Oh? What's that? Y'all racists can't answer this one can you?

Oh? What's that? Y'all racists can't answer this one can you?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>why aren't the babies eating?
that is so powerful.

Niggers, am I right?

>Why aren't the babies eating
Because their parents are semi-literate teenagers and young adults who can't afford to feed them.

What baby goes to school

Is she talking about human babies or niglets?

It literally is powerful, you sociopathic child starving, Trump supporting monster. You fucking idiots literally just shrug your shoulders and say "who cares if children are starving, the GDP is good!". Fucking pathetic sycophantic morons.

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Coronovirus is RACIST!

You people are all monsters. You literally just shrug your shoulders over the prospect of starving children who are innocent and starving via the economic slavery that YOU help to create via your support for this system the Republicans / right-wing politics.

I didn't know babies went to school.

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Have the children eat stray animals.

Her question is useful because it can easily be bent to populist ends;
If the economy is so great, why do both parents have to work and send their kid to a school? Wouldnt a great economy support great families?

>racism against chinks ok again
>Jewmarket crashing
>niglets starving out because gibs closed until further notice
This world reveals new joys everyday.

Nigs breeding until they lose the capacity to feed themselves is a tale as old as time

Niggers can't and/or won't take care of their children so the state has to do it. I feel bad for black children, they don't even have a chance at life because their parents are such scumbags. Black people are less intelligent and more violent than whites but they could do better if not for their incredibly bad parenting skills. Somehow this is the fault of white people though.

Babies aren't humans they're clump of cells


I want them to die off because I believe humans are causing climate change. Less humans=less climate change. Better?

do people like you seriously come here? How do you not get triggered into oblivion?

PS: Niggers suck

Yeah and you're going to lose to us again. There is no justice in this world. Kill yourself now.

But "free" or "paid for" is a social construct created by the statism of private property. Jesus Christ, in the natural world everything is "free". Food literally grows on trees. The problem is that you people kicked poor people off the land, used state authority to turn them into consumers, who need to consume in order to survive, then just shrug when you found out they're kids are starving to death and say "hah, well nothing is free, kid". You're LITERALLY the ones that made it that way. People like you. You fucking sociopathic monster. You're literally murdering innocent fucking children, don't you understand that you fucking nigger spic evil conservifuck bitch.

I don't like the idea of starving children. My solution to the problem is just way farther upstream of schools being the child's primary source of proper nutrition.


Because illegal spic kids are the majority in schools and we must feed them and put our own kids at risk in order to not be racist.

Great, well it's nice to know that conservatives are finally coming clean on what their political ideology really means - starving the fucking poor and starving the fucking children.

I don't give a shit about niggers because they AREN'T HUMAN FAGGOT you don't lose sleep over a wildebeest dying of dehydration in Africa go fuck yourself hypocrite

Non white children should go be hungry somewhere else, in a country that has free health care.

>black unemployment lowest ever
>Niglets still starve
How does this happen? Are they just spending all their money on weed?

Did children ever starve under something other than capitalism??? I seem to remember some system of government that starved millions of Chinese to death in the 50s. C...comm..commu-something...


Her post gives me headache, I don’t understand what she’s trying to say.


Why aren't niggers feeding their spawn?

Yeah that's us. Now kill yourself because you know we're more powerful than you and you'll never win again.

Enjoying yourself? Nothing like a bit of self-righteous virtue signalling, eh? The best part: it costs you nothing!

>implying niggers eat fruits or vegetables
>implying fried chicken, grape soda and cough syrup grow on trees

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Bro I'm just memeing on you
And it doesnt matter who is in charge when this shit hits. People will starve, because they've set up their lives in unsustainable ways. God dont play that.


I haven't staved a soul sweetheart calm your little marxist PMS episode i know its a lot to wrap your head around. Have you ever thought its the shitty parents fault for breeding more than they can feed?

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They are racist cus they know their race will die while based superior black people will reproduce

Someone has to tend to crops, that labor has a cost. Eat shit, commie

Listen up you fucker. Its high time niggers, spics and white trash alike take some responsibility for their own kids & stop relying on the government as daycare centers. We've been telling you for decades to stop, now the chickens have come to roost.

Parents like this are the reason I can't send my lovely & well mannered white kids to public schools. If you can't have a two parent household & home school, you fucked up at life.

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Probably. Niggers are largely sociopaths and will neglect their children even when they could easily afford to take care of them. This is why you will see nigger sows with $1000 weave and Gucci handbags while their children wear rags and starve.

Gee, I wonder who could be to blame.

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Because schools aren't restaurants. It's the parent's job to feed their child. At some point, we have to talk about the fact that, these parents abusing and neglecting their children.

We give niggers food stamps. What are niggers doing with their food stamps?

