Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - It's Just a Flu Edition

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I would stick it in der krise if you know what i mean

Free khazar milkers for you.

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Merkels Fotze stinkt. Ihr Ehemann lutscht Schwänze auf dem Bahnhofsklo am Bahnhof Zoo.

*die Krise

Guten Morgen, ihr Affen! Immernoch vor, ewig zu leben?! Walhalla erwartet euch!

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Beste Grüße, Ösi. Gönn' dir dein Käffchen.

Ill never get it right

Not even 9AM and my day has been ruined by this image once again.

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I just wanted to haunt the Ami. Forgive me for dragging your poor soul into this.

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Ban yourself

Jo danke! :)

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die drecksfotze muss weg!! mit allen Mitteln . Ich will der sau ins maul scheissen

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You are forgiven.

2 more cases in Lithuania

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Oy vey!! :DD

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The ride never ends. It's a commercial version of NSA's XKEYSCORE. That's the software BfV is using to spy on people.

>The Palantir user guide shows that police can start with almost no information about a person of interest and instantly know extremely intimate details about their lives. The capabilities are staggering, according to the guide:

>If police have a name that's associated with a license plate, they can use automatic license plate reader data to find out where they've been, and when they've been there. This can give a complete account of where someone has driven over any time period.
>With a name, police can also find a person's email address, phone numbers, current and previous addresses, bank accounts, social security number(s), business relationships, family relationships, and license information like height, weight, and eye color, as long as it's in the agency's database.
>The software can map out a person's family members and business associates of a suspect, and theoretically, find the above information about them, too.
>All of this information is aggregated and synthesized in a way that gives law enforcement nearly omniscient knowledge over any suspect they decide to surveil.

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kek plague 2.0 gonfirmed. expulsions when

Good morning, fren! :D

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Expulsions?! Fren ... what a nasty word. We're no barbarians. We'll consider it "Arisierungen", that's all. Neat and orderly.

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>„Superreiche, die immer mehr Macht wollen, sind schuld an vielen Problemen auf der Welt, z.B. an Finanzkrisen oder humanitären Krisen.“ In Deutschland war die Zustimmung zu dieser Aussage mit 50 Prozent doppelt so hoch wie in Großbritannien und den USA
Bernstein sitzt ja eh im Ausland, Familienunternehmer Schneider kriegt dann eben die Mistgabel in den Ranzen gestochen. :DD

keine Angst, die Quandts, Kaesers und Winterkorns sind bestimmt auch schon außer Landes.

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Da bin ich mir sicher.

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It is srsly quite fun that the Judenbüttel from Tichy are already running preemptive articles to please not blame their kind ... quite revealing. I mean, media love to lie but still they are sitting on a wealth of data and could likely estimate when "the herd gets nervous".

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fresh OC btw

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Junge 2020 is like the craziest season of the clown world series.

this fucking bitch isn't even trying to contain it wtf

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Oh pls stahp!! :DDDD

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Maximum happening

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What did you expect?
She is the most incompetent person in this country.
Just another chapter in the history books.

She is too busy jerking of Juden under the table and eating their coom.

Btw I shall ask if you've ever seen a snek smile :DD

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Keeps reminding me of Brezhnev more and more ...

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Ist das so?

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>have you ever
smiling, gonfused, happy, wrathful, I've seen it all :D

I dunno, lads. All of this is way too funny to me.

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US jumped over 200 cases from last night. Still 0 in my state, waiting to see how long we last.

>this fucking bitch isn't even trying to contain it wtf
Dieser narzisstische Globalisten-Sperg ist davon besessen jeden einzelnen EUROPÄER größtmöglichen Schaden zuzufügen. Seit 15 Jahren. CoViD19 ist ihr Opus Magnum. Dieses widerwärtige Individuum sitz gerade gemütlich - den Rotwein schwenkend - im Kanzleramt und kichert - den Untergang genießend - in sich hinein.

I always thought this stupid bitch was just plain evil and wants to destroy Germany, German culture and ethnic Germans but all of her doings might be explained by incomprehensible incompetence on a massive scale.
She probably cheated to get her PhD. I refuse to believe that someone this retarded can be capable of attaining a PhD in physical chemistry.

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>history books
Imagine teaching your kids about Merkel, well, not you guys, but someone else will. And they discuss how smart and loved she was.

I still believe she was bankrolled by the CIA. Polish and Jewish ancestors, naturally low loyality to the German people as a result. The perfect puppet.

>a PhD in physical chemistry
as if that could be any indication of superior intelligence.
>ability to speak latin does not mean a person isn't a moron
also, Hanlon's razor, same as many such "laws" are just nice sounding tripe

This bitch has no convictions or vision. She will do and say whatever is necessary to get more power. Corona must be a wet dream for politicians. You can enact some seriously totalitarian laws and smuggle in unpopular legislative. Who she ultimately serves is up to interpretation, but we all know some long noses are involved.

Der ewige Östmärker mal wieder.

Honestly, my area could use some Poles and Eastern Euros in general.

i would be so fucking happy if merkel coofed to death

>tfw when everybody German language headline works well as a Rammstein lyric

Omg I stalk my old friends on social, and this one guy I remembered, so I checked him out, and his 3rd post was like saying that he's going to be a "wine uncle, cause it's cheaper". and he's all "BLM" and reposts a lot of stuff with blacks in it. Western European man, where did you goooooo?

dats raycist. did u just assume everything in german is a rammstein song?

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They are probably just viewing at as "lost victim points" if they aren't seen as victims somehow.

Eh, I have the feeling by now it is genuine fear ...

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>be 2019
>meet a Jew
>"Oh my daughter works in the government in Berlin, Germany!"
>starts going on a racist tangent how whites are disgusting, filth on welfare taking her family's money
>says we need to stop having kids if we can't live like her
Imagine what kind of things her daughter in Berlin heard all those years, and there she goes, involving herself in Germany.
But if it makes you feel better, she pissed her designer pants and told me to put her pants in water to get the piss stain out, and I just went to the laundry room and threw her pants at the wall.

Incompetent or intentional

If enough Juden specimens were contained, we could train the virus to attack only the jew DNA.

>train a virus to attack Jew DNA
>most of the whites in the world will think they will die from the virus too
Makes you think.

i am genuenly confused as to what you are trying to convey here m8.
>pissed herself
>threw her pants at wall

Not even necessary, if we're lucky that thing actually kills Middle Easterners (ok we might miss out on those "Khazars" but hey!). Old paper on SARS:

I was her caregiver, and I took her pants off. Yes, I looked at a Jewish Bolshevist Kike naked. You don't want to know what kind of working conditions these were.
