Umm wtf did women mean by this? Sex dolls is a male thing, not for women ):<

Umm wtf did women mean by this? Sex dolls is a male thing, not for women ):

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>all night
Sure, why not. Let's turn that roast beef sandwich into the Kola superdeep borehole.


the roastie seethe over sexdolls is crazy

Kek'd and checked

lmao the kikes trying so hard to pretend men are threatened by sex dolls in the same way women are

why waste tens of thousands on a sex robot when you can just get a vibrator and stick it in your pussy for like $30? hell, go all out and get an automatic fuck machine for like a thousand.

men want a hole
women want to cuddle, be praised, feel protected, have physical work done.
only one of these can be satisfied by a doll

no one gives a shit dumbass only women get upset at the idea of people enjoying themselves without them

Ok but hear me out:
Women know how to clean things. They are in the habit of keeping their dildos and vibes clean, too.
So between men and women, which one is more likely to forget to clean their sex doll and end up with jock itch on their genitals?

oh wait, they're talking about dolls and not robots. top kek what a waste of money just get a body pillow and a vibrator

It's just the general women's response to the issue at hand. They know this takes resources away from them so of course they get mad about it. Just an ugly beast rearing it's head.

Imagine feeling threated by an irracional being... Woman are fucking retarded

Retarded article. Women are sexless beings. Sex is made for men to enjoy and women are the prize, not a participant.

women pick men for their status and money and commitment. sex doll provides none of that

A lot of that can be satisfied by an advanced enough doll

Women want more than just all of that. They want children and they want social status, and a sex doll will give them neither.

kek. this exactly.

women are just lashing out. sex dolls cant fulfill their needs the way it can for men.

A dildo can do the exact same things already
The vast majority of women still prefer real men
Men can't be replaced by sex dolls because they actually provide things of utility besides sex, and women don't value sex nearly as much as men do

>implying women don't pick men for status

Literally cope posting by women :)

Let the roasties have their robots. Paves the way for artificial wombs and the complete elimination of women.

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The more degenerate the better. I'm voting Green next election. I want God to burn this place down.

Women are very disgusting creatures and will just stow it away under their pillow. If you aren't actively fucking yourself with it and just use the vibration you don't even feel a difference.

Even if you go off cleanliness stereotypes alone you have to recognize that the experience would suck for men so they would clean more often.

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no man, no matter how lazy and unhygienic, is going to want to stick his dick in a cold, crusty, slimy plastic hole that he can easily pull out and rinse with hot water.

When a streetshitter roasts the beef.

How are you going to get jock itch from your own sweat/semen if you didn't already have it to begin with?

isn't there already a category on pornhub for this?

Fucking LOL. They've already got dildos, this isn't a the threat they think it is. Men literally do not care about women, the other way around is just not true, they require the attention.

high level seethe

I wish my Mrs would get a doll to listen to her stupid fucken stories.

sex doll can't pay betabuxs

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Pathetic. I can feel them seething about sex dolls for males.

a doll has no assets to divorce rape.

They already have fucking machines.
>can't tell the difference
Then they need better engineers and computer scientists.

Yeah, this is some bluffy shit women say to get men jealous. Women like to get tossed around, grabbed and manhandled.
Want to make a girl sound like a Ghost? Take her from behind and really grab a fist full of hair and pull her head back. She'll drool at both ends.

sadly those dolls cannot be emotionally manipulated and nagged upon, which is what women really look for. i support these dolls' development

>Women know how to clean things
Want to guess how do i know you dont have rich experience with women?

Based. That's why we need Islam.
I am ready to accept Mohamed as my prophet and saviour

>men want a hole
Nah, fleshlight and wanking aren't enough. Men want love and intimacy as well.

This is so true tho

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Too bad women can't provide either

>sex doll
Yeah, I'm sure women love doing ALL the work and not enjoy being thrown around the bedroom

They'll know the difference when it doesn't pay dinner.

i swear to God mudslimes have all the right ideas about women.

