Solved. If you wanted to know why, this is why.
Solved. If you wanted to know why, this is why
Makes a lot of sense, but how do we solve this issue?
It's solving itself. The Feminism / SJWism of the last decade is already uncool and seen as cringey and outdated. Internet trad-thots were the first wave of women's reaction to the realization that men don't like intentionally ugly, butch, gender-neutral harpies. What you can do to help is just be honest and unapologetic about the kind of things you like in women.
Yeah yeah. Blame the women. Don't put any blame on the fact that women don't want to fuck fat NEET fucks.
Why dont men stop being simps and syart actively beating women in the streetz?
Confusing response. You're very self hating probably right? Anyway. Read again. Never said blame the women. Women just respond to what they think men and society want from them. It's largely the failure of boomer parents who allowed all the feminist / progressive / gender-erasure propaganda to inform their parenting.
Men better themselves and compete with other men for good women. If there are no good women-there is no reason to better themselves. You must be a female, because you have the automatic assumption that you are worth it. If you spend your prime years riding Chads day and night then don't expect a good man to be there when your ready to settle down.
Good, hardworking honest men don't have to settle for some used up, mentally ill cumdump. With the advent of tinder, sexbots/pocketpussies and the always available escorts, men can get off and still not be chained to the responsibility of fatherhood and being a husband. Your sexual liberation is your own worst enemy.
Society needs to refresh itself. For example, fires are essential for the longevity of forests. They kill weeds and pests, return nutrients to the soil, increase biodiversity by allowing a new generation of vegetation to grow, and remove debris. Whether you like it or not, death is a vital part of keeping societies alive. You are just a single cell in the giant organism known as humanity. An event such as a pandemic or world war would cull weaker cells and improve humanity. People would ignore issues like 'rights' and focus on surviving and rebuilding civilization instead.
Sorta true.
Im currently making enough to support myself and save with enough income for some small things.
Im not interested in getting divorce-raped and would rather live alone until i die with nothing but video games to keep me going. I work out to stay healthy, but no more. I have zero motivation for self-improvment seeing as it wont be rewarded by any means
The strong men end up killing the weak men and their zoomer great grandchildren come and ruin everything.
You can't. Every white woman is a fucking whore, and other race of women are hit or miss, usually miss.
The incel retard wing of Yas Forums won’t understand this, but it’s not hard to fuck women in 2020 if that’s all you’re looking for. But after you’ve had enough of it, casual sex is a hollow, meaningless experience. The point of the OP is that it was the prospect of marriage and family that kept men engaged in society, which in turns kept the wheels of that society turning. Even for a decent man with a decent job, the prospect of finding a good woman who you can trust enough to start a life with is diminishing. That isn’t women’s fault, as they’re as much a victim of this nightmare as men are. But the deleterious effects we’re seeing in society today are directly attributable to men no longer having the motivation to participate in and maintain society, and that is in turn directly attributable to the lack of of marriage prospects in women.
theyve turned men into effeminate twinks that waste away behind computer screens
these men are supposed to have something to fight for.. but the fighters among them go into the military and spend years of their lives in the desert in some far off country to line the pockets of rich jews. the rest of them live out their fantasies of fighting only in video games
An addendum to this observation — is circumstances in a natural forest prevent the culling fire from burning, the dry brush and detritus build up to a point where not only does it damage the entire ecosystem, but when that inevitable purging fire finally does come it will be exponentially more destructive. And humankind has become very good at staving off those fires in our societies, be it through disease prevention, ample resources to prevent famine, mutually assured destruction preventing large scale warfare, etc.
Hey man, give me something to fight for.
I live in brown town, commiefornia, so its like looking at a crane game with shitty prizes, like why even try?
High IQ take, but went off the rails at a critical juncture: if men and women are victims of this, why are women oblivious compared to men? Look around — are women really having a rough time? Men are.
what did they do to women? what happened to women? who is responsible? how would u make them pay? idk bro no ones going to spell it out for u
Possible solutions:
-Reform laws to prevent divorce rape.
-Strengthen things like tax credits and incentives for people who are married and stay married.
