/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #1878

► Detected: 119,217 ► Died: 4,299

UK health minister tests positive

Kanzlerin Merkel: „60 bis 70 Prozent in Deutschland werden sich infizieren“

US short on crucial chemical needed for tests

All of Italy under lockdown, "red zone"

Corona-chan mutates, gains Dengue fever-like symptoms

14% of "recovered" in Guangdong test positive again

23 year old football player dies in Iran

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

South Korea "recovered" case reinfected

Recovered in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

CDC declares outbreak endemic, says tests too risky

Italy not testing contacts even if symptomatic

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

China underreports number of infections and deaths

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

03:06: 4 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.
03:05: 5 new cases in Georgia, United States.
02:42: 8 new cases in Florida, United States.
02:25: First 2 cases in Michigan, United States. One in Oakland County and one in Wayne County.
01:10: 242 new cases and 6 new deaths in South Korea.
00:45: China’s National Health Commission reports 11 new cases across the mainland, excluding Hubei province.
00:45: 13 new cases and 22 new deaths in Hubei province, China.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 4,299
lol, still only 4,299.
How many days has it been stuck at 4,299? Four days? Five days?

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Can we please stop obsessing over this nothingburger? i mean less than 10,000 people have died and you retards think its the end of the world.

this is a complete and utter nothingburger. wake me up when they quarantine a US state. until then, fuck off.

Where is the Car Crash General ??????

New York dumbass

I don’t want the happening to stop, china is apparently dismantling field hospitals, why does it have to end? I had high hopes boomers would finally fuck off


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Just watched Contagion, probably shouldnt have done that.

Satan, I'd wager at least 100,000 have died in chingchongia.
Of course they're not people.

Daily reminder to burgers to get a gun


They are in for some fun.

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Why do people buy toilet papers?

you fucked up again gary.
make up ur mind fag

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>he's scared of the Coronavirus
>he isn't aware that this is only the beginning of the New World Order
Next few months will be quite fun :)

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We have a train wreck general

Name my band lands

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>0 traffic in the afternoon in a population center
what are they hiding?

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Your stash. NOW.

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country is doing an ok job to contain it desu but boomers and diasporaniggers are fucking everyones shit up here, fuck them

So Turkey finally admitted they have at least 1.
And news broke out it is in my city yesterday (2 confirmed, elderly , both with pneumonia - they walked ON THEIR OWN to the hospital via PUBLIC transport).
Well gotta have that talk today with management - WE CAN WFH, but they are tiptoeing around going full WFH (at least my team)

>Threadly reminder if you aren't stockpiling these, you'll come out of this broke

Attached: beans.jpg (640x480, 61.7K)

>7 billion people on the planet Earth
>119,217 infected
>4,299 dead
>mortality rate less than 4%
Chinese numbers slowing down
>can only kill boomers
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause a pandemic

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How long before videos of Americans dying in the streets?

How do I achieve this mode?

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>h-hey do you have any beans to spare brother? It's so cold and tough out here...

Attached: yes.jpg (1920x1080, 488.34K)

Put the happening

I'm the bag

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I can get a KG for 25 INR, that's like half a dollar. How much of this do I need to take and does it work pre- infection? How do I know it reaches the lungs or wherever else I need the inhibitor action?

DID THE CASES IN US REALLY JUMP 200+ IN 12 HOURS? twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1237575693073911808?s=19

twitter.com/BNODesk/status/1237441732276617218?s=19 12 hours ago it was this much.

can someone post the post that predicted all of this in january? something about first it hitting china than italy and warning about it spreading to brazil and being more deadly.

Damn it feels good to skip this stage of mass hysteria.
Thanks for all the tips on preparedness, bros.

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It's part of the new world currency
deenz are dollars and shitwipes are cents

You shouldn't be outside...

In the west, people don't have bidets or use water like they do in Muslim majority countries.

Japan was Italy today 3 weeks ago, they have 10 deaths total. America has had 5 deaths in the past 4 days.

This is a nothingburger if you live in a first-world country (sorry Europe)

They already had someone drop on a sidewalk in Chinatown fairly recently.

Italy is entirely under quarantine right now......but you scoff at this until on of the 'states" is under quarantine ? Stupid faggot....aren't you ? :p

Nobody will beg you for anything. Danes are 100% dependent on the state in that matter. They'll fight over military rations in bread lines before coming to the autistic NEETs and their stashes.

>16 countries shutdown their schools

>Australian hospitals turning away coronavirus infected people from hospitals without testing them, so they don't record the number of infected

just a flu

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2 weeks desu

self-diagnosis time
can you hold your breath 10 seconds or more without coughing, feeling short of breath, etc?

What drugs should i stack up on?
I'm thinking of speed or coke

Headed to the gas station to buy cigarettes because I'm not scared of the chinky flu.

I live in the middle of nowhere, and it's nowhere near here yet.

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Wrong mask, "not gonna make it", might as well call it misfit lmao

Wheres the pasta wizard at? 3g of Ammonium Chloride is the way to go right?


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He literally did nothing wrong.

