/GBG/ - Greek Borders General - Escalations and Escalations


Updates 10/03
Greeks built embankment as second line of defense at Evros border creating a strong barrier and choke points (video on mediafire)
Turkish Coast Guard KAAN29 class patrol boat TCSG107 violate Hellenic Terittorial Waters near Vatos (blue square) islet in southeast part of Oinousses islands. Karaburun peninsula (red square) in background can be seen.
HellenicArmy SpecialForces pair of RHIBs Magna 960 patrolling northbound Chios Strait in east Aegean Sea. Hellenic Security Forces in high alert ready to intercept rubber boats with migrants from Turkey to Greek islands
HellenicNavy Roussen class Fast Attack Craft P-69 HS Krystallidis spotted today afternoon northbound Chios Strait in east Aegean Sea
the Exalco company donated to the military a truck full of materials to reinforce the border such as barbed wire and other military essentials
Poles and Austrians to join Greeks in defense efforts
Oguz Bulut, indicted in the Ergenekon case and a former MHP (Gray Wolves) youth president in Sivas (Turkish City) was arrested for sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy
Video from inside Greek Navy Vessel in Lesvos where illegal immigrants have been transferred to


Turkish Forces Shot directly at Greek forces trying to escalate situation, the shots were not fired into the air

Latest CNN interview of PM mitsotakis: youtube.com/watch?v=GqU022LgT-M

>Videos and images

For this full list check the pastebin

Poseidon's Wall (Shoutout to CzechBro)

Previous Thread

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inb4 angry Algeria

fuck shitskins

Good luck Greekbros, fight the good fight, and thank you for your service.

fight for Europa

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Digits, percentage of Turks infected by Coronachan and Erdogans total crackdown not letting out anything "because of syria incident"

Good morning /gbg/.
Is everyone alright?

DAILY REMINDER that (((Erdogan))) is a Israël and Soros Pawn in this crisis. Don't let them pass Greek bros!!

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so shitskin Gayreeks are the ones defending Europe?

you're not alone greekbros, the Balkans remember

Go fuck your child-bride and stop shitposting

imagine being a fucking nigger and thinking you have a right to speak on Yas Forums

Turkish coastguard rams Greek coastguard


Good morning, beware of the angry african. Also taking the time to appreciate the work put in by brasilbro

Morning user
Yes everything is fine but now I have to sleep or at least try

>so shitskin Gayreeks are the ones defending Europe?

hey Lesbo post your tits or gtfo
says the gypsy, they will purge you soon you Pajeet cousin

>now I have to sleep
okay monkey go and sleep on the top of a tree and i will take good care of your thread by making all the Christcucks cry

Have a goodnight BrasilBro, see you later.

I'll start baking, so don't worry about /gbg/.

Are turks so lame that they have to use algerian subhuman proxies?


occasional thread theme

>Based bulgars open the floodgate and now the border is a watery mess
>pretty much the entire Eastern Europe wants to help us
>France and Austria want to help as well
Based lads

yo, hue hue.
last thread you wrote : according to Islam, the Devil will defeat Allah in the end.
where's the source ?

he posted 45 times on the previous thread
litteral schizo desu

>he thinks only Turks hates Christcucks and Eurocucks
Lol wake up you mongoloid mongrel the whole world despises you then again you Russkies aren't European to begin with

Yeah, good luck with that, this retard has been around for the past two threads and all these other retards keep replying to him and helping him detail the fucking thread

Also, this happened

>Turkish Forces Shot directly at Greek forces trying to escalate situation, the shots were not fired into the air, confirmed by Greek Authorities

>Turkish coast guard reportedly hit Greek Coast guard boat in Greek territorial waters

Bro they are trading turkish soldiers for tomatoes rn
Cant get any worse than that :D

based huebro ty for helping us with the breads!

Can someone post the debunking of the poros secret camps so that I can redpill someone?

Based BrazilBro

his ass
i just have a lot of free time today
U mad Gayreek?