-Cultural changes to promote large white families.
-Construct an alternative, more appealing feminine identity while relentlessly beating on the drawbacks of the current paradigm. Emcel and empty egg cartons, as well as asking girls if they are trannies are all solid ways to spread this. We don’t have to brute force women back in the kitchen, just make it so being a trad wife is more socially acceptable than being a whore.
-Crush immigration and globalism to reduce the nonwhite population to permanent minority status (in progress), drag the Overton window rightward step by step until natsoc thought, under whatever rebranding, becomes the norm.
-Open institutions to promote these solutions and write white papers to red pill academics. This is the step Yas Forums is missing due to its (fully justified) hatred of institutions, but until we can subvert the leftist institutions that promote globalism, the fight will be arduous and against endless foot soldiers.
Already addressed. It's because women are followers. It's on men whether that seems right or wrong to you morally, that's the way it is practically. They probably aren't even oblivious of it at a deep level, they're just playing a biologically instinctive game that most of them aren't overtly aware of at the conscious level. This is probably another source of the resentment towards men you see in feminist/woke society as a whole - feminism and the overall self-debasement of the feminine you see presently is a massive shit test - they're throwing a tantrum and waiting to be called on it and men failed to do that for a very long time so they're angry and see the men as pathetic.
I’d argue that women are having a rough time, yes. They just experience it in different stages. Young women buy into the lie that they can have it all, and spend their most fertile years chasing their meaningless careers and sampling gratuitously from the cock carousel. Then they hit the wall and realize they were lied to. Their ability to pair bond has been ruined, it’s now too late to be a wife or mother. This realization is a devastating midlife crisis for many, if not most, Western women.
women are sort of wired to reassure and say everything is great, and go along with things. Men are likely to step out and look at things objectively. Man has a responsibility to amke things right- woman to get along with that state of things.
>how would u make them pay?
Not today mr glow in the dark. At least not until i get corona
In case you missed the most important thread of the night
>that schizo post
Take your pills schizoposter.
>Makes a lot of sense, but how do we solve this issue?
By becoming marauders after the collapse
Sounds too good to be true desu.
we don t :)
Accelerationism is a psyop, for real solutions see:
YEp and 40 years ago even with a normal job you could get a nice wife and buy a house and a car. now you need a college degree and must make 6 figures .
military is zogged why would they do this lmao
>after you’ve had enough of it, casual sex is a hollow, meaningless experience
casual sex is the crux of whole problem
Only when they hit 30.
Not really. It’s actually symptom.
Youll sooner convince men to all partake in nofap than you will a nation from abstinence
Nah, too many desperate cucks
young women are. there was a tv special about how rough renting housing here is on the other day. one of the houses was 3 40 year old spinsters living together. It's curtains for them. it was one of the most depressing things I've ever seen.
>it'll all just get better on its own!
you people make me sick
It is observably getting better on it's own and it's easy to see that it's a strong trend that will continue. Be unhappy if you prefer.
What people like that really mean is “other people will solve this problem for me.” It’s just selfishness, and ironically it’s related to OP’s point, since “men” like this have nothing to live for and so passively hope for things to get better without feeling any obligation whatsoever to put themselves on the line and actually do something about it.
To sum up. He blames all on materialism.
... No, not even close. Try again.
Rat race destroy values, doesn't it?
All women are stupid whores, western society just let’s them show their true selves unfiltered.
White men are fucking pathetic
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
You let your women gain control of society and then kiss the ground they walk on and ask them for more.
Say what you will about chinks, spics and sandniggers...but at least they control their women.
Feminism has not taken a hold in those countries precisely because the men do not allow it to.
White men need to fight back and end feminism.
What op left out from his otherwise sharp post, is that the functional unit of society is the family. Feminism has attacked the very idea of family by treating it as an anchor or burden to the woman. This is a dramatic change from our ancestors. Look at culture as a mechanism for passing functional data through time. The family is the most effective way for producing offspring, nurturing them, and mentoring them to maturity. At that point then can take the reigns and revivify the stagnant order of the past. They are informed by the generations that came before them, armed with the culture created to produce them in a position to progress. To progress forward through time and start the cycle anew. Each generation adapting to the chaos of the world, and fixing the outdated.
