Why is this guy so pissed off in his streams nowadays? Can't he relax a bit?

Why is this guy so pissed off in his streams nowadays? Can't he relax a bit?

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His government is literally about to kill him.

Did he shoad his bitchute account? Why?

He didn't sound pissed to me. The last stream I saw he just seemed to be laughing at a boomer telling people to buy the dip, and the guy who started the phrase "It's just a flu, bro" unironically using that meme at Trump.

Jade is starting to demand babies.

Jade has the wu flu

So the cuck won’t have kids? He is getting old

He's afraid of the coof camps, aren't we all?


he is torn between his love of pusy and his hate of racemixing

he's getting closer to having his full dox released.

He went all in on coronavirus being a huge thing and it ended up a nothingburger.

Jade isn't real.

I can't watch him without feeling stupid anymore, he's such a cringey bitter old man

Dunno what she's called, but he got doxxed
Pretty sure pic related is his gf

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thats funny i really like he's wu flu vids, laughing at boomers is always fun

She literally gave him a drunken blowjob on stream

you do know he's had pictures on here of him getting a blowjob from her

It's called testosterone you cucked fucking dumbass

Literally who?


Jim got doxxed. His marriage certificate with Jade has been posted on Kiwifarms.

I'm sure (you) will have no problem providing a source then.

dude I feel like no one has balls anymore. Just a couple days ago I was debating a leftist. And I started raising my voice when he interrupted, he stopped and looked like he was going to cry. I have no faith in people anymore even most of the "Right" are a bunch of coddled faggots.


Aren't those the same retards that have mistakenly doxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxed Jim like 5 times already?

He doesn't have the time to really review his Streams. He's always angry in his streams but he plays it off like he's laughing at it. Take the whole Euege thing as a recent example. Now don't get me wrong, the guy is a retard. But Jim is clearly out for this guy's blood.

That was a joke.
This is fake.

I'm not trolling, but these are baseless claim and it amazes me how anons think they are informed but are clearly not. Jade is not an asian and most of the stuff he says about her is a joke.
Do you really think he puts her in a cage too?

I remember it too, it was his last stream as "Internet Aristocrat"
He then made a video calling out gamergate for becoming a bunch of spineless sellouts and disappeared for two years

>Jade is starting to demand babies.
Nah, jade took off a long time ago, and jim just plays it out like she is still there

he fears the gulag

What ever happened to Baked Alaska? Is he doing any kind of work in media now or did he give up? I haven't seen anything on that guy in two years.



Have you heard jade laughing in the background in the past year?

>What ever happened to Baked Alaska?
Dude either got flipped or was flipped to begin with

He's realizing it was just the flu all along so now those superchats have run their course

Imagine being such a fag that you have time to watch streams ahahah ... you are the problem

remember the saying "Goodness requires strength"?

Because he's irrelevant

I still remember his faggot speech when he ragequit GG like a loser


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his content is pretty shit

i hope he gets deplatformed

he no feel a so goo-

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the best thing about these retards is how they get mad when someone is trolling their cows wrong

>such a fag that you have time to watch streams
What do you listen to when you run or go take long walks?

>i hope he gets deplatformed
Kike detected

That ivory-poaching bitch is starting to demand an increase in semen.
It can be scary when an azn is into you and manages to get her claws in. Sociopathic creatures.

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Not fake, about a minute before his Aristocrat twitter got taken down he posted a link to soe amateur site and it really looked like her desu

>"raising your voice"
lmao I doubt you were simply getting passionate

I don't know who that is, but that ballcap looks pretty dope

So where's the vid of her sucking dick then lads?

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he got the chink aids flu.

>That was a joke.
No. Jim was drunk, KoP was sperging absolutely 110% and it was the mainstream introduction to Sargon of Akkad.
And he didnt get a blowjob, or maybe he did but that wasnt audible. He fingerblasted Jade so she had several loud moans on stream.
She is a horrendously ugly titcow though, and Jim let her movie in as soon as she arrived. Says alot about them both, that he would just take her in immediately, and her for not having any kind of a life and could just uproot and move at the drop of a hat.

They're all misremembering shit. He actually played with Jade's pussy on some stream a few years ago and you can here the finger fucking.

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She literally said "he's fucking me" at one point in that stream

That doesn't mean it was with his dick, beside unless her pussy is a wide as a crater and jim was worlds quietest jack hammer it doesn't make sense to believe that isnt was his fingers but his cock.

I only have one question; has anyone heard jade in the background on any stream in the past year? I know I haven't.

I literally give zero shits about any of that, I just want to see more of that chick in the pic

Unironically hope he gets the flu and drops.
He succumbed to e-fame, and is now whoring out with these absolutely unbearable hysteria streams.

He is still too much of a normalfag, but at least can be somewhat entertaining.

Forgot to turn the vpn on for your shift, Chaim

Is this hes face or not, I always wanted to know.

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I didn't know that kikes were listening to jim, kek

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>peterson relapses
>quick, turn to another manchild for emotional support!
stop caring about ecelebs

>for emotional support
Entertainment isn't about emotional support.