Why is some shiny rock valuable it doesnt even do anything

I understand things like uranium but this make no sense

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Literal fucking Jews. DeBeers company has a lock on the diamond supply- diamonds aren’t even really rare gems. Try it- go buy a certified diamond for say $5k. Then go try so sell that diamond. You’ll get $1k. Maybe. It’s a fucking scam.

Is DeBeers Jewish?0

Also they manipulated demand as well through their advertising schemes

They aren't glass, retard. But I agree they shouldn't be commercialized as a vanity, and people who pay thousands for them so some gold digger can wear it over her finger are massive cucks

I'm so sorry for you. Beautiful people value beautiful things, things that shine in the light like they shine.

Still somewhat rare just incredibly overvalued. If DeBeers shit the bed the top stuff would be in couple hundred of dollars. Still too much for your poorfag ass.

>ITT: Poors discussing what they'll never be able to afford for a Woman

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Become a Jew(eler) and be on the side that gets the money by selling literal rocks.

Bitches are programmed to want it.

Common myth but wrong
There's plenty of industry applications for diamonds

>for pussy

Synthetic diamonds are better, prettier, and cheaper. Diamonds are the biggest scam on the planet.

I want to get my girl an engagement ring but I don't want to enrich jews. What should I get her? Thinking of making it myself out of some kind of semi-precious metal, no stone. She grew up from modest means so she isn't materialistic and will love it either way.

Pawn shop

A modest true gold band with maybe a white tourmaline or other nonvibrant gemstone. Preferably sourced in/near the mountains that mean something to the two of you

Woodcarve one for her.

Interesting article on the diamond game in the New Yorker. Jews in the mining, cutting, polishing and retail with an advertising impact that anyone would kill for.


Effective marketing with the Hollywood shill machine.

She wants something she can brag about in front of the other cunts.
Do the smart thing, make it yourself and record it. The other women will die from jealousy.




and so we found out that in switzerland alone education is not all bad

Diamonds are a huge jewish trick. Totally overpriced and monopolized.

However, women have infantile minds and, if you want a strong marriage, you should do what you can to foster the image of what you want her to be.

You give the used, contemporary, trendy, non-virgin thot a pawn shop ring or some hipster alternative. You give the debt-free virgin with no tattoos a ring because shes of pure heart and mind, and 99.9% of the time she grew up expecting such.

You can also buy synthetic diamonds for about 1/4 of the authentic diamond price as well, so no real excuses for being a frugal coper

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No gold. An important nerve runs from the female brain threw the second finger of womens' hand then on to their bobs and vagene.
Eventually the gold band short-circuits that nerve.
This was all covered in the December 2019 issue of Scientific Male American.

jew scam pushed by hollywood jews

"Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend" is a jazz song introduced by Carol Channing in the original Broadway production of Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1949), which was written by Jule Styne and Leo Robin.
The song is perhaps most famously performed by Marilyn Monroe in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes.

Styne was born to a Jewish family[2] in London, England, to Anna Kertman and Isadore Stein

Leo Robin (April 6, 1900 – December 29, 1984) was a Jewish American composer, lyricist and songwriter. He is probably best known for collaborating with Ralph Rainger on the 1938 Oscar-winning song "Thanks for the Memory," sung by Bob Hope in the film The Big Broadcast of 1938.

Cuz it's puuuurrrty.

Cant they make diamonds pretty easily now? Its just compressed carbon

Yes. Cecil Rhodes the founder was funded by Rothschilds money to set it up. Then Oppenheimer took over.

Laser manipulation and engraving.

Jews invented (((Jew)))ellery, it's no cohencidence.

People have been wearing jewelry forever dude quit bugging out.

I agree that a synthetic diamond are the better overall choice.

However, a lingering rhetoric always resonated with me:
>With real diamond, you for sure can resell it to jewelers or collectors, giving the diamond permanent value
>With synthetic diamonds, no business is interested in buying a used synthetic diamond

If you're going to spend anything on a high dollar item, shouldn't it be worth something after you initially buy it


Because we are birds and fucking love shiny things.

Yes, until the Jew monopolized it in the 13th century.

get a two-stone engagement ring that uses both your birth stones

By 1937 De Beers had stockpiled some 40 million carats, about a 20-years supply. Threatened with bankruptcy, he decided to create a market himself. Oppenheimer sent his son Harry to New York to work with Madison Avenue strategists on a campaign touting the four "C's" of diamond perfection -- cut, color, clarity and carat -- helping sales to increase more than 50 percent in two years. A new custom was declared - diamond engagement rings -- with the slogan "a diamond is forever."

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Cecil Rhodes, the founder of De Beers, got his start by renting water pumps to miners during the diamond rush that started in 1871, when an 83.5 carat diamond was found on Colesburg Kopje (present day Kimberley), South Africa. He invested the profits of this operation into buying up claims of small mining operators, with his operations soon expanding into a separate mining company. He soon secured funding from the Rothschild family, who would finance his business expansion. De Beers Consolidated Mines was formed in 1888 by the merger of the companies of Barney Barnato and Cecil Rhodes, by which time the company was the sole owner of all diamond mining operations in the country. In 1889, Rhodes negotiated a strategic agreement with the London-based Diamond Syndicate, which agreed to purchase a fixed quantity of diamonds at an agreed price, thereby regulating output and maintaining prices

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I'm so cold.

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Found the dirty kike fellas

Am I supposed to understand your redditor terminology?

If Brits Monopolized it you’d be laughing down at everyone else anyway.

diamonds are not rare there's a shitton of them and the ones made by humans are "fake" because they're "too perfect" - try that logic on anything else.

