Prince Harry CONFIRMED for Anti Trump global warming hoax KEK
All remaining sympathy for this antifa grade Soros globo homo cuck is now gone.
Prince Harry CONFIRMED for Anti Trump global warming hoax KEK
All remaining sympathy for this antifa grade Soros globo homo cuck is now gone.
Better than having a mongrel nigger baby in your hands.
My first laugh of the day. Thanks.
How did he confused voice of gopniks for swedish autist girl
200 IQ British monarch bloodline
Kek. Anybody got the a link?
>Be prince Harry Potter
>Have access to the wisdom of the world's elite
>Still be a bluepilled faggot
How the fuck is this possible? Do brits really have bongs for brains?
The pot family is vast and more numerous than the kettles
I was all ready for Australia to become a republic, but the Queen kicking out Harry and the ogres del americano has given me new hope in the monarchy
Fuck off harry, we don't care for your half bred opinion.
Abortionist have blood on there hands because they literally kill human development in the sanctuary place( womb) fighting for ecological protection mechanisms which in turn protect humans and supporting suicide prevention which stops the killing of humans they hold a position to kill human development in supporting abortions. It’s all posturing for political reasons. Garnering votes. Empowering to kill human development? An achievement? All the serial killers ever known have killed less humans. Law does not protect serial killers law supports survival like suicide prevention and ecological protection mechanisms. Where’s the a accountability law? Responsibility? Appeasements to empower at the cost of destroying human evolution the gift granted to us to continue life and survive so we may cheat death and evolve into a higher intelligence. The privilege takes away moral value and our laws.
the Harry and Megan show is an entirely contrived piece of PR meant to lend them credibility as "change agents", here they are meeting "young leaders"
What’s the feeling in England? Do people support the Queen kicking them out?
I don't know, I'm a hermit but they are being constantly promoted in the press, it's just so obvious that their whole "situation" is a stage managed propaganda coup, the royal family would be obvious targets in the anti white agenda, they're pivoting to maintain wealth, power and influence. These so called "young leaders" are change agents
checked and kek'd hard
why are they the only ones whoever pull off this kind of shit? absolutely based
fuck off Harry
you're not part of it anymore
this is the prince of Canada have some respeck
Imagine wanting to conserve the worlds dwindling natural beauty, pffft hahahah what a faggot Harry must be hhahaahahahaahah
Dont these celebs realise this only helps Trump?
Oh my god..
Must be lead in the pipes.
He's completely blackpilled.
He's a commoner now. Who cares what he has to say?
Is that the actual fucking kid?
All the celebs and media hate Trump
Which is why they are promoting corona hysteria as well now
who care about the world? nothing you do will affect it, if we pollute it, it will fix itself eventually, if we kill everything, it will repopulate itself eventually, what is up with naturecucks knowing nothing about nature?
He's a genuine brainlet. All the royals are as their exam results got leaked. If they weren't royal they'd be tesco shelf stockers.
>a jew on Yas Forums
BIG surprise
He's such a fucking pussy. Lets nigress dominate him, is universally hated for marrying a wog in the first place, has life of luxury pretending he knows anything about life. Big fucking deal your Mum died, get over it you fag, shit like that happens to kids all the time and they're poor.
Yep, ugly little fucker. I doubt Markle birthed the sprog though.
He was clearly bullshitting just to please "greta" lol
they have no more goodwill left with the average UK punter. they have insulted the Qween and disrespected the memory of Princess Di (pbuh). only the globohomo squad are supportive of them because markle is a white-presenting black person and the darkies of britain need something to claim as their own. the working class white person has had it up to their pie lids with the sussex nonsense.
prince mutt; he's not even royal. half the world knows his real dad was some jockey diana had an affair with. that jockey even looks pretty much like him including that ginger hair.
keks. how easily they manipulated the board into carrying out their bidding at your own expense
Just shows how fucking stupid the ginger cunt is. Notice the story has slipped way down on the Mail's website.
