Thanks, Trump

He fucked us.

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kill yourself shill rat

Kys before corona does you migafaggot

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Trump dies in 37 days from the virus.


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Don't worry. Tucker shit all over him too.

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Fuck that fucking gross fat faggot Donald Trump.

I’m starting to hate MIGA tards more than liberals at this point.

>fox news

Seriously. What was he thinking, that he could sweep it under the rug? I mean a couple more weeks of a good economy, NOW, weren’t going to save him in November. I’ve genuinely lost a lot of respect for him, the accusations of ‘clown’ are beginning to ring true.

Good I hope it kills all you aids ridden tranny faggots. YOU DESERVE IT.

post the article where the new york times said that stopping flights is a big no no for the our modern times just a few weeks ago

You don't have to wait for AIDS user. Thanks to Trump, we're all getting HIV bat flu. also kys.

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Tucker Carlson is a fraud populist. His mother is the heir to the Swanson fortune and he’s on tape calling himself an “out of the closet elitist” and a “trust fund baby”. People that eat up his shit are fools

It's almost as if they employ multiple writers

There's no containing this. In this day and age where everyone is traveling, it's going to spread and hit all 50 states.


Wait until we find out that he turned down the WHO tests and decided to wait for the botched CDC test because he wanted to "buy American".

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So,OP...why dont you lay out the
>Mayor Pete
Plan for dealing with a bioengineered virus from China?
Or even your own personal great ideas?
What would you have done differently,exactly?

Whatever you pozzed dick chopped off weirdo. Rest in piss.

Super constructive user. You made a great case for your faggot in chief.

We had well over a month to plan user. They also went with fucked CDC tests over working WHO tests. We've tested 5000 in he US. SK is testing 10000 a day. Nobody can defend this fat faggot.

>I don't know how to respond so I'll back on a tired meme
thanks for playing leaf

>What was he thinking,
He hopes that corona will hit hard on liberal shitholes and it will help Don to win election

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What? if he closed everything down everyone would be mad.

Not being orange would be a good start, faggot

Based Drump. Kill everything! I also like how the media didn't start tarding out about corona until he said it was a nothing burger.

Seeing them slurp American cock is hilarious, no matter how you try to separate yourselves from your bicycle riding atesticled sister-brethren, the cuckery is hard baked into your dna

I don't think which organization provides a medical test kit falls under the purview of the president in any way

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This. 4d chess at its finest.

>Uncontainable virus gets everywhere, in every country on the planet.
>This is trumps fault.

>only hitting liberal regions

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What a relief. I was afraid that headline came from a news source.

America isn't just any country. We're supposed to be better than Italy. He was supposed to make America great again.

kek you're guy bunged a global pandemic and you have no reponse, roger that

Nobody is perfect. Statistically, chances to spread in crowded city is higher

see to satisfy your brain problems

>disaster response
America has a history of being absolutely shit with dealing with emergencies. The people who work this stuff are usually just rent-seeking government labor that waste the unlimited corporate data plan on their work phones on snapstagram. They're slow to react even if forced to work.

Trump did the right thing. Hopefully, the Jew York Times gets thoroughly corona'd to shit.

You are the retards that fall to slide threads all the time. And the odds that OP is a tranny is 100%. Just move on.

Its not even that bad.

>I'll take bat flu up the ass to defend "my guy"
why are migafags so cucked?

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>NYT is fake news!!
pick one you schizoniggers

No, the MSM fucked us because now that a crisis situation might actually happen we can't trust the reporting. Maybe Trump has completely mishandled this thing but the public has no way of discovering it because the news aren't trustworthy.

lefties btfo

Trump has sold us out to prop the economy. It won't work. Not testing will just cause more panic once it becomes exponential. Why the fuck didn't he just fucking test people so we could contain it?

God fucking dammit trump.

>discussing a global pandemic that will significantly affect all our lives is a "slide" thread
please kys

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If they’re only beginning to ring true for you after you’re faced with a choice between believing the zognald and saving your life, there’s more than one clown here buddy

Tucker is controlled opposition whose purpose is to get right-populists to trust him so that on important things he can feed them bullshit. It's not working though, trust in media is far too low for these old tricks to hold sway any longer.

Aren't you running low on Anglin smegma? Better go get your mouthful from him, faggot.