Top kek m8

>Men want love and intimacy as well.
if you've gone to the point where you go for a sex doll, you've given up on those. besides you should look beyond that and find friendship instead. it's far better than that gay shit you posted

No body who isn't on the autism spectrum is going to waste their time and money on a sexdoll.

But if they are fucking dolls how can they get pregnant and leech money from men?

Call me when it
>can work 40+ hour work weeks
>act jealous around other men
>belittle me and then diffuse the situation with a false apology
>increase my social standing among my peers

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>y-yeah is that so? h-how about now hahahaha I bet you feel stupid you m-mysoginistic pigs lol

Woman already get unlimted sex, a sex doll is not what they want unless it comes with a credit card & wallet full of cash.

that article is maximum cope

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For bulldykes to scissor.

Imagine taking sex dolls seriously as a man OR a woman. You people need to go outside more

A sex doll can't give you children, love you and take care of your home.
On the other hand, neither can modern women so you guys got a point.

How are they seething? They have robot men now kek

>can finally get a sex robot that looks like a cute shota and has a vibrating penis
Fuck yes

This is cope. Some women love sex toys but they still would rather have a man to boost their reputation/leech off of. A sex toy doesn't pay the bills, though there will be plenty of camwhores who latch onto the sex doll scene. The notion that most women will give up a free ride for a sex doll they have to pay for out of pocket is ludicrous, but if you flip the situation around, plenty of men will flock to dolls since women make it pretty clear that their only real value is their pussy.

1m born to be loner, and will stay a loner. get back in ur cage wagie.

Nobody can be wrong about everything. Theres a lot they're wrong about, but with women and fags they hit the nail on the head.

Men want that too, except for the feel protected, and replace physical work with nestkeeping

If they weren't this thread wouldn't have been made
That's like telling a man with a sex robot he should just get a flesh light

They already have sexbots, multi-coloured horse dildos, xl inflatable dog dildos, demon dildos, fisting gauntlets and coke can sized butt plugs.

Why would they think a sex doll would be the point men get freaked out? They passed that point a while ago.

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Everything they talk about is so shallow and vapid it’s actually hard to believe. Sometimes I just ask her do you never think about anything of substance and she’s like ‘yeahh I think about like do you see the same colours I see’

God they’re stupid as fuck

yeah, nah. men who like nice shit like to have complete control over it, those who don't could live comfortably in a junkyard

>do you see the same colours I see
How to spot an NPC 101

Does the make sex boy come with psychological manipulation simulations?

Men don't prioritize those three things normally.

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They already have sex robots for women. Its all the bots on social media validating and corrupting them.

No woman can last more than a couple of hours anyway. Anyone who's every popped 100mg viagra knows this, kek.

>They already have sex robots for women
and that's something they arent satisfied with. why do you think so many women stay in abusive relationships?

Yes they do and should. Not everyone is a husk coomer as yourself.

This is golden

Heres hoping women's thighs can go all night because she's going to be on top and doing all the work.

Of course they do. If they didn't why would there be such a large segment of men online and IRL complaining that women don't provide those things.

Is either a lying lady or has literally never been around a woman in his life.

Women are vile.

women need attention 1st so this is actually an AI challenge

Not really, if they combine a male real doll with current fuck machines they could bend over or lay back and it'd work to fine.

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Maxi cope. Men sexdolls are basically dildos or that object shaped like a dick. Women have been using male port dick shaped objects to masterbate for aeons.
"Silicone holes bad!".
>Most of the sex is done by the guy btw. Most are Lazy ass beetches just lay like a dead log.
Roasties officially dead and in panic mode.

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Robot men cant provide either attention, safety or status and therefore completely unattractive.

Sex dolls don't pay alimony. Thots blown the fuck out

Women already have vibrators.
This would not be new for them.
Just them trying to "clap back" at the men who will all replace them with sex bots.
Women have no value to men.
Women suck at being independent.
This is why they try everything to stop men from ridding themselves of these useless parasites.


Implying women are not retarded and can even build a normal sex machine.

Women are filthy, wth are you talking about? Have you never lived with one? Your disconnect from reality is amazing.