Why do Jews dominate every industry they enter?

A few million Jews run the world, maybe they are the chosen people...

>Pictured: (Greg Lanksy, Owner of Blacked, Tushy and several other adult entertainment companies)

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because they're more materialist than any other group.


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"Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

The answer is the same as why (((they))) get kicked out, killed or holocousted sometimes.

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They are the real master race. There's a reason they kicked the Nazis ass.

Hitler was a gay shit eater who got his ass kicked by the chosen people.

They made this giant dreidel we live in.

I'm kinda surprised Lansky doesnt have operations in Sweden yet, considering thats where all the best looking blondes live.

BLACKED SWEDEN coming soon I guess

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Through hard work and a strong, ethical employment culture.

(((Adam "Pencil Neck" Schiff)))

Strange. I feel an urge to coof. May I come and visit you in Tel Aviv?

Yep just honest hard working people.

Jew here..

Jews live in constant fear of being persecuted and holocausted again, this fear keeps us on our toes working together day and night to advance our interests over gentiles...

Jewish elites actually give a shit about the jewish people

WASP elites dont give a shit about gentiles at all....

It comes down to white people not being scared enough YET of being wiped out

Aryans are subhuman. Jews are powerful, always using the Aryans as slaves or concubines.

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Because they worship Satan and cannibalize young children to enter a psychedelic state.

They're God Satan helps them and Satan rules the Earth.

they offer human sacrifices regularly ie: wars, pandemics and abortions etc.

Jesus rules heaven though.

It's called usury and nepotism. And results in being expelled from every place they take root

He got fired from his sites for being racist


As someone with some jewish blood (father is jewish) I had a funny conversation with him as a poor college student. (And he's just a libertarian agnostic middle class white collar worker)
>be me
>having issues finding a job
>come one one weekend and end up talking to my dad about it
>"I wished that jewish nepotism was true! I would of been hired months ago!"
>dad just takes a look at me
>"Well I mean jews do help other jews. If you put that you're jewish on your job application, they're more likely to hire you because they tend to help their own"
And he isn't into the jewish culture AT ALL. For him to say that was quite interesting.

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Pfff lol, becareful jewleaf, your kind has caused too much damage and gentiles don't have unlimited patience. Also jewish elites don't give a flying fuck about random jew you liar.

The inherent tension from them knowing that porn isnt art is kind of funny. The porn visionary is always 'trying' to make it art. He never succeeds. But a disinterested examination of his vain attempt can be art, like Boogie Nights


Jews are the first to racemix dumbass, also very present in the porn industry. Try again.

Man who hides his jewishness but still has a decent amount of jewish blood here. You're wrong and a faggot. While there is nepotism, generally elite jews would sell their children for their own success. There is a quotes from the Torah which perfectly discribes jewish behavor to migrants and why they tend to dislike Gentiles.

>Psalm 72:2, 4
May the ruler of the land judge your people with righteousness, and your poor with justice… May the ruler champion the cause of the poor among the people, give deliverance to the needy, and crush those who wrong them.

I assume with this quote alone many of you can connect the dots as why jews do things the way they do

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Go look at the top corporations. One of them are Jewish and they are all overwhelmingy owned by white Europeans. Even the biggest Jews are just court Jews for the European/Anglo elite and make money off managing the assets of the elite while the elite run the world. Not so different than any other point in history

maybe because their religion is superior to others?

I feel something weird everytime I look at a Askhnazi jew pic, is like they’re not really human but just pretending.

My pastor told me that God will bless me if I bless the Jews.

You've been bamboozled

> (OP)
>"Again, the devil took Him up on an exceedingly high mountain, and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory. 9 And he said to Him, “All these things I will give You if You will fall down and worship me.”

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I was just kidding, but imagine that happening to someone in real life.

Nepotism and the investment of dirty money in speculative ventures

No kidding, this rabid Jew love and Israel support, is extremely common amongst Evangelicals

They are the devil's minions it is either that we do away with them and the sin they inspire or idolise them and destroy ourselves.

Some of them actually go to Rabbis with questions on how to follow Jewish law. My parents of Eastern Europe. I find this mutt shit outrageous.

*are from

The latter.

there is no g-d

I didnt say jewish elite aren't power hungry..I simply said they care MORE then the gentile elite...

Thats why Israel is national socialist state..

