Why are you not on the carnivore diet, user?

Why are you not on an all-meat diet already, user?

Pic related is Mikhaila, Jordan Peterson's daughter.

Jordan Peterson is carnivore. Joe Rogan is carnivore. Lex Fridman is carnivore.


Cg Kid, a past meth addict, youtube lad- said the carnivore diet cured his depression.

Every single person I follow on the Internet has gone on this diet in the past few years, which is why I've started it. I actually wake up in the morning, I'm no longer mentally ill, I don't get tilted when playing video games, I'm actually good at focusing in competetive FPS'es now, I can actually comprehend what is happening in RTS'es now, I no longer eye scan several pages of books before realising that I didn't actually read anything and have to go back and re-read everything. I don't get post nut syndrome anymore.

Why are you still eating non-medicinal plant foods, user?

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I tried it and almost fucked up my kidneys, don't do it guys it's retarded as fuck. Just eat a balanced diet.

Carnivore diet is great, don't listen to the big grain shill above.

Joe Rogan is a lying ass bitch about being keto and the petersons are fucking psycho thats why

Because I like having salad and potatoes and asparagus with my steak

Carnivore is great if you eat fruits too. Real carnivores eat fruits, meme Jews don't.

fookin disgusting, just another meme "diet"

I’m all for meat eating but isn’t a meat only diet a bit excessive?

>Mikhaila, Jordan Peterson's daughter.
>Jordan Peterson is carnivore. Joe Rogan is carnivore. Lex Fridman is carnivore.
As far as I recall, none of those had even remotely close studies to biology and life sciences

I eat meat every day, but always with a vegetable side dish. Not boiled gay shit, but a fresh vegie salad, like cucumbers/tomatoes/dill/sour cream or fresh cabbage/onions. Or fermented vegies like sauerkraut or korean carrot salad.

Yes, it is excessive. Jordan needs to perform well cognitively to keep his life afloat, Mikhaila is depressive, bipolar and arthritic if she flares up, Joe Rogan is old and was more chubby, worse looking and slower, before the diet- in his own words, Lex is trying to start a startup, run a podcast and research at MIT- so the diet is part of his path to discipline, and CG Kid is depressed without the diet. I am much more mentally ill without this diet.

So if life isn't terrible, don't change your diet.

True and none of them are really activists about the diet, except for Mikhaila. The logic is extended elimination.
> Only eat fatty ruminants for a month, or 90 days
> Reintroduce a food
> Observe your reaction over a period of days
> If everything is good, then it's greenlit- and you can go ahead and eat the food with zero issues
> If you feel bad, then do not eat that food

Fair enough. No problem with it, if you thrive with it.

You could try all meat as an 'elimination diet', that is- eating only meat for 30 or 90 days, then reintroducing your favorite plant foods and observing your reaction to it.

Fruits are just sugar for carbohydrate addiction, creatures that actually depend on it for nutrition are weak fucking monkeys, insects, bats, worms, low IQ herbivores etc.

Even genetically "fruits" are absolutely alien.

Of course, eat them, and enjoy them as a part of life, but don't delude yourself about it being valuable besides recreation.

Carnivore is just the human default once you stop 'dieting'.

>Weak fucking monkeys
A monkey would tear you fucking limbs off

The meat industry is covert blood sacrifice by the elites on a mass scale. I ate meat most my life. Switched to plant based + eggs from free range chickens and never felt better.

Jordan Peterson is a Gnostic Satanist and so is his daughter. He is hiding out in Russia as he got forewarning of the coronavirus and the coming social chaos it will trigger.

Become vegetarian/vegan and accept Jesus as your saviour.

you're as obnoxious as vegans. you are more likely to put people off trying it. just tell them to follow shawn baker.

You really think she's on a carnivore diet? This woman is capitalizing off of a dietary fad with the help of her father's celebrity and authority as a guru. Bedsides, let's be honest, if this bitch likes meat so much, then why did she turn her dad into a vegetable?

A chimp would eat my limbs after doing that.

I tried not to be, but I probably am any way.

I did say there isn't any reason to give carnivore a shot, unless you're desperate.

I also said that the celebrity carnivores are old, sick or otherwise odd.

I did also lay out the basic logic as, account your own experience- and if eating normally isn't terrible, then just eat normally and don't do this diet.

My point about fruits could be made by someone eating a normal diet as well.

