Why is nigger music so shit?
Why is nigger music so shit?
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Metal is fucking gay lol
FACT: Classical is the White Man's music, and Metal is just as degenerated as coon-tunes
Canada is fucking gay
fun at parties
Yeah it is. That's why fags love it more than nigger hop music where it talks about being hard and showing off dudes muscles in glistening HD music videos.
Labels started pushing black music that promotes criminal behaviors to keep privately owned prisons full.
I still like blues + jazz though, not all of it is shit.
Metal has some good pockets, but most of it is either autistic larp music or meth head aggro music.
>why is nigger music so shit
>nigger music
there’s your answer
Hardcore and hardstyle are the genres of the true white man.
Rap is way better than metal right now, metal is over produced unoriginal soulless slop made by bugmen, rap isn't as good as peak metal from the 90s (some it the best music ever), but it's the best stuff out now
I work construction and everyone plays stupid nigger music on their shitty radios. All kinds of fags but mostly whites. Why.
>Why is nigger music so shit?
>Posts another utter shit genre as a comparsion
We're unironically losing the white race because of depression music. 80's metal chicks hated niggers. Your personal taste is secondary to a planet of apes.
>I work construction and everyone plays stupid nigger music on their shitty radios. All kinds of fags but mostly whites. Why.
Because Nobody wants to modern rock/metal's depression and rage at work. It sucks enough already
I think I'm addicted to saying "nigger." I can't help it, the word is just on my mind constantly. I've been replacing the lyrics of songs lately with just "nigger" repeated. I sometimes run tests to see how many times I can say "nigger" in a minute, my record is 187. I'm a generally liberal guy otherwise, but there's just something so thrilling and energising about saying that word.
Synthwave or bust, it'ss the white mans music, niggers.
A lot of metal has roots in classical. For example "Black Sabbath" by Black Sabbath (first Doom song) is part of Mars by Holst fit to Locrian. Most of it's trash but [spoiler]the same is true for classical[/spoiler]
Written by, like 2 jews, though.
then explain how the greatest musical mind of the 21st century is black.
Kanye is honorary white, what are you talking about?
Yas Forums does that
Please show me some good synthwave stuff.
>donk donk donk donk donk donk donk donk SCREEEECH donk donk donk donk donk donk donk - yo' Defqon.1, defqon.1, 'dis how we do, 'dis how we do up in here' donk donk donk donk donk donk donk donk donk
Real hardstyle and hardcore died years ago, dutch based anything is shit and hardcore now is noisy simplistic garbage.
Psy, hardhouse, 303 techno and 90's hard trance is the real white man's electronic music choice. Behind Vangelis and Jean-Michel Jarre of course.
No need to compare to metal, everything is better than nignog rap produced by schlomo shekelberg
>Real hardstyle and hardcore died years ago
Good - it was fucking gay rage and larpy
>Kanye is honorary white, what are you talking about?
Christian new-age zionists aren't white
Kanye isn’t zionist, please stop with your slander
>Synthwave is a white mans music
Yeah, nah.
What about metal without depression?
Oh look, a non-musician trying to extoll the virtues of classical music over metal, whilst being completely ignorant that they are literally the two most comparable genres.
Arpegiation, shit like the devil's interval, complex interplay between scales, use of obscure modes, extended theatrical intros and outros, composition set to artistic themes.
These are just some of the commonalities between Metal and Classical, and if you don't understand that, then you aren't really "into" either.
Now go bop about your cuck-shed to some mumble-rap from a gay mulatto.
Sure, a lot of metal is degenerate. But we can still appreciate the intelligence it takes to accomplish some of the compositions. Try getting a drummer to cover a Meshugah song, for instance.
Thanks Jan.
Digits fucking confirm, must be good shit. I'll check it out later while I drive to work.
You need high iq for prog metal. Hell I'd like to see a group of niggers trying to do something like dream theater.
I've never met a true metalhead that didn't like classical. Classical is just metal without the distortion.
And anyone who likes hip hop is just low IQ.