Name one, just ONE gentile elite that publicly advocates for white birth rate and demographics..

ethnic nepotism

even street shitters successfully pull this off against the west's cucky atomized individualism

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Looks like it's all proceeding as expected.

Individualist Whites will gain just enough collectivist traits to take the Earth.

In time.

I have a hard time to find an industry where they succeeded without nepotism. Media is just a circle jerk, supporting each others bullshit with clicks, algorithms, censorships of the competition and awards to give their bullshit some attention/prestige. Same principle in science, hollywood, art, literature, academics and finance. Pushing and supporting each other into the spotlight, sometimes based on the achievement of others. A pretty good system/network of an ingroup success pipeline. But it is not representative of real life success. Do they have skin in the game? How many of them would have succeeded without that system/network? How many took a personal risk? Not with other peoples money (finance), not out of a save position with government money (academics). I have met countless engineers in the private sector solving problems that leaves you deeply impressed and who took a huge personal risk to achieve it. People who got their hands dirty! Ivy League admissions statistics confirm this "success pipeline". I've read a theory that in professional tennis you do not see the worlds best players compete against eachother, but you see only the worlds best players who could afford it to get this far. Playing tennis is expensive as fuck for young talents and most can't afford it to take it to a professional level. Traveling to competitions, get new equipment, training, injuries, it is time consuming... and it is not even certain that you win your competition with price money that you spend thousanfs of dollars to compete in. Sponsor are only interested if you have established a "name". So you most likely have the most talented ones ending their tennis career before it even started. Read about some pro tennis players and how their parents quit their jobs and went into debt to support their child in their dream to become a pro. Now think about a network/system supporting you in your tennis career based in your last name, without even asking.

>Why do Jews dominate every industry they enter?
Because they're ORGANIZED.
While you morons are too busy being individuals and afraid of helping your friends you become isolated with you psychotic wife and you amount to nothing.

wtf (facepalm)...Jesus literally came to reform the religion they'd ruined. The rabbis and money lenders went to the Romans who held Jerusalem at the time, and told them Jesus was a madman claiming to be a prophet.

And you're gonna go seek religious guidance from people who did this to your savior...

>Name one, just ONE gentile elite that publicly advocates for white birth rate and demographics..

name one white woman that advocates for white birth rates

When are the Anglos going to start using the formula:
>All work together + cheat

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Whites hire the best person for the job. Ocassionally that person is a Jew.
When a Jew rises up the ranks, they hire and promote EXCLUSIVELY Jews, even when they're not best for the job, because promoting the tribe is higher priority. So the rare, skilled Jew gets into position of power, drives everyone else out and brings in only other Jews, so now Jews benefit.

>When a Jew rises up the ranks, they hire and promote EXCLUSIVELY Jews, even when they're not best for the job, because promoting the tribe is higher priority.

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They understand Natural Law. They use it for material gain rather than the betterment of humanity. God will judge them accordingly.

basically jews infiltrated society and created a system that let them discriminate whoever they want but you can't discriminate against them

>Whites hire the best person for the job. Ocassionally that person is a Jew.
literally the opposite of this
normally some jew come from a wealthy family and he get together with other jews to put some big capital, and they hire mostly white people because they are most competent and some jews that later are ascended in the company because they are jews

Its not a womans job to be racist and tribal, Borders and territory are the job of men...Israeli woman would fuck every palestinian conquer if they could....but they cant because Israeli men defend the border...Israeli men defend the border because Jewish elites care about Jewish birthrates and demographics...


Not the smartest guy on the planet, but I'm guessing smart, peaceful Christians inventing a better mousetrap and jews, who believe that might makes right, stealing it from them might be part of the grand equation that equate to fubar.


They only hire their own for powerful positions.

Pretty simple, really: because they're a tribe, and the moment one gets in somewhere high up he starts favouring his own kind. The Rothschilds having so much clout in literally everything likely doesn't hurt, either.

they are the most unhappy twisted fucks in existence, and everything they do just makes it worse

gonna need source for that

It isn't difficult to understand
>charge everyone else interest
>do not charge jews interest
now do business like this for a few thousand years

Their nepotism has one major side effect. It confirms and reinforces the stereotype, especially if bad news happen.
>criminals in finance -> Early Life
>MeToo in Hollywood -> Early Life
>journalists with an obvious agenda -> Early Life

You can plant the seed of it into a normie and watch it grow and reincorced by daily news. Normie won't be able to unsee it.