Woah, this is powerful

Woah, this is powerful

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No it's not.

Meme flag no article
Fag alert

Someone has to finish up the job

They let him in the meetings with a nose like that?


Woah, this is full power

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Finishing the job I see

is this that same jewish kid that claims he was alt-right because of youtube videos?

I thought they all died.

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Oh boy, more made-up bullshit to feed the narrative.

stunning and brave

Guy basically a THOT now.

the victims of the christchurch mosque are white kiwis

How could he meet with the victims if they're dead?

Yeah kek. Now he's a "former white supremacist". I'm pretty sure he just watched Paul Joseph Watson videos


And then i saw the memes

What eye opening revelation outside of negative feedback makes someone a "former" white supremacist? I see this type in movies and TV, but what turns them around to wishing for white genocide? Or they all fakes?

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>Former white Supremacist

Wasnt he just an (((alt-right))) trump fag? haha

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>Caleb Cain

will he continue the work of Tarrant!? that will be great!

They were always fakes, placed in a right wing organisation to disrupt and eventually go into meltdown, at the worst time for the organisation they infest.

>white supremacist

Attached: fed klanman.jpg (1280x720, 67.22K)

He literally has the NPC nose.

So some leftists is going to visit some sand niggers. Good for him, hope they tear him apart.


Those Muslims are going to redpill him hard. SLOPPY JOB MOSSAD.

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Feels good to be part of a culturally accepting country. I love NZ and everything us kiwis stand for.

Kapei bros

anyone got any proof he was a "white supremacist" ?

1. He is a jew
2. No one calls themselves a "white supremacist" except feds and jews
3. Jews did christchurch

>His beliefs started to waver when he found YouTube videos by political commentator Steven Bonnell, better known by his online alias Destiny, and Natalie Wynn, known as ContraPoints.
what a fag

Fuck off nigger

Eat shit. The less of you racist incels here the better.

who are these people?

yeah, I think he himself said he never got into the "racist stuff" and never went further than "Stefan Molyneux" lmao

"White supremacist" Is a big nosed kike.

Fakes, this one was never even considered himself WN or Nat Soc. The rest are (((skinheads))) and gang memebers that think using the Swaztika means they're political in the slightest.

why include this? obviously fake, that tranny and manlet would never change anyone's mind

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He looks somewhat ... familiar.

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an adderall addicted midget cuck and a retarded tranny
for some reason the left think their gay points are good and they kept shilling them here for months


Non ducor,Duco! New zealand is part of the BRITISH EMPIRE and the BRITISH empire is BRITISH aka anglo-saxon aka there can be no shitskins in it and we ought to exterminate all of them at once. If someone has to leave,it's you

he cried like a faggot when he talked about "the memes"

To finish the job?

>yeah.. guess i made some bad decisions in the past.. but i was smart enough to see how being a racist is bad.. now can you show vagene please?

>white supremacist

wow it's like a Yas Forums user

No genuine right-winger is a "white supremacist". I hope they beat him.

I'm proud to say I've never watched more than a 30 second clip of Destiny or Contrapoints. Fuck those mentally ill faggots

>8a4c13-iphone-x-100-percen(...).jpga4c13-iphone-x-100-percent-charge.jpg (79 KB, 1200x675)File: a4c13-iphone-x-100-percen(...).jpg (79 KB, 1200x675) google yandex iqdb wait79 KB JPGWoah, this is full power
ummmm hello based department?

>(((former white supremacist)))

Attached: E3F3B205-2BE7-4181-9494-79D6BCC9ABC1.jpg (750x1003, 406.37K)

>boasting about ANGLOs!!

Yeah you can fk right off mate. NZ was founded on the backbone of cultural diversity. We are a hotpot of great people from all parts of the globe.

Same goes for Australia. Most of the Auzzie bros will agree

>Former white supremacist
Isnt he that kikelet who cried on camera about how he went 1488 over stephan molyneux videos, but was later whitepilled by contrapoints?

It's not possible for a tranny to be alt-right or fascist or whatever we are calling ourselves now days

What's the point? Blood has been shed.

i thought this was the same guy, didn't he get a NYT article?

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>the memes

It's hilarious too considering CC produced the best content in years. What a coincidence that nu/pol/ gets driven into an existential crisis when they get exposed to a sliver of what the chans used to be.

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>Friends with Auzzies.

That nose is powerfull

I'm saxon,you piece of shit. You aren't fooling anyone,New zealand only got populated around 1200-1300 AD ,a couple centuries before the British arrival. It's more british than England itself ffs

A Jew actor and a Muslim actor selling the sloppy jpb how nice.

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>Anonymous (ID: MaFpd8qz) 03/11/20(Wed)08:17:30 No.247486499▶
a4c13-iphone-x-100-percen(...).jpga4c13-iphone-x-100-percent-charge.jpg (79 KB, 1200x675)File: a4c13-iphone-x-100-percen(...).jpg (79 KB, 1200x675) google yandex iqdb wait79 KB JPGWoah, this is full power
>ummmm hello based department?
Anonymous (ID: MaFpd8qz) 03/11/20(Wed)08:17:30 No.247486499▶
>8a4c13-iphone-x-100-percen(...).jpga4c13-iphone-x-100-percent-charge.jpg (79 KB, 1200x675)File: a4c13-iphone-x-100-percen(...).jpg (79 KB, 1200x675) google yandex iqdb wait79 KB JPGWoah, this is full power
ummmm hello based department?
uhh m hello based depardtement?

it's probably part of the narrative that they're "deradicalizing" people
made me look up the context and LOL
I watched a few debates with destiny and he's an obnoxious fast talker trying to sound smart just like shapiro
I saw alt hype's response to the tranny and the cunt has good prod value but is still fucking repulsive so it's all the more off putting
you misunderstood

just looked up ContraPoints because I had no idea who he is, this is the very first hit on twitter. How did this you tube make the jew become alt-right again?

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>former palecon radicalized into becoming an antifa communist to meet mosque victims
That faggot was never a white supremacist. He just drank the leftist coolaid.


>play dead Mohammad
>you too Ahmad

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You're a good nation of people my gypsy friend but your racism isn't welcome here. Pol is a board of peace


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whoa guys, trump shouldn't have been president after all.

Oh boy, not looking forwards to the cringefest that will be the anniversary of the 15th. Thanks tarrant you utter cock

Congrats on your second grade reading comprehension. The fake white nationalist was "deradicalized" by the midget and the tranny.

Most "white supremacist" types are leftists, it doesn't take much to turn them into bernie bros. Go into any of these "white supremacy" boards, or somewhere like voat, and criticise socialism and they all turn into redditors. "White supremacy" is for stupid american leftist kids who want to seem edgy. In europe we dont care about "whiteness" we care about our national ethnicity, culture and history.

Oh, so your say that the tranny convinced this guy to stop watching Stefan Molymeme videos of him tip toeing around the JQ?

yeah, his skin colour

>dead black eyes
Yep definitely a (((WHITE SUPREMACIST)))

I do not have to prove my heritage to a cuck like yourself,and yes,you are right,we are a board of peace,why don't you give me your address so I can come in there as a friend and shake your hand,maybe I'll shake something else as well

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I hope they torture you for posting on Yas Forums you cuckold.