1) Non white children ARE human, of course they are and 2) children of all races, including white ones, are poor and starving because of this system, you utter fucking subhumans. The only subhumans are you. People like yourselves, YOU are the fucking subhumans.
No different than now. Literally no different than now. You still have millions upon millions of starving people in this country today, many of them are children. Poverty is rampant. You defend that.

There are 40 million people in the USA today who struggle with hunger. What does it say about you that about you that you're starving more people than Mao?

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what is she some kind of nazi

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food stamps, housing, and welfare isn't enough for niggers, now they want personal chefs to serve them meals.

my first thought was "nigger babies are too stupid to eat"

and the thing is, I'm not wrong

And to follow up, theres nothing the government can really do.. if people cant even feed their own children without the state holding their hand, those children probably arent gonna make it. The government is gonna be more or less K.O. until summer, once corona begins to really work her magic, the country will become paralyzed. The world will become paralyzed. Shit is fucked, and you're worried about some irresponsible single mothers? Now is the time to worry about YOUR OWN loved ones

In the natural world you compete for every scrap of food and every sip of water. In the natural world your a good source of meat for other animals and are seen as either a rival or fuckable hole by those of your own kind. Niggerish laziness and inability to provide due to generational poverty and lack of personal agency is NOT a reason to demonize society as some corrupt perversion of nature. In reality, Capitalism is exactly like nature: savage, ruthless, and with obvious winners and losers. Regulation and safety nets are necessary to have a functioning society so there isn’t a massive underclass of poor; however, all alternatives to Capitalism have ended up being extremely authoritarian to the point of tyranny (either via Communism, Monarchy, or Fascism) or so decentralized and unled that “civilization” beings to crack irreparably. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, and I’m starting to lose my sympathy for many of the “poor” who refuse to join the working-class.

Imagine having a child and not able to feed it lol niggers amirite?

Selling them and buying crack and weave.

A human is a clump of cells.

>starving children
Go wring your hands somewhere else you goddamn phony. If you care about niggers so much, move to Africa and help them you fake piece of shit.

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There are 40 million people in the USA dealing with hunger. Objectively more people are starving in the USA today than at any point under Stalin. So yeah, fuckwad, YOU have starved people by supporting this system. Yes YOU personally have, and yes YOU personally are complicit and will be blamed for it.

Because the Soviet Union was heaven on earth and we should throw off out chains just like the Soviet citizens did.

get a fucking job you nigger leech

Of course you would give the piece of shit parents a pass and talk to us. You wouldn't dare call the nigger parents "Monsters" to their faces for letting their own kids starve.

Fuck you.

The plan is to rape you, force you to not abort the child, make you watch the child starve to death, then imprison you for life for negligence in a for-profit facility that cuts as many humanitarian corners as possible.

Learn to scramble eggs nigger it's not hard.

>no you
See here, the great rethoric of a plebbitorian

imagine waking up as this faggot daily. id drown myself after killing my parents for making me.

let me correct it for you, ahem...
If the economy
It's so great, why are we eating babies?

No one in this country is starving. It's a nation of fat fucks. I bet you're at least 300 lbs.

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There's a difference between the starvation of the USSR in which people were dying in the millions from it and eating enough calories but lacking necessary nutrition such as in the USA. The USA's food problem could be solved by multivitamins you dumb commie bastard, go die in a fire.

Come fucking shoot me then commie i can hook you up with that free helicopter ride and some vitamin lead

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Lol nope.

Meanwhile we are the ones paying our hard earned tax money for the SNAP AND WIC programs.
We can't control if Shineeka trades her stamps for drug money

Are they? Link me to a feed the white children charity

Kids you have custody of but can’t feed = babies

Literal babies that get the needle = clusters of cells

Yes, they are that stupid

Maybe its because nigger parents are rarely home to raise their nigger kids.

oh, spicy meme
I bet you that the niggers dont know shit about this.

learn to code...

You ever notice how it's always phrased as "struggling with hunger" and never "going hungry"? It's because they aren't actually going hungry. There's a food shelf in every community

Niggers aren't human.

We are subhumans now because we can financially support and feed ourselves. I pay my taxes which goes to EBT which go to niggers who starve their chitlens. You are mad at the wrong people.

>people too poor to have kids
>have kids anyway
>somehow it's other people's responsibility to pay for them
>no upper limit on the number of kids they can have before you'll say, hey, maybe stop having kids
>somehow the resultant overpopulation isn't an environmental issue

40 million people deal with hunger in the USA.

if babies are not dying then it follows that they are eating.

where are the starved babies?

