Post your five point plan to fix western women

Post your five point plan to fix western women

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Other urls found in this thread:

give them dick
go to next girl

1) GAS
2) THE
5) NOW

There's no fixing anything apart from yourself.

Be a good man, find a good woman, raise a good family and hope for the best.


>kill all kikes
>remove women right to vote
>remove women from workplace
>require all women to get married and have two to three children
>bottom text

>They all fuck the same tinder chad
>Tinder chad is in fact corona chad
>They all catch corona and die
problem solved

* Close borders
* deport immigrants
* overhaul divorce courts to favor men
* end affirmative action policies and laws
* Wife stipends: At regular intervals both couples in a married relationship get tax breaks or kickbacks from the government, which increases if they also have children for so long as they are in a married relationship and starting from square 1 if they divorce and go into a new marriage

1. Fix the birth control situation

western women cannot be fixed

Federal mandated daily beatings. Anything less than that won't correct things soon enough.

1. I
2. Don't
3. Give
4. A
5. Fuck

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1. Ignore
2. Focus on hobbies
3. Invest
4. ????
5. Profit!


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Robotic waifus given to all men
Artificial wombs
Deleting genome sequences that make women

There are no political solutions, only technological ones.

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>be less than 5/10 looks wise
>giving a fuck about a group of people that doesn't even consider your existence
ummm why tho? I don't care.

Holy fucking based man. Should've included you in the first post. Godspeed user.

1. make them all like belle delphine
2. get a gf
3. fuck
4. fuck
5. fuck

>ban birth control
>ban immigration
>send the blacks back to Africa
>repeal the 19th amendment
>bring back home ec classes

How can one man be this based? TechnoChads will forever BTFO ludditecucks

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You don't

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We do actually respect and reinforce the Bible



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>Post your five point plan to fix western women

1. Develop sex bots as COMPETITION
2. Encourage "marriage immigration"
3. Alter divorce, child support, and custody laws so that women are NO LONGER FAVORED [and if she has NO INCOME because of WELFARE, do not make daddy pay for HER LAWYER or award EXCESSIVE ALIMONY AND CHILD SUPPORT as a REWARD]
4. Make "meal-ticket mommy" *ILLEGAL* [and a reason to give fathers IMMEDIATE CUSTODY of a kid]
5. legal requirement for marriage: disclose ALL prior sex partners. Failure to do so can be grounds for divorce and denial of alimony. "I do not know his name" would be sufficient, which would at least tell future hubby she was FUCKING AROUND ANONYMOUSLY. And if she does NOT remember, do you REALLY WANT to MARRY SUCH A CUM DUMPSTER AS THAT???

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women are outdated
traps are the future

hello, are you rich

Attached: TrappyMoo.jpg (1108x1478, 292.69K)

im poor and thats not you

>im poor


Attached: 5521.jpg (1108x1478, 304.7K)

i know thats not really you im not a newfag

Please excuse this... thing. It will dealt with Next Load Shedding.

is it even a trap?


Whole lot of edgelords in this thread.
1. No more superannuation for anyone.
2. No tax breaks for married couples ever. Tax breaks and benefits only for each biological kid that a married couple has, up to a maximum of 3 (any more than that and you'll have people abusing the system).
3. Women cannot earn more than $60k a year.
4. Enormous taxes on makeup.

God bless my country.

This is why I will be breeding with a Japanese to help create the soon to be Eurasian master race.

The real problem is the people that pay.

Based and blackout pilled.

1. Kill all the kikes to prevent future subversion.

2. Immediately cease production of all forms of contraception.

3. Make women have the same status as children in society. No work, no politics, etc. The sole roles women will have are making the next generation and social cohesion, ie. making play dates and forcing men to share some beers and a bbq with one another too.

4, Make welfare only last 6 months out of every year and if you're on it more than 3 times in a decade you get sterilized before being allowed on it ever again.

5. Make adultery punishable by public execution.

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>No tax breaks for married couples ever
but i want to marry a trap
>master race
lol racemixing is never good


Fox girls.

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> 2020
> responding to name fags


im not a name fag im a name straight

Sure thing little fella. Implying that all races aren't the bi-product of race mixing?

Show us all that ancestry result you got of being 100% kike?

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my ancestry is 100% romanian but i cant afford a DNA test

kill all niggers and jews

Ahh, your Romanian. This would explain the not being able to afford a testing kit.

100% sure this guy is minimum 35% gypsy.

1 get
2 in
3 the
4 fucking
5 kitchen

1. brutal beatings
2. relax

thats based but wont fix w*men
they are the scum of the earth and should be purged

And 100% fag apparently.

1 Rape
2 Rape
3 Rape
4 Rape
5 Arrange Marriages

defeating your enemies forces women to love you.

women cannot think and have no ability not to obey the winners

This. But if the tech isn't here yet:
1) Remove women voting rights
2) Men and women obliged to marry first partner they fuck
3) Abolish age of consent
4) Punish adultery with death by thousand cuts
5) Matchmaking service for men to find appropiate wives of all kinds

traps arent gay

1. remove women's right to vote
2. forbid any kike degeneracy from being displayed on ads, tv etc.
3. state propaganda promoting women in the kitchen taking care of the children
4. tax cuts for normal families (no single moms) with 2 children or more
5. removal of any pro-"women leeching off their husbands" judges and laws in divorces

1. Replace all social programs and entitlements with universal basic income
2. Financial abortions
3. End federal government backed student loans
4. Only allow covenant marriages
5. Forgive 25% of mortgages for every child married couples have

you wasted your 5 points.let me fix that for you.

1. remove women's right to make any decision without father or husband approval
2. expel all jews and nonwhites from nation forever
3. put (white only) women in traditional roles on TV and in ads
4. tax cuts and major domestic benefits for white nuclear families (no single moms) with 2 children or more
5. remove all female judges

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Why remove womans right to vote? I know they vote for communism, but removing their rights probably won't improve them.

we need to remove the women themselves

Lmao legalize prostitution so men wouldn't give thousands of dollars to a camwhore e-thot when they can get to fuck a Russian whore for a fraction of that.

Yes, it will. It did for all time, except the last 100 yrs. It will improve them your homeland and everything on this planet, when their right to vote is revoked.

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Moan and cry about them 24/7 on image boards and social media.
Repeat four times.

Far right military government
Deport all non WASPS
Beat the shit out of women
Free gym memberships

i love profit

You can't put it back in the bag. It's not they'll forget about being able to vote.


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So hot she won't even look at a dirty nigger.


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1. Ignore women.
2. Save money.
3. Enjoy hobbies.
4. Leave possessions and wealth to nephew.
5. Die.

1. All
2. Women
3 Are
4 Whores
5 Faggot