Two weeks ago some stupid fucking Italian said the same thing as you

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>Trump made and spread corona to declare martial law and win reelection

>"I have nothing constructive to say. Can't defend Trump ..."
>"Better ramble like a mental midget"

The testing and his fake news manipulation of the stats and downright dangerous lies have fucked us. My brother didn't believe coronavirus even existed in the US because he's a retarded trump cultist that bought into the hoax line.

We could have contained it if the CDC with trump at the helm didn't shit the bed. They were literally turning away patients for WEEKS because of their shitty test.

.5 percent death rate in Korea (because more are tested). Are you sure you want more tests? The mortality rate will drop to a nothingburger?

that'd be great. Maybe then we can contain it before it burns through more nursing homes you fucking rube.

Fake news of the highest order. I swear I wish I could come through your screen & skull fuck you shills.

So did he also fuck all of Europe? Because they're in the same exact boat. China reliance & globalist kikes not wanting to cease things for even a bit fucked us.

>give a sarcastic shit eating comment to the obvious troll
sorry I forget sarcasm doesn't work well when written.

>13 posts
>that response time

You are very very desperate. Use different IPs.

Whatever man, Trump was closing flights from China at the end of January.

Chuck Schumer criticized him for it, now the media is full on meltdown. These fuckers are crazy enough to crash the economy to get Trump out of office.

>lefties instinctively do the opposite of what trump says
>lefties live in cities where they are extra susceptible to disease
>city dwellers stock up on goods and sanitizer, take threat seriously despite going on Twitter rants about how the virus was media hype and anti chinese racism a few days ago
They should really be grateful to him.

Who would you recommend instead? A rich person who is more appropriately ashamed of their wealth?

No need, think I'm doing just fine

Sure but why was he able to do that? Because there is no trust in journalism anymore. If people had faith in the news then on day one Trump could have been called out for all the things he was doing wrong but because they've been crying Wolf every day for 4 years then even when they get something right the response is simply "here the liars go again".

Wasn't the reason why the private lab couldn't do the testing because of measures put in by obama, or is that against the narrative?

kek. He doesn't run fucking Germany. Each country had to prepare in their own way. He's our commander in chief. We prepared like a third world shithole.

none of that is true, try harder or kys

Corona started in the US.

It was the sickness we had in the US. Doctors didn't investigate it. They're overloaded and lazy. They just assumed it was the regular yearly flu, and passed it off.

During this time, there were protests in Hong Kong. You'll remember reports for a few days of a "mystery illness" in Hong Kong. We assumed it was a PsyOp to convince the protesters not to protest. After a few days, reporting of the "mystery illness" disappeared.

Then about 2 weeks after, Media started reporting a new flu erupting in Wuhan.

The flu started here in the US. We were going on about business as usual and were passing it to each other without concern. Americans traveling to Hong Kong eventually brought the disease there. Doctors in Hong Kong apparently care about doing a good job there, and investigated the disease to find out they'd never seen it before. An "Oh Fuck" moment took place with the Powers That Be. It was decided to not report on the Mystery Illness in Hong Kong anymore. That hopefully it would slip a bit in time to give enough buffer for people to not make the connection. Then our establisment tool of manipulation Media began reporting that the Virus originated in Wuhan, to blame the Chinese. Just like the Spanish Flu originated in the US, that name and Wuhan Flu/WuFlu sounds alot better to American demagogues than American Flu.

This is why the President states that in a short time, it'll eventually disappear as though it didn't exist. Because we've already had it. These people popping up with it now are just the "lucky" ones who didn't catch it on the first go around.

Think for yourself. Remember how the sickness you had this past winter was unlike anything you've ever experienced before. Remember the protests in China and the "mystery illness". Then consider how dastardly, deceitful, and manipulative our government is.

You know this to be true.

Not really. This is all intentionally stoked and exaggerated. “Fear of the unknown.” You are easily led.

It's been known since December. Have you lurk in a /cvg/ thread? We've seen videos of how this ends retard

Also.... Imagine a world without boomers, how sweet it would be

I ain't scared of no chink flu. Bring it on.

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Your parents/grandparents should be. If you have neither then congrats, you're all set

>South korea can test 10,000 people a day
>we haven't even tested 10,000 people total
outbreaks not bad as long as we don't have official numbers for it being out of control is their reasoning i guess.