Vladimir Putin wants to maintain autocratic power until the end of his days. What should I do?

Vladimir Putin wants to maintain autocratic power until the end of his days. What should I do?

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be happy

you should vote putin

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post gay twink webcam porn on chaturbate for me to jerk off to

Nothing. He (is a monster who) holds check against western autocracy. So he is useful. Don’t worry bro our leaders are monsters too people just aren’t aware of their crimes

Off him

Praise putin

US and European citizens have suffrage and other civil rights. And besides, they have a power shift. And Putin has been in power since 2000. Just imagine, user.

You're crazy. You need to be treated.

Western Europe is fucked mate. Be happy you live in not the middle east or a gay cuckold nation

Our leaders are anemic goblins at 1/2 CR

Putin is The Tarrasque, except he's also taken a few levels in Wizard, and is the only guy at the table who's actually read the whole PHB, and cheats freely because he knows that nobody else has.

How is the Middle East fundamentally different from Russia?

I'm talking about how western europe is overunn by muslims causing terrorism and violence. Luckily you cunts in russia seem to have some authority over these terrorists

I like the guy too but leave some cock sucking for the rest of us nerd
/tg/ aren't gamers

You are in a state of illusion under the influence of Russian propaganda. Be free bro. Clean your brain from RT.

Join United Russia. Duh.

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Quality of life,quality of intellectual traditions, quality of culture.

Whatever qualms you may have with your own country, I guarantee you take the better elements for granted, and concentrate on the bad, like we all do when scrutinizing the familiar.

Russia is in a nice middle-point right now between being a country with no balls at all, and a country with balls where it's brains should be.

Be proud to be Russian, not like the pride you feel for yourself, but like the pride you feel when your friends and family show their mettle.

No land is perfect, and recent history and the impending future are showing that being culturally ultra-liberal and demographically emasculated are utterly destructive to the coherence and longevity of a people.

If it got rid of all the intersectional nigger-tranny shit, I'd literally invite Gopniks to squat on my garden wall and throw their empties at my house.

Liar. Terrorism in western europe is something you see on the news but is never experienced by 99.9% of citizens. Sorry for the victims but for the rest its just non-existent. Common crime is several orders of magnitude worse a problem but i guess its not so flashy for you.

Rather live under authoritarianism than get stabbed by a muslim or sit next to a tranny

Moskou is literally a muslim capital of europe

>meme flag
oy vey


>sorry for the victims

You never knew them, and you feel nothing for them.
You're just making what you think are the right noises to navigate a situation.

Your words are meaningless, there are no right noises here.

I have asked russians before to make a laundry list of everything wrong with Russia. Make specific claims. Something beefier than "putin has been in power 20 years".
Yas Forums is a social liberation theology board. They would defend Idi Amin and Che for opposing ZOG.

>What should I do?
Reach puberty

You also dont care about them. I didn't wrote"im sorry", just "sorry" to emphasize my indifference *shrugs shoulders*
Basically im pointing out terrorism in Europe is a nothing burger and nobody cares

It was pretty based how Che hated faggots and niggers.
But if they told people that it wouldn't shift the t-shirts.
At least, not to the demographics marketing have identified as "likely to spend their money on leftie tribal affiliation crap".

Bow to the king.

Democracy is overrated, just puppets being told what to do from behind the scenes.

Che was just another of Castro's henchmen. He is famous because he looked manly and handsome. There was nothing special about his as a revolutionary.

true, but what should you do if Tsar is anti-people element leading a policy of replacing your people with migrants?

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"terrorism" isn't just blowing things up and stabbing people you nauseating moron.

It's also stuff like targeted drug pedalling operations and mass sexual exploitation.
Both of which are fucking rife, in my country and others.
Both largely perpetrated by Muslims.
Particularly, Pakistanis.
Narcoterrorism and mas sexual exploitation aren't just terrorism either, they are so targeted as to constitute acts of race-war.

I vomit upon you, and yours.

I didn't know that. Isn't he pro family? Banned fagotry marriage?
What immigrants is he allowing to get in?
I saw in YouTube that Rusia let white south Africans in.

End his days?

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Let him. He's doing a great job keeping the oligarchs under control. He loves Russia and he likes peace. I was jealous of Russia for having Putin until we got Trump. Russia is a hard place to rule with so many "tribal' things--he does good.

Suffrage is at best worthless

like Merkel more or less, or Netanyahu.
I would pay for having Putin in my country

Fall in line

Putin is a corrupt KGB Zionist Manlet who is in bed with Jews and globalist yo destroy the west





That's not what terrorism means. Words have a meaning. Not every crime is terrorism.

u lucky bitch

> Isn't he pro family? Banned fagotry marriage?
yes , but this does not prevent the fact that millions of migrants from central asia enter Russia annually. All them are asiatic muslims with qualification.
beside that all “pro-family” measures are based on payments for every second, etc. child. Guess which families are the beneficiaries of this law in the first place? Exactly. Muslim rats with gorrilion kids
>I saw in YouTube that Rusia let white south Africans in.
only talks. Boers have not yet moved here, and I doubt that they will do it

>with low qualification.

Bend over. You should be used to it by now.

>European citizens have suffrage
Yet when we are allowed to vote regarding further European integration (in our country we aren't) and we vote in a way not pleasing to our leaders, our votes are simply ignored. We are just as autocratic, we just have a nice paint coat of family friendly liberalism on top of it. Don't delude yourself in thinking we are any different

nope. I see him. He's just like Trump bad boy turned good. Jaysus sometimes I wonder about those tin hats.

I see. Here in London Muslims open mosques in every corner. They do have more kids than whites.

Go visit all of them if you get a visit from Corona-chan. Take one for the team.

Move to America
Join the mutt soup

Embrace it. Honestly, you're going to miss the days of Putin once some other dunce gets into power. Putin still holds Russian values, and makes his policies reflect that. His flaw is that he's not a white nationalist, he views former Soviet countries as "fellow Russians " which is killing us, but we know we don't have a Hitler in power. You hate him because he's not Hitler. No one is, бpaт.

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You are a stupid, incompetent and insane person. I feel sorry for you.

Yes, I am considering plans to emigrate to the United States. Or to Eastern Europe.

Go the Marcus Junius Brutus route, with you being Brutus, and the wannabe Czar being Caesar

Stop voting for him?

Nice argument, shill.

>"What should I do?"
"end" "his days"

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>race war meme
It's shit like this that gets immigration skepticism a bad name. Enjoy your migrants, you're only going to get more with that attitude.

He's psycho, but so is everyone else atm. America would be the safest place for you to move, but decadence is our issue. Putin atleast likes russia, so literally everyone on Yas Forums is jealous. Count your blessings, or move to hell. Atleast our govt will accept you so long as you are uninformed.

>autocratic power
implying the manlet has any
he's the face of a large oligarchic clique, nothing more

>What should I do?
redpill him on the jews

>overrun by muslims
sounds exactly like russia

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Yeah, how is Brexit going btw?