Will Europoors finally rise up, overthrow the EU Kike, and close their borders once Corona outbreaks peak in 2 months?
RIP Europe
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No. They are europoor in mind and spirit
Also most eu nations run by dumb women who panic in these kinds of situations, or deny what's happening to try to cling to normalcy
>kills old people
>makes mofos infertile
heh, i don't think euros will survive this. tis their last generation.
You'd better care about your own country with your dysfunctional Africa tier health system.
Remember when they imported a bunch of niggers and rapist to support their aging population, KEK
And those eu plutocrats/women all take their cues from the jewnited states of weimarica. rooting for an uprising in europe is just hoping somebody else will do your work for you.
the bright side is outside of Moorish Italy and Spain, most of the people who die will be invaders.
did u suck some nigger dick today?
niggers gonna dick u after corona vhan escalates there
Whatever amount of refugees we kick out of Europe, Germany and Sweden will import twice as much, at any cost.
Not a chance.
>Now do America
Not a chance.
whew atleast all the important politicans who are doing such a good job in eu countries will be safe.dosent matter here if we peasants die.
Whats worse, is that I live in the middle of rural bum fuck nowhere and the virus is here, cause some Christ Cuck wanted to help people and "find herself" so she danced over there, got sick and brought it back and proceeded to start spreading it.
Do sandnigs have the ACE2 receptors?
We got our corona from germany.
Will you leave us the fuck alone already?
he thinks that it will not hit brazil
i'm praying for glorious nurgle to cleanse this shithole.
Dont laugh to hard now. The travelling jew has a little something i store for you as well.
Disband NATO,and remove the power from every liberal government starting with Merkel and Macron.The EU will crumple on itself after.
And what is Trump doing about this?
Have you tried not existing? Could work.
why should we overthrow that which makes American influence weaker? now fuck off dumb mutt, EU is never going away, but your drumpf president is
I think it will peak in 5-6 months. They should've banned Chinese from coming in. Especially after reports were made that Chinese who managed to get out of the quarantine cities were bragging about escaping to France/UK.
But that would have hurt GDP goy
>makes American influence weaker
>makes Jewish influence stronger
Catch 22.
There's a difference?
only your government has Jewish influence, again fuck off if you don't understand anything, Yas Forums memes don't make an argument
There isn't. You're fucked either way.
Whites being killed off to make room for subhumans.
>only your government has Jewish influence
hello newfag
>import millions of migrants
>get them all infected with deadly virus
>The Axis Powers rise again!
Coronavirus doctor reveals his patients in intensive care are as young as 40 and do NOT have underlying health conditions – contradicting official advice
Dr Sam Fink is treating two patients stricken with COVID-19 and is friends with a third patient in Tarzana, CA
All three men are in intensive care, including one who is in his forties and has no preexisting conditions
Dr Fink made headlines earlier this week when he urged schools to close down to help slow the spread of coronavirus
The doctor warned that the US needs to immediately make drastic changes in order to avoid becoming like Italy, which has more than 10,000 cases
As of Wednesday morning, more than 1,000 people in the US have tested positive to coronavirus, and there have been 32 deaths
i am laughing hard now! muts
This is intentional, allow the virus to spread rapidly and allow them to die off. Once this is all over, merkle and the rest of the EU will justify sending in the hundreds of million of migrants to fill in for all the dead whites. This is kalgeri plan x100.
If I'm lucky, the EU kikes will not survive corona-chans purge.
We need to rise up and fix our house of cards too.
Oh no just imagine 3.4% of these 60 million (((Germans))) dying.
Top kek. Don’t you know only indians are pure white aryans on Yas Forums?
Norwegian equivalent of CDC this morning: "We're expecting scenarios of up to 2,2 million infected" (out of ~5 million)
In Oslo, it's confirmed spreading all over the fucking place, fully endemic.
Thank fuck for inept governments. If they quarantined off Oslo and nuked the entire place, that'd be a massive net gain for the country though.
like I said not an argument
>Age 89
fuck this kike especially.
learn to see the many faces fo the disgusting, revolting kikery
There is no argument to be had. You're objectively retarded if you think my government is the only kiked government, which leads to one believing you're an absolute newfag. Unless you think it's just typical European protocol to destroy their own civilization while catering to Jewish mandate on freedom of expression and 'hate speech'.
he's a multi-billionaire, he's probably holed up someone with his family.
>30 deaths
Zzzzzzzzzzzz wake me when it’s the Black Plague
>168 fatalities
wow its fucking nothing
>virus that starts in Asia makes its way to Europe.
The Black Death 2: Electric Boogaloo
can you post link in english?
yes only American government has Jews, you have dual citizenships, lobbyists, you have AIPAC and other shit, nothing like this in EU or any EU country, you are ignorant, uneducated and clearly never investigated anything outside your shit government, not everyone has it as bad as you or as stupid to elect someone like drumpf
How can we isolate coronachan to only Germany? I want German corpses litering the streets
No first you get pozzed by chink flu after that you get pozzed by Muhammed and his mom Merkel. You just take it in the ass and receive gibs nothing will change.