But I do end up obnoxious any way :(

>Fruits are just sugar for carbohydrate addiction

Yea eating meat that you had to have some beaner kill for you. Real Chad diet bud.

Her dad would make much more money, and be in much less trouble if he wasn't carnivore.

She would also have a much easier public image, were she not carnivore by necessity.

Her dad becoming a vegetable and not having done anything public for months now, is because of a paradoxical reaction and dependence to benzos that his celebrity doctor prescribed him.

All celebrity doctors fuck their celebrities up with benzos. It killed Michael Jackson, it almost killed Kanye.

True. Economically plants make sense, eggs make sense. The moral calculus might even be in favor of plants if we take the ethic of "Consume less, leave a smaller footprint, use less resources and don't be a burden on the world" to its fullest.

But who cares about morality lulw.

Carbs are great. Makes you extroverted and gives you wild and fun rides off reacting to things on the Internet.

I was much more fun and laugh-prone when I ate carbs.

Literally vegans and vegeterians say the same exact shit in the exact same wording as you. Veganism is for liberals to die out via malnutrition, carnivore propaganda is for far right people to die out by giving a big middle finger to vegans, thinking that they are any smarter. These new age experimental diets are all a fucking joke. It's funny how in the 1950s no one argued about "what's the Supreme best diet plan bro", everyone just ate the same 5 food groups daily and felt great, lived until their 90s and 100s. Some called it the 5 finger diet. Less people born with autism or shrunken brains too. Just stop being a fucking special snowflake on food and eat fucking normal like they used to. Repeat their choices of food, just lower the calories slightly.

>meat and egg
>cheese and milk (yogurt is ok too)
>bread and butter (no white bread unless enriched with vitamins. No gluten free shit. )


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Carnifag of 3 years.
>Cure own meat
>Aim for grass fed beef, mutton and chicken along with eggs.
Friendly reminder to eat them organ meats for those sweet bio available micro-nutrients.

Imagine being dumb enough to do this lol.

Can I realistically lose about 10kg in the next couple months going keto?
My main problem with it is that it's boring. I really like potatoes, broccoli, various types of seasonings, etc. I need decent side dishes. Other than that, I need to replace soda with something else, no sugar shit is usually just as bad as regular sugar anyway

I'm partly of greenland Inuit ethnicity, a hundred or two hundred years ago they pretty much did eat 'zerocarb', or 'carnivore' really. And likewise my european ancestors ate none of the agricultural era and imported foods available today. No avocados fucking shipped from south america. No fucking grains. Not even dairy. Perhaps berries or roots could occassionally be found in the danish post-ice age environment, but you wouldn't really want to expend much energy getting foods that low in nutrition, when you're human and killing megafauna- bovines and mammoths is extremely easy.

In the 50s the west ate much more animal fat, rather than the plant oils we've now replaced it all with.

You can barely find fish that doesn't have fucking sunflower added, it's all fucking ruined.

You can eat a 50s diet and be alright. Actually do that, 90% of healthy people don't have to sacrifice everything and go on a carnivore diet.

Anons who are mentally ill, like me- might need to go carnivore. You? Probably not.

> autism, adhd

1. Overdiagnosis and culture of 'everyone has an alphabet of mental illnesses'. Aspergers is basically like Myers Briggs.

I had a full triangle autism diagnosis for about 12 months until it was revoked. That's classic autism casually revoked because I asked for a second opinion, now I just have personality disorder due to childhood abuse.

The entire thing is bullshit.

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>Sweet potato
>Broccoli is low carb
>Start using spices
>Water & tea

Carnivore diet is an elimination diet, not a lifestyle diet you fucking retard.

Also, not eating any carbs of any kind makes you a weak fag.

What ruined our diets is shit like s-o-i. It's oils is in every industrialized food, the meat we eat comes from animals that eat that shit. Everything in the food industry has it as an ingredient in one way or another.

Also, back in the day we had real, healthy eggs, not anemic shitty Walmart eggs. We fried stuff with lard. Hell, my dad used to fry bacon and then fry eggs with the bacon grease, then toast some bread using the left over egg/bacon grease. He's 86yo and still kicking, a lot more active and healthy than a lot of young fast-food eaters out there.

Don't spread this info please!

Thank you.

Unironically nothing more powerful than silents and boomers who didn't fall for the low fat meme.