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>he thinks hjemmeværnet vil save us


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>Chinese numbers slowing down
You're fucking retarded.


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Literally already happening.
I don't want to post the pics, because my friend will get doxxed, but just today, an old guy literally just dropped dead in the middle of the road here in Vancouver.
Police and ambulances arrived, checked him out, carried him into an ambulance, and instead of driving immediately to the hospital (5-10 minutes away), they just sat there for a solid 10 minutes.
Not lying about this. I don't expect you to believe me without any proof, but it's already happening

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Why contain it faggot? Let it kill most of the population and become and enjoy the post disaster economic boom.

It started on 12/24. The sunspots.

I just did a minute ezpz.

Even surprised myself. I'm in rather good shape.


Fucking insane how empty flights are. They are flying ghost planes.
Pic related: Atlanta departing flights, right bottom number is total seats empty.

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b-but they PROTESTED!

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No I don't, that's why I prepped. But normies do.

you fucking devil worshiper, your number will bring chaos and destruction but God will save my soul!

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Labs are apparently not reporting results. Some areas are sending batched results, which is why the number jumps suddenly.
Overall the entire system is broken and moronic.

fucking BASED

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Still no WHITE deaths from Chinese coronavirus, only Asian.

No shill on this board can provide an example of a White, Black, or Indian death resulting from confirmed and tested case of Chinese coronavirus, no matter how many CVG threads are made.

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yeah, it was 600 this morning. But maybe this jump was from the Grand Princess

Some are totally empty


Fucking hell me too
Haven't done cardio in years, resting heart rate of 80, been bulking for the last 4 years, and still managed to hold my breath for 60 seconds
Let's fucking GOOOOOOOO




What are some good Youtube channels for Corona-chan updates?

absolutely BASED

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stay safe user
corona will start fucking up your lungs long before the more obvious symptoms (fever) appear, if they even do

which euro countries are allowed to have firearms at home with no difficult to meet requirements?

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Airlines are fragile as hell too. Even if this blew over rn, chances are you’ll watch several collapse into oblivion.

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O.. Ok sir. But please, hold back the monkey!

Hope she sent the nudes, the world needs that info.

Well, I've been doing cardio regularly, have a resting heart rate a bit over 60, and eat healthy, solid meals. Didn't even bother me much to hold it for 60 seconds.

Do you by any chance eat a lot of fish?

Hold on, someone in this thread hasn't prepped.


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ce economic boom aici terminatule ca banii care dispar din pensii ii da la tiganii din sat ca ajutor social

>Downloaded Tinder to conduct international interviews
What is wrong with w*men?

It's already begun

The time to ask god for what he has left is now, surely all things good and pleasant have been exhausted... give unto us meaning through hardship lord, let death be possible even for those who are devout beyond all others let their defiant herosim echo through to our smiling ancestors. we have nothing left to lose and neither do you heavenly father. let slip the riders of the apocalypse and let us taste your wrath, as it is simply a mercy compared to the godless lives we are now forced to live

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You'll have wait until potato nigger user catches up... I think he may be about to give up tho...

What a surprise, you posted my raifu. I am getting that exact gun when I have the money.

Are you prepared for the truth?

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How do you know that? You have zero symptoms for the first 2 weeks you have it. Some people that have it never get symptoms right up until they die from the heart damage it causes.

ANAL Fixation...

In a predicament bros. Just got a mossberg 590 and have never handled a gun in my life. Is it still safe to go to the range or should I just watch YouTube videos and pray I can fire this when my door gets kicked in for some TP?


>Maxed out credit cards
>No job
>Coronavirus hits
>Stonks looking very shaky
What are my options here guys? Do I just kneck myself? Raiding is out of the question with butter knifes.

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If you're not a nigger, have a regular job (or retired from one) and aren't mentally ill/drug addict/neet then it's easy to get a firearms certificate in the UK so you can keep a couple of shotties.

>thought my parents would freak out like retards when I brought home supplies
>they just kinda casually thanked me
Things went better than expected

we really don't have new patient in my city in least 18 days.but japanese is ready to call emergency status…

when europoos say 2.8 / 2,8
do they say "two point eight"?
if so you are all retards.

Only SOME fish, not much.
I do take lots of fish oil supplements though.
Would that contribute?

"Googley eyes google menacingly at you"

>Illness is the feelin' now
>Fever, temperatures risin' now
>Corona (oh corona) is the force the vow
>That makes it happen
>It asks no questions why (ooh)
>So get closer (closer now) to my body now
>Just love me 'til you don't know how (ooh)
>Keep on, with the force don't stop
>Don't stop 'til you cough enough

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I should add, however, you will get put in prison for defending yourself with one so it's a moot point really.

>he didn't short Qantas

Attached: qantas lel.png (643x532, 26K)

Fuck off,Satan.The United States of Afro-Israel is not the only country on earth.

first time I see a chinese poster, you guys are fucked.



Goddamn. I wonder who else will go before it’s over. Poor brit bastards.

Your fucked either way, apocalypse or not

>How many days has Gary fucked up?
4 days, 5 days?

sharpened chisels?