Wasn't there a huge uproar when the Trump administration proposed something like forcing food stamps to be attached to a persons identity so they couldn't be sold? Liberals are literally defending the right of niggers to sell their entitlements for crack lul.

feed your own fucking kids you stupid niggers

Perhaps if black women weren't whoring around and having kids out of wedlock, their children would have no problems eating. I get that no one is perfect but these single mothers are often repeat offenders. They'll have like five kids from five different dads. Like at some point it's time to tell the bitch that she is shit at finding partners and her kids are suffering for it.



>40 million people deal with hunger in the USA
Being on SNAP ≠ being hungry.

No they don't, fattie.


Give NatSoc full control and we will see who starves. I bet no white will starve, liberia is open for the niggers to go to, mexico is for the latinos,Israel is there for the Juden.
Now go back to plebbit and stop being so emotional


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Sweetie, you can go to the soup kitchen if you are poor and destitute. It's virtually impossible to starve to death in the USA. You should check out Somalia. Homeless shelters have empty beds every single night. Addicts just don't want to go because you cant bring in drugs and you can't be drunk.

Maybe baby momma should spend her EBT on feeding her baby instead of getting her nails done

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Source for your claim, vague though it is ("dealing with" hunger)? Here's mine.

Attached: WFP-0000098743.jpg (2480x1753, 2.6M)

Because the deadbeat black mother, the father has long since left for smokes, has squandered the EBT money on booze and drugs.


Not if they die of hunger.

>imagine simping this hard for niggers that you won't ever even see


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>south africa
gtfo half groid

That's not true at all. The term is "food insecurity" and it does have a rigid definition, of not all members of a household being able to have access to food. According to the USDA there were 15 million food insecure households in the USA in 2017. 40 million people affected. 11 million children.

Let me say again, 11 million children. There 11 million starving children in the USA and you're fucking supporting it. And you're also supporting pic related. You're NOT fucking humans, you are fucking monsters.

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>deal with hunger
Then why don't they go to the soup kitchen? Free food. Beans, rice, veggies are all cheap!! You can feed yourself for almost nothing.

I wish death upon you and your entire bloodline.

Bugger off. It's not our fault that the kid has no dad to get him food. Go and tell off the lazy nigger who abandoned him

Children are literal fuck trophies you get at the start of the "parenthood".If you can't take care of them,you don't deserve ownership.

You know what people don't talk about?

Is that China, India, and North America are one of the major countries that pollute without care, and they all seem to have been hit by this virus out of nowhere.

Makes you think or stink

So the choice for niggers is
>lung AIDS
>who gon feed mah keedz?
Tough call.

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My kids eat hearty and go to bed full every night after i read them "the hungry caternigger" and kiss them goodnight because this isn't a broken home.

My kids are my responsibility. Nigger kids are not.

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excellent pepe animation, user.

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That's like what one percentage of the population?

Summer exists. They will be fine.

Just google it fucking retard. There a million sources cuz this is a massive fucking widespread sociological issue. Jesus christ "source your claim" fucking subhumans on the internet with your "source your claim" BS. Of course there are millions of starving people, how fucking privileged and disconnected of a POS can you be not to know this?

Attached: millions who starve.png (1377x913, 716.93K)

You're trying a little too hard there, chief. Try being a little more subtle.

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nigger women don't work and spend their food stamps on junk and eat it all at once.

Shows source

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Hey how do you like having all those extra illegals hands down in the suplimental nutrition cookie jar?! Do you know how much extra would be in little Jamals (a black American boy) monthly food stipend if he didn't have to divide it up with a bunch of thieving Guatemalans?
>>Yes...get mad...get really mad.
Blacks are spread too thin by illegals being here. Jobs, food, opportunities etc.

Sweetie, I know it's hard to see this from the inside of your Freshman dorm room at your small liberal arts university but there is a soup kitchen in any town you can think of. You cannot starve to death in the USA. People in Haiti would stab you to death for the opportunity to dig through the trashcans for food in any major city. They eat cakes made out of mud and shortening.

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top kek

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>Niggers neglect their children and this is somehow the fault of /pol.

Pretty sure we aren't responsible this time.

Because their parents are lazy niggers. Is that redundant?

>source my ass

>who cares if children are starving
*non-white children

I also don't care about the GDP

Because their families are shit, its not up to the rest of the country to feed people that cant feed themselves.

Really NBC isn't a source for you now? What is? Fucking infowars? Breitbart?
From the article I cited:
>According to recent statistics released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 15.8 million U.S. households — that’s 12.7 percent of the total — didn’t have enough food to eat at some point last year, the latest period for which numbers are available.
So there you go, got it from the US govt too, which is probably what you need to hear cuz you're a fucking conservative bootlicker for the state, you fucking monster.

Because your uneducated untalented black ass cant find a real job and you got 5 baby daddies

You're right, I remember that one time 40 million Americans were starved to death by the government in a 10 year span.