Death to european subhumans. Shouldn't have voted for these retardedly high taxes, socialism, opem borders and bans on older cars. I spit on europe and I gladly celebrate everytime a e*ropean dies.
>we dont test people for corona in america unless they pay me $3000, so nobody has it :)
based mutt
Not really.
But you can google translate your ass through it.
^ 2.2 million infected scenario.
^ Shit endemic in Oslo.
That's the state broadcaster, not some blog or tabloid.
PROOF that the corona-virus is FAKE! womenarestupid.site
>be european subhuman
>get corona
>can't get care because all the doctors are mamadous and ahmeds with fake diplomas
>a-at least I'm not american
>why should we overthrow that which makes American influence weaker?
This thread is for real countries only.
This was the final blow (((they))) made against the German people. Highest old population in Europe wiped out by virus to be replaced with browns.
Slow decline of Germany becomes sudden death when the native whites are outnumbered by 2020 instead of 2050.
>you have dual citizenships
as does the EU
lmao again, as does the EU
>you have AIPAC
>not everyone has it as bad as you or as stupid to elect someone like drumpf
Right. There's shit I do on a daily basis that would get me thrown in jail in Europe. Be it fines for a wrongthink box or being concerned about semites penetrating family. I don't care about Trump either. Didn't even vote. Anything else?
>Italians flopping over at rates even faster than the Chinese
What the fuck is going on over there?
Based reddit newfag with the reddit responses
You're still a subhuman though and I will dab on your rotten corpse
The bible stated the first woman ultimately lead to the spiritual death of man...women today will now complete this curse with the physical death of man.
The Chinese lied.
An ebin example of outside-the-box thinking for the Chinese history books.
I am just interested in how the rest of the EU is doing, thank you anyways
Still doesn't explain why Italians are getting fucked
China was btfo and if they released real figures it would be 10x worse than Italy.
>yes it does
no it does not, now fuck off dumb idiot, maybe break away from DC jews if you are such a free minded individual
I know latvia is basically 2nd world tier but if you think the eu is better than america you are too stupid to live and probably deserve to die for the betterment of the species
This is a serious case of ignorance.
The USA has tested less people for this altogether than S. Korea does in a day.
No medical organisation believes the USA infected rate of just over 1000. They believe it to be close to 100,000.
The virus goes in exponential growth, meaning in a few weeks American will have a few million infected, after that, 200 million. Good luck.
Seasonal flu kills each year an estimate of 9000 ppl in France (directly or indirectly)
Chinaflu is now at 30 ded in France, so...
The thing is our health system is already working at high volume bc we spend a LOT of money to prevent old ppl to die from the flu, if cornachan arrives, it overflows the system, doctors will have to select who gets a treatment and who dies, bc everybody can't be treated.
Last week in the news, it was "another victim dies of corona,a woman of 89yo" how is it news ? bitch go figure.
Official numbers as of yesterday, 277. Rolling numbers collected as they come in that are not official yet: 401.
Endemic as fuck, shitloads of cases listed as unknown source. The government did nothing to curtail it and are continuing to do so.
Because the Chinese lied about the numbers and a hell of a lot more Chinese actually died like we told you from the start? Yes, it actually does fucking explain it.
>average age in italian corona deaths: 81
>average age of death without corona: 82
The China figures are legit. China did things Westerners would never do or bitch and moan about. China let 1 person out per household once a week for food. It was a total lock down and when 80k were infected, China had the manpower to saturate the area with medical care staff, bringing in over 1000,000 so each patient had at least 1 doctor each. Massively different response to the West.
America and Iran are the most in denial who each have many times infected than what the official stats are. They believe Iran is at 2 million infected and 27 members of their parliament have this.
italy is full of elderly people, remember how the EU has been trying to get them to replace themselves with africans for the last half-decade?
plus if you take the "china is lying about the numbers" road you also should assume that they were lying about the initial numbers too, ergo there is no coronavirus. which is, of course, stupid
I'm asking you why the rest of Europe are in single and double digits while the Italians have fucking 600 people dead and 2x as many infectees as Europe combined already
China put doctors in jail at the time when things were easy to control, so now, they are a model of what should be done...
Oh, and trust Chinas numbers user
Hey MIGApede, do you have any idea what ZOGnald is saying about this?
Why do you think I'm here faggot?
Good to know Generalplan Ost didn't offer the same gene pool benefit to Latvia as it did for the rest.
heh, I call it forward thinking
Another idiot who makes the flu comparison. 9000 in France were killed by flu but HOW MANY WERE INFECTED?
From this, we work out a MORTALITY RATE. That makes flu around 0.1% mortality rate. Coronavirus is current at 6% in Italy and the WHO stats the figure worldwide at 3.4%.
That makes it over 30 times as deadly as flu. You're stupid and should not be posting.
Older population, severely overloaded health services, no fucking concept of personal space.
Most governments trust their figures though. They are reported in private too from Doctors there leaking info. It is Iran and America nobody believes.
Go fuck yourself eurofag, I hope this virus wipes you all out, also we have guns, you eurofags don't, take of that as you will.
Posts his own country’s doing, blames Germany
>being this delusional
It's only killing old people, and old people are useless.
Hell, anyone over the age of 30 is already a lesser being.