Based and redpilled
the majority of the fanbase gets more and more materialistic. It goes towards alcohol and casual sex. Tatoos, Piercings and all the degenerate stuff are common place.
Black Metal is the only modern white music I know of.
A good new one man band I know is Horn. Acctually good music mostly about war and sort of premitivism. Acctually carries the melancholic war atnosphere like the old soldier songs.
All the popular metal bands like Sabaton and what not are basicly pop music.
I'm a metalhead and i never got into those things
Hell I'd like to see one that could still play the guitar, or anything instrument for that matter.
A drum machine, autotune, and some looped samples isn't music.
>Try getting a drummer to cover a Meshugah song
He is a shit drummer. Fucking shit. I mentioned this but some of his sycophants were on about how his style is "non-linear" and other nonsensical terms like that, but to me, he just sounded like he'd dropped/lost a drumstick and was still trying to make drummer-like noises while searching for it.
Yes, some of what I heard made sense, but the "breakdown" section is where he showed his lack of competence - it was like a downs syndrome kid had tumbled on top of the kit and taken a brief epileptic fit before slowly dying in a puddle of lukewarm piss.
me niether, but it happens a lot. Festivals are just a bunch of fat neckbeards getting drunk.
I find there are acceptable forms of hip-hop, but nothing from the last decade or so has been listenable for me in that supra-genre.
That American "Negro soul", or what is left of the thing, has been in the process of being portioned up and sold off piecemeal since the first nigger-blues radio show.
They're running kinda low on soul by now, so there's only trace elements of it left in their music.
For a while I enjoyed the stylings of the "Wu-Tang Clan", and that fella "MF Doom", mostly because I'm a sucker for really dank samples, from shit like Hannah Barberra cartoons and badly dubbed Samurai films.
Broadly speaking though, I gotta agree.
The shit they play on the radio nowadays makes me want to kill somebody, and not in the good way that listening to Grindcore does.
There's no music in "rap music" or many other retarded genres
that's all I care about
Never been much into black metal, listened to some early Mercyful Fate, but that's about it.
I do agree that some metal is definitely overproduced nowadays. Stuff like Sabaton comes with a few good songs, but it feels like they overdose on their established quirks instead of inventing new ones. So the music doesn't really stand out. That's the reason why I just shifted to more Helloween-like power, or more obscure heavy (and occasionally prog) metal.
White music values are artistic expression, virtuosity, harmony (meaning sounds going well together).
It can exist for itself, or aim to tell a story, convey an emotion or describe a picture.
White music is also very advanced technically speaking. It was the one inventing polyphony, movements. It's the only music where instruments were carefully engineered to provide the perfect sound. Orchestras are a perfect example of this sophistication.
White music pieces are often longer, have a progression in the themes, and is elaborate. The best pieces are very accessibly to listen to yet required tons of work to be produced.
Nigger music on the other hand only expresses primal, reptilian feelings. It's merely an accessory for either mating, or threatening an opponent. As such pieces of nigger music are short, monorythmic, and poorly elaborate. Nigger music doesn't need a lot of effort to be created and as such can be mass produced.
Neckbeard atheists are just as degenerate as wiggers
Metal is for manchildren who used to get bullied at school
>My eye is drawn immediately to "Extreme Noise Terror"
Eyyy, they're from where my nan lives.
Good lads.
Blues is the greatest music genre
Ok boomer
Metal is derived from rock and rock is derived from nigger music.
For me it's techno.
In El Salvador perhaps it is.
But in El Salvador you can buy an eight year old girl's virginity for the cost of a six-pack of beer, so I don't think you count for much.
Your country is probably the kind of place where they bully you for "being too smart".
"Haha, look at the stupid brainiac, he'll never die in a crack-den at the age of nineteen the way he's going, what a fag!"
good roll
if u aint driving at 98 and blasting out glory hammer while in Scotland. wtf are u doin with ur life.
Metal is garbage.
t. Someone who doesn't know what prog metal is
proxyfaggot, no true Finn would say something so cringe and gay