Looks like he took wrong pills today, kek

And here's my two cents having lived there for 17 years (Greece)

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> Free time
You are unemployed you mean. Lazy Arab? No shit Sherlock.

Your people are barbarian slaves.

Have a good night huebro and thank you for your work


You seem to have a lot of free time.

Just ignore this algiecuck, he will suffocate in his piss on his own

you ID is ree
you are totally a seething frog kek
we don't die for Israel you Americuck Golem

Welcome to Greece, no social security net, no jobs, no job over 500 euros, no waste disposal, no clean running water, electricity cuts whenever, internet connection is bs and the people are smelly violent turkbabies.

On my avoid list surely

Thanks for your help, I'll update the next OP accordingly.

Hey Albo.

This. I love Greece. Death to the roaches.

Good morning mate.


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I'm phonefagging atm, tried finding it but could not, I saw it on a huge essay once that was discussing several things in Islam, many things are not in the quran which also has pages missing and some of those parts its written "a sheep ate this page" or something retarded like that

I'll try to find it when I have access to a Pc and I'll put it at the bottom of the pastebin for 24hs, is that okay?

hey Slav(e)shit did you ever shat yourself from drinking too much Vodka? i assume it happens to you every 3 days at least
U jealous?

this is your brain after spending your entire life without access to fresh, clean water

>And here's my two cents having lived there for 17 years
fucking knew it you were an albo
guess your parents couldnt find any jobs building stadia and cleaning old people after the crisis

if it were up to me the next set of "parts" for Turkish AF would be the "last" if you know what I mean.

Yeah, that's why you received 2000 euros before the crisis per month.
That's why your healthcare was free and covered by IKA (the social insurance institute).
Garbage in Greece is collected normally, and recycling rates are at 90%. Not my fault when you and most immigrants throw trash EVERYWHERE.
Internet here is on average 50-75 Mbps. You're the idiot for not installing good internet connection.
And we're much more Aryan than you
>Pic related

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> Being this retarded
I'm not the one spamming Greek thread lmao.

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Poor Greece has to cut the tzatziki and incest to stop the even bigger real incesto murdara in yo sleep comes and kills you. Poor poor shit hole, I'm so glad not there defending sheep and baren mountains. You can have it all! Rainbow six siege update looks dank. O n fuck Greece one more time.

It's already Albanian, Turkish and Mudican since it was sold off with the fake "crisis"

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am not spamming the thread you fucktard, i am having a discussion with the Yas Forumstards here but they are easily triggered hence why they are accusing me of being a VPNigger and a shill
oh well the taste of their tears is not bad tho

Just ignore him

I think a german user posted that two threads ago, it seems to be a screening building... There is also a link on the pastebin where someone took a picture of it on the outside, looks like an old farmhouse, weather reports also show that there was no rain, so the story where hundreds of people stood in the rain is also fake

Go to the previous threads and search for the word "secret" maybe two threads ago

ah yes baby let me make love to you mmmm

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ya know I don't understand, I grew up in the 70's you pulled that shit on my family you wouldn't make it to the fucking hospital.

Why did France have to bring literacy to algiecucks? North or subsaharan, inside they are all stupid niggers

Xazouli mou, I lived there. Can't bullshit a bullshiter (pic unrelated) lol

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Dirty Turk wants to cross border? Here! Wash off in great river! Wash out your lungs too!

Now tell me that's not Turkish genes

oh how cute the Slav(e)shit is afraid from talking directly to his master

Why are there so many foreigners with European flags furious at the Greeks ITT?

Colonialism was a mistake clearly.
It's the same with your Tchechen, should have destroy it, burn it or whatever.

Turk diaspora.

Kek. Only like 10% of Turkey is like that. The rest is monobrow shitskin nigger.

That isn't correct English, Albo
Just buttmad islamic sons of whores

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They're low iq from QinitiQ's corona 19 and jealous of pythorgams theorm.

A rapefugee has fallen into a river in greek city

Muslim diaspora is probably the worst diaspora on the entire planet.
Smelly, rude, loud, want to impose everything Islamic everywhere.


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