/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1880

► Detected: 119,217 ► Died: 4,299
lol, still only 4,299.
How many days has it been stuck at 4,299? Four days? Five days?

UK health minister tests positive

Kanzlerin Merkel: „60 bis 70 Prozent in Deutschland werden sich infizieren“

US short on crucial chemical needed for tests

All of Italy under lockdown, "red zone"

Corona-chan mutates, gains Dengue fever-like symptoms

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

23 year old football player dies in Iran

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

China underreports number of infections and deaths

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

03:06: 4 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.
03:05: 5 new cases in Georgia, United States.
02:42: 8 new cases in Florida, United States.
02:25: First 2 cases in Michigan, United States. One in Oakland County and one in Wayne County.
01:10: 242 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.


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Other urls found in this thread:


Still no WHITE deaths from Chinese coronavirus, only Asian.

No shill on this board can provide an example of a White, Black, or Indian death resulting from confirmed and tested case of Chinese coronavirus, no matter how many CVG threads are made.

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>Discord Tranny
>Has Coronavirus

Go Dilate glownigger faggot

Fucking kill yourself glownigger. EVERY single thread on the board. Seriously, your time is done soon, you know this. Run.

so im in the bay area and probably gonna quit my customer service job at the end of the week, based or retarded?

Why can't you coronaniggers find you ass with two hands? There are multiple threads up that haven't reached bump limit. Fucking/ptg/ /sg/ and all the others rarely fuck up this much.

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with prepping, you cant lose

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Because there's a bunch of kikes always attempting to split the threads non stop.

show bob

What? What about the italians? They are white

there's like a hundred people a day dying in Italy, no way they're all chinks. You can't even go for the "Italians aren't White" meme, because it's hitting northern Italy, including even the German community in South Tyrol.

>a hundred people a day
out of over 400,000 Chinese living in lombardy alone, this is not far fetched whatsoever. Have you never visited a Chinatown of a major city?

>no way they're all chinks
then provide evidence of some cases that are not

boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/247484173

boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/247484173

boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/247484173

boards.Yas Forums.org/pol/thread/247484173

Shills dont provide examples. Shills just take stuff out of their ads, like you


do you have any white friends or relatives that are infected and have died from the Italian outbreak?

or any italian media that shows anything about ethnicities of the 600 dead?

You are still in denial

>asking questions for clues and information is denial
science is denial for Spain
do you have any local media that talks about ethnicities of the 36 dead in spain?


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No dude, i'm not sure if you are the same guy that was claiming the very same a few days ago in another /cvg/. People in South Tirol and Northern Italy are mostly white. I've lived there, it's a white paradise near the Alps

Put the happening

I'm the bag

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>What about the italians?
from the wiki links provided in >The community of Chinese people in Italy has grown rapidly in the past ten years. Official statistics indicate there are at least 320,794 Chinese citizens in Italy, although these figures do not account for illegal immigration, former Chinese citizens who have acquired Italian nationality or Italian-born people of Chinese descent.

kill yourself

reminder that these discord tranny groups try to attract newfags and groom them into becoming trannies and are even trying to groom some into committing mass shootings

reminder that the jannies are friends with these discord tranny groups and allow these groups to exist and allow their spam here. this is why the IPs that spam them only get a 3-day ban at most, as the admins aren't required to greenlight that.

jannies are literally discord tranny faggots that support grooming newfags into committing mass shootings. if you fbi and cia niggers are actually here you should look into these groups. you should look into the janitors and mods of Yas Forums, they are directly advocating for child abuse and terrorism.

the wiki claims there are a lot of chinese living in north italy? is the wiki wrong?

Why does toilet paper always run out in emergency lockdowns? Just exactly how many times do you plan on shitting a day that you need to wipe your ass so many times?

So-cal reporting in. Stores empty on sanitary supplies and TP. Me and my gf are the only ones currently wearing masks and religiously using hand sanitizer. People have made fun of us and given us weird looks, I don't mind I like scaring them and keeping them at bay. If I get in a confrontation my assault will consist of removing my mask and coffing on the mother fucker.

We have only a hand full of "confirmed" cases in the hospital in my town: this means hundreds if not thousands by a week or two.

I have already seen 2 others wearing masks, but only two. I seriously look forward to everyone wearing one.