Put bluntly, the family is the source of the metaphoric light. It generates great meaning in life. It also generates amazing value from nothing. It's resilient and distributed. An inherent threat to the eye of Providence, which is the source of evil and darkness I'm the world. Selfish centralization of wealth and capital. This corrupting entity is the hierarchy itself. Which we are evolved to as well. It's the mechanism upon which we form family itself. It's the selective process where women weed out the betas and incenticize the chads per ops post. But it's greedy and unstable. The result method to pass this set of functional information through time is through the use of ritualization, mutual blackmail, and the corruption of children from knowing the sense of love. They destroy innocence from the get go and prevent their children from making meaningful connections to form effective families. They corrupt mankind's very potential.
1/8 Marriage and Family
>the family is the master civilizer. A child learns most of the essentials of life from his family and the neighbors.
The Urantia book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]
Marriage is enduring; it is not inherent in biologic evolution, but it is the basis of all social evolution and is therefore certain of continued existence in some form. Marriage has given mankind the home, and the home is the crowning glory of the whole long and arduous evolutionary struggle.
While religious, social, and educational institutions are all essential to the survival of cultural civilization, the family is the master civilizer. A child learns most of the essentials of life from his family and the neighbors.
The family occupied the very center of Jesus' philosophy of life—here and hereafter. He based his teachings about God on the family, while he sought to correct the Jewish tendency to overhonor ancestors. He exalted family life as the highest human duty but made it plain that family relationships must not interfere with religious obligations
These people regard the home as the basic institution of their civilization. It is expected that the most valuable part of a child's education and character training will be secured from his parents and at home, and fathers devote almost as much attention to child culture as do mothers.
It is because of the sex urge that selfish man is lured into making something better than an animal out of himself. The self-regarding and self-gratifying sex relationship entails the certain consequences of self-denial and insures the assumption of altruistic duties and numerous race-benefiting home responsibilities. Herein has sex been the unrecognized and unsuspected civilizer of the savage; for this same sex impulse automatically and unerringly compels man to think and eventually leads him to love.
millennial underachievement > boomer fubar
You're proving his point moron. If women don't want to fuck the undesirables "fat NEET fucks" by your definition which are a handful of stereotypical cartoonish losers, but by women's definitions like 20% of young males, then you've just lost that group of people from giving a fuck about your society (we live in one btw).
Combine that with the fact that there's another group of men that might be desirable to women but see how garbage they are and don't want a family now you've lost another percentage.
Both groups turn to degeneracy instead.
Mooslims raping our wahmen? Killing our country? Who gives a fuck about the country?
People will go back to having families when the currencies fail, and weal-fair safety nets are obliterated and not a moment sooner...we are living in the most decadent time in history, the end of a credit hyper bubble extending back to the 70s
Who gives a fuck about muh white race if white women don't even care you exist? Or they care and you realize they all fucked 15 dudes before they met you.
Why? Why would you to to stupid alt-right anti mooslim marches when mooslims actually were right about women all along and know how to keep them in their place?
This is exactly it. I was struggling in every aspect of my life except I was fucking a different woman every month. It was easy if you play their game.
I had no motivation to do more because there was no woman worth the prize. After deep despair, I moved to an all white country, converted culture/religion, and am around people I would fight for. The women here are worth it which oddly made me value the children and elderly around me because I wanted to protect my little community. I work harder, not just for myself but knowing Im making the lives of those around me better.
I grew up in the previous generation where it slowly dawned on us that we were manipulated. Women and men were brainwashed to hate each other. Taboo was mainstreamed so fast for us that we didnt have time to think about it.
There are trad young women movements and individuals who want to go that route but they are underground. The moment they pop their heads up they are under attack by every (((group))) out there.
There was a vid of 2 uggo 20 year olds turned cuties because they were virgins looking for marriage to a christian man. I really wish I could hit them up, but doing so online is not good, but we live our lives online.
I think more and more men are coming to this realization too, and at a faster pace than women, though it’s still underground. Mind if I asked what country you moved to user?
