Post redpills on jewish nepotism power and influence, and their nature in subverting and destroying other races and nations
Good websites (guy is an edgy asshole though be warned)
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March 11, 2020 - 08:43
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March 11, 2020 - 08:43
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March 11, 2020 - 08:44 /HX8ljqgNH10?t=1412
It's in Jewish blood to subvert and destroy. They paint themselves as victims by hiding the fact that they were the perpetrators
Attached: 1540929540843.png (1929x1557, 3.46M)
March 11, 2020 - 08:48
Corona virus was meant to kill all of china and iran, but they are quarantining. They abandoned those hospitals and never built them, but they did. Failure to meet requirements will most likely mean death. Italy, spain, france, japan are next. U.s pending.
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March 11, 2020 - 08:51
That image is from a Dean Koontz fiction book
March 11, 2020 - 08:54
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March 11, 2020 - 09:02
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March 11, 2020 - 09:03
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March 11, 2020 - 09:03
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March 11, 2020 - 09:03
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March 11, 2020 - 09:04
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March 11, 2020 - 09:04
Notice the correlation between the most degenerate cities and the amount of Jews living there.
Las Vegas, Nevada LA NYC
March 11, 2020 - 09:05
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March 11, 2020 - 09:06
anyone got the jewpills on south africa?
WHEN VICTIMS RULE (Huge Jewpill compilation) /details /WhenVictimsRuleInteractive
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March 11, 2020 - 09:06
Nazis are smarter than Jews redpill for lulz
Attached: Nazi IQ's.png (350x596, 16.19K)
March 11, 2020 - 09:06
all the jewpills i have for now
March 11, 2020 - 09:09
> >(guy is an edgy asshole though be warned) Never heard of this site. Thanks user.
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March 11, 2020 - 09:11
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March 11, 2020 - 09:19
The less something is talked about, the more it fades into obscurity. This is why the net censorship crowds have been celebrating, because they've stopped people on the right relaying information between each other about the most basic and well known of sources. Newfags are always coming, people are always slipping back into the normiesphere
Attached: how-convenient.jpg (640x441, 82.28K)
March 11, 2020 - 09:20
*ahem* post-arrival, alexander is a pedophile, aliens torture him, someone should kill him *cough*
March 11, 2020 - 09:25
>nature If it was nature then it would be shown to be part of a majority of any living population of Jews. I assume you have proof of this?
March 11, 2020 - 09:27
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March 11, 2020 - 09:29
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March 11, 2020 - 09:50
There’s been a fair bit of evidence posted in this thread. We can’t wait to hear your thoughts on it. Or will you dismiss it all as conspiracy theory?
March 11, 2020 - 10:01
>Streicher Wasn't streicher 170 IQ?
March 11, 2020 - 10:10
Funny how its always the memeflags posting this shit lmao, like clockwork JIDF, like clockwork.
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March 11, 2020 - 10:17
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March 11, 2020 - 10:35
Nah. I'm some mongoloid in California. My names Alex. Did you even download it and see? Are you afraid? Want anymore PII? Want a dick pic?
March 11, 2020 - 10:41
Take off the memeflag shill.
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March 11, 2020 - 10:47
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March 11, 2020 - 10:52
Fuck you. Whats it to ya? Is it gonna make your dinner taste better? Think kike shills can't operate from any location? Download the kikepills or shut the fuck up.
March 11, 2020 - 10:53
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March 11, 2020 - 10:54
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March 11, 2020 - 11:03
They infiltrate all political spheres, subverting democracy.
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March 11, 2020 - 11:04
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March 11, 2020 - 11:05
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March 11, 2020 - 11:06
Key to the raise of Mao
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March 11, 2020 - 11:06
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March 11, 2020 - 11:06
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March 11, 2020 - 11:07
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March 11, 2020 - 11:07
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March 11, 2020 - 11:08
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March 11, 2020 - 11:08
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March 11, 2020 - 11:09
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March 11, 2020 - 11:09
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March 11, 2020 - 11:09
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March 11, 2020 - 11:10
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March 11, 2020 - 11:10
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March 11, 2020 - 11:10
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March 11, 2020 - 11:11
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March 11, 2020 - 11:11
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March 11, 2020 - 11:11
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March 11, 2020 - 11:12
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March 11, 2020 - 11:12
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March 11, 2020 - 11:12
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March 11, 2020 - 11:13
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March 11, 2020 - 11:14
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March 11, 2020 - 11:14
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March 11, 2020 - 11:14
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March 11, 2020 - 11:15
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March 11, 2020 - 11:17
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March 11, 2020 - 11:18
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March 11, 2020 - 11:18
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March 11, 2020 - 11:20
what does it even matter is Jews control some things? who really cares, paranoid schizos take your meds please
March 11, 2020 - 11:20
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March 11, 2020 - 11:20
The "best documented genocide in history"
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March 11, 2020 - 11:21
Is this related, silent weapons for quiet /
March 11, 2020 - 11:22
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March 11, 2020 - 11:23
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March 11, 2020 - 11:25
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March 11, 2020 - 11:26
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March 11, 2020 - 11:26
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March 11, 2020 - 11:27
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March 11, 2020 - 11:27
Learn how to control your bladder. Maybe they'll let you back out in the field.
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March 11, 2020 - 11:27
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March 11, 2020 - 11:28
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March 11, 2020 - 11:28
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March 11, 2020 - 11:29