I also quit work and my boss blocked me due to being a fucking normie. I quit because I was not allowed to wear a mask at work.

I have 40 n95's and lots of med masks, I know the medical masks do not work well only as a last resort.

I plan on disinfecting them by rotation method by not using used ones for long periods of time maybe 3+ weeks, if that turns to be too much of a hassle I will spray virkon S on them and then wash in warm water.

Im eating vit C, staying away from out side long as I can, hard because boring as fuck but just made my bedroom comfy for reading.

I have guns, gave the gf a pistol with 30 rounds in it and lots of mags to keep at her house incase i need to bug out to her house in the middle of a mountain - great place to ride this shit out. I am currently down in the city, by a nigger ghetto.

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why the vitriol? how does that prove anything about whether whites are dying from chinese coronavirus or they are outbreaks among immigrants?

>how does that prove anything about whether whites are dying from chinese coronavirus or they are outbreaks among immigrants?
Has any white person actually ever died in the US, considering the US is 41% non-white and many whites have at least portions of native blood mixed in? I don't think so. The only ones who ever died were those who had some mixed ancestory. Therefore, pure Europeans living in the US are immortal.

>le trusty burgers can't be white meme
why does the search for truth about what the coronavirus is capable of offend you so much?
what is the point of you coming to these threads if you just shoot down questions without answering them with evidence?


Based and poopilled.

What county in CA do you think will be shutdown first, and when?

If you do quit they'll probably want you back once this coronavirus is over.

>le trusty burgers can't be white meme
But that's literally the case. White Americans are only 98% European. Have any 100% Europeans ever died?
>why does the search for truth about what the coronavirus is capable of offend you so much?
What pisses me off is the education in your country. It is an absolute joke and produces brainlets like you.
>what is the point of you coming to these threads if you just shoot down questions without answering them with evidence?
You provided no evidence at all, you just posted some numbers of a small minority living in Italy. At 600 something deaths, it could very well all be American deaths.
50k-54k Americans in Italy. I bet it was those mutts who died.

isn't it the pneumonia aspect of the virus that kills you?


Here it is, translate it yourself bugerman

just the new flavor of the month nu-epidemic that nobody will talk about or even remember 2 months from now, do you really need 2000 threads worth of screeching hysterically over nothing?

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Pretty much. It causes severe ARDS with need for mechanical ventilation. You can only have so many ventilators in a country. Plus ARDS is pretty lethal.

San fran and LA by the mere size and degeneracy of it. No facts on it tho

>inb4 Chinese can have totally Italian names
>inb4 old people are whiter in general so you can't tell
I hope the virus kills the American mutt.

I unironically believe this
However, i would suggest, if true, the jannies are a proxy for national security services
Brit/pol/ seems to be almost exclusively state actors

You are a retard.
Watch this:

Every person who has died in the UK has been old and white.

Stop talking shit

thanks for link, was that so difficult
so now we have 1 potential white death from coronavirus out of 4300
any others?

What the fuck does that map even mean?

it is from en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Italy

the % of foreign nationals per region, but it is dated 2011 so probably underestimating by a lot since we've all seen the boats full of migrants hitting you guys

>Every person who has died in the UK has been old and white.
Every person who has died in the SK has been old and yellow.

SF will probably be first. It has the AIDS and the national guard will want to secure it first since it's California's economic engine but will have chimpouts once it sees other cities getting fucked. Companies in the area expect it and have been closing their offices and having their employees work from home so when the quarantine comes they'll not be trapped in an area they can't work from.

I'm in San Diego and we were doing fine until some bitch came back after traveling overseas two days ago. Why the fuck would you do that when there's a pandemic? The city was otherwise free of the disease except for the people being quarantined at Miramar.

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you have some links for those 6?


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Can you please stop being American for a while so we can converse intelligently?

UK has the same flaw as the others, 6 deaths out of over 430,000 Chinese immigrants is not a stretch

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Preppers are weak little shits who have such low self esteem that they believe they are the 0.5% with shitty inmune systems. I am young and strong and corona ain't shit, just regular flu

>Fell for the mutt meme

99% white, your stereotype can go fuck itself

>health minister is the UK's super spreader
gj bongs, hiring an incompetent woman for diversity points.