Actually it is. Fucking women without paying is nigh impossible for 2/10 men, but you wouldn't know about it you average normalshit faggot.
Anyway you're right, marrying a woman that hasn't fucked or sucked anyone before she met you is almost impossible even if you are good looking.
The nuclear family is dead and tolerant faggots are the reason it died. Women should've been controlled by something akin to sharia law, but without the shitskinnery. Whites failed in that regard because they are simp cucks.
Eastern Europe is a white paradise. Dont let the defeatists tell you different. Its not easy here but its worth it. Ukrainian cuties were worth becoming Orthodox for
I hope so.
The problem is the centralized power becomes incredibly potent in decadence. Their goal is hell on Earth where they reign without threat from the family. The source of value in the world. Hence all the attacks on the family. Planned Parenthood. Abortion. Homosexual slippery slope, pedophilia (destruction of innocence per above), drugs, distractions and on and on.
This is ALL coordinated and deliberate. That's the biggest takeaway. There IS an ordered structure to the most powerful people in the world. Look at all their meetings and secret societies. Do you think they're discussing how best to preserve the self reliant independent family?
They're plotting how best to bleed us dry. All while furthering their ends. That is to come out from the shadows as gods and control the idea of the living. This is very real. It's not a story. It's an actual social order that exists. When people think aliens, and demons, they're really describing this secret cult that exists at the highest echelons of wealth and power and control. People who have ritualized death, sex, and destruction to such a degree where they appear and act as something not human. Add in a little propaganda and misinformation from their media lapdogs and a potent force against the family you have.
2/8 Marriage and Family
>the first commandment of love for the father, the head of the family, and the second commandment of mutual love among the children, to love your brother as yourself.
The Urantia book
>[Paper :Section. Paragraph]
…. and because John had preached in terms of the coming kingdom. Jesus said: "The people of another age will better understand the gospel of the kingdom when it is presented in terms expressive of the family relationship—when man understands religion as the teaching of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, sonship with God." Then the Master discoursed at some length on the earthly family as an illustration of the heavenly family, restating the two fundamental laws of living: the first commandment of love for the father, the head of the family, and the second commandment of mutual love among the children, to love your brother as yourself. And then he explained that such a quality of brotherly affection would invariably manifest itself in unselfish and loving social service.
Following that, came the memorable discussion of the fundamental characteristics of family life and their application to the relationship existing between God and man. Jesus stated that a true family is founded on the following seven facts:
1. The fact of existence. The relationships of nature and the phenomena of mortal likenesses are bound up in the family: Children inherit certain parental traits. The children take origin in the parents; personality existence depends on the act of the parent. The relationship of father and child is inherent in all nature and pervades all living existences.
2. Security and pleasure. True fathers take great pleasure in providing for the needs of their children. Many fathers are not content with supplying the mere wants of their children but enjoy making provision for their pleasures also.
...and they still won't separate the races. Lol.
You do realize that you’re free to move to a Muslim nation and convert if that’s the type of society you want to live in? I’m sorry that you’re in a dark place, user. Unless you’re literally deformed, I doubt that you’re as ugly as you think you are. But at least take some comfort in the fact that that meaninglessly banging useless thots isn’t as gratifying as Hollywood wants you to believe it is.
this isn't a discussion about getting laid but a discussion of large numbers of men becoming permanent bachelors and women becoming cat-lady spinsters. Aging population is a way of spinning people not starting families. Populations don't "age." They collapse.
Nobody's blaming women. They're blaming women's liberation and feminism which is not the same thing as women. Women are flesh and blood people, and feminism is a toxic ideology that destroys civilization. The fact that you conflate the two merely demonstrates how brainwashed you are.
>Eastern Europe is a white paradise
Lmao what are you smoking my dude. I'll have what you're having, eastern european women are just as promiscuous and vile as those in the west and the biggest fucking gold diggers on the planet.
You literally can't find a virgin over the age of 16 unless she's deformed or weights over 100 kg. How is it paradise? I doubt it's any better in your Mongolistan shithole.
lol have sex incel
>east europe