (which is just anarchism). Thus, when I see people like you who are shilling against the "free market", I know that you really have been severed from your roots as an American, probably due to large Jewish influences and mass immigration that uprooted traditional American values. Probably you are a Communist or hold Leftist viewpoints in economics. In other words: Enjoy your future was a Latin Americanized shit hole. But at least you will have socialism. kek

>Communism produced a lot of "controlled chaos"
thats the motto of the real "communists", friend. ordo ab chao, order out of chaos. create the problem, offer the solution that leads directly to your predetermined agenda

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S M H, you people are so dark and twisted and inverted, it is literally sad.

The government can’t do things better than private institutions and you know it. Shut the fuck up and stop trying to be edgy. Forgive your parents for being shit and you’ll stop looking for attention

USSR, China, North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam? I dunno they all seem to be very nationalist to me. At which point in even Bolshevik literature did any of them push for an open border country? Your “world wide revolution” known as Permanent Revolution was pushed by Trotsky. Who was literally assassinated with an ice-pick for such thoughts.

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I wouldn't call the Founder's "Libertarian" because they had many restrictions in place that would safe - check the Republic. I would consult Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" for a better conceptual understanding (that is, in the places where Heinlein elaborates more on his personal philosophy) of what the Founder's had constructed. Certainly the Libertarian concept of universality and plurality was not something the Founder's agreed with or even believed in, and it was those tenets that rotted America out and allowed for it to be hijacked by rampant Internationalists, Socialists, and other vermin cockroaches.

And then continue to sponsor artificial chaos. For example the SB and KGB would often create opposition groups themselves in order to bait people into them, get them to commit some crime, and then arrest them. The whole system is built around SJW moralism, corruption, and bribery. For some reason, a lot of Westerners have this idea that modern Western SJW's are nothing like the Communists of the past. I strongly disagree. Sure, they may act blatantly more degenerate, but the Communists of the past were the exact same personality types. There is a reason a lot of those degenerate pedophiles like Foucalt had relations with Communism for example.

Exactly, commies don’t realise government is the problem, even with capitalism. If the laws passed were for the benefit of the people, none of the downsides of capitalism would be able to occur

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some of them were downright anarchists. the constitution is more about controlling the government than controlling the people. regardless of this little nit-pick, no other country set man free in the way america did and were throwing it all away. all this push for socialism/communism has nothing to do with either of them, its all about destroying the sytem.

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>It’s not as if both ideologies had an incredible impact or changed the course of history.
Same can be said for the black plague.
I have a question for you: why do you think socialists are always moralfags?

Yes we all know the great LARP about how Stalin was not an interationalist. We know this is a LARP because Stalin also crafted the broader USSR "Iron Curtain" bulwark states and enforced Communist regimes in occupied countries. The Soviet's would also later even try to spread Communism into Afghanistan by setting up a Leftist government there. Communist China is doing the same thing by wiping out all ethnic identities and trying to curtail everything into a central state. You're an American who has absolutely no clue about the Korean War, but the NK communists were just that: Communists and relied heavily on Communist Chinese aid (when they joined the war). But you then would be ignoring the large group of anti-communist Koreans who fought against those system of values.

i think the point is to strike a balance where public businesses are allowed to flourish and reap their rewards as long as they pay taxes, workers are treated fairly, and there's no profiteering on excessive degeneracy, and they fall in line with the goal of the state which is to foster the well being of the people and allow them to build strong and healthy families to ensure a future for the people as well as encourage real natural economic growth

Capitalist Fascism
>Hitler's legacy
>Authoritarian government for strong foreign policies and national identity
>Capitalist economy to satisfy needs for expansion and to help strengthen presence in global economy

Because they had a highly developed concept of the State and were incredibly learned men who also led, first hand warriors into combat. That's why I also urge Americans to read "Starship Troopers" by Robert Heinlein because, while I don't fully agree with his world view, it is certainly a bit more in line with the foundational American concepts and not this contemporary hyper-authoritarian shit that so many Western cucks keep falling into.

>I am a Communist with traditional values
>literally posting pictures of her ass
What retardation level are you on?

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Nazbol gang nazbol gang

But user, you can't be both communist and nationalist/patriot, since the 1919 Komintern advocated for international class struggle.
Time to ask yourself: who do you feel more related to? Another guy in a similar position as you (basically "muh working class romanticism") but a different country/continent, or a fellow citizen in a different situation (lower or higher than you)?

>government is the problem
ding ding ding. what we have in america is mercantilism, not capitalism, not for a while. everything is controlled by daddy government already and the socialists still bitch and moan

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>Why is it bad to push society past Capitalism
It's not, capitalism is a disease. That's no reason to abandon the productive and innovative capacity of markets and free enterprise, in favor of some totalitarian Left-wing Socialist state.

This. It's a great irony that Socialists in America fail to recognize their great irony of existence: that all they really want to do is reform the State Control not actually diminish it. And, Socialism is just a jumping point for Communism (e.g. before the Bolshevik's formed the Communists were organized into a "Social Democratic Party").


Actually this. OP is a national socialist but isn't ready to accept that pill.

The nazi's were pretty based by most metrics.

I highly suggest going down the rabbit hole and really grasping how nazi germany handled it's affairs outside of war. They are really cool plans, like producing affordable cars and doing so with state subsidized manufacturing of factories to build them.

>What retardation level are you on?
Kike level.

I'm confused, wheres the penis?

Yes but this is not sustainable for long-term growth. Also, it's a fine line between promoting welfare for people and then just having them forever rely on the State. You cannot produce ingenious industrious people this way.

I would agree as a Communist. I am proud to be an American and am grateful. Sounds crazy, right? When you really start reading into Communist thought, you begin to understand the necessity of Capitalism. Dumbfucks look at China and have zero comprehension of their path. The Chinese path after Mao was to adopt the capitalist system, dominate it then use your influence to push towards Socialism. Because why wouldn’t you? A lot of Nazi scum on here aren’t too far off on subversion and dirty tactics. But it is done with economics in mind. It is a battle of intelligence communities.

>all they really want to do is reform the State Control not actually diminish it
great irony indeed. talk about smashing the system all day when they are strengthening the worst parts of it all

>The nazi's were pretty based by most metrics.
yeah user, slavery is so based! free to do as were told, nice!

>A violently active, dominating, intrepid brutal youth - that is what I am after... I will have no intellectual training. Knowledge is ruin to my young men." - Mein Kampf

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yea good thing we have the true freedom of regular democratic capitalism where the youth play video games and eat themselves to death and thats pretty much the extent of of their life experience

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>I am proud to be an American and am grateful
>but i want to destroy everything that made it great to begin with
makes sense, really.

>When you really start reading into Communist thought, you begin to understand the necessity of Capitalism
yes, the hegelian dialectic is very important to usher in agenda's people wouldnt normally go along with, sure. dont get me wrong, i agree with many tenents from socialism/communism. but not in this world, not with the people up top still sitting pretty. communists think theyre going to buck "the system", but theyre just getting rid of the little people to help the top consolidate their power. stop being played, my friend. as an anarchist myself, there is a reason i dont give a shit about pushing for anarchy because it wouldnt even work in this world. we need a culture shift first and foremost and we need to clean up the criminal problem

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