>God willing
I thought kikes couldn't say God without replacing the o with a dash
mother of god
Tell me this is shopped...
Diana is rolling in her grave lol
you read that on here didn't you
that's the most American baby I've ever seen
Dios mio...
I just assumed based on twitter kikes
Le 56% unironically
Princess Hairy is an elite global Freemason. He doesn't say or do anything that isn't 100% aligned with Freemasonry, skull and bones, Anderson Cooper opinions, the CIA, etc etc etc. Trump could appoint Harry to run the CIA and the results would be identical to the other Freemason faggots he appoints to run federal agencies.
100% of BBC (322 backwards) and CNN anchors and stars say and act like Harry. And RT is closely aligned to this (((opinions)))) on everything, like attacking David Duke.
Why would a supposed Russian news channel attack and hate David Duke?
I've even heard blacks say fuck them. Though they were both ex-cons that got out with help from the Prince's Trust.
Oh please if she was still alive they would have 4 siblings that were muslim. She was fucking arab, niggers, spics and jews.
She was a mistake the queen regrets. I think in her darkest hours she secretly wish hitler won.
Who tf gave him sympathy before? He married and fertilised a literal half breed mutt that isn’t even a 6/10. He doesn’t even have the excuse of being pussy blind.
Projection, as always. Harry is a sick puppy.
Lol not it's not, kid's just fugly and a half caste.
His marriage so-called to "MM" was not his choice. It was a freemasonic ritual. Harry was 33 and Megan Merkel (not his or her real name) was 36 and the time of the satanic ritual wedding, held on checkerboard in a freemasonic temple.
That’s the beauty of the royal family these days, all they do is charity shit and they have almost no power, so it’s hard to blame them for anything
youre defending a roastie whore who after saying old men abused her frequently as a kid then worked for a literal billionaire as a masseuse???
Based Queen exiling him and the negress to Canada.
Isn't he Canadian now?
Hahaha isn't that portrait behind him of his uncle Edward VIII--the one who abdicated the throne to live with Wallis Simpson, an American divorcee?
Not the same woman with Alex Soros. Even with surgery.
Long live king jamal.
of course not lol, the real kid has red hair and the classic ugly Windsor monkey face just like Charles, the queen and princess Anne.
LARPers state of you lmao
OK groome, sorry, Your Royal Highness
Queen was hot when she was younger, I can't argue with you about the rest of them though. Charles looks like Camilla, I think they're probably related.
>I think in her darkest hours she secretly wish hitler won.
YO BROS, this guy KNOWS what the Queen of England, thinks.
Holy Fuck wow.
Did you need to get raped by niggers to get your super power of knowing what other people think and want?
It's not the same woman you idiot, use your eyes instead of your dick.
These need to be seen by him. Somehow...
The ‘elite’ aren’t wisemen they’re disgusting Jewish globalists, and id say he has been given their ‘wisdom.’
They look the same, and, as far as I am concerned, it is her.
You seem quite upset about this image, though, user. Why would that be?
The absolute fucking state of Yas Forums. The baby has obviously been photoshopped, turned him from "kind of ugly" to "the literal Amerimutt".
She was better when she was young, I agree. Great figure, gorgeous boobs and swan neck. Nice expressions too. She looked sweet. Still a butterface but yeah. Her crazy sister was prettier.
Remember the rumors that she supported Brexit. Prince Philip is a huge racist and gem of un-PC sayings too. Ultimately, the way she's treated Meghan Markle is literally pretty mean and I can't read anything but carefully cloaked racism there. She was literally taught the Nazi salute as a kid and more, thanks to the uncle who married Wallis Simpson. He was great friends with Hitler, apparently.
I'm upset at the fact you can't tell the difference between the two women. Diabetic retinopathy setting in you fat fuck?
Exactly, I don't think he slipped up and started rambling about secrets, he knew it was some retard and he was just saying shit they wanted to hear to make them fuck off but then they took it seriously and tried to blow it out of proportion
All Fagmasons
>US president is one of the people who are running the world
i didn't know that before
Look at that forehead.