Alex Jones arrested driving drunk

Not a good look for the fake truther
>the ChiComs run Hollywood
>Saudis quarterbacked 9/11
>muh Paperclip Nazis
>Sandy Hook psychosis

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Other urls found in this thread:

he's a been a drunk for years.
selling fear-porn and bullshit lies.
fuck him.
only thin he ever did good, was help the surviving members of the Branch Davidians rebuild a small church at Mount Carmel, in Waco.

Yeah sometime after 2012 he flipped for some reason, maybe when Corse came aboard. I used to listen to every show now I can't force myself to hear his voice.

>you can be arrested for DWI in Texas even if you're below the legal limit
learn something new everyday

Yeah it sucks now. All the accidents and deaths by Mexicans driving drunk ended the good times. Going out and having fun is a dice roll.

shit happens and DUI's are bull shit NWO Deep State horse shit...

fucking hunter biden left crack and his pipe in a rental car and nothing happened to him!

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So much for getting off the sauce lmao

How over was he? Also lol at everyone acting like they are saints

That’s actually a pretty good mugshot imo. My OUI shot looked like trash.

Where would be without fear porn, user? Conflating the fucking flu into some apocalyptic corona monster wouldn't be possible without Big A's years of prep.

Can't wait to hear him rant about how aliens cooperated with the FBI to inject him with alcohol in his blood then pull him over after a vampire mind controlled him into driving a vehicle just so they could bust him.

The Goblins got him, bros.

He wasn't over the limit at all and the charges will be dropped. They gave him a breathalyzer and he was just below the legal limit, so the cop bet that he had just quit drinking and his BAC would rise by the time they got him into the jail and tested again, they were wrong. Case dismissed.

>so he was arrested for no reason?

yes, and it will all go away because he didn't act like a nigger. This is why cops being trash isn't an excuse to act a fool

He just shaved his head and 100% got pulled over as a publicity stunt to show off his new haircut.

Came here to post this

Learn how to read you dumbass

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Mins of wish he crashed and died and we could all claim his death was faked

I think around the start the of the Obama stuff, is when he really went off the edge/sold out.

I went back and found his 1999 Y2k Broadcast the other day,
so fucking shameful...
"Clinton has blown up a nuclear reactor" and" the Russians have fired 5 missiles at America!"

hahaha very true my friend.

>only thin he ever did good, was help the surviving members of the Branch Davidians rebuild a small church at Mount Carmel, in Waco.
Oh my word that's so wholesome

alex is a lair and fraud.
he said for years he is a "teetotaler" while being wasted on air and denying it.
now he is making a bunch of videos "I wasnt drunk etc etc etc"
frauds like to lie.

meme flag
opinion ignored.

He needs to put down the liquid jew and stop feeling sorry for himself. He needs to realize that telling the truth will eventually lead to martyrdom. He should accept his fate and tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Death comes for us all, anyway. You might as well die a man instead of a groveling slave. VERITAS VINCIT OMNIA!


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Relapsed? Not good.

Everybody in this thread has probably driven intoxicated at some time in their lives. Nobody cares

Prosecution going forward despite his BAC not being high enough. Texas law says BAC doesn't matter if you fail field sobriety test. They're going to throw the book at him, possibly life a gulag with Roger Stone.

Damn. That's stupid. No excuse, just a really fucking stupid thing to do.

You have to go back

simping for jews never pays

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luckily he had already snorted all the cocaine

Austin PD is trash and I am very pro-law enforcement. Those goons are a bunch of assholes.



Yeah but did you watch that tranny porno he had on his phone? At least my boy has good taste in traps.

Agreed, they are revenue generating goons. I hate the way they perch along IH-35 like vultures.

Purely for research purposes

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they started a riot for Mardi Gras, and assaulted Ozomotli. fuck those goons.

>I am very pro-law enforcement.

thanks for letting us know you're a weak pussy traitor who idolizes the people protecting our Jew World Order and make this nightmare possible.