Everyone listen to this advice!!

Make sure you limit your meat consumption. Particularly now.

No.. Modern diet is the healthy way. Vegan and vegetarian only.

Onions and grains.

Spread this information to save lives.

Carnivores are lean, fast and more intelligent.

This is throughout nature.

But humans must be Vegan and eat no meat. Don't listen to nature.

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I don't believe the >fiber bad meme pushed by carnivores. Sure, if you have some fucked up digestive issue it'll probably good to avoid that. But for me, I cannot shit without fiber in my diet. I've tried keto and high fat and I get constipated each time.

Eating animal fats and animal protein is healthy, but you still to eat some fruits. Apples and berries are your best bet. Only eat organic/in-season fruits.

Imagine having to shit.

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Because eating 100% meat leads to vitamin C deficiency. Best to eat some green stuff with that dead animal.

Because I'm Yas Forums and it's retarded for bulking and performance, particularly if you do multiple sports (I do MMA, fence, and climb in addition to lifting).

Seriously, it's a meme for people who can't into portion control. But having carbs is actually important if you aren't fucking sedintary.

Eskimoes had to evolve to handle it.

Like, there is a reason Micheal Phelps and Usain Bolt are scarfing down whole wheat pancakes and bags of rice with chicken and veg while training, as are NFL players, but only YouTube celebs do meat only.

I lift and run ultras without having any issues with glycogen deficiency.

Eat a balanced diet.
Mostly of veggies. This shit will make u unhealthy.

Imagine unironically listening to anything Peterstein or his daughter say LMAO.

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In my experience, eating only meat means I pretty much only shit out bacteria. Because everything gets absorbed as nutrition. Which is fucking mindblowing, how the fuck does the massive amounts of meat I'm eating, simply disappear- I don't fucking know, but it does.

So every 3 or 4 days I shit rabbit poop and small amounts of liquid. The first weeks of this diet was definetely more volatile though.

But I like this way of shitting more, back when I ate plants- I was prone to getting an itchy arsehole and other annoying stuff.

Zero carnivores get scurvy.

We would get scurvy were we to eat say, bread.

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Posting a list of the medications that Mikhaila no longer has to take, that she took back when she ate plant foods- and construing it as a pro plant food argument, kek

Only true is the fact that Peterson is balls deep with jews

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Why? All plants have anti nutrients. You can’t digest them and they make you shit

Fuck you’re retarded

because i'm not a faggot.

Back then people consumed high fat high cholesterol diet. Only ate local fruit when it was in season.

Don't try this diet unless you have been diagnosed with some autoimmune disease.

Also, it's not the meat that is healing people, it's fat loss. You might as well do intermittent fasting.

This place is such a hellhole, so many delusional people. Opened Yas Forums 1st time in 2 years and I can 100% say ye’ll become more degenerate day to day.

Only eat grass fed meat, raw dairy. And locally grown fruit in season. People who eat high fat high cholesterol diets live longer healthier life’s

You should only shit once every 2-3 days. You should never fart. Vegans shit 2-3 times a day and fart constantly. Plants are indigestible so they are constantly shitting it out....


If you never use your fat deposits, they'll cause inflammation. People are reporting health benefits from this carnivore diet because they're losing weight. So burn your fat. Start fasting from time to time.

Meat has vitamin C retard

Because money.

Exactly. Plus you never fart. People think farting and shitting all day is healthy....

Shits not even impressive. I can cover that distance in less than half that time.

This strategy negates the tampering with the food chain by man since the precious 50s.

And let's not confuse things like natural hybridization through nature vs what is done in a lab. There is repeatedly, scientifically confirmed difference in food quality.

>past meth addict tries carnivore diet AND IT CURED HIS DEPRESSION.
Clearly it wasn't his neurophysiology gradually returning to normal after kicking a serious drug addiction. It must have been the meme diet he tried at the exact same time.

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All I know is that Juden Peterstein and his daughter are massive hypocrites having such a lifestyle while being globalist shills themselves. How would they defend their lifestyle when someone asked them about that currently a meat tax is heavily pushed in Europe - and that you need to replace meat with bugs n' shit - with the elites saying it's healthier and better for the planet when their own narrative is that all meat consumption is the healthiest. When meat is going to be a super luxury food in the future, the lifestyle they are trying to promote is not sustainable and not affordable for most people, they are just making clowns out of themselves.