You should do some research on Jews in Britain rather than jumping to dumb conclusions. Clearly you're ill educated on how much influence Jews had in the middle ages and why they have so much control now.

Point me to some sources since books like that don’t get put on shelves in the United States.

>Buying jewelry for a girl
>Girls knowing what they want
I'm saving up to buy a nice barn for my girl engagement, she wants to raise some goats and sheep.


Because the average consumer is an idiot. Just look at all the NPCs that believe the holohoax without even attempting critical thinking.

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Diamonds are the most common mineral on earth mouth breather...

>Why is some shiny rock valuable it doesnt even do anything

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>Lol so randumb humor
I'm glad portal is gone. For now.

Diamonds are amazing. Sorry you're poor.

Nigga have you tried go search for one, then refining it, polishing it, cutting it in those precise faces pattern, setting it into a fucking piece of metal? It's hard as fuck my man, that's why it's expensive. Also because they are used in advanced fabrication tools.
Probably the juices are altering the prices a bit as well.

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>t. Brainlet

How hard can it be? They use child poo labor in india to cut and shape diamonds. Fuck of stupid nigger faggot.

Because marketing works.

Drill bits are fantastic. Not sure why anyone would wear a drill bit as a ring though.

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If it weren't for the fact that this place is a cesspool I'd give you my contact and offer to make your ring. Professional jeweler. And not a jew. Unlikely, i know, but true. Best semi precious metal is some silver alloy like sterling or argentium. I prefer plat but thats precious. As for stones, diamonds are ass. If I were to get anything it would be something real like an emerald or tanzanite.

Same as gold.
It's best use is as an electric conductor, but people think it's valuable, therefore it's barely used for what it's good for.

Because women are vapid materialistic whores

But gold is actually rare unlike diamonds....

buy used


Based. A true rare mineral only found in one place on earth.

Diamond as a material is not rare, no. However, I think people have little understanding about the true rarity of a diamond of gem clarity of any usable size. Diamonds come in grades mainly dependent on the inclusions (imperfections in the crystal structure) and the color (impurities in the material during crystal formation). So why is a piece of industrial abrasive so different than an I3 (lowest gem quality) 1 carat stone? Because the odds of such a stone forming in nature are incredibly, stupendously low, even for a low quality stone. Diamonds form in octohedral crystals (typically), think a d8 die from microscopically small to about fist sized at the largest ever found. A 1 carat stone requires a crystal approximately 6.3 mm wide, with no inclusions that threaten the structure of the stone, and with no impurities that drastically taint the color. Then, once you have that 1 in a billion crystal, it has to be painstakingly, masterfully cut, with NO room for error by hand by an experienced tradesman to precisely reflect light without loss. One fuckup and a decent sized stone loses thousands of dollars in value. A poorly cut diamond does not show the brilliance of a triple excellent stone. So are diamonds rare? No. Is a high priced diamond rare? God yes. I can't even fathom the odds of all these things coming together, but the sheer volume of mining has allowed us to comb through trillions of crystals over the past 200 years and made it possible for your wife to have on her finger a stone purchased from your local jeweler that french nobility would never have had access to in their lifetimes at a price that any middleclass worker could afford. Should you spend money on one? Entirely up to you. Buy a lab grown or a simulant if you want, by all means. But first, go visit a decent jeweler (not a Jared) and see a high quality stone that you can't afford in person. Images really don't do them justice. A perfectly cut stone is breathtaking.

Diamonds burn; they are carbon after all..

Obviouslyu *YOU* can't afford one, O.P. !!!


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It's called JEWlery. Get a hint.

Because women have been brainwashed into thinking that if their husband doesn't buy them that shiny rock then he must not love her.

It's a completely supply side controlled market. Controlled by a Jewish diamond cartel. The diamond wedding ring meme was propagandized into the mind of women starting in the 1940s

>diamond butthurt
ayy lmao

t. esl

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>it doesn't even do anything
Actually... diamonds do have a practical use. They are the hardest material on Earth, which means they are very good at scratching things and not being scratched. They are common in surgical tools because they are VERY sharp and will stay sharp for a while.

Of course, those tools are often made with lab-produced diamonds because no surgeon is going to pay DeBeers' prices because they're not retarded. Diamond companies have such a strong monopoly on diamond mines that it is literally cheaper to take a piece of coal and put it under an absurd amount of artificial heat and pressure, consuming fucktons of energy, than to just buy one that has already undergone such processes in nature.

It's just compressed carbon, and that pressure is now easily achievable artificially. The only people that want diamonds are women and niggers. They're both retards easily controlled by jews

Just buy a nice gold ring, or a platinum ring


>It's a completely supply side controlled market. Controlled by a Jewish diamond cartel. The diamond wedding ring meme was propagandized into the mind of women starting in the 1940s
The above is the most accurate statement about diamonds. Anyone who says otherwise is either outright lying, or so uninformed they may as well be out right lying.

Simply put, you can buy utter garbage common diamonds for cheap prices. What people are paying for is rarity. There are some diamonds that have formed from being under the ground for millions of years. Most diamonds will have a lot of inclusions. So finding a diamond that has good clarity is not easy. Color is another thing, and then there is the size. A flawless diamond that is large and has decent color will be very expensive due to how rare it is to get all of those qualities in one stone. Red diamonds are the rarest color of diamond that you can find.

Rustic diamonds (very low clarity, but structurally sound) can be very cheap, unique, and set beautifully for something specially.

If you do buy jewelry, never buy from a case. There are thousands of custom jewelers out there that can make you something special for the same price point as the bullshit mass produced stuff at the mall stores.

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Woman are literally retards who are materialistic as all fuck and will spend thousands of dollars on a shiny rock if the media tells them this is normal.