>brain force
>kill brain cells
What did he mean by this?

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Curious how Jones, after having his media platform shut down because muh fake news, has been arrested some weeks after interviewing Prof. Frances Boyle (international law teacher at University of Illinois and responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-terrorism Act of 89).
In this interview professor explains and shows evidence for Bioweapons Origins of the CoVid-19 coronavirus, in particular there is evidence that the virus has been enginereed in american labs, which received huge funds from communist China in exchange for cooperation and presence of chinese scientists in those labs, where the chimera-type virus was man made and then ended up in Wuhan lab where it managed to break out and cause a global epidemic.
Meanwhile Yas Forums is overrun with nothingburger shills, blacked porn spammers and the usual shills paid to character assassinate troublesome individuals like Jones, as shown in this very thread.
Transcription of the interview with Prof. Frances Boyle can be read here.

>Yeah sometime after 2012 he flipped for some reason
Cops had hidden video of him cheating on his wife, and probably worse. That is why his marriage suddenly imploded. Jack Blood warned us a long time ago that AJ was unhinged, and got kicked off of GCN immediately. The gaff with the tranny porn on his phone, and his "affiliation" with Charlie Sheen is an indication of mountain of dirt the APD have on AJ.

He's making a fortune right now shilling his storable foods and "health" products.

>implying cultists should be allowed to live
Waco was based and redpilled. Fuck cultists.

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>Curious how Jones, after having his media platform shut down because muh fake news
Maybe AJ should consider not being such a raging closet case? Why make yourself such an incredibly easy target? I will agree with Adam Curry in that the AJ show is intolerable, except for the interviews.

nice way to get media attention again. must mean something

>He's making a fortune right now shilling his storable foods and "health" products.
I have a Berkey, Myco-ZX, Icuren, and a colloidal silver generator. He might be a freak, but he sells good products.

>nice way to get media attention again. must mean something
The RBN page noted that AJ got out of prison very quickly. Too quickly, perhaps.

The elites are after him

>tuesday morning

They've gotta mean real early in the morning, like 2am or 3am or something

Any chance of a JUST?

you'll get the rope, too, glownigger apologist

I don't know.
Jones has been accused of being basically everything, the general consensus was him being controlled opposition, but controlled op does not get shut down and character assassinated.
So the way Jones found to make a living actually does irritate The Powers That Be, I believe.
Read the interview I posted and connect the dots by yourselves.

He was below the limit for arrest but apparently people can be arrested at the officer's discretion anyway. I heard that he may be able to get out of it easily.

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No BAC mentioned or I somehow missed it.

>Jones has been accused of being basically everything
He has never been seriously impeded from speaking. He has, however, declined to speak against those that control him. The arrest was simply a Dog & Pony Show.

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wtf is a good look
the wifey was obviously acting unhinged
he tried to de-escalate and she sent strangers after him

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Alex Jones is a modern prophet and the evil ones are stalking him.

>the wifey was obviously acting unhinged
Again, Jack Blood warned us that AJ is a hard-drinking, cocaine-snorting, hooker-banging maniac. If the APD showed up at his house, showed his wife hidden camera footage of AJ getting his dick sucked by a tranny, or perhaps much worse, can you blame his first (((wife))) for bailing out? The collapse of his marriage was the tipping point, because before that AJ rolled hard on cops, then suddenly he was 100% back the blue. He has been completely compromised.

he could make an absolute killing as a voice actor

>He has been completely compromised.
Of course he was compromised. He got a surprise anal visit by the non existent men from a non existent organization with the message to stop talking about non existent conspiracies.

anyone see the other day Alex claiming he can bench 400lbs and squat 700lb?

you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself becoming the villain.

At least hes honest.

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The guy married a jewess who took his children in the divorce. He's lost most of his money and downsized his operation, his audience is crashing through the floor. He's probably in a death spiral right now

america is dead

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He’s khazarian ashkeNAZI himself. His mongol eyes says it all.

I already knew he was a drunk.
This doesn't change much.