I thought we'd win. We had so much good supporters and all around good vibes. People literally preferred some old guy with dated views instead of this.
I thought we'd win. We had so much good supporters and all around good vibes...
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Would rape, 7/10
Haha!! Le Okay Boomer Girl!!!!!
Bernie still has a chance, half the states haven't voted yet
Don’t really understand what’s so special about her
That union video from today should sink Biden if burgers had a brain
The niggers did this aka tools of the jews.
And don't you guys post the fucking image of her with no makeup. She's pretty in those too, fuck off.
Nothing except she isn't a feminist hog like most leftist
she lost 45,000 insta followers in overnight, when the simps found out she has a BF.
How much pain is she in?
Dese her tits though
feeling the bern
Any nudes?
that’s what happens when you all live on twitter. tweets don’t win elections. i thought y’all would have learned that the last time
You think bernie can still win
Here ya go
>here's how Bernie can still win
>dated views
implying that's bad
>I thought we'd win.
You must not know the DNC.
This. We still have a chance, bros. Donate now!
why the long face?
>some old guy with dated views
you're gonna have to be more specific...
Imagine if the guy had been black, or if it had been a woman.
Her chin is able to penetrate reality.
That occurred in Wayne county. Bernie did better there than the rest of the state. Bernie got fucked because he alienated his white working voters by being a retard.
OK nigger
Is this boomer for real?
3 videos, 4 sets
Buh-BYE Bernie!!!
She has a penis
>People literally preferred some old guy with dated views
Bernie is literally a 60s radical frozen in time.
>some old guy with dated views
That's why you lost. Biden resonates in ways his detractors will never understand. In a nutshell he came off as more civil and just a bit goofy. He knows Americans and Americans like his unfiltered no nonsense style.
>People literally preferred some old guy with dated views instead of this.
Bernie IS an old guy with dated views
>This country is a nation of immigrants. Other than the native peoples of the Americas, every one of our families came here from somewhere else.
Uh...does he really not know the aboriginals came from Asia??? Yikes.
Yeah, his views are literally dated 1848.
Much like Jack, /poltards need to listen up
>Americans like his unfiltered no nonsense style.
The fact that Bernie losing would upset her is enough motivation for me to vote for Biden.
>asked if he would close borders if necessary to stop pandemic
>literally says no
careful who you underestimate, blue bloods are blue for a reason
I hope the trump admin got fisa warrants.
Ugly mutt bitch
When these elections kick off you are going to see what team biden can do.
I can't wait. I am a former O'biden/bama democrat after all.
false, but she's a spic so that's bad enough
That's a guy isn't it?
She didn't just hit the wall, someone grabbed her head by her hair and kept bashing her through the wall
when's boomer girl sucking nigger dick?
Forget what day it is?
I don't care if Biden wins, I just meme him cause he pisses people off
the more money you donate the higher chance of bernie winning
>faggot makes up bullshit lie about Biden
>Biden calls him out on it and puts the faggot in his place
>beta's somehow get butthurt that Biden didn't let the faggot slander him.
Biden is an alpha, a beta like you wouldn't understand. Go sit in your cuck corner now.